John Cena's Attitude Adjustment


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Okay... first john cenas signature move, The FU was changed into "The Throwback" which was originally the name of another move of john cenas and now it is called the Attitude Adjustment.

Frankly, I think the name is stupid. I think FU represented his attitude, anti-authority era and the throw back could represent is over rated selling jersey throwback selling era. What the hell is attitude adjustment suppose to mean to him anyway?!
It's all part of WWE's new plan: Kids, adjust your attitude at home, or your head will be squished between Cena's muscles when he locks the STFU on you...hmm, what will they call the STFU then?

Anyways, this is just pointless. The FU was an ok name for the move, but then WWE's like "OMG, we better change it just in case kids run around screaming FUCK YOU! to the adults!" Thus, it was changed to The Throwback, which sounds more like a sex toy then the name of a wrestling move, but whatever. NOW, it's the Attitude Adjuster...what's next, Papa Cena's F-5 Rip-off?
To me, what makes a finsihing move is one that has the SAME FUCKING NAME!!! If you change the name of the finishing move for a certain wrestler a couple times, people will get confused. Hell, I am gonna still call it the FU. It his trademark. The WWE has advertised it as the FU and sold many of his merchendise with that slogan. I didn't hear of parents complaining. Of course, these are the same people who allowed their children to watch wrestling. Seriously, the WWE's attempt to be more PG is like trying to make SEX PG which you cannot really do. The FU does not have to be FUCK YOU. It can be Fudge off. Or some other ridiculous thing. The fact is that no other top stars changed the name of their finishing move. Hogan's leg drop will always be the Hogan Leg Drop. Rock's People's Elbow was always the People's Elbow (except for his corporation stint)....Austin's stunner is yes you got it, the stunner. Changing someone's move name is a recipe for disaster.
Cena needs his attitude adjusted. I just hated when he interrupted Jericho during his promo. I just want somebody to punch him in the face repteatedly and knocks HIS teeth down his throat. What reason did he have to interrupt Jericho, anyway? He's really getting annoying as a character because I want him to get his ass kicked so badly, which means he would make for a great heel. Anyway, back on topic... Attitude Adjuster, eh? I heard no such thing. Michael Cole and The King didn't make any references, unless I missed it but it's got to be one of the worst names for a finisher I ever heard.
Why not just change the name of the move back to the Death Valley Driver? That's all it is anyways...they've already changed the STFU back to the STF...although Cena could just call it the New England Driver (heck Kennedy has the Green Bay Plunge)...or heck the East Coast Drop...or somethin! But Attitude Adjuster?! That name is actually worse than Kendrick's Sliced Bread #2 AND The Miz's Mizard of Oz...
While on the subject, if they get rid of the F-U name, guess that kicks out the Clothesline from Hell...wonder what JBL'll call that...maybe he'll get a REAL finishing move...
sure the Clothesline from Hell isn't pretty but its a REAL finishing move for sure. Probably better then the Sweet Chin Music in effectiveness if you let JBL clothesline you with all his strength right into your chest/neck area.

Anyways, the attitude adjuster is a horrible name. Its too long. I can just imagine Michael Cole "The attitude adjuster!! Cena just nailed the ATTTitute adjuster!!!"
wow terrible name. What`s the purpose? I don`t know. Cena just get more and more annoying for me. He just don`t and won`t grow on me.
Attitude that related to the Attitude era in some way or some life style?

For fuck's sake, it gives me more of a laugh thinking about it than really arguing about it, to see how much more watered down they can make Cena into.
Changing the name time after time is just aggrivating. The FU was fine and changing it to be family friendly was ridiculous. Raw has half naked women, Kelly Kelly on one night stands with Orton, Legacy trying to punt Stephanie and Santino treating a woman like a pet. But all of that is just fine, as long as you don't use an abbreviation for something. Where did the Attitude Adjuster come from? It has nothing to do with the move, the character or anything at all. Of course WWE comes up with the most absurd name possible for it.
I would like to see John Cena have an on-screen "attitude adjustment". What I mean is, they should give Cena a run as a heel.

Think about it. Despite how much he tries, Cena gets booed. He could go heel, and say that the fans betrayed him first by booing him, and that those who boo him do so are ungrateful and jealous of him. I really think, if done right, it would be a cool character, and it may actually lead to him being cheered, and next time he goes face again, he will be more over and respected, as he would have shown an aggressive side.
Cena needs his attitude adjusted. I just hated when he interrupted Jericho during his promo. I just want somebody to punch him in the face repteatedly and knocks HIS teeth down his throat. What reason did he have to interrupt Jericho, anyway? He's really getting annoying as a character because I want him to get his ass kicked so badly, which means he would make for a great heel.

