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Jesse Fucking Sorensen


Lord And Master
Staff member
Screw Angle, screw Sting, screw Daniels, AJ and Joe. And screw Mickie James (yes, sir I would). I wanna talk about the newest kid on the block.


Yes, I know his career has just started, but in the few times this kid has been on TV, he has shown more competence than most workers today. Yes, that was a shot at WWE's midcard. The boy has shown to be quite athletic, fairly good in the ring and while he has just as much personality as a dialtone, the dude still strikes me as fucking entertaining. Not to mention that he doesn't have to be stuck in a headlock for 50 hours to sell his hits properly. I know it's early, but I wanna get on the bandwagon before it becomes cool. Jesse Sorensen is very, very young in the ring, but in my eyes, is extremely competent for a rookie. And TNA clearly see's that. I see a bright future for this guy if he can pick up on some personality. And from what I understand, he's a Team 3D student. So he has Bully Ray as a teacher. One of the best promo guys today.
I completely agree with you. Tna has capitalized greatly on Team 3D's academy and has brought in many great young talent. I see soreson possibly contending for the world championship within the next 3 years. He is really that good.
Jesse Sorensen lets see he's a cruiserweight who flys around the ring. What else is their too him I mean he carrys a football with him and he apparently played high school football in Texas. From what I've seen he's solid in the ring but I don't see him going past the x division in his career.
I also agree with you 100%. The kid has looked fantastic in the matches he's had thus far in TNA and has been very entertaining he has not had the chance to any mic skills but he looks to have good in-ring charisma and the crowd started to cheer him on during his match tonight. Jesse Sorensen is still Very Young so he has a to of time to improve, I would also like to hop on the bandwagon Jesse Sorensen FTW!
The kid has talent. He's got a mix of everyone. He wrestles like Randy Orton, he also does similar high flying moves that CM Punk would pull off. He just needs to become more comfortable and build a personality which would give him a nice gimmick.

I find it comical people actually think TNA isn't pushing young talent. He's starting off in a feud with a veteran and he has had more TV time than any of the newer X-Division signings.

Jesse Sorensen lets see he's a cruiserweight who flys around the ring. What else is their too him I mean he carrys a football with him and he apparently played high school football in Texas. From what I've seen he's solid in the ring but I don't see him going past the x division in his career.

He's far from a crusierweight. He's got the same body of Randy Orton in 2002.

He has a complete package. He can matt wrestle, he can do high flying moves and he's a solid striker. You must have him mistaken with Shelly.

His gimmick is a football jock but it seems to be one of those starter gimmicks that you have to get you're feet wet. Almost every main eventer has had one.

I don't see how anyone can make that judgment. That's like saying AJ won't get far because his first 3 matches were high flying spotfests.
He's far from a crusierweight. He's got the same body of Randy Orton in 2002.

Funniest thing I've read all day.

He's not a cruiserweight? He's in the fucking X Division which now has a WEIGHT LIMIT, which is a Cruiserweight weight limit. The Cruiserweight division was any wrestler weighing below 220 lbs. This guy weighs 200 lbs.

He's also 5 fucking 10. The only way he's comparable with Randy Orton is as a midget Orton. Orton is 6'4" and word dwarf the guy.

This guys just another bland cruiserweight. He's solid enough in the ring, but without a gimmick, personality, etc, he's very forgettable. Until he shows he has those qualities his in ring ability is only going to take him so far.

I love though how people trash guys like Ted Dibiase as being just a vanilla wrestler who looks the same as everyone else when this guy is EXACTLY the same. With even LESS personality and "look".
Funniest thing I've read all day.

He's not a cruiserweight? He's in the fucking X Division which now has a WEIGHT LIMIT, which is a Cruiserweight weight limit. The Cruiserweight division was any wrestler weighing below 220 lbs. This guy weighs 200 lbs.

He's also 5 fucking 10. The only way he's comparable with Randy Orton is as a midget Orton. Orton is 6'4" and word dwarf the guy.

This guys just another bland cruiserweight. He's solid enough in the ring, but without a gimmick, personality, etc, he's very forgettable. Until he shows he has those qualities his in ring ability is only going to take him so far.

