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John Morrison?

He's Phenomenal

Getting Noticed By Management
I just read that he's close to leaving WWE and I wouldn't usually suggest that TNA bother trying to sign anyone from WWE (as I don't see much talent there), but he was one of the three guys that I actually thought had something about him when I watched it.

I'm not going to try and pretend I know a lot about him, as I only saw him for about a year, but he stood out. I never really got to see much of John Morrison's character, so not sure how good he is at that side of things, but he certainly impressed with his in ring style. And judging him purely on his athletic abilities, I think he'd be a great addition to the X-Division (to start with)? I also wouldn't mind seeing AJ Styles vs. John Morrison at some stage.

So in short, do you think TNA should try to sign John Morrison once his contract is up?

Or do you think he's not worth going for?
The only way i think TNA should try to sign Morrison is if they sign Melina at the same time because let'S face it, at this point she's more marketable then he is.

I use to love John back when he won the ECW championship and was a heel. The guy was a great talker as a heel and really didn't need to steal 90% of A.J. Styles offense to stand out. Now he'S just a spot monkey that doesn'T anything remotely interesting to offer.

So, do i think they should sign him, unless it'S a package deal with Melina, i really don'T see the upside of bringing him in.
I'm in the 'why not?' camp for this.

He has his flaws, yes, but for all of them he still gets good reactions from the crowds and is relatively young too at 32. He also seems to have suffered in WWE for backstage stuff, so it's no surprise he is rumoured to be wanting away from them.

I think he would come in as an upper mid-card guy and gradually move up. TNA have invested a lot of faith into Crimson, Gunner, Roode and Storm lately, so I want to see those guys be given a fair shake before a new guy is drafted in.

I understand dirt-sheets are not always reliable and he may not end up with TNA, but if he does, I'll have no problem with it.
He was great as the ecw champion. His feud with punk was one of the better ones on ecw. However as of recently he is just being used to make other superstars look strong or just to kill some air time.

I'm not a massive fan of tna but i think of morrison was a heel x division champion i would be more interested in it. So like everybody else i pretty much say why not?
It was only a matter of time before the "JoMo to TNA?" threads reared their ugly heads...

No, TNA should not sign John Morrison, and there are two major reasons why:

1. He has the personality of a god damn doorknob. Yes he's athletic and can do things in the ring a lot of others can't, but so can male gymnasts, and you don't see TNA (or any other serious promotion) lining up to sign them, either.

2. He has no "spot" in TNA. Signing him means cutting the legs out from one of the other already under-utilized X Division stars they signed recently, or pushes mid-card guys down to allow such an overrated bore as John Morrison the opportunity to slot into the mid or upper mid-card. In short, signing him means pushing someone else (who is almost certainly more deserving) out of the picture.
I'd sign him. There are enough matches of interest to get some worth out of him. I don't think you have to make him an instant main-eventer, especially if you let him bring Melina. He seems less boring when he is talking not on WWE TV. I may be grasping at straws because his ring work piques my interest but I think he could do better personality-wise in a less restrictive environment. I think I said I doubted he had much of a fanbase yesterday but I may backtrack on that because I forgot they gave him that pretty large babyface push not that long ago. If AJ can finally put it all together and become pretty close to a total package I would not rule out Morrison being a worthwhile addition to the TNA upper mid card.
I don't think Morrison would fit right in TNA. At least not in the X Division. Truthfully he could possibly challenge for the TV title (why isn't Eric Young defending it?), or maybe be apart of a stable with Robbie E or something. But I really can't see him fitting in with the grand scheme of TNA's plans. Considering how most fans feels he's irrelevant now and probably has been for some time, maybe he should do the indy circuit for a while. That is if he is about to be released or resign from WWE. Morrison does have the talent to offer, just needs to hone his personality and mic skills.
It was only a matter of time before the "JoMo to TNA?" threads reared their ugly heads...

No, TNA should not sign John Morrison, and there are two major reasons why:

1. He has the personality of a god damn doorknob. Yes he's athletic and can do things in the ring a lot of others can't, but so can male gymnasts, and you don't see TNA (or any other serious promotion) lining up to sign them, either.