You're right, how dare John Cena interrupt our God, Chris Jericho :rolleyes:

Anyway back on topic, the new name is stupid. Lame. Pathetic, and whatever else you want to call it. There is nothing wrong with the name "FU". Apparently people disliked that name, but now they love it for some unknown reason. I just don't understand them. It's always been a good name for a finisher as far as I'm concerned. Maybe the new name "Attitude Adjuster" means that he's going to act more like an anti-hero, which is want the IWC wants so desperately.

And how many times do I have to say it: John Cena won't and shouldn't turn heel. Just because you think he's boring and repetitive and you so rudely boo him, doesn't mean he should turn heel. If he somehow does turn heel (which I highly doubt), most of the IWC will begin to like him, and I'm willing to place a bet on that. John Cena is the face of the company, John Cena sells merchandise, John Cena brings in ratings as a face, John Cena is the best current wrestler in the entire WWE. He did that all as a babyface, so why change that and risk losing your top merchandise seller, since we all know heels don't sell merchandise very well, and yes that includes your beloved Chris Jericho and Edge.

Do I need to say more? Leave his finisher as the FU and don't change his character one bit. Pleasing the IWC shouldn't be done, because they are in the minority. The WWE appeals to it's fans that actually boo and cheer for the right people. His character and gimmick is perfect at the moment, so why change that? There is no need to change a good thing. Nothing better can be accomplished by this.
I don't get it. First they wanted The Throwback, Totally past his new gimmick. (would have worked in 2003) and now the what? The Attitude Adjuster? WTF is that? I thought that was a alcoholic drink? What time did they say it last nite? I can't seem to find it?
Changing the name time after time is just aggrivating. The FU was fine and changing it to be family friendly was ridiculous. Raw has half naked women, Kelly Kelly on one night stands with Orton, Legacy trying to punt Stephanie and Santino treating a woman like a pet. But all of that is just fine, as long as you don't use an abbreviation for something. Where did the Attitude Adjuster come from? It has nothing to do with the move, the character or anything at all. Of course WWE comes up with the most absurd name possible for it.

Exactly, they can have want to be gangsters that's whole gimmick surrounds around stealing things with the announcers basically promoting it since they are faces, they can have storylines where a guy kidnaps a girl and threatens her like Kane did to Kelly Kelly, they can get divas to pose nude in Playboy but they cant have a finishing move called the FU? Its so stupid. If they are gonna change it they should change it to something a little shorter. "The attitude adjuster" just sounds too long and doesnt really roll off the tongue. I think if you're gonna have a move that can be done out of nowhere it should be 3 or 4 syllables so the announcer can say it real fast while he's doing it kinda like The Stunner, not 6 or 7 depending on if you say The like The attitude adjuster. I mean by the time Cole gets done saying it Cena will already have done it and got the 3 count. I really cant think of a name off the top of my head but there's got to be something better and more creative than that.
The name was never changed to "The Throwback", that was just an idea that JR put in his blog. Weeks ago they decided the move was to be renamed, but they couldn't come up with anything, so that's why they kept calling it "his patented move", and then they've changed it officially now, although I've not heard it called "The Attitude Adjustment" yet. I think it's an awful name and they probably should have kept the FU.

But if i'm completely honest, I think changing the name of One Night Stand was worse. It's now Extreme Rules, to get rid of the sexual connotations. This is ridiculous, where are they gonna draw the line? I mean, are they gonna change the name of "Great American Bash" when they realise thats what Kelly Kelly makes most of the male audience want to have? ;)
For all those that don't get the name itself, this may be an obvious point I'm bringing out but if it helps, the reason they changed his name to the Attitude Adjustment is because he's the top face in the WWE. As such all the heels with the bad attitude are gonna get an attitude adjustment after their match with Cena. As dumb as it sounds I guess that might be it. I would have kept it as the F-U or would have gone with the Throwback idea, this is just a dumb name, not much more I can say. An abbreviation of a curse word isn't as bad as some of things going on in the WWE, such as Randy Orton's man on woman violence this past Monday. Plus it's been called the F-U since Cena's debut, the fans know that move as the F-U more than the Fireman's Carry or the the F-5, calling it something different isn't gonna change what the fans call it.
I am very much the new name, because in all reality, it just doesn't sound a.) dangerous, B.) smoothe, or c) hip (although I would say the word hip is very non-hip).

A finishing manuerve's name should inspire some fear into the audience. The Stunner sounded like it would actually hurt you. The Tombstone... well the tombstone has many adaptations to death. Chokeslam, diamond cutter, all of those sounds dangerous. Even the Rock bottom has some effect to its name

Attitude Adjuster just doesn't roll of the tongue smoothly. Might as well just call it the AA, and have John Cena become an Alcoholic.

