John Morrison: Bully Speech

It doesnt matter what he said to Sheamus. All that matters is how it was put across. It was nervous, rushed, had no passion. Morrison is terrible on the mic. Great to watch but he wont get over unless he has a personality transplant.

Someone in WWE needs to speak to Edge to say teach Morrison how to speak. Christ, even Alex Riley could teach Morrison a thing or two and he's only been around a few months!
I think you're being a little harsh. It wasn't THAT bad. Raw has been full of cheesy segments in the past weeks, and Morrison's promo last night is the one you singled out as being childish? Saying Morrison should be taken off tv just because of you not liking his promo skills is unfair. The man is trying. Give him time. He doesn't have a whole lot to work with right now. When he was a heel he could sarcastically make fun of other wrestlers, that option is unavailable right now. The promo was good if you ask me because it developed the feud more and gave Morrison a reason to keep coming out when Sheamus picks on Santino. It was just Morrison standing up for his friend and challenging Sheamus to a match, then mocked him. That's all it was. What's so bad about that? If you don't like him anymore, fine.... However he's not going to be taken off tv anytime soon so either give him another chance or just don't watch. You can always fast forward past the parts you don't like.
For people raging against us criticising his speech, are you raging because it was a bullying speech we're criticising? Because if so, :lmao:.

I for one, criticised him for giving a poor speech. It doesn't matter if bullying had to be the central point of his speech or not. He could have hated gingers. He could have hated pale-skinned people. He could have just done it because Santino is his friend. What matters is how well the speech is delivered, and how consistent it was with the actions leading up to it. Like LSN80 said here:

As for his speech last night, my problem with it was this. Morrison has in essence come across in this entire storyline as the bully. Sheamus didn't jump Santino from behind, he challenged him to a match. Morrison came out and distracted him, costing him the match. Sheamus wanted another match with Santino, Santino brought out Kozlov to replace him, and as Santino attempted to go after Sheamus from behind, Sheamus(gasp!), went back after him! What a bully! As Sheamus was closing in, Morrison attacked him again. Santino got himself intentionally dq'd in his 2nd match against Sheamus, and who wouldn't be pissed off after the low blow, as Sheamus was? When he went after Santino(one on one again), Morrison attacked him for a third time.

Which brings us to last night. For the most part, there was no bullying done by Sheamus. He came at The Usos, Kozlov, and finally Santino. They'ld call a face "brave" for doing something like that, but Sheamus is a bully? He finally showed signs of being one when he refused to fight Morrison(who had attacked him a 4th time!), and brogue kicked him in the back.
He failed to deliver a speech well enough for us to ignore the faults in it and the general storyline portrayed thus far. We criticize him for that, or at least I criticize him for that. Nothing to do with anti-bullying propositions. :rolleyes:

Edit: and before anyone starts with "omg, you don't know what you're talking about, bulling is serious!" or whatever, I'll just state I know firsthand of bullying directed at me.

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