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Jerichoholic4Life Vs. JenksIX Official Debate

Who do you think won this debate?

  • JenksIX

  • Jerichoholic4Life

  • It was a TIE!

  • They both lost, because they both SUCK!!

Results are only viewable after voting.

Tech N9ne

All 6's and 7's
A hypothetical question seems like a better way to judge a debate, when you are trying to decide who is a better poster. I don't think anyone wants to read you two stating facts and dates.

Facts will be a better part of most of the posts you ever make. I think what someone would want to read is your opinions and the logic to each of those said opinions.

I was trying to think of some outlandish off the wall topic for you to debate. Then I got to thinking, why do that? This is, after all, a wrestling forum. So, the more I thought about it, the more sense it made to keep the question simple. Also, have the answers be based strictly on your own opinions and also your logic as to why it IS YOUR opinion.

With that being said, I thought of something. We'll take 10 up and coming WWE wrestlers and make them a list. Your goal will be to each take one and explain why he will be a WWE World Champion one day. Not what kind of career they will have. It is possible to have a good career and never be World Champion...

Explain why this person, to you, has what it takes and is a shoe-in to be World Champion. Not could be, WILL be a WWE World Champion. As each guy is selected by one of you, he is removed from the list. So, no one guy will have a case made for him twice.

So, you each will choose 3 guys as you go along and state their case. 10 guys will be listed and 6 will be used. The reason is, so through the whole debate, you will always have a choice as to who you will make your case for, AND not be stuck with someone.

Who goes first and what not, is really irrelevant since you will always be defending someone different. Just to get things started though, I will set the order. Jerichoholic gets to go first, and make his post, then Jenks will go. Then to make it fair, Jenks will get to decide who goes first in the second round, and then Jerichoholic will decide the order for the 3rd and final posts.

Simple enough!? Convince us without a shadow of a doubt, that person WILL be a WWE World Champion!!

Here are the 10 WWE Wrestlers to choose from...

1. Zach Ryder

2. Cody Rhodes

3. Ted Dibiase Jr.

4. Mason Ryan

5. David Hart Smith

6. Ezekial Jackson

7. Alex Riley

8. Evan Bourne

9. David Otunga

10. Skip Sheffield

EDIT: We'll call the deadline for all 6 posts to be made, by Saturday Night at 12am EST.

Remember Jerichoholic4Life chooses and posts first.
So, just to clear this up.
I do ONE Superstar now, then Jenks
Jenks then picks who goes 1st, and two more are gone
Then I pick who goes 1st, and that is the last two
So, just to clear this up.
I do ONE Superstar now, then Jenks
Jenks then picks who goes 1st, and two more are gone
Then I pick who goes 1st, and that is the last two


I think that this is too much time especially with only a 6 post limit, I'd give them 3 days max.

Yeah... The days I wasn't sure. I told them they should decide that because only they know their schedule.

So, "Dashing" Cody Rhodes as he is currently known, has all that is needed to become a Top Champ in the WWE. Really? I hear you ask, like mimics of The Miz. My answer is yes. Hence the reason why I've picked him to base my first post on. There are multiple reasons as to why, springing from many different areas of Rhode's background. Family, Personality, Ring/Mic Work, Characterisation.... They all come into play with what would make a good Champ.

Firstly, Cody's family. Possibly a large factor of why Cody Rhodes will become a Champ in later times. His father, Dusty, is a WWE Hall of Famer, as well as a former Champ in everything NWA. Cody's father left behind a legacy which needs to be fulfilled by the newer generation. Bring forth Cody Rhodes. The guys is only 25, so he's got a long way ahead of him, hopefully. He knows that he needs to fill a shadow (A rather large one) left behind by his father. Cody is already a 3 Time Tag Team Champion, so surely things are looking up from here on in? Dusty is not the only family that Cody has Wrestling-Related. Dustin Rhodes, known better as Goldust, is Cody's half-brother. Granted, nowadays, we see Goldust portrayed as more of a Comedy Character, used to get upcoming Wrestlers over. But he's been the Hardcore Champ once, the IC Champ 3 Times, the WCW US Champ Twice and so on and so forth.
The WWE must realise that the Rhodes' family has achieved a lot in the time that they have been in the Wrestling Business. Cody has only been around in the WWE since December 2007, just over three years. Hopefully, he's got many years left ahead of him, and with his current Gimmick, that should only propel him into greatness.

