Jeff Hardy: Legitimate Contender or One Time Wonder

Jeff Hardy: Legitimate or One Time Wonder

  • Legitimate: He's paid his dues

  • Neutral: Not sure.. yet need more time to tell

  • One Time Wonder: He's their only option for a new challenger

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It may be different people, but he is beginning to be that veteran in the ring. In his younger matches you could see the stall or the hold up, the delay with what to do next. Now there is a better flow.

And I am just pointing out the move execution. He has been in the business longer, which means he has improved with time, which is what is suppose to happen.

Crowd play and control. Just the way he gets them involved, plays to the crowd, gets them going, gestures to them, etc.

I'd honestly hope he'd have grown with time too though. Wouldn't you think it to be a little overrated if he hadn't learned for as long as he's been in Pro Wrestling?

And its their job to gain crowd reaction, otherwise he wouldn't have a job, period. I don't get why this is an issue. Every wrestler's goal is to get crowd response. Are you saying because he got it, he deserves a huge push?

Hmm. Emmitt Smith playing with a dislocated shoulder and killing the Giants? Curt Schilling and the bloody sock. Kirk Gibson and two bad knees. Willis Reed and the Knicks. See my polint?

NO, because this is relating to Professional Wrestling, where most injury angles such as what Hardy did are scripted.. and any show-boating with finger/hand signals only makes the entire spot look fake.

See above. And we don't know how the story ends yet.

Yes we do. John Cena returned, Jeff Hardy will continue to work Mid-card matches and basically fade away until he's subjected to Main Eventing in Tag Team and 6 Man Tag Team matches.

Have you ever seen a sports injury? Players always sign to the crowd when being carried off the field, letting the fans know, they are okay, they will return.

Football players only do that when everyone assumes their injury is greatly severe. The Jeff Hardy spot was nothing unusual for him to do.. thereby, everyone likely didn't expect it to be "greatly severe."

Is it not an improvement though? What else do you want him to do?

I want people, (not so much him) to own up to realizing that he's nothing huge. He's not as big as a John Cena, or a Shawn Michaels, or Triple H. He's likely never going to be.. and I'm okay with people loving him, and cheering him, but for the previous 5 weeks now, especially leading up to the Royal Rumble.. I just felt it was absurd for anyone to think he actually had a shot at winning the title. If he had a "shot" then he would've.

See my previous post. His underdog attitude, girls love his looks, etc.

Pfft.. He's a guy, some girl somewhere will come to "love him" thats not the point. Although even "I" feel I've lost where the point has gone.

Kane was still in the ME scene for years after that and was fighting for titles into the next century. And that belt didn't lose anything, it was still the stongest title in professional wrestling.

Did Kane ever come to WIN any of those Heavyweight Championships? The answer is.. NO. If you're saying Jeff Hardy will end up like Kane, then I'll likely believe you more.

Honestly, I DO see Jeff Hardy coming to win a World Championship someday. But he'll never headline a Wrestlemania, not in my opinion anyways.. and its likely his title reign won't go beyond a mere couple of monthes. IF he actually wins one.
I want people, (not so much him) to own up to realizing that he's nothing huge. He's not as big as a John Cena, or a Shawn Michaels, or Triple H. He's likely never going to be.. and I'm okay with people loving him, and cheering him, but for the previous 5 weeks now, especially leading up to the Royal Rumble.. I just felt it was absurd for anyone to think he actually had a shot at winning the title. If he had a "shot" then he would've.

Did Kane ever come to WIN any of those Heavyweight Championships? The answer is.. NO. If you're saying Jeff Hardy will end up like Kane, then I'll likely believe you more.

Honestly, I DO see Jeff Hardy coming to win a World Championship someday. But he'll never headline a Wrestlemania, not in my opinion anyways.. and its likely his title reign won't go beyond a mere couple of monthes. IF he actually wins one.

Hmm, I think we've been on different pages the entire time and are just now realizing it for the most part from the three paragraphs above,

I am not claiming, he is as big or good as Cena, HHH, or HBK currently. I;ve said somewhere on here he is not ready yet to be top tier, he needs another year before he has a serious title reign, however, I still think he should of gotten the 1 month test reign.

