John Cena's Attitude Adjustment

This whole "Attide Adjustment" is frankly stupid. Whats wrong with FU? I mean yes ik what it means, but making it kid friendly with that name is going to ruin Cena's trademark. I just can't picture Lawler screaming "THE FU! THE FU! CENA WINS AND RETAINS THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE!!!!"
The "Attitude Adjustment" thing is ******ed. There is nothing wrong with the FU. Yes I & alot of people know what it means but making it kid friendly. Come on WWE wake up & realize what the hell you are doing. Attitude Adjustment just doesn't make sense & it doesn't roll off the tongue quite like the FU does. It also makes Cena lose his anti authority thing which he probably already lost that anyways.
Why not just change the name of the move back to the Death Valley Driver? That's all it is anyways....

hmm actually the Fu or addittude adjuster is a standing firemans carry the death valley driver is dropped onto the opponents neck or head

anyway i think its stupid as hell to change thename of the finisher, its been known as the FU for so long now WWE need to chill wit the PG crap, thats why thier not doing as good in the ratings no1 cares about pg people wanna see rater R or atleast PG13 lol, not only is it stupid to change it but its also a bad name for anybodys finisher it sounds absolutely lame it sucks ass:ass:
hmm, what will they call the STFU then?

Well, you could call it the STF, like they've been calling it for weeks now.

Cena needs his attitude adjusted. I just hated when he interrupted Jericho during his promo.

Wait wait wait. Wait. Really? How dare a face...interrupt...a heel? Really. I think I need another really in there, because...really. Remember how promos work? The heel goes on a rant about how much he hates the fans, the world, the old lady across the street? The fans boo and hate him? The face interrupts to massive pops, tears the heel down, and it's match time? This has only been going on for the last 20 years or so, I think we can get the program down. Seriously.

Why not just change the name of the move back to the Death Valley Driver? That's all it is anyways

Not really. Both start in a fireman's carry, but a Death Valley Driver is basically a transition into a brainbuster, while the FU became a fireman's carry takeover or powerslam.

So the move, well. I'm not upset about the name itself, although it's not good, as I am about the change. I mean, it's just not something that needed done. It's a name we'd gotten used to. Kids were alright with it, adults were all right with it, it was fine. I don't understand the decision at all. A finishing move name isn't something that should be changed unless there's a major gimmick change associated with it - a random change like this is bad, because there's no explanation behind it at all. It's still going to be an FU to everyone, and is only going to cause confusion over a nonsensical decision. The name really isn't that horrible, although FU and Throwback worked better, but there's just no good reason to change it. All it will accomplish is awkwardness in the announcer's table, confusion to the fans, and aside from that, well...nothing.
For hopefully the last time, there is no reason whatsoever to turn Cena heel. None at all. People want him to be a heel so they have a reason to not like him which is an excuse to be closed minded. Cena is on top of the company and is going to be for a long time. WWE has invested way too much in his face booking and character to turn him heel all of a sudden. He hasn't gotten the mixed reactions in a long time now, so why talk about something that's old news? Also, who would he feud with as a heel? Shawn again? There's nowhere near enough top faces on Raw as it is, so why take away the top one?