You think that the WWE could have at least come up with something more main stream. It really just sounds like a "throwback" to the 90s then anything to do with modern days.
I have to agree with KB on this one. With all the PG-13 or R rated things they have on WWE television on a weekly basis, how can this possibly make a difference??
No kids were going around saying "fuck you" to their parents because "John Cena taught them". This era in WWE is getting ridiculous really and it is taking away some of the best things of the attitude era (violence, anti-authority). But still they have things like KB said that are clearly controversal.
In my mind, a finisher is a HUGE part of a wrestler getting over. Not just the look of it, but the name. Sure in retrospect there have been some dumb ones (Hogan's leg drop, Warrior's splash, etc.) but these days you need something good and oftentimes innovative to get over. Cena's finisher is still good, but what does this name even mean?? The Attitude Adjuster...just recycling names from Luger's old Attitude AdjustMENT. For 4 or 5 years now I have associated Cena with the FU and I'll continue to..maybe WWE will see how ridiculous this is before long and change it back.
Well John Cena's current thing seems to be "(insert random heel here), I hate your attitude" so when he beats them he adjusts their attitude. Although he seems to win more with the STF which is more like saying "I dont agree with you, so now I'll choke you to death".

Anyway as far as a name goes it's not all that terrible, its not great either. Personally I would have called it the "hip hop death drop".
I've given this a bit more thought, and, unlikely as it is that they would ever do it, they may use it as a platform to start a heel turn.
Perhaps Cena gets frustrated with the fans booing him, and with the censorship, and therefore decides to deliver the biggest FU ever, by turning his back on the kids, becoming a heel and possibly taking on his old gimmick, and naming the move the FU again.

Something along these lines:

"First, they tell me I can't swear anymore... then they tell me I can't rap anymore... that I have to behave like a good boy... for the kids... So I did all of that, and they
still try and censor me. And I still get booed, and told I suck. Attitude adjustment? Well today, I'm the one who's having an attitude adjustment... and I'm saying F U ALL ONCE AND FOR ALL!"

Does anyone else see potential in this?
Does anyone else see potential in this?

NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Cena is not turning heel anytime soon! this really needs to stop already. Right now Cena is more popular then ever. He is barely getting mixed reactions anymore. The reason for the name change is either because wwe is going pg and it's the WWE's way to call it something similar to the FU without being too similar. Or this is WWE finally realizing that brock lensar isn't in WWE anymore and no one remembers that the name was a joke against brock lensar so there's no reason to keep it the same.
I think it stopped being about Lesnar a long time ago. Cena went way past Lesnar almost two years ago. When you look back at it, Lesnar's career in WWE was way to short to get the amount of praise that it gets. He was shot to the moon and was gone in two years. Cena has been there nearly 7 years which is about the same amount of time that the Rock was there and just under what Austin was around for. The FU hasn't been a Lesnar knockoff for a long time.
I've given this a bit more thought, and, unlikely as it is that they would ever do it, they may use it as a platform to start a heel turn.
Perhaps Cena gets frustrated with the fans booing him, and with the censorship, and therefore decides to deliver the biggest FU ever, by turning his back on the kids, becoming a heel and possibly taking on his old gimmick, and naming the move the FU again.

Something along these lines:

"First, they tell me I can't swear anymore... then they tell me I can't rap anymore... that I have to behave like a good boy... for the kids... So I did all of that, and they
still try and censor me. And I still get booed, and told I suck. Attitude adjustment? Well today, I'm the one who's having an attitude adjustment... and I'm saying F U ALL ONCE AND FOR ALL!"

Does anyone else see potential in this?

I see the potential in this. I don't think they'll do it though. The whole world is getting to politically correct. Once it starts to filter into a show that has man on woman violence, kidnapping and rape suggestions, women that would give the pope a boner, and so on... it's ridiculous to think that changing a name of a finishing move will make the show children friendly. All it does is water down the show and the character. I already didn't like Cena that much and now they made it worse. I do like the above idea and that would be the perfect heel turn. Him against the politically correct authority. It could be better than Austin's against the boss and rules fueds.
For hopefully the last time, there is no reason whatsoever to turn Cena heel. None at all. People want him to be a heel so they have a reason to not like him which is an excuse to be closed minded. Cena is on top of the company and is going to be for a long time. WWE has invested way too much in his face booking and character to turn him heel all of a sudden. He hasn't gotten the mixed reactions in a long time now, so why talk about something that's old news? Also, who would he feud with as a heel? Shawn again? There's nowhere near enough top faces on Raw as it is, so why take away the top one?
What I can see happening within the next two years is Cena turning heel and Orton turning face. Tbangers idea is great. They did it with The Rock and his promos were priceless. Orton reminds of an Austin and HHH combined, as in he will always be a great heel, but will have has runs as a face. I really want to see Cena as heel within the next two years, and have the name change back to the FU

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