John Cenas Physique

Anybody who firmly believes that John Cena is clean is either completely uneducated or just doesn't want to believe their hero could or would use performance and physique enhancing drugs.

I mean, c'mon...the guy has muscles in places most of us don't even have places!

To anyone that has functioning frontal lobes, it's blatantly clear that John has been using various drugs for years and years. Back before his days in the 'E...when he was wrestling as 'The Prototype', Cena was so jacked he had veins sticking out that were bigger than most of our arms!

With that said, I personally don't care whether a Wrestler makes the choice to enhance their physique using questionable methods. Actually, I'm all for 'roids in Wrestling, under the watchful eye of a Doctor of course.

In the era of Wrestling I grew up watching and most fondly recall, just about every guy on TV was juiced....It made for a more hard hitting ring style, the guys would recover from injuries faster, the monster bodies also created an illusion of larger than life characters that helped draw in genuine interest and finally the 'roids gave the guys more confidence on camera which greatly helped their on-screen personas connect with the ticket-buying masses.

There's no doubt, I'm all for steroids and other enhancing agents in Wrestling...The Wrestlers benefit, the fans benefit and the business benefits. History has shown that repeatedly. Just the way it is...

Back to Cena, For those defending him and denying his drug use....Just because he uses, it doesn't make him a bad dude, He does what he does to get the job done. With his hectic schedule and a mountain of responsibility...Who can blame him?

Lastly, just about all the greats used performance enhancing drugs at some point and the WWF roster during it's biggest boom period (1997-2001) had a steroid fuelled undercard that was exciting and dynamic.
Although there are many reasons why the 'E at this point in time, quality wise has fallen to the depths even the most miserable pessimist couldn't imagine as recently as a decade ago....The lack of larger than life physiques is a factor.

John gets a free pass due to his rank at status...Much like how all of Vinnie Mac's favorites have done over the years.
I agree with JH that it's entirely possible to have that physique naturally. Even at 36. I know you're young, but 36 isn't as old as you make it out to be, especially these days.

That said, I have to also take into account NorCal's point. He comes back from injury insanely quick, which would lead me to believe if he's taking anything, it would probably be HGH. I wouldn't think he's taking any type of steroid considering that his body type doesn't look like it at all, and once a major steroid user's body starts breaking down, they will be injured very frequently. For his job and work schedule, Cena is not injured very often. Look at someone like Alex Rodriguez, who's got numerous steroid allegations. He's been injured quite often lately. Then again, as someone who's never taken anything along these lines, I'm going simply off of what I've picked up from other sports' PED issues.

Otherwise, yeah, the WWE does overstate his injuries in order to bring about a big surprise when he returns early.

There are no allegations about steroid use for Arod. There is verifiable fact of his use of steroids/PED/HGH and/or pretty much anythign else to give him an edge over other players. Arod is the Lance Armstrong of the MLB. Lid through his teeth, no one wanted to know so no looked too close, and when it became so blatanly obvious, continued to lie or act like he was better then anyone else so it didn't matter that he cheated.
WWE policy is that you can use as many steroids as you want as long as you have a prescription. That's how Benoit and Rey got away with having the insane amount of steroids and painkillers that put Dr. Phil Astin in prison. WWE isn't going to argue with a Doc's prescription.

But BELIEVE ME, if multi-millionaire Vince McMahon wants 1 guy to have a bunch of prescriptions because of his injuries or w/e, Vince is going to get what he wants.

John Cena was a bodybuilder before going into WWE, and bodybuilders are NOTORIOUS for juicing up. That's not a habit that dies fast. As long as he's providing legitimate prescriptions, his positive tests don't count (not that he's getting tested at all).

Actually, this is wrong. Every one gets tested. The testing is contracted out to a 3rd party and isn't done by WWE doctors. So Cena has likely been tested multiple times. Even if not tested for WWE, there are blood tests run prior to surgery and if any high levels of certain drugs are found, then they have to report it to the WWE and likely authorities who themselves contact Cena, his doctors, lawyers and WWE to confirm that there is legal paperwork to allow him to have those levels in his body.
So, what's your point? He has more shares. He'll get paid higher dividends than anyone else. How does any of that equate to him not being removable? You're not making any sense, bud.
It comes down to the fact that in order to be removed, he has to be voted out. And the votes are ranked by who has the largest number of shares. So if Vince owns 50.1 percent of the stock, and every other share holder combined only owns 49.9 percent, then Vince can't be removed by vote.
However, if Vince owns 49.9 or less % of the stock, and the other shareholders own 50.1 or more % and vote him out, then they can force him out control from within the company. They can't take the stock from him (though they can extend purchase offers at below market value), and he'll still own what he owns, but they can remove any control he has on the company in terms of business decisions and render him only a voting shareholder.