2. He has no "spot" in TNA. Signing him means cutting the legs out from one of the other already under-utilized X Division stars they signed recently, or pushes mid-card guys down to allow such an overrated bore as John Morrison the opportunity to slot into the mid or upper mid-card. In short, signing him means pushing someone else (who is almost certainly more deserving) out of the picture.

I couldn't agree more. If I was in charge of TNA, there is no way I would sign Morrison. He brings nothing of value to the table, and would just be taking a spot away from someone who deserves it more and could do more with it. Morrison is so overrated I can't believe it. I've never been high on him as a talent.
he has a good look but he doesnt seem masculine to me at all very femine type of guy with his gey hand poses.

what else can he do other than wwe?
I haven't watched tna in a while so i'm fully expecting to get shot down here. Don't tna sign guys like morrison and give them title runs that wwe didn't give him. Christian being an exmple of this. (i'm not saying hes as good as christian)
Bring him in and put him with Ric Flair. Not only will it give something for Flair to do, but it will help a tremendous wrestler out in the promo department which he clearly need.

I am not worried about him taking someones spot because on Impact Wrestling they still use people that have no place on TV. Plus he can take Kid Kash's spot in the X Division when Kash leaves as the number 2 heel in the division.

That also would be another great thing for Flair to do. He will be working with Jesse Sorrenson, Zima Ion, Austin Aries, and it will help boost that division.

John Morrison is a very good investment if put with the right people.
Something tells Morrison going to TNA is all but confirmed. I'm pretty sure the guys in TNA are drooling over the change to sign him and Morrison knows he has a good shot to be a top star there.

All that am I'm sure he will convince TNA to sign Mileena and if thats the case ... I'm sure TNA will cave in.

I see Morrison a nice heel role in TNA maybe feud with AJ Styles or RVD. It's a great opportunity for him to enhance his mic skill and inring skills.

Probably enough for the WWE to want to bring him back after a few years.
There are positives & negatives to signing Morrison.

Morrison is athletic and can put on entertaining matches. Those aren't bad qualites to look for in a wrestler and I have little doubt that Morrison would easily get over with TNA fans. As long as they didn't let Morrison anywhere near a microphone, he'd be a good addition to TNA. In a lot of ways, he reminds me so much of Kazarian that it's not even funny: both are athletic, both can go inside the ring and both have little in the way of personality or promo ability. Morrison's general lack of real personality will probably not make him a main event guy in TNA either. He'd probably get an occassional run in the main event scene and deliver some exciting matches but I don't see him carrying the company.

As for him being part of the X Division, so what if he doesn't have that much personality? Neither do any of the other X Division guys, with the exception of Austin Aries. Well, Alex Shelley does have some personality but TNA hardly ever uses the guy whatsoever. So, personality or not, Shelley is pretty much another irrelevant cog in the gears of the X Division at this point in time. Sorensen has generic written all over him, Kid Kash is this veteran of the indy circuit that nobody knows, Brian Kendrick spouts his zen gibberish that doesn't really connect with a lot of people, Zema Ion or whatever his name is is just another in a long line of faceless spot monkeys to make their way into TNA. So yeah, these guys aren't exactly head and shoulders above Morrison.

If TNA signed Morrison, there'd also be the usual complaints of TNA bringing in yet another former WWE guy and taking time away from already underutilized guys on the roster. There'd be some truth in that but, quite frankly, JoMo's still a well known guy and that automatically sets him up above the other X Division guys. Let's be honest, the vast majority of the X Division wrestlers are generally faceless guys that are there mostly as extras to be used whenever the situation calls for it.

Who knows? Maybe TNA would be able to bring something out in Morrison that we didn't see in WWE.
I'm not loving the idea. First because I feel that we have all gotten to know the cocky 'A-list' guy and then the guy who was a good for a spot. I don't think TNA would use him for that and if they did they would over do it to a point that Morrison loses credibility. I also feel that he wouldn't stand out in TNA because they have other guys who can do what he does and I feel they do it better.