However, I will go on the record as saying he is the most OVER person on the roster with the fans currently.

What I am saying though, is that Jeff Hardy is a completely legit main event player, and that we will see him in and around the main event for several years to come.

And it may be scripted, but it is scripted with us not suppose to be noticing it. Just like a movie you know. a 30 foot swanton can be pretty threatening, I still love and support the hand signal he gave.
Hmm, I think we've been on different pages the entire time and are just now realizing it for the most part from the three paragraphs above,

I am not claiming, he is as big or good as Cena, HHH, or HBK currently. I;ve said somewhere on here he is not ready yet to be top tier, he needs another year before he has a serious title reign, however, I still think he should of gotten the 1 month test reign.

I'll always disagree with a short title reign. Its just like my opinion on W.W.E. shitting on Edge by giving him that crap 3 week run only to give it back to Cena. In my opinion, that seriously hurt Edge, and could've destroyed him as a Main Event player by claiming he wasn't even good enough to hold onto the strap a solid Month. I'd feel the same about Hardy.

If you want to make someone a legit Champion, you allow them to hold the title at least a decent amount of time. 3-6 monthes is a good reign. It allows for the Champion to go through different feuds, but not for his reign to go outrageous. (Like Cena's fricken 2 year crap, from 05-07 minus a couple monthes of not having it)

However, I will go on the record as saying he is the most OVER person on the roster with the fans currently.

Unfortunately though, and as much as I hate saying it. Jeff Hardy is NOT the most over Professional Wrestler. John Cena is. If Hardy was more over, then Hardy would've been given the Championship.. Cena doesn't NEED the title for the fans to cheer or boo him, yet they place him instantly back in that damn spot because they know people will give a bigger reaction to him being there.

Also, because (unfortunately) Cena simply stirs up more of an ovation (both good and bad) more so than Jeff Hardy.

What I am saying though, is that Jeff Hardy is a completely legit main event player, and that we will see him in and around the main event for several years to come.

I'd be shocked and amazed if Jeff Hardy were around for another 5 years, let alone Main Eventing any of them. Hardy's body is taking a toll with all these risks.. and he has to keep doing them, because thats why he sells. If Hardy quit "killing himself" then the fans would lose interest in him because he'd then become "average."

Which is the point I've been trying to scream to the world. Jeff Hardy is nothing great. He's only even "known" because he does the risks that he does.

When you think of Hardy's career, name one match outside of the Rumble/Orton match, in which he'll be remembered for being a great wrestler. (that did NOT involve him leaping off something high, or any type of gimmick match.)

And it may be scripted, but it is scripted with us not suppose to be noticing it. Just like a movie you know. a 30 foot swanton can be pretty threatening, I still love and support the hand signal he gave.

The fact is, scripted stuff can still go wrong.. and "I" get that. I understand just because its scripted, doesn't mean it can't end up hurting and injuring for real.

Its just, the hand signal (to me) ruined the whole scene. Because it was Hardy basically saying.. "It killed Orton, but not me." In other words, he "no sold" the fall by doing that.. and for what? Two weeks later to take one R.K.O. and be pinned and forgotten as quickly as that? So whats that say? That a 30 ft. drop has no effect on him, but a simple neck breaker puts him out quicker than anything?!
I'll always disagree with a short title reign. Its just like my opinion on W.W.E. shitting on Edge by giving him that crap 3 week run only to give it back to Cena. In my opinion, that seriously hurt Edge, and could've destroyed him as a Main Event player by claiming he wasn't even good enough to hold onto the strap a solid Month. I'd feel the same about Hardy.

If you want to make someone a legit Champion, you allow them to hold the title at least a decent amount of time. 3-6 monthes is a good reign. It allows for the Champion to go through different feuds, but not for his reign to go outrageous. (Like Cena's fricken 2 year crap, from 05-07 minus a couple monthes of not having it)

I don't see how it weakens them. If all the matches invovled in the title swap are good, close contests, it shouldn't weaken the belt any, and just adds another legit title contender. The belt begins to weaken when there are several 1 month reigns in a short period of time, but if there was maybe, a single 1 month reign every 15-18 months, I think it would be good. A good, solid way to add a legit contender.