I love though how people trash guys like Ted Dibiase as being just a vanilla wrestler who looks the same as everyone else when this guy is EXACTLY the same. With even LESS personality and "look".
Right. Ted could have as much look as he wants and after years of preparation, he still couldn't get the crowd to pop. Promo or in the ring. Jesse Sorensen got the crowd rolling. Outside of the Impact Zone. It wouldn't be a big deal if he were just some total indy dude who's been around with a few years under his belt. But Jesse is fresh off the academy and performing on the same level as these other guys and in my eyes, a bit higher. Compare and claim, that doesn't change the fact that Jesse is doing what the likes of Ted and such have taken years to do as soon as reached the pro stage.

Think of it this way. Ted went to train with his dad, then FCW and then WWE. Jesse graduated from school and went straight to the main TNA roster with just as much, if not more, talent. That says a lot. About Jesse, about TNA and WWE's talent development and probably the business as a whole.
Right. Ted could have as much look as he wants and after years of preparation, he still couldn't get the crowd to pop. Promo or in the ring. Jesse Sorensen got the crowd rolling. Outside of the Impact Zone. It wouldn't be a big deal if he were just some total indy dude who's been around with a few years under his belt. But Jesse is fresh off the academy and performing on the same level as these other guys and in my eyes, a bit higher. Compare and claim, that doesn't change the fact that Jesse is doing what the likes of Ted and such have taken years to do as soon as reached the pro stage.

Think of it this way. Ted went to train with his dad, then FCW and then WWE. Jesse graduated from school and went straight to the main TNA roster with just as much, if not more, talent. That says a lot. About Jesse, about TNA and WWE's talent development and probably the business as a whole.

Firstly, Ted Dibiase is a heel. He's always been a heel. What in the world would make you expect the crowd to ever POP for him?

Secondly, you're saying Sorenson gets pops for doing flips and dives from the ring? GET OUT! It's very rare to see the crowd pop for guys doing a dive outside the ring, or flipping around inside the ring. He must be good.

When his ring entrance gets a loud pop, or he's cheered cutting a promo, or anything beyond doing stunts in the ring, then I'll be impressed by his potential.

Listen to the crowd reaction! This guys the next big thing!
Jesse Fucking Sorenson is a Big Fucking Deal! TNA put this guy in the perfect first program with Kash who is older and wont mind putting talent over. I think Sorenson will soar in the X divison pun intended. They thing is the guy as a face has no gimmick but down the road if he turns heel he can have the cocky jock gimmick.

He is solid in the ring and with time will only improve. If he is really from 3D's camp then Bubba and Devon know what the heck they're doing. I heard Rhino is also a trainer down there but dont quote me on it. Those guys are great vets who can show him the ropes and let him know about the backstage politicking.
So here's the thing about Sorensen. He's every bit what AJ Styles was back in 2002 but not as good.

Think about it. Both are well short of 6 feet tall, both were about 200 pounds when they started (Styles is close to 220 now), and both used that size to fly around a bit. The funny thing is that people are down on AJ because he's "average" at cutting promos and his character isn't as good as others. Of course, we get a guy that comes along that is every bit a poor man's Styles and he's the next best thing? You can't have it both ways guys!

If you think Styles deserves to draw, then you think Sorensen has the potential to do so. Nothing we've seen out of this guy says he'll be anything better than Styles. Same size, same potential. Unless this guy comes out soon as starts cutting promos like Chris Jericho, I'm not buying that he's wrestling next big thing.

To make it in wrestling while being under 6 feet tall is very tough. Very few have done it. Either you have to be beyond incredible and innovative in the ring (Rey Mysterio), be the best wrestler PERIOD (Benoit), or just be flat out better than everyone else out there at the right time (Guerrero), or be THAT GOOD on the mic (Jericho). Outside of that, who has truly made it standing under 6 feet tall? That fact goes against him, but it doesn't mean he'll never make it. It just means the path to stardom will be more difficult. Step one is to do something we've never seen before in the ring. Then, come up with a good character that means something to people. Then beat Aries for the X title (I figure he'll have it by then). Then get people more interested in that title than ever (tough feat). If those things happens, MAYBE we can say that he has potential to be a bigger deal. Until then, he's a cruiserweight with Styles potential but since Styles still exists and isn't that old, he'll probably go no further than the division he's in.
Funniest thing I've read all day.