Thank you Adam Sandler in Mr. Deeds and Michael J. Fox inSecret of My Success.
Actually, this is wrong. Every one gets tested. The testing is contracted out to a 3rd party and isn't done by WWE doctors. So Cena has likely been tested multiple times. Even if not tested for WWE, there are blood tests run prior to surgery and if any high levels of certain drugs are found, then they have to report it to the WWE and likely authorities who themselves contact Cena, his doctors, lawyers and WWE to confirm that there is legal paperwork to allow him to have those levels in his body.

And you don't think someone with a billion dollar company can't get paperwork for one of his guys??? Vince McMahon gets whatever he wants, and if he wants some juice for the face of his company, he's going to get it. Astin isn't the only doctor who can't care less about prescribing illegal amounts of drugs.
That's like saying the WBFF and other bodybuilding organizations have legitimate testing for their competitors. If you think guys like Jay Cutler and Coleman who walk on stage at like 275 with less than 8 percent bodyfat are all natural you're on crack.

Depending on the drugs you take to enhance your physique, be in Roids, Test, HGH, Insulin, or a combination. These things may or may not show up depending on the time of your test. You cycle on and off all of these products to keep the desired effects, and stay somewhat healthy. There also several products out there to help you come clean around testing time.

Cena also isn't just bulky and big for no reason the way a bodybuilder tends to be. He has a very impressive totals in Olympic Lifting and Powerlifting. He is certainly a functional athlete. Also, odd injuries like fallen triceps occur when using PEDs.

While you don't see the impressive juiced physiques in the WWE like you used too, they are still there.
John Cena has been in "natural bodybuilding" contests where he was tested and it was negative but he got disqualified cause the officials still didn't believe it.

John Cena's job is to work out, do interviews, and have matches. When life is that simple why can't he look that way? He can afford to eat anything and as much as he wants, he has his own personal gym and constantly gets access to university gyms when he travels.

His schedule is intense obviously but it doesn't prevent him from working out 2 hrs per day and eating right.

He has enough money to work with the best trainers and nutritionists in the world, something an average joe like us will never understand.

It is easy to accuse someone of being on roids but if Cena was, he would look more like what a guy like Batista did.

Also, with the drug tests, why would he risk getting caught? Imagine the shit storm of the WWE top guy being a PED user? WWE nor Cena find that worth the risk I gotta believe.
I love people pointing out Cena's weight like they know for sure how much he weighs lmao. Cena gets billed at 250, doesn't mean he actually is. The only people who know exactly how much Cena weight is himself and the people who were there when he weighed himself.

3rd Party testers do the testing.

Randy Orton has been caught, Rey Mysterio was caught. They are all big name guys.

WWE wouldn't want to risk having anyone on their roster die while having a PED in their system so again, I doubt they are okay letting Cena or anyone use. I also doubt Cena would want to use anyway, he works out all the time and seems like a real health nut to boot.
You guys are making pretty good points. I appreciate the informative information. I agree it takes tons of discipline to keep that physique year round. To the person who was talking about the veins from the bicep to the neck and chest and stuff, that's exactly what I was referencing. I noticed on raw he had that vein showing real good and that's why I noticed how vascular and jacked he looked last night. I personally believe like that dagron guy said that hes taking something that can be in and out of your system pretty quick. The fact Is I remember after the Benoit tragedy John was on larry kings show at the time and if I remember correctly he was out with an injury at the time.

This was prior to his return to win the Royal Rumble. He was in a sling cast or something and he was asked point blank If he ever used steroids and I will never forget Cenas reply. He said "I cant tell you that I haven't used , but you will never prove I have", That was his quote. That's pretty suggestive to me. Meaning yes he did take a lot of things to get what he wanted but nobody can prove it. PersonallyI don't care if he takes things or not , its not the NFL or NBA so there really is no consequences for him using. He is not cheating anyone besides maybe himself and his future. He might take years off his life. Its his decision.

That was actually his edited quote. They posted the full, unedited interview on after it aired. The first thing out of his mouth was "Absolutely not..." followed by what the network showed of "its a tricky question because I can say no a million times and you still won't necessarily believe me. I cant tell you I haven't but you will never be able to prove if I did"

I believe it was CNN who did the interview or something.
I love people pointing out Cena's weight like they know for sure how much he weighs lmao. Cena gets billed at 250, doesn't mean he actually is. The only people who know exactly how much Cena weight is himself and the people who were there when he weighed himself.