That brings me onto the subject of "Dashing". From June 25th 2010, Cody has demanded that he be called "Dashing" Cody Rhodes. This being because he is the best looking Superstar in the whole of the WWE. This gimmick, no matter how much it belongs to 15/20 years ago, is just perfect for him. The WWE hit the mark perfectly here, by giving this gimmick to Cody. There is a cockiness and arrogance about him, that, when he wins a WWE Title, and he will, it will suit him perfectly. Imagine Cody, coming out with the World Heavyweight Championship, walking down to the Ring, checking his reflection out the whole time he's moving. It's just perfection, right? Well, to me it is.
The "Dashing" gimmick reminds me and possibly everyone of "The Model" Rick Martel. He himself, was a former WWF Tag Team Champion. This must mean that Cody Rhodes will be a future Champ right? Well, lots of people may say "No, you're stupid! Cody will never be champ! His gimmick is pathetic, no-one likes it and he will never be a decent champ". Well, I'm not Jackiz Kirey and I believe that Cody will be a future Champ, that's for sure. When, I do not know, but I believe it will have happened before the end of 2012. If the "Dashing" character comes to a close from the current "Broken Nose" story, caused by Rey Mysterio, then Cody will come back with a new personality. I believe he'll be brash, rude and aggressive. Again, the perfect personality for a Champ. He'll be back for Rey, beating on him week after week, which should push him up into the Main Event. I see him being near the top of the card a lot more often after his return. I've got Dolph Ziggler in line for a feud with him once he's given up on his Title chase. Sometime towards the end of this year, after Alberto Del Rio has won the title, possibly dropping it to Rey, that's where Cody will go after it. He will win, because he has the skills to.

That is what I'm going to go after next. Surprisingly, Cody has pretty good skills both In-Ring and on the Mic. That being said, he could brush up the littlest bit on both, but he's not terrible in either area. On the Mic, he's got the brash attitude of a heel Champ already, he just needs to put it to good use ;) He reminds me ever so slightly of a young Jericho on the Mic, except with a small lisp. He could pull off a Promo all on his own, whether Heel or Face. Albeit, his Heel promo would be better, that's for sure, but he could do it. When you're Champ, you get more facetime and that equals more coverage of Cody, leading to improved and possibly perfect Mic Skills. This would do him great overall, because it's what he truly needs. Then there's the Wrestling ability of Rhodes. At the current time, it's pretty good. He's got Charisma, he's got the energy and the moves to pull off looking good. That's what you need as a Champ right? Unless you're Cena that is. His finisher, the "Cross-Rhodes" is the perfect finisher, for a HEEL. I know I mention, "For a heel"/"For a face", but there are certain moves that work only for a Face or Heel. Moves like the FU, I mean AA, work both ways, but the Cross-Rhodes is a move, to me, that only works if you're a Heel. Not going off the subject of why he will be Champ, it is also a finisher that would win you a Title (as a heel). It puts a statement on most matches he is in, where he wins with that move. So, it is definitive for making you win a Title, that and it makes you look good at the end of a match.
So yeah, you should be able to to see that the way Rhodes is in the Ring, with his moves, and his talking on the Mic, makes him a sure-fire bet to be Champ in an upcoming Year or so.

