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Jeff Hardy Works the Impact Zone?

See, here's the problem with this mixing reality and scripted material: when the cameras are off and you take the money from fans, it's not that you're getting a heel over. You're ripping people off with a bait and switch.

First of all, who thought it was a good idea to offer pictures with a heel? Were the Guns busy or something? There were NO faces on the roster you could offer this with? Bad idea on TNA's part. Second, at the end of the day the fans are who you try the hardest not to tick off. You don't tick off fans like this. If you're a heel you bitch and complain but you send the fans home somewhat happy. This was a bad idea to put it mildly as a casual fan thinks he's just a pompous jerk. If you don't follow every report that the works/shoots are becoming more alike everyday, then Hardy looks like an ass rather than a guy portraying a character. When that is no longer the norm, it comes off as looking very bad. This wasn't good.

It was a work to get the Impact crowed to hate Hardy. That is why they offered it for him. They also didn't take money from the fans. It was given back. So they think he is a jerk. Whats the problem. This isn't just some I am sticking up for TNA post. This is a who gives a shit and those same people will be back in the Impact Zone for the taping booing Hardy. I honestly don't see whta the big deal, but I am sure from my response I will get a mile long list of everything TNA does wrong on top of 75 reasons why you think it was a bad idea.
Oh and by the way, this isn't the first time TNA does something similiar to this.


It's not as asshole-ish as Hardy, though. But still, something like what AJ did would've been more appropriate than sending people home disappointed.
They don't get in for free. If you visit Universal Studios, you have to pay to get into the park, and it's not cheap. Plus you add t-shirt and other merchandise sales, food and drink, and it could end up costing quite a bit especially if you have kids with you.

Not exactly. The Blue Man group right beside Impact you have to pay extra for and the tickets are not cheap at all. Some are more than the actual park tickets. So they have other things inside the park that cost extra money to take part in. So for TNA Wrestling to be free to get into is a bonus for fans. If people are mad then so what. He plays a bad guy on TV. If people can't understand that they got worked so what. It will just actually make the idiots in Orlando boo him.
Not exactly. The Blue Man group right beside Impact you have to pay extra for and the tickets are not cheap at all. Some are more than the actual park tickets. So they have other things inside the park that cost extra money to take part in. So for TNA Wrestling to be free to get into is a bonus for fans. If people are mad then so what. He plays a bad guy on TV. If people can't understand that they got worked so what. It will just actually make the idiots in Orlando boo him.

Yea I know there are extra's that you pay for, that goes on in every theme park across North America. TNA and Universal have a deal though, and the fans get into the Impact Zone for free.

Listen if I paid $25.00 for my son to take a picture with Jeff Hardy and he did something like that, I'd been pissed. Just as any parent would be that has to put up with an upset kid. The fact that I got my money back is irrelevant, when kids are promised something you have to deliver. We're talking about little people that think this stuff is real. Adults understand what's happening but kids don't.
Yea I know there are extra's that you pay for, that goes on in every theme park across North America. TNA and Universal have a deal though, and the fans get into the Impact Zone for free.

Listen if I paid $25.00 for my son to take a picture with Jeff Hardy and he did something like that, I'd been pissed. Just as any parent would be that has to put up with an upset kid. The fact that I got my money back is irrelevant, when kids are promised something you have to deliver. We're talking about little people that think this stuff is real. Adults understand what's happening but kids don't.

That's true, I deffinitely don't agree with what Hardy did, but then again ... I think it was worthed. Don't get me wrong, that shit was sick, but the kid will forget about it on the next morning, it won't scar him/her for life ( I hope ).

Personally, next time I see Jeff the first thing on my mind would be "there's that fucking douchebag". That was clearly the point of it, and it could've been worthed.

But ... as much as I don't like it ... I gotta admit ... it's cruel but ... some little itty bitty tic-tac sized sadistic part of me likes it. All I know is that Hardy's gonna reincarnate as a toilet brush for that.
Yea I know there are extra's that you pay for, that goes on in every theme park across North America. TNA and Universal have a deal though, and the fans get into the Impact Zone for free.

Listen if I paid $25.00 for my son to take a picture with Jeff Hardy and he did something like that, I'd been pissed. Just as any parent would be that has to put up with an upset kid. The fact that I got my money back is irrelevant, when kids are promised something you have to deliver. We're talking about little people that think this stuff is real. Adults understand what's happening but kids don't.

