JJ Dillon's Book Trivia

Some more terrific guesses, but all wrong. Not Brody. Not McMahon. Not Ventura.

Think - in a West Texas territory in the late 70's, had mainstream success after the death of the territory system.

Here's another hint - he's a 2nd generation wrestler.
It could be a japanese wrestler... They'd be much more respectful of each other... Giant Baba perhaps? Although, I don't think Baba was in America that late...

Edit: Oh, second gen wrestler...

Ted Dibiase?
Blade is correct. The Answer is Ted DiBiase.

The car service should have been a dead giveaway, but nobody picked up on it.

DiBiase knocked on Dillon's window when Dillon was catching a 5-minute nap because Ted was concered about JJ, and when he heard that the Funks had kept him up all night and now he had to make it to Amarillo, DiBiase sent his car service away - with his wife - and drove Dillon and Dillon's wife the rest of the way.
I'm just lucky I got in there first, I bet everyone would've figured it out from the second gen hint.
I didn't read anymore of the book last night because I was watching wrestling / participating in after hours married activities. But let's see what I remember.

Question #3 - When JJ Dillon was a heel manager in Amarillo, TX, a crazed fan tried to stab him with an ice pick from over the guard rail. The attack missed Dillon, but hit the nam Dillon was managing, who barely felt it. Who was that wrestler Dillon was managing?
I know this one... It's either Terry Funk or Abdullah... Someone who became a hardcore wrestler... I think...
Someone he managed?

Yesterday I was reading his profile on Wiki and there was a wrestler named Thunder something that he managed. I can't remember the other part of the name. Was it him?

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