Joe Turns Down Extension

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Samoa Joe was offered a three-year contract extension from TNA but didn't sign it

Joe turning down this three year contract extension is a sign that it wasnt enough money IMO. Joe prolly feels that he deserves what the top guys are getting like a Cage or Angle. Though Joe if he is smart will contunie to work with TNA and get that extension done. If he thinks that he can go to WWE and make he is mistaken. As WWE would give him some stuipd gimmick and plus he doesnt have that look. Though makes you wonder if Joe doesnt resign up with TNA if WWE go after and use Joe right or not. Though in the long he will resign.

Any thoughts?
I tend to agree that Joe should re-sign i mean just imagine Samoa Joe in the creative ditches of the WWE , though there is the possibility to see Samoa Joe bash John Cenas head in and show Umaga that the stereotypical depiction of a Samoan Wrestler is no match for the Samoan Submission Machine it would not be worth it because WWE would restrict Joe alot from his style of fighting that he has become so synonamus for . I believe that TNA is the only place where Joe can gain International exposure yet still can have the authority to go full throttle .

(Big Dick Johnson V.S The Big Fat Naked Oily Guy , what a match )
I could see this as a way for Joe to return to ROH, like Austin Aries did, Joe doesn't seem to be happy with where he is at with TNA, and I believe he was in the doghouse for nmakeing a comment about TNAs bad booking, and the way they handled getting him off ROH, I think Joe wants to go back to ROH, and I could see that happening if he doesn't get something worked out with TNA, I don't think Joe has any interest in signing with WWE, which is good because they would just fuck him over like they have done with Monty Brown
Why would Joe leave now? He's waited all this time to get in the main event, to get in the title picture for real, why would he screw all that up? To be honest, I don't think Joe is doing this to go back to ROH - he doesn't seem to be one of those stupid guys that's blindly loyal to one brand - instead, I think it's just money like A.J. speculated.
I see a possibility in Joe heading over to Japan. It just seems like a move he would make though, as there's big money to be made over there. He could be huge over there, and he's got the talent to make it. But I suppose money is an issue here, or that he is not being treated right (which I highly doubt.) It could be just one of those things where a wrestler gets bored with their surroundings, because there doesn't seem much more for Joe to do. I'd like to see him have a run as the top champion, but with Angle there, I don't think it will happen. It would be interesting to see if he is in fact moving back to ROH, and I think he could, but I like Japan as a possibility better.

I doubt Samoa Joe would really take an offer from the WWE, even if he was after loads of money, so I can't see that as an option. But you're right, he has been established in TNA for a while now, and it would be a shame if he just left after everything he's done there.
Joe going to the WWE would completely kill off everything that he has built up for himself. Half of Joe's repetoir of moves would be banned by the WWE because they were too entertaining. The best thing he can do is re-sign with TNA or go back to ROH.
Personally I dont get why he would stay. TNA is in a total slump. He's been booked poorly since his feud with Angle. He probably isn't making much more than he would be if he worked ROH and other indy shows. He got jobbed out to Tomko for fuck's sake. Getting pushed in TNA doesn't really mean anything. Maybe he wants to try and get the title of best indy worker. Or maybe he's thinking that being Umaga's tag partner would be ok. Either way I wont miss him if he goes. Because I'll se him in normal wrestling matches without all the stupid gimmicks that TNA insists on having.
I think joe is just holding off until TNA lands there new TV deal then TNA can offer him more money
I think this is a power move by Samoa Joe. If joe goes to WWE, it would be a huge mistake in my opinion, but if he wants the money, let him go. I think it's shitty on his part to think that he should be given the world title. I'm not saying he's not a good worker, and whose to say he's not in line to get the title.

I think Joe, like most of his fans, are too damn impatient. So what if he hasn't won the world title yet. I put up with Rob Van Dam not smelling a world championship for almost a decade, and your going to tell me taht Joe, 1 1/2 years in TNA, thinks he should be champion, bullshit.

I can see Joe probably going to Japan, or ROH. If he wants to do the Steve Corino thing and be the big fish in the small ponds, let him go. If he thinks he'll be a success in WWE, I'll be laughing when he comes out with Face Paint and "Samoa" written on his stomach.