3rd Party testers do the testing.

Randy Orton has been caught, Rey Mysterio was caught. They are all big name guys.

WWE wouldn't want to risk having anyone on their roster die while having a PED in their system so again, I doubt they are okay letting Cena or anyone use. I also doubt Cena would want to use anyway, he works out all the time and seems like a real health nut to boot.

Again, LAST TIME I'm going to make this point, but a wrestler can use as much drugs as he wants as long as he has a prescription for it.

In 2007, Rey and a bunch of wrestlers were tested and HAD drugs in their system, and still passed their tests because they had prescriptions. It wasn't until it was revealed that the drugs had come from an online pharmacy that WWE decided to suspend ALL of them because online pharmacies are against the wellness policy.

So look at that again. Rey PASSED his test. He was only retroactively suspended because of the source of his medication.

And his second violation almost didn't happen either. Rey gave management his regular prescription, but didn't deliver it in a timely fashion. He was suspended out of a technicality. Had he delivered it in time like he always has, he wouldn't have been suspended at all.

And as I mentioned before, Dr. Astin went to 10 years in prison because he prescribed INSANE amounts of drugs. No one in the Wellness Policy bat an eyelid at the huge levels of drugs. They couldn't care less as long as there were legal prescriptions for it.

So as long as Cena can obtain a legal prescription for drugs, he can use as many as he wants. And with someone who has a billion-dollar-corporation in his pocket, I'm sure he can get as many prescriptions as he (or Vince) so pleases. There is absolutely no "risk" to him getting LEGAL notes and bypassing the wellness policy.
who cares? anyone in any major sport that involves money is taking something. does anyone in here believe that the ped rate for the nfl isn't 100 percent. even the kickers are big now. not to mention, when they stripped lance armstrong of the titles, they couldn't give the titles to anyone else because there was no other clean riders. peds are just a fact of life. once they can test for something, they make other stuff that can't be tested. also, there's no such thing as roid-rage.
So, what's your point? He has more shares. He'll get paid higher dividends than anyone else. How does any of that equate to him not being removable? You're not making any sense, bud.
He votes who is on the board, the board votes on who is in charge, he controls both of those. He's not getting outed.

This is a dead horse. There isn't a thing called "steroid". "Steroid" is a name given to a lot of different supplements. Where is the line drawn? I don't know, but Cena could very well be where he is without violating anything. Like someone else said, he's not actually as big as they list him as so curb back his size a bit and it's very attainable.
That's like saying the WBFF and other bodybuilding organizations have legitimate testing for their competitors. If you think guys like Jay Cutler and Coleman who walk on stage at like 275 with less than 8 percent bodyfat are all natural you're on crack.

Depending on the drugs you take to enhance your physique, be in Roids, Test, HGH, Insulin, or a combination. These things may or may not show up depending on the time of your test. You cycle on and off all of these products to keep the desired effects, and stay somewhat healthy. There also several products out there to help you come clean around testing time.

Cena also isn't just bulky and big for no reason the way a bodybuilder tends to be. He has a very impressive totals in Olympic Lifting and Powerlifting. He is certainly a functional athlete. Also, odd injuries like fallen triceps occur when using PEDs.

While you don't see the impressive juiced physiques in the WWE like you used too, they are still there.
How do you know that was Cena's actual injury? He bumps and hits his elbows damn near every time ever since he broke his neck. That could have very well been it, bone chips or something else. These guys are athletes and wrestling is rough. It's not a freak injury.
And you don't think someone with a billion dollar company can't get paperwork for one of his guys??? Vince McMahon gets whatever he wants, and if he wants some juice for the face of his company, he's going to get it. Astin isn't the only doctor who can't care less about prescribing illegal amounts of drugs.

I think you need to read my post again. I clearly had a line that stated that there was the possibility for them to have the proper paperwork to allow them to have those substances in their blood streams.
i think john cena should grow a sick moustache, i would be a fan then, he has the right kind of upper lip so no reason why he shouldnt lol
Cena still has a great physique. It is apart of his appeal. :blush:
He has lost mass over the years, but I believe he is the fitness guru of the WWE.
As others have said, I don't think John Cena is using anabolic steroids, but I do think he's putting more than just your average protein shake into his body.

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