Unfortunately though, and as much as I hate saying it. Jeff Hardy is NOT the most over Professional Wrestler. John Cena is. If Hardy was more over, then Hardy would've been given the Championship.. Cena doesn't NEED the title for the fans to cheer or boo him, yet they place him instantly back in that damn spot because they know people will give a bigger reaction to him being there.

People wanted to give Jeff the belt at the Rumble because they knew just how over he was. But they had a pretty hard time convincing the powers to be to give Jeff the belt, when if you remember, he was never suppose to beat HHH back in December, and was suppose to of lost some of the Raw and Orton face offs. I think they decided to draw the line somewhere and make him wait when none of this was planned.

Also, because (unfortunately) Cena simply stirs up more of an ovation (both good and bad) more so than Jeff Hardy.

I dunno, some of the Hardy pops lately have been the loudest I've seen in the WWE for the longest time.

I'd be shocked and amazed if Jeff Hardy were around for another 5 years, let alone Main Eventing any of them. Hardy's body is taking a toll with all these risks.. and he has to keep doing them, because thats why he sells. If Hardy quit "killing himself" then the fans would lose interest in him because he'd then become "average."

I think the crowd will be behind him as long as they get the sometimes spot (like a current Michaels), as long as they keep the underdog/small man story going.

When you think of Hardy's career, name one match outside of the Rumble/Orton match, in which he'll be remembered for being a great wrestler. (that did NOT involve him leaping off something high, or any type of gimmick match.)

Hardy vs HHH count? I think the list of good matches will begin to grow where he doesn't take a spot. I dont remember a spot from when he beat Umaga for the title. Mr. Kennedy matches? etc

I believe within the next year though, the number of those matches will be getting larger and larger.
Yes I do agree that WWE needed to make Jeff Hardy look strong because hey, before his push, whenever he faced Randy Orton he has always come up short, he has always lost. So how can people take him seriously as a legitimate challenger to Ortons title? So they made Hardy look strong by making him do what he does best, and that is hitting his finishers from high places.

Not true. Unless I am mistaken, Hardy defeated Orton to become number one contender for the IC Title upon his comeback. Also, Hardy has picked up wins over Orton in tag matches.

Furthermore, I think it is absoluetly ludicrous to say Hardy is a one time wonder, especially how the WWE has continued to push him after the Rumble. I admit, I was pretty nervous Hardy would drop off the face of the world with the return of Cena and him losing his tag match on Raw following the Rumble...However, once announced for the EC, he recieved the biggest pop out of any of the contenders. Also, both his pops last night on Raw were insane! Even more, you saw Hardy directing HKB and Jericho in their match (watch before the triple over the rope moves). Then, Hardy goes on to pick up the win for his team, to yet another HUGE pop. It is obvious that Hardy has matured as a person and as a wrestler, that he is capable of keeping the flow of a match (as he has shown in recent weeks), and is capable of delivering decent promos (that only will get better in time with more work).

Also, I heard that Hardy's match for new weeks Raw was an outstanding match that truly delivered (I won't say who it was against or anything more on it for those who did not read the spoilers).