OK well you just said it yourself. Kids think it is real. So what part of Jeff Hardy acting like a jerk off is the problem. He acted real. He has shown no remorse for Anderson or RVD and yet the kids who you say still think its real won't see that all of a sudden. You know how a kid will see that. He will want everyone to beat Jeff Hardys ass.
Absolutely, it was a brilliant move for Hardy's character, what was not a brilliant move is for TNA to let it end like that and not bring out a face to replace him, all that does is let fans down, and I know if I were one of those people, it'd be the last time I ever gave TNA a dime.

I would agree with you if it actually cost anything to get into the Impact Zone. It doesn't, so the most that could happen is a recycling of the people that end up in there. TNA already doesn't do many PPV buys as it is, so all they stand to lose a couple of buys at the most for a generous amount of heel heat on Hardy.

Let's face it, the people coming to the free show will be back next week whether or not Hardy slighted them, and they'll be pissed at Hardy. If a family really ends up boycotting TNA over this, then it just means that the squeaky-clean WWE PG atmosphere has taken over the business as a whole. I do hope the business hasn't degenerated to that.
i think this is the worst possible move TNA could do and hopefully it's the last. like someone posted, when the cameras are off, the show is over. this isn't the 1980's where the boys travel together depending on storylines (heel with heels, faces with faces, etc.) everyone knows it's a work on tv or during the show. the last thing TNA needs is to lose fans, they're not on WWE "universe" level to have fans to waste.

if you don't want Hardy to please the fans, then do that and then have someone save the day like numerous people have said or just have someone planned (Angle, Pope) and have Jeff attack them and cut a heel promo on the fans and have the guy still sign things/take pictures, but you gotta give them something. they may have refunded the money, but other than money, people also care about their time. if the parents are taking the kids, you don't want them to think "i wonder how far they'll work my kid next time" and go to a fan friendly company like WWE. if you don't want them interacting, don't book them after the event, that simple. they're not the big company to be kicking fans to the curb.
if you don't want Hardy to please the fans, then do that and then have someone save the day like numerous people have said or just have someone planned (Angle, Pope) and have Jeff attack them and cut a heel promo on the fans and have the guy still sign things/take pictures, but you gotta give them something. they may have refunded the money, but other than money, people also care about their time. if the parents are taking the kids, you don't want them to think "i wonder how far they'll work my kid next time" and go to a fan friendly company like WWE. if you don't want them interacting, don't book them after the event, that simple. they're not the big company to be kicking fans to the curb.

That's kind of what I was trying to say earlier but you've done it better. I'm a mom and I know if my son was promised a picture with one of his idols and this happened, I'd be the one calling Hardy a douchebag and I wouldn't do it quietly. That's what they want but when your doing it at the expense of the kids that's not good business sense. Most parents go because their kids want to. If the kids turn off the product then chances are the whole family will say "Fuck it" too.

You can work the adults and the teens all you want, but when it comes to kids it's a different story. Kids do forget but I as a parent don't want to listen to it while they remember.
The general consensus seems to be that while it's a cool idea for Hardy stay in character because it gets him genuine heel heat from the Impact Zone crowd, it would have been better if, after Hardy stormed off, they had gotten a babyface to come out and sign autographs instead.

Russo's goal is usually to swerve EVERYBODY; the fans, the wrestlers involved in the angle, everyone. For some reason, he thinks that dropping a bombshell that nobody saw coming is inherently a good thing, even if it puts people offside. That said, I get the feeling that the reason TNA didnt organize a babyface to come out and replace Hardy, was that Russo and Hardy (and the higher-ups working in creative) were probably the only people in the loop. When it happened, the TNA staff were completely surprised, and had no idea what to do.

Before I get flamed, I'm not a blind Russo-hated and I think he occasionally has some great outside-the-box ideas. But his tendancy to "work the boys" and his bizarre fixation with swerving everybody at every possible opportunity, is counter-productive. Case in point, this could have gotten Hardy genuine heel heat while also getting someone like Anderson or Jay Lethal even MORE over as a babyface. Little kids who were there that night would have a permanent memory of the night when Hardy insulted them and stormed off, and then Jay Lethal came and signed their autograph and made everything better, and they would have had an emotional bond with that wrestler for years to come. But because of Russo's insane penchant for "working EVERYBODY, baby!", it looks like the only thing this incident has done is left a bad taste in peoples mouthes.