Well, to cap it off, Cody WILL be a Champ. Whether it be WWE or WHC, it will happen. When, as I've said, I do not know, but it will happen, mark my words. It's the perfect time for people like Cody, the "Unexpected Champ" (ADR, Miz, JoMo to name a few). He definitely has what it takes and he will only build on that before he becomes Champ. Do not attempt to say that Cody won't be the Top Man one day, because he damn well will. So, listen to me, when Rhodes returns to the WWE, he will be on the path to becoming a Future Champ. We may not see it from the start of his return, but it is where he is destined.
Whatever my an is?
By the way, Crooked, if Jenks hasn't answer by 6pm this evening in England, which is 9 hours away, I will begin my second post, because I do not want to wait and be strapped for time.
I agree. He said he was up for this, so I'm really hoping he turns up for it. I was expecting him to post while I was sleeping, but I woke up to nothing. So, he's got 9 hours until I automatically take my second star, otherwise there won't be time for me to do 3.
Message to Jenks, who I hope sees this. You have 2 Hours until I automatically move ahead and go into my second post, because you are hindering my time.

Alex Riley

With my first pick, I have chosen to discuss why Alex Riley is a future World Champion.

Before becoming a young upstart on the RAW roster, Alex Riley was the FCW Heavyweight Champion. He held the title for over four months, but lost it at the time he was competiting on NXT, a month before he joined the RAW roster.

Riley was able to stand out on NXT, due to his polished mic skills. This can be attributed in part to his education, as he studied Communication at the prestigous Boston College. Mic skills are very important in the WWE. They can make you or break you, luckily for Riley, his are making him a household name.

Though only in the WWE a short time, WWE has felt comfortable enough to allot Riley considerable on air and mic time, even putting him at the announce table to commentate the Miz's match this past week.

The thing about mic skills is that you have to be convincing. If it sounds like something you've memorized, it's not going to sound good. Alex Riley has no problem sounding convincing on the mic. Whether it's calling Daniel Bryan a nerd or Edge a(sic) woman, I believe Riley means every word of it. He is a very convincing heel, which is why it's easy for him to get heat. The fans love to hate him.

Right now Riley is paired up with the Miz, because the WWE is grooming him to become a future world champion. They want Riley around the WWE Champion The Miz, so that he's familiar with the atmosphere when he becomes champion. Not only is he around The Miz, but he also gets to see The Miz go tit for tat with the main event veterans such as Cena, Orton, and Edge. He witnesses what it's like to be in the ring when The Miz berates the crowd, as well as when Cena or Edge pander to the crowd.

If the WWE did not have big plans for Riley, he would not be on the Raw brand as a member of the Miz/Cole/Riley trifecta. He has two allies, one is the WWE Champion and the other is the self-proclaimed Voice of the WWE. Seems like he is in pretty solid company.

Riley, or A-Ry as Cole likes to call him, is important to the WWE and they know it. A few months back A-Ry was boozin' it up and got a DUI, but was on RAW and the PPV the same week, without a hitch. If it were a lesser talent, they probably would have been fired. For Riley, it was a minor speed bump and made for good T.V. when CM Punk joked "He's getting in the ring with Ezekial Jackson? What is this guy under the influence?"

There are other reasons aside from his mic skills, why WWE are grooming him to be a future champion.

A-Ry's in-ring work is solid. He has a number of explosive, high impact maneuvers which make it more convincing that he's physically punishing his opponent. Right now the WWE has him doing light in-ring work, because his role is that of the hired muscle. He isn't meant to out shine his mentor the Miz, just yet. But when it comes time to pull out all the stops, A-Ry has moves sure to impress. When an opponent is climbing the turnbuckle for an aerial move, A-Ry will climb up and do a belly to belly slam off the turnbuckle ala Kurt Angle. He also has a michinoku driver off the ropes, a backdrop lift sideslam, and the most effective move of all is his finisher "Your Dismissed" aka the TKO/fireman's carry cutter.


Now he's got the mic skills. He's got the in-ring talent to succeed in WWE. What elses is needed for Alex Riley to become a World Champion?

The last reason, but certainly not the least reason for why A-Ry has the potential to become a future World Champion is ... He fits Vince's image of what a wrestler should look like, and that might be the most important thing of all.