TNA is the best fit for Joe, and he should just sit on his ass, and shut the fuck up. He's going to get the world title, it may not be as soon as he thinks he deserves it, but he'll get it. If he doesn't want to stay, then TNA should let him walk.
My whole idea about this is simple. I think since ROH got that pay per view deal and if that take off a possible TV deal he could see himself being ROH's marquee guy. I mean Danielson is almost a shoe in to win the NWA World Title and the NWA won't like there guy being on someone elses tv and the belt is going to keep Danielson traveling between NWA Regions and overseas to defend. So it is entirely possible Joe goes to ROH in hopes of them making him the centerpeice they build around and build a TV deal around.
I think Joe's prolly playing hardball with TNA to get more money or he wants to go back to ROH now that they have the PPV deal. He has the talent and the history in ROH to carry the belt and the company. Just look at his first world title reign. And now bc of TNA he has the mainstream exposure to be a real Marquee name for ROH. Im not saying this is some kind of conspiracy, im just saying that he might make more money and be higher on the card in ROH.

as far as WWE goes, i think he might have enough of a 'friend in a high place' in John Cena to keep him out of the territory of Umaga's Tag team partner. If he came into WWE as a heel that would give Cena someone talented he could feud with besides Randy Keith 'Disciplinary Action" Orton
Going to WWE would be the worst move Joe has ever made IN HIS LIFE. Way I figure it for Samoa Joe it looks like pride and legacy>money and lust for titles. Thought that's just the way I figure. If he was more into money he'd go to WWE faster than Kane's world heavyweight title reign. Fast aint it? The only thing would be for the creative team to build him up to be a non-stop force, Destroy mid-carders and cruiserweights left and right, and then lose to Cena if he still has the belt. Then have him battle a "fan". You heard it right folks. Well anyway thats the way i reckon it.
For one, Samoa Joe looks pretty big in TNA because alot of the guys he wrestles are smaller. The gave him a monster push when he came in and he needs to pay his dues now. SO Samoa Joe needs be a little more humble in his dealins. While he does deserve a run at world champ as well as bigger dollars, he's doesn't have many options as far as alternatives. He makes more money in TNA than he would in ROH, so why should he go bust his ass for less money. And if he did go for the bigger bucks of the WWE, it would just be out of spite. And even if Joe didn't want to look at how WWE has marketed Samoans in the past, he should take a look at TAZ's initial run in WWE as how they treat an undersized monster with a submission finisher, cuz u sure as hell know that they won't let him use the Muscle Buster in the post attitude Era. Taz came in, didn't get over as being credible, and then was promptly buried. I see either the same for Joe or him being put in a grass skirt and being a face version of Umaga. Joe should use thelure of other promotions as a baragainign tool, but his best bet would be to stay in TNA. They don't have many up and commers and he could solidify himself as a main eventer for years to come once Sting hangs it up and Angle gets his next injury.
I think it would be smart for Joe to resign with TNA. However, I really don't think he would be looking to go to the WWE if he chooses to let his current contract run out. I think Joe is aware that he would be nothing more than a mid card guy if he went there. The WWE just does not know what to do with guys like Joe. I think it would be more likely that Joe would return to the Independent scene full time. ROH would love to have him back on a full time basis and that is where Joe shines the brightest, in my opinion.
I doubt Joe will go to WWE as he knows that he will be forever stuck in the mid cards. Plus if Joe does leave TNA i see the Indys for awhile but more than anything i see him heading to Japan. He could really be big over there and make a nice name for himslef over there. But really he will resign with TNA if he gets the title and well more than anything it comes down to how much $Money$ TNA is willing to offer Joe. In the end its akk about the dollar bills to make Joe happy.
Samoa Joe knows he won't go anywhere in TNA. They only care, respect and please guys such as Kurt Angle, Christian and Sting. He knows he is in the doghouse (and it has been a very long time) for a couple comments. The politics kicks in strong in TNA, it's not like it once was. I suggest reading Konnan's shoot on TNA, it says all. It's quite sad they don't give opportunities to young guys (unlike nearly all organizations) or to establish new stars to define/represent their product instead of relying on the same top stars which WCW did the same thing and look where it went. Personally I got bored seeing the same top stars for years and that's what is going to happen if TNA doesn't establish new main eventers, such as Joe.

On the other hand, says who you MUST be apart of the major league/s to entertain the fans? I say just go back home to Ring Of Honor. He doesn't need TNA or WWE, but I am not doubting a possible successful WWE run.

As long as he doesn't end up like Shelton where he lacks of passion and doesn't put enough effort into his work, uses his material/s to climb to the top despite his physical shape (which many out-of-shape wrestlers did in the past in the WWE) and maintains a positive attitude and stays a good "business man" he could end up very successful which many wrestlers lacks some or all of that. Ask Carlito or Shelton.

But put the WWE and TNA to the side, like I said, he doesn't have to be in the major leagues. I would love to be able to see him in ROH again as the champ, right where he belongs!
Go back to ROH, go t japan, showcase all of your talents and become a major star, prove t TNA that u are worth more money and a title run.