This wouldn't be in TNA's best interest to sign John Morrison unless they could make us forget about John Morrison and make us think of a different guy. Maybe a darker character?

He is good in WWE and plays his character well but I feel that TNA would either try to make another 'John Morrison' or use him wrong and kill his credibility.
I'd sign him.

He's a pretty good talent and in Impact Wrestling where the wrestling is faster paced and all around better. I think he will actually grow as a wrestler in Impact Wrestling. The same way Christian and others have.

And hell yeah I'd love Melina to come with him. I welcome every sexy WWE diva to go to TNA so they can show a little more... TNA... ya dig?
I wouldnt mind Morrison going to TNA but I dont want him flip flopping characters like Ken Anderson. They should have come out as a heel and attack AJ Styles and they can feud over the move stealing or Morrison can attack him and say its time for a new face in TNA and Styles time is up.

Have Morrison be heel for at least his first year cause he was decent on the mic as a heel. He can have a program with AJ, a few fun matches with Kaz, a nice little program with Kendrick and or Aires (sp) then move up to names like Anderson, Hardy, Rvd.
I think it's an okay investment for the company. I think JoMo might have gotten a bum rap with WWE. He was probably a slightly better heel than he was a face, though his wrestling style lends him to be a face as it's hard to boo the guy that can be so exciting, athletically. I agree that some of the potential matches would be fun to watch, too. However, there's a couple of reasons I can think of as to why they shouldn't sign him.

I think one big problem for TNA is their lack of good storytellers, same for WWE, and JoMo is a terrible storyteller, outside the ropes. He's one of the most athletically gifted performers to have wrestled in the last few years, but you just don't care about the matches he's in. I'd honestly rather have ten average wrestlers that are good storytellers than 20 great athletes who can't tell stories at all. Whether we like it or not, it's television. Storytelling is what made Hogan great; he's a shitty (almost non-existent,) wrestler, but he used to be great at the build-up.

JoMo just sucks at promos, when he rarely gets the chance to do one, and his, "spot-****e," style lacks drama. It can be fun as hell to watch, but Jeff Hardy did better with it because you liked him. J.Hardy sucked at promos, but at least he had a cool gimmick. He was weird, he stood out because of it, and that made him easy to get behind, which made you care about his matches. JoMo, aside from his dumb fur pants, is just a generic rock star gimmick, and he lacks star quality. He has a unique look, but that alone doesn't get you over.

When I started writing, I was tempted to stand up for Morrison, but the more I've written, the less I want him to succeed. It's his own fault he never got over; the WWE tried to push him with midcard titles. What makes me dislike him the most is the fact that he's backed his girlfriend over his career, and it's widely known that Melina herself has betrayed him. He should have dumped her ASAP and stuck with WWE, because they wouldn't have turned their backs on him, if he had simply worked to get over. He's a sad story about a guy who could have worked and gotten over, but he made dumb choices and ended up without a job. So, no, TNA shouldn't bring him in, because his ****e girlfriend will just bang Matt Morgan and he'll quit TNA, instead.
I would. Honestly John Morrison's been on the most watched channel on wrestling for the past six years or so. He's been champion in the WWE with various titles he has name value that very few TNA starts have. Honestly IDR says he has the personality of a doorknob that equals three fourths of TNA's roster and John Morrison is better in ring then three fourths of the roster no doubt about it. John Morrison plays a very good preety boy heel much better then Cody Rhodes and when he was ECW Champion he was definitely onto something it's a real shame he got caught using roids even though the idiot probably shouldn't have been using it anyways.

I think he could be a good talent especially witht he fact he's an established star he could be a potential next Christian for TNA in my opinion. I'd sign him and would have no problem firing a couple people to get him on thier. I would watch TNA just to see Morrison as a big John Morrison fan so TNA hire him if he leaves WWE.
It was only a matter of time before the "JoMo to TNA?" threads reared their ugly heads...

No, TNA should not sign John Morrison, and there are two major reasons why:

1. He has the personality of a god damn doorknob. Yes he's athletic and can do things in the ring a lot of others can't, but so can male gymnasts, and you don't see TNA (or any other serious promotion) lining up to sign them, either.

