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John Cena the biggest heel the company has ever seen?


Pre-Show Stalwart
EXCLUSIVE: Undertaker/WMania & Cena Heel Turn Talks Continue
by Nick Paglino
Oct 20, 2010

For the past several weeks, WrestleZone has been exclusively updating the current backstage plans being talked about for The Undertaker at WrestleMania 27.

According to several sources within WWE, the question of how to book The Undertaker at WrestleMania 27 is still a major backstage discussion amongst the creative team.

From what we've been told, Vince McMahon wants something "very compelling" for The Undertaker at this year's big PPV, and as we previously reported he is apparently down on the idea of having The Undertaker face Kane as he doesn't think the bout will provide a very good return.

At this point, we have been told that John Cena is still a major candidate to face The Undertaker at 'Mania. As we exclusively reported prior to SummerSlam this year, Vince is open to creative pitches for Cena that call for him to turn heel, and we've even been told that should WWE make the decision to turn Cena that Vince wants him to be "the biggest heel the company has ever seen."

Be sure to continue checking back to WrestleZone often as this story remains a major point of discussion backstage in WWE and we will have the latest as it develops.

So after reading this article it got me thinking....... How could wwe make Cena the biggest heel the company has ever seen?

Can this even be done in a pg rated WWE?

I wanna know what you guys think about this? and how you would turn Cena into such an epic heel
Would be cool, although I can't see Cena being a bigger heel than Sgt. Slaughter was as an Iraqi sympathizer, or even Vince McMahon himself. Everybody has been expecting John Cena to turn heel, and they want it done now. It needs to be a slow and eventual turn, because it's hard to shock a crowd if they see it coming right? The biggest heel ever just has me wondering what in the hell Cena is going to have to do? I'm fearing he might have to kill a baby or something. No doubt the crowd is ready for a turn, just not sure if they are ready for the ramifications of it.
I'm inclined to say that he wouldn't be. There are two categories, biggest and best. The best category is for people who for whatever reason were really good at getting people pissed off at them, or who did things that could be considered despicable. The big heels also fall into this category but the biggest goes to people who were in the seat of highest authority ie orton in 2009 was a big heel because he headed a faction that had sufficient power to cause people damage.

Similarly Vinnie mac was considered the biggest heel by most because at his peak he owned the corporation and the ministry, similar to how jeff head's the fortune and immortals group. I've always said that wrestling success is about factions, people just pay more attention when there is some.

So if cena turned without nexus, he would be a smaller and less successful heel than if he turned with nexus. To be the bigger heel cena must head nexus. I think they can do this in a cool way. Say another PPV down the line, barrett once again faces the WWE champ for the title, and with cena still by his side loses again, which I think he will this time. After the match he trys to kick cena out of nexus saying he's 'useless' and 'he didn't know why he bothered getting him in anyway'. He order the nexus members to surround cena, who by then contains huskey harris and mcguillicutty or however you spell it and maybe a couple of returning guys (I don't know when anyone is due back). They all do and stare at cena when he's in the middle of the ring, then one member maybe gabriel approaches cena slowly and they shake hands then stare over to barrett outside the ring.

Barrett knows what's going to happen so he tries to run away, gets cut off, thrown in the ring, every nexus member does their finisher including cena. Maybe cena then cuts a short promo and they all leave. Well I'm not sure thats the best way to do it but who knows, its not a terrible idea.

But to address the question, no despite the possibility of him heading nexus, I still don't think he'd be the biggest of all time. To me he'd be thrown into the fray as 'one of' the biggest.
i think the best way to turn him heel is to rob the undertaker of his streak at wrestlemania. They should have taker face wade barret. This would take place after the whole Cena being nexus slave angle is over. Cena needs his own stable to get over as a heel imo, and Cena could garner much hatred by having him and nexus constantly beat up on faces.
Oh Vinnie, you delusional piece of crap.

Cena THE biggest heel? What is he going to do aside from saying how much he dislikes the fans and hits the A.A on someone. OH PLEASE! Cena heel will get just as stale as his face stint. Face it, Vince doesn't know how to work heels unless your name is Randy Orton and he SOMEHOW managed to make that stupid and boring, even though Randy is 100x the talker and the wrestler Cena is.