A-Ry stands a good 6'2-6'3 and has been billed as tall as 6'4. Not only is he tall, but he is physically imposing. He's not lanky like a Jack Swagger, he's a big boy. Whenever I see him in the ring, his body type reminds me of Lex Luger, though he's not as shredded/oiled up as Luger was. A-Ry is the prototypical wrestler as far as Vince is concerned. Vince likes guys who look like they can handle themselves in a fight and A-Ry is a former Boston College QB/linebacker. If there is ever anything that's going to hold Riley back, it's not going to be his size.

The last thing I'll point out is A-Ry's ability to get over as heel or face.
As of right now, I think A-Ry has done a good job as a heel, in the role he's been given. I think A-Ry has really given Miz credibility as a champion and the two have benefitted one another. Whenever I see the two together though, I feel like Riley is the one who should be in the driver seat. I think A-Ry would come across more convincing as a mega heel then The Miz does.
A-Ry is bigger and vocally sounds stronger then the Miz.

John Cena called A-Ry a mix between JBL and someone else this past week. JBL is a former world champion who hazed The Miz when he was in the WWE, so A-Ry could probably take that as a compliment from Cena. Point being, I think I'd be more convinced if A-Ry were the champion and The Miz was the side kick.

When I first saw A-Ry, his personality reminded me of Triple H. I think A-Ry's career will be similiar too Triple H's in that the WWE Universe will love to hate him but will learn to love him. A-Ry shouldn't have any problem getting over at any time as heel, but I think he could make an interesting tweener as well. Who wouldn't want to see a feud between him and The Miz? Or him and Wade Barrett? If he's ever wronged by another heel, it would give him an opportunity to turn face/tweener and the fans will love it because he will be seen as a bad ass and the fans love to see a heel get their ass kicked by a now reformed heel.

Anyway, this concludes my reasoning for why Alex Riley will be a future world champion. He's got the mic skills, the look, the size, the moves, the attitude, everything its takes to be a world champion including a superb education.

Your Dismissed.
Someone respectable answer this for me: Were either of those long ass posts any good? I'm not gonna read them if they blow.
Yes, going to score this one for Jenks, less speculation and more solid facts and evidence that point to your option for champ being a better and more likely one.
That was a really good post, Jenks. I was wondering who would grab their balls and pick Riley. If it was me, I would have chosen him first too. I think there is a lot going for the guy and it is a matter of time before people are on his bandwagon. He has all the tools and I believe he will be a WWE World Champion one day.
J4L, I apologize for how long it took me to post my first guy. I didn't realize how little time we had especially with you living 5 hours ahead.

It's ok with me if we extrend the deadline.

Also, I think you should get to pick your next 2 guys, and then I'll pick whosever left, I think it's only fair.

Just let us know which two your picking.

I now present to you my second choice of a man who is most definitely going to be the WWE/World Heavyweight Champ.

Evan Bourne

Most people will think I am crazy, or just wrong. "How can a man so small and weedy become a Main Event Champ in the biggest Wrestling Business on Earth?" I hear you say. Well, there are a few reasons.

Firstly, a man who looks about 15 in age, is actually 27. Believe it or not, this man is OLDER than Husky Harris. But he works like a man younger than he is. His crazy-ass skills and In-Ring Technique makes us think we are looking at a man maybe 5/6 Years younger than what he is. If Bourne is able to work like this for the next 6/7 Years, he's automatically the making of a new Champ. If he can work like crazy In-Ring match after match, he deserves to be Champ, it's what we expect of them after all.

In his life, he has been all over the Businesses. TNA, ROH, Chikara, Dragon Gate, WWE. He's had a great past in a total of about 7 Years. What he has achieved/done is great for someone as himself to have done in such short time. He's worked matches with Champs such as A.J Styles, John Cena & Samoa Joe. It can be said that Bourne has an In-Ring similar to Styles, who has been TNA Heavyweight Champ previously, so why can't Evan Bourne be a top Champ? Don't worry about that, because he will.