He's not a cruiserweight? He's in the fucking X Division which now has a WEIGHT LIMIT, which is a Cruiserweight weight limit. The Cruiserweight division was any wrestler weighing below 220 lbs. This guy weighs 200 lbs.

He's also 5 fucking 10. The only way he's comparable with Randy Orton is as a midget Orton. Orton is 6'4" and word dwarf the guy.

This guys just another bland cruiserweight. He's solid enough in the ring, but without a gimmick, personality, etc, he's very forgettable. Until he shows he has those qualities his in ring ability is only going to take him so far.

I love though how people trash guys like Ted Dibiase as being just a vanilla wrestler who looks the same as everyone else when this guy is EXACTLY the same. With even LESS personality and "look".

Hate to derail a positive TNA thread (since they're so rare these days) but I tend to agree with MisterRob here. Sorensen is entertaining to watch wrestle, but he's completely devoid of any personality or charisma from what I've witnessed thus far — that, coupled with his total lack of a gimmick anyone can really care about is fine working primarily in the X Division where flaws like this can be overlooked, but will undoubtedly hinder his ability to ever really break out from it.

His look is really killing him, too. He looks like Cody Rhodes' cousin. Generic haircut, generic body, generic tights.
Hate to derail a positive TNA thread (since they're so rare these days) but I tend to agree with MisterRob here. Sorensen is entertaining to watch wrestle, but he's completely devoid of any personality or charisma from what I've witnessed thus far — that, coupled with his total lack of a gimmick anyone can really care about is fine working primarily in the X Division where flaws like this can be overlooked, but will undoubtedly hinder his ability to ever really break out from it.

His look is really killing him, too. He looks like Cody Rhodes' cousin. Generic haircut, generic body, generic tights.

Yeah. Most guys look that way their debut year. 6 to 8 years later? That's a different case. Do I need to bitch slap the yin into your yang? Or is it your yang into your yin? Whatever. Point is the boy is on par with the rest of the roster despite being as green as utterly possible. The fact that he's just showed up showing to be as good as everyone else leads me to two possible conclusions.

1) WWE's development really does need improvement as it would seem anyone can pick it up.

2) Dude's a quick learner, Team 3D are good teachers and TNA has a working development system that can be just as good as WWE's.
Hate to derail a positive TNA thread (since they're so rare these days) but I tend to agree with MisterRob here. Sorensen is entertaining to watch wrestle, but he's completely devoid of any personality or charisma from what I've witnessed thus far — that, coupled with his total lack of a gimmick anyone can really care about is fine working primarily in the X Division where flaws like this can be overlooked, but will undoubtedly hinder his ability to ever really break out from it.

His look is really killing him, too. He looks like Cody Rhodes' cousin. Generic haircut, generic body, generic tights.

Difference is, Cody Rhodes has found a character and has run with it. Rhodes is also like 4 inches taller and that helps a bit. If Sorensen can find a character that clicks like Rhodes has, maybe you have something. There will still be that feeling that he has to overcome the height thing, but with a solid character base, I could buy into him. After all, plenty are buying into Austin Aries to some extent and he's the same height.
Yeah. Most guys look that way their debut year. 6 to 8 years later? That's a different case. Do I need to bitch slap the yin into your yang? Or is it your yang into your yin? Whatever. Point is the boy is on par with the rest of the roster despite being as green as utterly possible. The fact that he's just showed up showing to be as good as everyone else leads me to two possible conclusions.

1) WWE's development really does need improvement as it would seem anyone can pick it up.

2) Dude's a quick learner, Team 3D are good teachers and TNA has a working development system that can be just as good as WWE's.

Why are you bringing up wwe's development system? Isn't this thread about Sorensen not development systems? But anyways Sorensen is only where he is because tna is rebuilding the x division not because he's a great wrestler. Their are plenty of great wrestlers out there who could easily be in Sorensen's place like Kaval and Jay Lethal or Jack Evans but they aren't.
Lol at all of the defensive posts here.