I'll just sit back and laugh my ass off when that happens. All I'm wondering is this - Cena with tons of merch sales equals a non-stop top guy. What happens when you turn him heel and his merch plummets? You've got one big, below average talker and wrestler. I'm loving this.
damn wouldnt it be good if he went back to heel, for a start he could retire the undertaker, not win humbly and brag about it like punk did with jeff. maybe "screw" MVP into retirement (based on talk recently regarding MVPs status) but i would love to see the old cena, rapping every chance he got, some of the best footage ive ever seen.
Ok, ill bite this one.

Someone had already mentioned it... be The Main Event for WM27 needs to be Taker vs someone. Probly Orton or Barrett or whatever.

And Cena needs to do a run in, and cost Taker the match. Claim, he is bigger than Taker and Bigger than the Streak and that hes had enough of the BS of "The Undertaker and his legacy".

Instant Heel Turn... especially after taker loses and is defeated at WM due to John Cena Interference.... Game over.
i think john cena will be a good heel just coz a lot of people already hate him but i dont think its possible to make him the biggest heel ever in a pg enviroment in my opinion hhh was the biggest heel ever and that was cause he truly made the fans hate him coz of all the nasty shit he did.

but john cena is limited in what he can do to piss off the fans with the exeption of defeating the undertaker at wrestlemania there isnt much he can do that wont be predictable and samey? there is no way he can be as huge a heel as vince wants unless they loosen up on this shitty pg buisness and as john cena kinda symbolises the pg era with his legions of children fans and his clean cut image maybe thats exactly what they should do.
Oh Vinnie, you delusional piece of crap.

Cena THE biggest heel? What is he going to do aside from saying how much he dislikes the fans and hits the A.A on someone. OH PLEASE! Cena heel will get just as stale as his face stint. Face it, Vince doesn't know how to work heels unless your name is Randy Orton and he SOMEHOW managed to make that stupid and boring, even though Randy is 100x the talker and the wrestler Cena is.

I'll just sit back and laugh my ass off when that happens. All I'm wondering is this - Cena with tons of merch sales equals a non-stop top guy. What happens when you turn him heel and his merch plummets? You've got one big, below average talker and wrestler. I'm loving this.
Yay a fanboy bashing the WWE. Number 1 Cena is fantastic on the miv and a good wrestler, his character limits him and just have perspective on Cena's timing and delivery. Cena constantly has great matches on PPV's but of course let's just bash him for being in the WWE! Cm Punk, Chris Jericho, Miz, Sheamus ALL better heels than TNA has created in the last couple of years but of course because it's WWE we have to bash it! HEHE delusional TNA fanboy you think Cena being heel won't be interesting despite the fact he can make it work and people want to see it. Orton and Cena are on the same level and lol Orton a better talker?
i think john cena will be a good heel just coz a lot of people already hate him but i dont think its possible to make him the biggest heel ever in a pg enviroment in my opinion hhh was the biggest heel ever and that was cause he truly made the fans hate him coz of all the nasty shit he did.

Exactly, I agree with fred. In the PG era, cena just cannot become the biggest heel ever. Don't get me wrong, I loved heel cena when he was the doctor of thugonomics, especially when the wwe put him against the big dogs, such as the likes of the undertaker, kurt angle, eddie guerrero, brock lesnar (in those days). The PG environment limits a heel to how much heat he can draw.
The only way to make Cena the biggest heel ever is to have him screw the Taker to end the streak at Wrestlemania. To me, apart from kicking a new born off of the stage into the crowd, that'd be the thing that would cement Cena as one of the top heels ever.
The officials want to do it, but they're scared to. John Cena has been the face of Raw for five years now, if he becomes a heel it could hurt the financial point of the wwe a lot. I don't mean them going broke, but they'll lose a lot of watchers and lose a lot of money from the merchandise.

Also, I don't think this will be the end of the PG era; John Cena won't be an edgey character, instead I see him being an unstoppable force that one of the child friendly faces would have to overcome.
Whereas WCW was heel-oriented, WWE is face-oriented. You won't see John Cena go heel until the WWE has another mega-face on their hands, and Randy Orton isn't it. I like him as a wrestler and all, but Orton as a heel is just so much better then he is as a face.

But heels sell less merchandise, and Randy's been good for so long that he's earned that chance to raise the cut he gets from his shirt sales. (Assuming his contract is structured that way, and unless he hasn't renegotiated in a long time, he's not dumb enough to pass on merchandising money.)