How has wanting a character to change and get exciting instead of being a bland character close-minded? And have you watched last weeks Raw? Half the crowd still boos. And as I've said before, have him fued with Jeff Hardy for a long time if they can switch shows. All the kid fans would instantly all be behind Hardy and Cena would instantly be the biggest heel in the company. It would work. I still think they'd never do it though, but, don't get your panties in a bundle just because alot of people want to see it happen. Stone Cold ain't never coming back, but, at least I can wish for it. That's not being close-minded, is it?
So you want to take the most over face on Raw and the most over face on Smackdown and turn one heel? Why? I fail to see the logic in it. There would be nothing to gain for Cena right now. he's on top of the company as he is and there's no signs of him coming down whatsoever. People complain about Cena because they're used to complaining about him. People seem to either ignore or just not want to admit that he's the flat out best right now. He's got the look, the skills, the attitude and the fan base to be the biggest star in the world and that's exactly what he is. You want him to be the biggest heel when you have two mind blowingly good heels in Edge and Orton who will be there at least 10 more years each? That makes even less sense. No good reason to turn him heel at all. None.
Yeah I agree, Why turn Cena Heel?,He is vinces crown jewel when it comes to marketing, Kids come to see him,parents buy the kids merch = money for vince, female viewers come to watch him, also get merch, and the male viewers tend to hate him, so they will come to watch him lose, even tho it rarely happens, so it doesnt matter who cena is in the ring with, nearly 100% of the audience will watch the match ,also have to agree with the fact that Orton And edge are the 2 best heels on each show atm, both with alot of time ahead of them, but anyway, Why bother changing the name of the finisher WHY NOT JUST GET A NEW FINISHER!!!, he can still have the FU, just not use it as much, like the rock had peoples elbow, real crowd pleaser, the rock bottom, and the sharpshooter(he did use it lol), so why not just give cena A Dif move and call it the attitude adjuster?F-U sucks anyway, its just a firemans carry slam
you gotta remember though, Cena's move was only named the FU because of his fued with Brock, mocking his F-5. That seems kinda short sighted by the WWE to name a wrestler's finisher to comply with a feud. While I do think the Attitude Adjuster is a lame name, who's to say it'll stick around. It's only been one week. Maybe it'll just fade away like the Throwback.
I could go either way with this, but in the end it's just a title to a finisher that's still the same thing. It's not like the name is going to add, or lessen the finishing ability the move has. So I don't care.

At least the "Attitude Adjuster" is a better sounding title than the "Throwback". That was the only issue I had. And let's not forget, the original "F-U" title was merely a way for Cena to mock Brock Lesnar in a feud the two had.. IN 2003!!! I think a finishing-name change is actually long overdue, to be honest.

While I can't agree in the reason this name was changed. (the PG turn) I still believe it should've been changed a long time ago.

In my personal opinion, I think this is an up-roar on people wanting to finally bitch about John Cena's fireman's carry finisher as being bad overall, and they just didn't know how to properly argue that point until they changed the name.
I tend to side with Will here, in the feeling of indifference. I mean, does it really fucking MATTER what they call his finisher??? Some folks nitpicking gets to absolutely obscene, microscopic levels. bottom like with this, is he is THE top babyface, and is suppoesed to be the lead face/role model for children in the WWE. He does NOT need a move which abbreviation translates to curse words.

Being a good role model to young children is FAR "cooler" than having your moves names translate to curse words. I challenge anyone who disputes that, to grow up.
I agree with NorCal I really don't give a dman what the name of his finisher is to me it will always be a fireman's carry slam/ motified death Valley Driver so get over it. Cena's doing exactly what he needs to be doing right now and thats being to role model for the little kids WWE is targeting right now so do me a favor and stop hating!

nobody complained when they changed Undertaker's finisher from a Triangle Choke to the Devil's triangle. or when they changed his gogopleta finisher's name to hell's gate. Those who have a problem with his name change are just stuck in an era of wrestling that was great when it was here but would do nothing to draw for the WWE today.

While the name "attitude adjuster" completely sucks you can understand why they have changed to this in the child friendly era. For me I preferred the "Throwback" to the current name but in the overall scheme of things there are better things to debate about than names of finishers. Though, if the WWE are to be consistent with it's PG rating then why does the Undertaker have such moves as the "Devil's Triangle" or "Hell's Gate"??!! Just a thought.
It´s all about the money homes, so far the whole FU merchandise has been doing good but now the WWE is targetting a new group and that would be kids so, they changed the name to Attitude Adjustment, so what it´s just a name for goodnes sake. And I also pretty much doubt that anyone would buy a shirt that says Firemans carry or Deathvalley Driver.

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