Possibly, the BIGGEST factor in Bourne's future being Champ are his moves. They are different of any previous WWE Champ, maybe apart from Rey Mysterio.


Now, some of these moves you see are you may have not seen before in the WWE, but it was said just before Bourne went to the current injury break he's on at the moment, that WWE would let him show off some more, using his Indy/ROH moves in the WWE, so as to impress the Crowd and get them going. Can you imagine your Champ pulling off some of these?
Some of them may not be possible with larger opponents, so that would have to be worked around when Bourne works in the Main Event. Bourne's uniqueness of moves makes him exciting, so that when he does become Champ in the next couple of years, it's something that will interest us, instead of us going "Oh look, he's the new Cena/Orton". No, he is Evan Bourne and nobody else is like that.

I also believe his interaction with WWE Superstars so far, makes it more than obvious where he is headed. If he was the next Kaval, or Zack Ryder, then we'd see him fighting the Mid-Card, but that's not how it was for Bourne recently. In his first two weeks on Raw, he was part of a Gauntlet Match with Orton and the next week, beat Kofi Kingston.
He has been in matches with Sheamus. Granted he has lost, but it's the Star Quality we are looking at here. He was also in Money In The Bank at WrestleMania. Cena once picked him as a Tag Team Partner to fight against Edge and Sheamus, with Bourne pinning Sheamus! He fought Jericho in 3 different matches, getting the win in two of them, but looking absolutely perfect in every single one of them.
Him and Mark Henry were the last team to be eliminated from the Tag Team Turmoil at Night of Champions. Don't forget also, that he had multiple ECW Title shots.
I think that if this isn't proof enough of where Bourne's future is headed, you may be blind. Bourne is destined to hit the Main Event, maybe lose a few Title Opportunities, but the whole point is to get him at the top, as a Champ. Whether he holds it for a week, month or a Year it will happen.

There is not much more mention for his In-Ring Skills, as they are one of a kind in the WWE and totally amazing. His Mic skills however, could be better. The looking like a 15 Year Old comes with a downside.
You sound like one as well. But, if he's a face Champ and all he's going to be doing is taking the piss out of people and shouting out to the Crowd, then that will probably work. It'll be fine.

There's also the final fact that Bourne is an "Unexpected" Champion. I mean, look at him. He's 5ft 9, smaller than most Wrestlers, and 183lb. He's not the expected build that would become WWE/World Champ. Take John Cena, 6ft 1, and 240lb. A considerable amount more than Cena. He also has tonnes more muscle and strength. BUT, Bourne will be Champ, which is what makes this so interesting. We watch The Miz defend his Title week after week, going "He won't win now, he'll drop it", but he doesn't. Imagine if Bourne was to defend a title against someone like The Big Show, or Cena, or Undertaker. THAT would be damn interesting, do you not agree? You would spend the whole match saying "He won't win now, he'll drop it", but you will still be watching to see if Bourne comes out on top. If he does, you wanna know how he does it, because you'll be shocked. Seems like a more interesting Champ than most.

So, overall, Bourne is the man to watch out for in the next few years. Something good is coming his way in the form of the Main Event and the Titles that it brings. Bourne will be champ, that's for sure. It will take some time for the WWE to wean him into the M.E, but once he's there it's good for him. So there you have it, there is your evidence for why Bourne WILL be Champ.

'Nuff said.
For my Third and Final pick, it was a difficult one, but after much deliberation and consideration (a minute or so), I have decided to talk about why this man will the a future Champ. This man is.......


Ezekiel Jackson

Rycklon Stephens, better known by his WWE Ring Name of Ezekiel Jackson, better known to most as "Big Zeke" is a Beast. He is muscles exemplified, a huge figure of a man, who, no matter what he's doing, looks like he could rip you to pieces. Zeke has only been with the WWE since 2008, but there is no doubt about it that given some time, this man will be a WWE/World Champ.