And Zeven, you don't get to bitch about people bashing your favorite promotion if you're turning around and doing the exact same thing. I mean, you can, but you sound like a massive hypocrite.
I thought Cena might of turned heel on Raw this week. I thought he was going to tag with Orton and at the end Nexus would come out and surround both of them, then Cena would suddenly pick up Orton for the AA and then celebrate with Nexus, Cena is then revealed as the true leader.

Then I became sober and relised how stupid that was and decided that Cena should never turn heel. His merch is to high and he cannot keep getting beaten up for whole matches and comeback and win if he is a heel.
EXCLUSIVE: Undertaker/WMania & Cena Heel Turn Talks Continue
by Nick Paglino
Oct 20, 2010

For the past several weeks, WrestleZone has been exclusively updating the current backstage plans being talked about for The Undertaker at WrestleMania 27.

According to several sources within WWE, the question of how to book The Undertaker at WrestleMania 27 is still a major backstage discussion amongst the creative team.

From what we've been told, Vince McMahon wants something "very compelling" for The Undertaker at this year's big PPV, and as we previously reported he is apparently down on the idea of having The Undertaker face Kane as he doesn't think the bout will provide a very good return.

At this point, we have been told that John Cena is still a major candidate to face The Undertaker at 'Mania. As we exclusively reported prior to SummerSlam this year, Vince is open to creative pitches for Cena that call for him to turn heel, and we've even been told that should WWE make the decision to turn Cena that Vince wants him to be "the biggest heel the company has ever seen."

Be sure to continue checking back to WrestleZone often as this story remains a major point of discussion backstage in WWE and we will have the latest as it develops.

So after reading this article it got me thinking....... How could wwe make Cena the biggest heel the company has ever seen?

Can this even be done in a pg rated WWE?

I wanna know what you guys think about this? and how you would turn Cena into such an epic heel


I know exactly how I would do it. Cena would become a heel because he feels, after years of hard-work and dedication, the fans still boo him. So, he finally decides that the fans are ungrateful for all he has done for them, and that they boo him out of jealousy, because he is living his wrestling dream.

Cena says that he is booed, while other superstars are cheered. Cena says that, he is so angry at the fans now, that if he could, he would attack each and every one of the people who booed him. But he has a better idea. Since the fans live vocariously through their favourite superstars, it will be these superstars who will pay for the fans' not showing Cena the respect he feels he is due. Cena plans to take out every major superstar, and every time the fans cheer their favourite superstar, Cena will punish that superstar. If the fans don't want to see their favourites hurt or forced into retirement, then they will have to stop cheering them, and start cheering Cena instead.

Cena would call himself "The Buzzkiller", as he will "kill" those superstars the fans buzz about, and support. This could lead to why he feuds with the Undertaker, as the Undertaker is very popular, and if Cena destroys that icon, the fans will be saddened by it, and it will be their punishment for ever booing Cena from day one. Cena could brag that the fans will be FORCED to respect him, once he ends the Undertaker's winning streak at Wrestlemania 27

I think that this would make Cena a huge heel, and also put him in many main event scenarios. Also, he could even go after the title, as he thinks that, if he is champion, it will stick it to the fans, who have to watch him be champion, rather than one of their favourites.
Yay a fanboy bashing the WWE. Number 1 Cena is fantastic on the miv and a good wrestler, his character limits him and just have perspective on Cena's timing and delivery. Cena constantly has great matches on PPV's but of course let's just bash him for being in the WWE! Cm Punk, Chris Jericho, Miz, Sheamus ALL better heels than TNA has created in the last couple of years but of course because it's WWE we have to bash it! HEHE delusional TNA fanboy you think Cena being heel won't be interesting despite the fact he can make it work and people want to see it. Orton and Cena are on the same level and lol Orton a better talker?

You crap on TNA the same way I crap on WWE. It's really hypocritical of you to call me names.

And yes, Orton is a better talker than Cena. I think it's quite obvious. He's much better in the ring as well. He's more fluid, has an arsenal of BELIEVABLE moves, he's transfering his gimmick into the ring and his moniker actually fits him. Orton beats Cena's white boy ass in any department, including the being a heel one.

John Cena's best matches are only against top players. Let me elaborate - only against people who can carry him. That's it. Cena is a brainless, talentless piece of shit. He's working hard but his effort is nullified by his zero in-ring presence, lack of ability, lack of creativity. All he does is walk down the ramp, smile at everyone, get his ass beat and do his set of moves. It works for everyone else, but not Cena. Why? Because he's all cosmetic value and nothing else. He's bland at best. A puppet. He has never impressed with a great promo or an amazing match. That's WWE's top guy we're talking about. Talk shit about TNA all you want, pick one of TNA's current Main Eventers and you'll have a guy that's light years ahead of Cena.