Good concept, lousy execution.
Read something about money on a post on here....how it works...if anyone her other than me has been to a taping or a house show....how it works is, after the show the audience lines up by the rail and once borash gets to you you pay him or the ref that is there. The wrestler would already have had to be in the ring....in this case hardy....for the line to form. The money from the rest of the people in line starts being taken up after the 1st picture but in this vase since no picture was taken, I would assume money wasn't either. My take on this hardy move. I think it's great a a great way to get fans to hate you lol.

It doesn't work this way in the Impact Zone, they sell tickets for the picture in the ring before and during the show. When the show is over the arena is beginning to clear out as the wrestler comes out to the ring. This is how it happened when Hardy came out. When he announced that he wasn't taking pictures about half the original crowd heard it, the rest were gone. There seemed to be genuine confusion by the TNA staff, like JB & SoCal Val and the Universal staff that actually sells the tickets. After a couple minutes they announce refunds could be had at the merch stand. Personally, I loved it and got a good laugh from it. After all, Hardy has said he hated the fans since his heel turn, so what do you expect. What a great way to get the little kids who love him to begin to hate him for the heel he is. When I saw the Universal staff selling the Hardy photos while in the line to get into the arena, I thought "WTF, why would he do that? He hates the fans."

Considering those losers at the Impact show have been getting in for free since forever, who cares if TNA may have gotten an extra 25 bucks from them. Look at it this way. All the idiot smarks there seem to think they are the show, not the wrestlers, so Hardy and TNA for once used them to further his heel turn. Pretty smart if you ask me.

I am tired of being called a loser for going to the Impact Zone. (Standard disclaimer: I sit in the seats and don't chant.) There are 1100 people in the Impact Zone and yes, there are a few losers in the crowd that show up on TV every week. If you look closely, you will find that TNA has gotten rid of some of the biggest offenders like "white sun glasses guy", "spiked hair guy" and the "Elvira wanna be goth girl". The idiotic chants have decreased quite a bit and overall the quality of the audience is improving.

Have you ever heard the saying "nothing is ever free"? That applies to to the Impact Zone. The cheapest you can see TNA is $15 for parking, enter City Walk (which is free), wait in line for hours and be in the last group to enter the Impact zone (last choice of seats). Most regulars have an annual pass that cost $219 and includes fee parking. Getting your ticket inside the park allows you to be in the first group to get in so that you end up with a better seat. Ever hear the saying "time is money"? They start giving out numbered tickets at 9 AM. You enter the Impact Zone by ticket number, so the earlier you pick up your ticket the better the choice of seats. A lot of people make a trip to the park to pick up their ticket then come back later for the show. People like myself that have an hour drive usually end up hanging out in the park all day waiting until 5 PM for the line to get in to start forming. At 5 PM they start lining you up by ticket number, once that is done you are let in to the que line outside the studio. You wait in the que line anywhere from 1/2 to 1 hour before they let you in the Impact Zone. So even though it is "free" to get in to TNA, everyone there has "paid the price" to be in the Impact Zone.

I think this is damn brilliant. Hardy was getting cheers at Turning Point, so he needed this. Excellent way of selling his new heel persona, and the fans obviously bought it.

I do have a little problem with the fact that the fans lost their money though. But to the people saying "The kids think its real!!!11" well obviously they do, and now they will boo Hardy, along with all of the other fans that witnessed this event. Hardy will still get some pops from all of the smarks in the iMPACT Zone, but stuff like this should definitely help Hardy's new heel persona get over.
I think this is damn brilliant. Hardy was getting cheers at Turning Point, so he needed this. Excellent way of selling his new heel persona, and the fans obviously bought it.

I do have a little problem with the fact that the fans lost their money though. But to the people saying "The kids think its real!!!11" well obviously they do, and now they will boo Hardy, along with all of the other fans that witnessed this event. Hardy will still get some pops from all of the smarks in the iMPACT Zone, but stuff like this should definitely help Hardy's new heel persona get over.

I loved it, but just to let you and everyone know the fans didn't lose their money. After it happened everyone was given refunds and apologies before they left the Impact Zone.

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