He kid has the PHYSICAL BODY of Randy Orton. He does the exact same drop kicks as Randy Orton. Where did anyone compare him this early?

He's 23. He's got 16 years to go before he enters his prime provided he stays healthy and in the wrestling business. He does seem generic but that's who gets pushed in the business in 2011.

The kid hasn't cut a promo yet. We do not know what he can do but to say that he cannot ever be a main eventer because the X-Division has a weight limit is laughable when there is plenty of guys who were in the X-division and became a main eventer or got pushed to the moon. Most recently was Pope.

Nobody is proclaiming anything besides he is a great signing, he has so much potential and he is obviously being pushed as a regular on Impact which tells me they are serious about a Youth Movement and building new stars.

It also tells me that Team 3D has created and developed talent for TNA and it's obviously working. He's got a ton of time to work on his gimmick and establish himself. This is a great opportunity for TNA to recreate the AJ Styles factor and take a talented generic looking kid and build him into a superstar, F he can cut a good promo for the rest of his career and become a draw in the midcard or main event card than that's the goal but until then, everyone here is simply enjoying a no-name is becoming a regular new talent.

Just a great step in the direction of TNA's future. Kudos to Bruce Pritchard.
Sorenson sells like a motherfucker, has a great firey comeback, and actually tries to tell a story most of time. He made that no selling, no story having Kid Kash look like shit the other night.

I am a sorenson fan.
Why are you bringing up wwe's development system? Isn't this thread about Sorensen not development systems? But anyways Sorensen is only where he is because tna is rebuilding the x division not because he's a great wrestler. Their are plenty of great wrestlers out there who could easily be in Sorensen's place like Kaval and Jay Lethal or Jack Evans but they aren't.
Well Kaval could if he wasn't a fucking mark for himself and thinking he needs to win. I mean, he got kicked out of TNA, ROH, and WWE for attitude problems. Think about that.
Evans is making more money in Mexico and has trouble selling for more than 30 seconds. He'll make shit look gruesome for that time though. Plus he doesn't tell in ring stories unless he's being led.
Lethal is good but was maxed out. If Sorenson can be as good as Lethal, then that's a pretty good floor.
Whoa, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Some of you people are definitely overhyping and overrating this kid already. We've seen him in action for a grand total of maybe 7 or 8 minutes combined out of 2 matches, we've heard nothing whatsoever from him on the mic and it sounds like some of you are basically saying this guy is going to be the next big thing, or at least the next AJ Styles.

I get that people are thrilled to FINALLY see TNA start to do something with younger talent and that's all well and good but, at the same time, let's not go apeshit for a kid that hasn't proven much of anything as of late. He's shown himself to be pretty solid in the ring so far & does a good job of selling and that's never a bad thing. But, again, people are definitely overhyping this guy. It's not as if he's gone out there and wrestled a 15 minute clinic against Kurt Angle or has shown signs of brilliance on the mic like Austin Aries.

For me, this guy's just another generic looking cruiserweight that doesn't stand out from the pack. I'm very much open to the possibility that could change but that's going to take time.
Difference is, Cody Rhodes has found a character and has run with it. Rhodes is also like 4 inches taller and that helps a bit. If Sorensen can find a character that clicks like Rhodes has, maybe you have something. There will still be that feeling that he has to overcome the height thing, but with a solid character base, I could buy into him. After all, plenty are buying into Austin Aries to some extent and he's the same height.

I actually like Rhodes. I shouldn't have used his name, because I wasn't actually comparing Sorensen to him — I was trying to illustrate that Sorensen looks like a generic version of Rhodes (in appearance) which leads to him looking/feeling no different than the glut of generic wrestlers the WWE employs at the moment.
Yeah. Most guys look that way their debut year. 6 to 8 years later? That's a different case. Do I need to bitch slap the yin into your yang? Or is it your yang into your yin? Whatever. Point is the boy is on par with the rest of the roster despite being as green as utterly possible. The fact that he's just showed up showing to be as good as everyone else leads me to two possible conclusions.

1) WWE's development really does need improvement as it would seem anyone can pick it up.