That, my friend, is why a Cena heel turn will never work. He is not Hogan, he is not The Rock. Hell, Rocky couldn't pull off being the biggest heel the company has ever seen ( and he's the biggest face the company has ever seen ), let alone Cena. Cena is a piece of crap. Face it. Deal with it. Don't like it? Kiss the TNA Rules tattoo on my right ass cheek.
Would be cool, although I can't see Cena being a bigger heel than Sgt. Slaughter was as an Iraqi sympathizer, or even Vince McMahon himself. Everybody has been expecting John Cena to turn heel, and they want it done now. It needs to be a slow and eventual turn, because it's hard to shock a crowd if they see it coming right? The biggest heel ever just has me wondering what in the hell Cena is going to have to do? I'm fearing he might have to kill a baby or something. No doubt the crowd is ready for a turn, just not sure if they are ready for the ramifications of it.


You talk about the slow turn. But the two heel turns to have been the biggest shocks I have seen have been Hulk Hogan turning heel at "Bash At The Beach '96" and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin turning heel at "Wrestlemania X7". The reason they were so effective is because no-one saw it coming.

It has to happen this way with Cena. It has to be a turn no-one sees coming, for maximum impact.

Whereas WCW was heel-oriented, WWE is face-oriented. You won't see John Cena go heel until the WWE has another mega-face on their hands, and Randy Orton isn't it. I like him as a wrestler and all, but Orton as a heel is just so much better then he is as a face.

But heels sell less merchandise, and Randy's been good for so long that he's earned that chance to raise the cut he gets from his shirt sales. (Assuming his contract is structured that way, and unless he hasn't renegotiated in a long time, he's not dumb enough to pass on merchandising money.)

And Zeven, you don't get to bitch about people bashing your favorite promotion if you're turning around and doing the exact same thing. I mean, you can, but you sound like a massive hypocrite.


Let's put to bed the "myth" that heels sell less merchandise. I have seen fans wearing "Edge" T-shirts, and he has been a heel for most of the last four years.

And guess what the biggest selling merchandise ever in wrestling was? What was the biggest selling T-shirt? I would say it was "NWO" , a heel faction. How many 'NWO" T-shirts did you see around in the day? Lots. NWO was probably the biggest sellling merchandise in WCW history.

Besides, many fans cheer the heels and boo the faces, and while young kids are more inclined to buy "face" merchandise, I suspect the older fan, (the people who boo Cena) buy "heel" merchandise. The reason "NWO" and the like sold was because they were considered "cool". So, a heel who is considered "cool" will sell.

I bet you Orton and Jericho sell a lot of merchandise as well, when they were heels, because they are popular with fans.
i think a great way to turn cena heel would be for him to attack bret hart, embrace his role in nexus AS wade barret's puppet, that would defeat anything he ever preached or said, break the children's and women's hearts. never play to the fans, become a smug stuck up old school heel. it would work.
Personally the way I would do it would be have Undertaker vs a face Cena at WM. This would have to coincide with Undertakers last ever match.

Have the build up being very face like i.e honoured to be facing Taker at Mania at his last ever match etc.

During the match have a very even contest until eventually Cena gets the upper hand. Cena despite numerous AA's FU's and all the other thingy me bobs he does can not get the pin. He gets desperate, distracts the ref and then clonks (technical term there) Taker over the head with a ring bell.

Taker is out cold on the outside of the ring. Cena forces a count as the ref realising Taker is about to lose his streak to a count out is very reluctant to do. Have announcers really plug this fact. Just really push the idea that Cena is about to take the greatest thing in WM history away through the cheapest possible tactics.

After a very long 8 count the lights go out, spotlight on the ramp as Bearer walks in holding the urn high (would have worked better had Bearer not have returned already) . Taker sits up and goes on to win the match.

Following Raw have Cena come out and say he ended the streak - the count out should have stood and he has done what many others before him did not manage.

He could then fued with Kane who is fighting for the honour of his now departed brother.
You crap on TNA the same way I crap on WWE. It's really hypocritical of you to call me names.

And yes, Orton is a better talker than Cena. I think it's quite obvious. He's much better in the ring as well. He's more fluid, has an arsenal of BELIEVABLE moves, he's transfering his gimmick into the ring and his moniker actually fits him. Orton beats Cena's white boy ass in any department, including the being a heel one.