2. He has no "spot" in TNA. Signing him means cutting the legs out from one of the other already under-utilized X Division stars they signed recently, or pushes mid-card guys down to allow such an overrated bore as John Morrison the opportunity to slot into the mid or upper mid-card. In short, signing him means pushing someone else (who is almost certainly more deserving) out of the picture.

Yes Tna should sign him because Morrison isn't overrated he's extremely underrated. John Morrison is one of the top faces in the wwe today. Yes I know that sounds crazy because as of right now he's being buried but he's still really over with the crowd. I think Morrison going to tna would be a great edition to impact wrestling. I mean could you imagine the matches he would put on against guys like Roode, Styles, Storm? Not to mention he's had some really good matches with Jeff Hardy in the past. I'd even go to far as bet that if Morrison went to tna he'd win the tna world title within his first 6-12 months being their.
I honestly dont think TNA should sign him, i never seen anything good in this guy, the only thing he had going for him was MNM... even his little tag team of him and Miz he was terrible, Miz carried him the whole time, and when they split The Miz was right, that Miz was the "shawn michaels" and Morrison is the "Marty Jannety". John is realy nothing but a washed up hardy wanna be...

his starship pain finisher is never hit perfectly, its always botched, his slow-mo entrance is getting old too. and wtf is up with this "we eat your lunch" t-shirt?

idk, i dont really know about this guy, he's just a jobber at best.
hell no...in my opinion this guy is overrated....and to the guys that say he's underrated...i dont think he's ever really deserved attention as a singles wrestler...then again, i rarely watch wwe anymore and if i do...it's the last 10min of raw. Dont get me wrong...the guy can def wrestle...a bit above average...mic skills...eh
If he does come in, he doesn't need to be thrust into the title/main event picture from the beginning. He should come in as a mid carder and work his way up. TNA takes every other guy from WWE and treats them like a main event guy from day 1.

I'd like to see him come in as a tag team guy. Be somebody's mystery partner or something. If there was someone who can talk, but needs help putting on matches put the two of them together. I could see him in the cocky pretty boy tag team role. Maybe with a guy like Kaz. Or a stick him with a big guy. Find him a monster partner of the Kevin Nash variety. Hell, bring back Lance Hoyt and put the two of them together as a new outsider type of team.

I think he would be a better signing than a washed up old timer like Tna usually signs.
John Hennigan is Good he has the look and skills to entertain a crowd but as a HEEL !!!!!!!!!!
he doesn't make it as a good guy , when he is a face his mic skills are terrible and he is hard to wanna root for but yet you can still see something special.

As a Heel his Mic skills are good remeber when he was johnny ace, a character change to what the WWE is using with OTUNGA would of been good for him.

MORRISON is better suited for smackdown and should be beating lower level talent like slater,gabriel,usos etc. to boost up his momentum against guys like CHRISTIAN,SHAEUMUS,

TRUST ME HE IS A TOP TIER TALENT that can pull in non wrestling fans attention he just needs a different character. MAYBE MORISON IS GONE but JOHN HENNIGAN will remain with WWE.
he isn't overated , I WOULD pay money to see his acrobat skills against christian,gabriel,sin cara.

Most WWE guys aren't real wrestlers and real wrestlers are boring in todays time.
CM Punk is the only real wrestler but his fights lately have been slow and boring and the DTS doesn't look as good as it used to in smackdown.
If you wanna talk about OVERATED then just look at Zak ryder idont think ppl should be fooled into believing he deserves time i honestly think the ppl writting and supporting him are fake ppl. Mason ryan doesn't deserve any time on Tv at all.
Divas waste time.
Honestly it annoys the crap out of me that WWE is causing Morrison to suffer just because of something Melina said. You look at his feud he had with Sheamus, all those matches were great. I honestly thought that his match against Miz for the WWE title was going to get match of the year until the Cena vs Punk match at MitB. I have loved watching him since he was on ECW, he has just progressed since then. It is the WWE's fault that they are throwing away such good talent. I think he'd be better going to ROH, than TNA though.

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