Are you serious? What does WWE's developmental have to do with any of this? And maybe you've forgotten that Randy Orton, Batista, John Cena, Brock Lesnar, Shelton Benjamin, and recently Jack Swagger, John Morrison, the Miz, among countless others went that route. Not to mention guys like the Pope, Matt Morgan, even Ken Anderson.. and most of the Knockouts division.. all in TNA all came from WWE development. So, I don't really see your point here.

2) Dude's a quick learner, Team 3D are good teachers and TNA has a working development system that can be just as good as WWE's.

Wow, you're really overreacting, aren't you? What about Jesse Neel? That guys horrible and he was trained by Team 3D. What about Rosie Lottalove (or whatever her name was)? She was horrible, sloppy, and almost killed Daffney in the ring. Are you going to praise Team 3D for those? They train ONE guy who looks to be good in the ring, but is still utterly generic, and you're now praising Team 3D's wrestling academy and TNA's developmental as if its the second coming.
Jesse Fucking Sorenson is a Big Fucking Deal! TNA put this guy in the perfect first program with Kash who is older and wont mind putting talent over. I think Sorenson will soar in the X divison pun intended. They thing is the guy as a face has no gimmick but down the road if he turns heel he can have the cocky jock gimmick.

He is solid in the ring and with time will only improve. If he is really from 3D's camp then Bubba and Devon know what the heck they're doing. I heard Rhino is also a trainer down there but dont quote me on it. Those guys are great vets who can show him the ropes and let him know about the backstage politicking.

Cocky Jock Gimmick? Sounds like something that would be on NXT, oh wait it was used on NXT! Its great that he has a program with Kash, have always been a fan of Kid Kash. This kid can learn a lot from this program, I just dont see him goin anywhere!

This is WRESTLING, act like a Man and not a Highschool student, for me to take him seriously he needs to lose the football, and that whole gimmick all together! Hell I'd take him more serious if he had a generic rookie gimmic!
Cocky Jock Gimmick? Sounds like something that would be on NXT, oh wait it was used on NXT! Its great that he has a program with Kash, have always been a fan of Kid Kash. This kid can learn a lot from this program, I just dont see him goin anywhere!

This is WRESTLING, act like a Man and not a Highschool student, for me to take him seriously he needs to lose the football, and that whole gimmick all together! Hell I'd take him more serious if he had a generic rookie gimmic!

So, It's okay for Alex Riley but it's a problem for Jesse. Gotcha.

I find it funny any young guy that TNA pushes gets the "I don't see him going anywhere" or the "generic" "he's green!" comments. Anyone else they push is simply too old, unqualified or simply bad.

Again, Deuce and Domino were given an 80s gimmick, Alex Riley given the same Jock gimmick. It's not something new, It's not something old. It's a simple style of gimmick.

You are lying if you would take him serious with a rookie gimmick. You would call him generic and nothing special despite half of WWE's Youth movement being just that and every other ROH wrestler.

The kid has a starter gimmick. Let him grow into it and then move on to something else. Zigger got it, Riley got it, Rhodes got it, Orton had it, Cena had it. It's a natural way of starting out in the business.

If you do not come out of an Indy fed with an established gimmick, one will be handed to you as a test to see how well you are with it acting wise, wrestling wise, persona wise, mic wise. I can promise you in the next 4 years, he will have a new gimmick. They all do.
Alex Riley had the jock gimmick as well, sure. But I'm fine with the letter jacket, but carrying out a football as a prop is lame. Unless of course, he starts throwing it at opponents.
I've not really got much of an opinion on Jesse Sorensen at the minute, as I haven't seen enough of him. But first impressions are certainly good. He looks like he's got something that could make him stand out and judging by the reations he's already getting, it seems like a few people are taking to him already. It will be interesting to see what sort of impact he can make (pun intended) in the future, but I'm pretty sure TNA management will be delighted with what he's done so far. To get the crowd to react to you in only 2 or 3 appearances is pretty impressive in anyone's book.
Yes jesse sorenson is that freaking awesome. He can sell great and flip great. Finally a thread about the x division where someone doesn't say "Flipz". But before I make a final judgment I must watch him on ppv against kid kash.

Seems tna has scored someone who SO FAR looks good.

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