John Cena's best matches are only against top players. Let me elaborate - only against people who can carry him. That's it. Cena is a brainless, talentless piece of shit. He's working hard but his effort is nullified by his zero in-ring presence, lack of ability, lack of creativity. All he does is walk down the ramp, smile at everyone, get his ass beat and do his set of moves. It works for everyone else, but not Cena. Why? Because he's all cosmetic value and nothing else. He's bland at best. A puppet. He has never impressed with a great promo or an amazing match. That's WWE's top guy we're talking about. Talk shit about TNA all you want, pick one of TNA's current Main Eventers and you'll have a guy that's light years ahead of Cena.

That, my friend, is why a Cena heel turn will never work. He is not Hogan, he is not The Rock. Hell, Rocky couldn't pull off being the biggest heel the company has ever seen ( and he's the biggest face the company has ever seen ), let alone Cena. Cena is a piece of crap. Face it. Deal with it. Don't like it? Kiss the TNA Rules tattoo on my right ass cheek.

lol at Orton being better than Cena in any way. Orton is awful on the mic. He can only speak in boring monotone and he puts people to sleep. That's why WWE almost never let him talk anymore unless it's a backstage segment. And what moveset does he have? Orton gets beat down every match then he hits a bodyslam, has a siezure and hits his 1 move of doom to win.

Cena is incredible on the mic and he can have good matches with anybody. He even got a good match out of Khali. What good matches has Orton ever had other than when he had Foley, HBK or Benoit to carry him? Orton never delivers in big matches. He hasn't had a good match in forever.

Then again I wouldn't expect an AJ Styles mark to know anything about good mic skills.


For Cena to be the biggest heel ever they have to go back to TV-14 for starters. He has to cut promos and do stuff that makes people hate his guts. Which is extremely hard in today's era where heels get cheered no matter what they do.

What I think will happen if he turns heel is all the smarks and adults that hate him will start to cheer while the kids will turn on him.

I know exactly how I would do it. Cena would become a heel because he feels, after years of hard-work and dedication, the fans still boo him. So, he finally decides that the fans are ungrateful for all he has done for them, and that they boo him out of jealousy, because he is living his wrestling dream.

Cena says that he is booed, while other superstars are cheered. Cena says that, he is so angry at the fans now, that if he could, he would attack each and every one of the people who booed him. But he has a better idea. Since the fans live vocariously through their favourite superstars, it will be these superstars who will pay for the fans' not showing Cena the respect he feels he is due. Cena plans to take out every major superstar, and every time the fans cheer their favourite superstar, Cena will punish that superstar. If the fans don't want to see their favourites hurt or forced into retirement, then they will have to stop cheering them, and start cheering Cena instead.

Cena would call himself "The Buzzkiller", as he will "kill" those superstars the fans buzz about, and support. This could lead to why he feuds with the Undertaker, as the Undertaker is very popular, and if Cena destroys that icon, the fans will be saddened by it, and it will be their punishment for ever booing Cena from day one. Cena could brag that the fans will be FORCED to respect him, once he ends the Undertaker's winning streak at Wrestlemania 27

I think that this would make Cena a huge heel, and also put him in many main event scenarios. Also, he could even go after the title, as he thinks that, if he is champion, it will stick it to the fans, who have to watch him be champion, rather than one of their favourites.

Look its a nice idea and everything but it smacks of the rock's last heel turn.Went to holly wood, came back, fans booed him despite all he did for them, so to make himself he became king of the mountain by ending one of the best feuds in WWE history by beating stone cold. change stone cold to undertaker and rock to cena and there you have it.

The only problem is the one thing cena doesnt want to do is remind people of the rock because then people will remember how much better he is and that would just be bad so, nice idea but I dont think thats the best route. But something along those lines
So much wrong with this post. I know Sly told me to not tell people they're wrong, but...forgive me, father, for I have sinned.

Oh Vinnie, you delusional piece of crap.

Cena THE biggest heel?

First off, it wasn't Vince saying that Cena would be the biggest heel, it was the original poster, RkoMachine. Get it straight. Vince said he WANTS him to be, not that he WILL be. Vince wants Cena to be a true heel that everyone despises.

What is he going to do aside from saying how much he dislikes the fans and hits the A.A on someone. OH PLEASE!

Uh, yeah, that seems to be the MO for most heels nowadays. Chris Jericho? CM Punk? All Cena has to do is believe he was right and the fans were wrong ("You turned your back on ME!"), maybe show a bit of a sadistic streak when attacking with Nexus. Not hard.