Looking back, he was originally Brian Kendrick's Bodyguard, then began interfering in matches, eventually replacing a "Sick" Kendrick in a match against Super Crazy, in which Jackson dominated and won. Which brings me to my first point. Jackson is a typical "Big Man". There is no doubting that at some point in the future he will be the Champ. More than likely, the "Unbeatable" Champ, because of his ungodly body size. When he takes helm as Main Event Champ, he'll fight in match after match where he dominates the whole thing, making mincemeat of his opponent. Even in matches against bigger stars (Edge, Cena, Orton), there will be a large distinctive waft of Jackson taking over most of the match, just because he can. He's the right size for it.

This is your proof of his dominance. He takes over, beats down his opponent and ends by winning.

In Vince McMahon's eyes, Jackson is sure-fire Champ material. He's the kind of guy he loves to watch take over the Roster, taking out everyone and anyone. Jackson is billed at 6ft 4, at 309lb. He is actually 6ft2, at 270lb, but yeah, the guy's still big in all areas. Being the fact that this man is someone who fits the classic (albeit, slightly annoying) bill for Vince McMahon's Champs, such as Batista, Khali, Big Show, means that Jackson will be Champ. It's already written into the books, we've just gotta wait and see it happen now.

As well as all of this, Jackson has the moves to pull off his "Big Man" look, as well as some Champ style moves. He has the finisher of "The Book of Ezekiel", which is a Uranage. Now, a couple of people in the Wrestling Business use this move at the current time, but no-one makes it look more devastating as Jackson does, simply down to his size. He has the Bear Hug, Chokeslam, Scoop Slam and Big Boot. Classic "Big Man" moves indeed. He also has the great Bodyslam, which recently, he has used on the Big Show. He shows that he can easily lift the Big Men, so that gives him an advantage. This move set that is seen being used by Jackson is the set of a Champion. In matches, this is what makes him so dominant. He would easily so his worth in a Title Match, which brings me easily onto my next point.

Jackson, after much fighting for it, at the Royal Rumble, as well as on ECW, became the final ECW Champion. He is recognised by the WWE as "The Last ECW Champion". He beat Christian in an Extreme Rules Match, gaining the Title. It was to the displeasure of many fans, but it made him a name in the business, if his dominance hadn't given him it already. He made it into the King of The Ring, but his match with Drew McIntyre went to double count-out, so that didn't do much for him. He then returned to Smackdown as part of newly formed Stable, "The Corre". He is the muscles of the group, that's for sure. We see him body slamming Big Show left, right and centre. This man NEEDS a Title. It's not so much of "He will be Champ", it's that "He NEEDS to be Champ". If he was Champ right now, it would;
1) Make The Corre look great
2) Make him look great, as well as giving us what should be some really impressive title matches. He has the In-Ring moves and skills to pull off a good match, so there is no hinderance there at all.

Jackson has had Mic Time before and he's not too shabby, I'll give him that. He could do with some brushing up, but he should be fine. Then again, many of the beastly figures (Khali, Ryan, Show) don't have as much Mic Time as most. Though that is changing for Show, who's getting a considerable amount sometimes. Jackson needs dominance and pure beastliness to get over and that's what he has. The Mic side of things should only really need to come in just before he becomes Champ. Hopefully by then he will have had training, making him feasible all over.

So, give it time and Zeke will be Champ. His beastly size, domination and expression show that he has what it takes and it is only a matter of time before we see this.

I would like to make a closing statement, relating to the previous posts I have made. All three men I have mentioned in my Arguments;
Cody Rhodes, Evan Bourne & Ezekiel Jackson are all unique in someway that makes them Champ Material. Not Midcard Champs, but Main Event Champs. I do believe that in time, all 3 men will achieve the title that belongs to them, Bourne, the WWE Title and Rhodes/Jackson the World Heavyweight Title. These are my arguments stating that eventually, all 3 of these men will take titles.

I'm Out.

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