I think if he stays in TNA he will continue to get misused and jobbed out t tomko and such, which is stupid to say what, 3 monf ago no1 had beaten him?
I'll bring another angle into the Samoa Joe argument.

Mr._shwiggy hit on this point earlier, and it does make sense. Joe and Cena are good friends in real life. Joe helped train the Prototype in UPW.

WWE is currently under the spotlight regarding it's steroid situation, and currently, ECW is without a top heel.

What better way for the WWE to throw everyone for a loop with making Samoa Joe ECW champion if he jumped ship. Joe isn't going to be jobbed out, due to the Cena factor, and it completely deflects some of the steroid talk away by putting a major title on a guy with the physique of Joe. Plus, Joe is only 27 or so, but he is a veteran 27. There is already a great built in feud with CM Punk.

So whose to say, someone in the WWE isn't in Joe's ear, and tempting him to jump ship?
Thats is an interesting twist there Shock and you know that be some of the best publicity for WWE having a guy like Joe be a world champion. Plus if WWE does him right and if they know whats good for them then this could be Joe's big break. Plus if Joe has Cena on his side then he it could happen...
That is an interesting point, knowing that Joe is friends with Punk and Cena- a point I didn't even consider. Throwing that factor into the mix I think the possibility of Joe jumping ship is greater. I still don't feel that signing with the WWE would be a wise career decision for Joe. I agree that the WWE would give Joe a huge intial push until the steriod chaos dies down. Joe is just not a guy McMahon would be high on in the long run due to his physical appearance.
idk, I could see Joe getting a good push over on ECW, and I'm geussing that that is where they would most likely stick Joe if he did sign, I could even see them giving him a title reign over there, of course if they ever decided to move him to Raw or SD!, his push would die within a couple of months, and he would never rise above mid-card status, except to be fed to Cena, similar to what they did with Umaga, so all in all a move to WWE, would not be a good long term thing for Joe, but I think that if he was able to get a one year deal then it wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, he would get a bunch of money and be able to work with his friends, I don't think Joe is going to WWE though, I think the odds of him going to ROH are greater then those of him going to WWE, and most likely he will end up re-signing with TNA, they probably just haven't found a deal the two can agree on yet, I think people are reading more into this than what there is

and on a sidenote, Joe is friends with Cena?, wow never would have guessed that
ROH is the best place for him. He is already a legend there and is way over, hell he is over in TNA, and where ever he goes he will be over. Joe is one of the best in ring talents in the world, Period!!!!! And sonce TNA is dicking him around and just putting him in more matches with Angle and basiclly jerking off a great talent (something they seem to be really good at). With the ROH ppv deal getting ROH into millions of home across the country they are primed to blow up. And with Joe in the fold they would be unstopable. To hell with TNA and there piss poor booking, go to Back to ROH. as for the WWE, i wouldn't rule it out but i do belive it would be the same sad cluster fuck that they have on their hands with CM Punk. But don't think for a second that if Joe went to the WWE that he wouldn't be all the way over. Where ever he goes i will watch but in my humble opinon, go back to your roots JOE!!!! WCW 2.0 (aka TNA) just steals most of thier idea (and talent) from ROH anyways.
What an uneducated comment. And no, TNA didn't only want Joe because WWE wanted him. Yes, it's true that both TNA and WWE were looking at signing Joe, Punk and Danielson but I'm guessing TNA signed Joe because of his phenomenal talent, not just to spite WWE. TNA can be stupid but not that stupid. After all has been said and done, they're businessmen. I doubt Joe and Cena are that great friends, the last time they saw each other was about 2004. Besides, I'm sure Joe has more and better friends in TNA, Homicide, AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels just to name a few. I'm sick of people with their wanton TNA bashing, instantly jumping on WWE's side before they know any of the facts.

I'm sure Joe's just turning down the extension because he knows they want him, and that he's probably gonna end up as champion sooner or later, so he may as well squeeze them for some more money.
I think that it's interesting that Joe has repeatedly stated that he isn't a "WWE kind of guy", yet he cuts promos like he's trying to win Tough Enough.

I can't stand the guy...I hope that he goes to ROH, just so I don't have to see him on TNA/WWE.

BTW, he would be buried in WWE, after a mild push.
How can you deny his intensity and his love for the business, though? In his last ROH match, he was so emotional. He would give that emotion again and I agree with the above comment. ROH can become a serious contender with their PPV deal and Joe could become the face of that potential powerhouse. Yeah I said it.....powerhouse.
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