Cena heel will get just as stale as his face stint.

How would you know if he hasn't played a heel in his current character yet? You have no idea where his heel character will go! Maybe he'll become a powerhouse monster, or a well-spoken heel, or a sadistic traitor. There are so many ways it could go, so to shit on something before it even happens is just ridiculous.

Face it, Vince doesn't know how to work heels unless your name is Randy Orton and he SOMEHOW managed to make that stupid and boring, even though Randy is 100x the talker and the wrestler Cena is.

:lmao: So much wrong with this statement. First off, Vince made Sheamus a main eventer after only a few months of working with the company. Sheamus is a heel. Vince got Drew McIntyre of all people over. Drew McIntyre, who is bland, boring and untalented, and Vince got him over.

You're probably the type that sits around hoping for the heels to win, only to get all pissed off and fly off the handle in your nerdrage when they lose. "Face it", bucko: Heels are made to lose. The good guy wins most of the time. It's the same way in all forms of popular entertainment - books, movies, videogames...we all want a happy ending.

As for Orton being a better wrestler and talker than Cena? WOW! Cena is one of the best wrestlers in the world today. He draws the crowd into the match by telling a story, NOT by relying on a single move. Orton may be good, but to say he's better than Cena is being a blind smark.

On the mic? Cena is full of energy and is interesting to listen to. Orton talks like Michael McGillicutty. Orton's character should just stay silent, because being on the mic isn't doing him any favors.

I'll just sit back and laugh my ass off when that happens.

And hopefully you'll bleed to death via the massive hole where your ass used to be, so I won't have to read your posts anymore.

All I'm wondering is this - Cena with tons of merch sales equals a non-stop top guy. What happens when you turn him heel and his merch plummets? You've got one big, below average talker and wrestler. I'm loving this.


Holy shit dude, it's more than just how much merch he sells, it's the fact that he DRAWS. Cena makes money for the company. Kids love him, women love him, and there are plenty of adult males in the world that love him. Heels aren't supposed to draw. People pay to see the heels get their asses kicked by the faces, not the other way around. And your claims that Cena is below average on mic or in ring is just some dumbass who knows nothing about wrestling trying to hate on WWE because he can.
Well i agree with the idea that it has too be a moment noone expects it, i do not know if he would be the biggest heel ever, it is still possible with the pg rating as long as its down right by the creative team.One thing for sure

TAKER will not lose at mania.
Why would one of the largest icons ever in wwe have his biggest 'achievement' ruined before he retires? For you guys who say cena could become heel like that by beating taker i doubt it.

If he does hopefully turn the time i believe he will do it is after he finally lets rip onto nexus. This will mix after the general manager is out of action, reveled and meant nothing or part of the nexus watever, he will go all angry superman like, and beat up barret, to try and put down our ideas of him heel, having some sort of feud with barret before a fatal four way and doing something with barret that 'shocks us' eg annilate orton as an example out of nowhere. It has to be shocking to make cena that large heel, if he turns even with a terrible story he is still going to get a massive reaction

why- because hes john cena
You can't fuck over Taker like that. The streak for the sake of the business can and will never end.

The only possible way is...........

1) Cena vs Taker at WM is fine; but after the match when Cena loses, you can have him fuck up Taker big time as a "sour grapes" type of thing. Better heat that way and the streak is saved yet again.

2) The Nexus thing has to end first. Then Cena has to start his own 3 or 4 man stable. Nexus is dying quickly anyway. BORRRRRRRRING!

3) The "E" needs to 86 the PG-13 shit. You can't have Cena at max speed while at PG-13. That my friends, is the key. Their best writing is when they were pushing the censor envelope.

However, you know just as well that I do, the Cena heel turn is already well overdue and because of that, the marks will never accept him as the biggest heel ever because they will then count the days until "SUPER HERO CENA" returns to save the day by standing up for a cub scout or something stupid. The heel turn is expected right now and because of that, there is no way to do it properly.
uhh he might well become the biggest heel ever........to kids under the age of 8.

but i agree with what has been said the only way cena will get somewhere close to a gigantic heel is when he turns against taker by ending his wrestlemania streak.he has to cheat as well as join hands with vince mcmahon to pull this off.maybe get every heel in the locker room to beat on taker.

whether taker's streak should actually end or not is another topic of disccussion though.in my opinion it shouldnt

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