And plus, does anyone know the situation with HHH no-showing the tapings last night? I know he obviously has a huge in with the company, but not being at the two shows leading up to a PPV where it is rumored he is supposed to win the EC...I don't know, perhaps there is something more to the story and we will see someone else win the EC...someone by the name of Hardy?
I believe that hardy has paid his dues in the WWE. Hes been their longer then some of the present champions and has worked tremendously on his wrestling skills and i believe he will have a legitamite shot at the title in the near future. Also once he has won the title i guarentee you it wont be the only title reign of his career. Face facts he shot up in TNA relativly quick when he left WWE, so he has experience as a maineventer and i believe if he can pull off a ladder match with the undertaker and make it a good match, hes capable of anything.
I think he is like Rey Mysterio at Wrestlemania 22 as a 'One time Champion' thing. If Jeff Hardy finds himself in a huge storyline, maybe that's his only chance. Because right now Hardy is not going to win the chamber match and is most likely competing in the MITB Ladder Match but most likely will not win it. He will be a main eventer, no doubt, but I just don't see him as a likely champion.
Jeff Hardy is earning his stripes to be a main event wrestler. He's been earning them since his performance at Survivor Series. I've really seen Jeff step up in the last three months. He's now getting opportunities on the mic(he's got room to improve). He's in the marquee matches on RAW most weeks. You routinely see him in more than one segment on RAW. He's rubbing shoulders with the lead guys (HBK,HHH,Jericho,JBL,Orton).
For example, look at the 6 man match from RAW last week. A big match. 5 of the 6 guys in the Elimination Chamber Match are in this match. Who gets the pinfall at the end, you say? Why, I believe it was Jeff Hardy! And now next week it's Jeff Hardy vs Shawn Michaels. Face it, Hardy's gonna be in the main event for a while.
Will it translate to a title? In the next three months, no. I would really like to see him work ironing the rough edges and improve his mic work. And a couple more rivalries before challenging for the title. Have him win the MItB at WM 24, then cash in at Summerslam. Thank you for reading.
yeah defo derserves to have at least a title shot. After all the years of jumping off ladders, tiantons, cages, etc and seriously risking his body, he's ernt his due, much prefer to see a talented jeff hardy get title shots rather then ppl like the great khali!
True, but name 3 people in WWE less deserving of a title than Khali. I kinda don't want Jeff to win it, as much as I like him, because I feel Matt deserves it far more for being a more dependable worker and for being better in-ring IMO.
Jeff Hardy has more than paid his dues and so has Hardy. When you talk misused talent, the Hardy's are the example of this. I hope both can become World Champion someday, but that won't happen, but again it could. A.K.A. Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit at WM20.
Jeff Hardy will be champion some day. The matches he had with Orton were some of the best the WWE has put out in a long time. He's been with the WWE for a while now and has paid his dues. Yeah he's had personal problems that got in his way, but who hasn't had things happen to them. The fact is that Jeff is back and better than ever. I know this won't happen but I want Jeff to win at NWO and go on to win the title at WM.
With the exception of that weak Twist of Fate and breaking Shawn's face on that Swanton...I think Jeff proved that he could wrestle tonight. He had some pretty good mat take downs that complimented his flying around very well. Props to HBK for putting him over, also.
With the exception of that weak Twist of Fate and breaking Shawn's face on that Swanton...I think Jeff proved that he could wrestle tonight. He had some pretty good mat take downs that complimented his flying around very well. Props to HBK for putting him over, also.

I was really shocked at the chain wrestling Hardy was pulling off, and how he was HBK's head and neck area. If he can continue to wrestle like that more to mix it in with his high flying, then he is definitely worthy of being a legit contender and not just a one time wonder.
Yeah, I'm highly surprised this topic hasn't been discussed really at all since Monday. That was the best straight wrestling match of seen in awhile (with the exception of maybe JBL and Jericho earlier in the night).

Oh crap. I forgot about the Mark Henry/Cena match.:smashfreakB:
Yeah, I'm highly surprised this topic hasn't been discussed really at all since Monday. That was the best straight wrestling match of seen in awhile (with the exception of maybe JBL and Jericho earlier in the night).

Oh crap. I forgot about the Mark Henry/Cena match.:smashfreakB:

I don't know, I missed the JBL/Jericho match, but i heard good things about that. The Hardy match was good and he showed that he belonged with the best. Outside of the whisper in Wind, it was a good match. The whisper in the wind looked botched, i dont know if it was because didn't walk in to it, to because Jeff didnt jump far enough. Unless i was imagining something? I dont think he botched the twist of fate, it wasn't his best, but it looked legit. It was nice that he got a clean finish, and at least he kept momentum going into No Way Out.
Jeff Hardy seriously is a great wrestler, granted he's a spotmonkey, but he isnt that bad of a ground and technical wrestler as we saw Monday. Apparently he sells merchandise, which is what WWE look for when choosing a push, and he is also well over with the fans, the only problem he has is his mic skills.

But to be honest that could improve, obviously he won't be no MVP on the mic, but he could become average, during his feud with Orton he improved greatly on the mic. With Jeff Hardy in the main event status we'll also get too see lots of those huge spots on Raw, and since his mic skills aren't the best we'll see more wrestling related moments.

I'd like to see Jeff Hardy get the push but not right now, let him come close to winning the EC, but losing in the end- whilst doing some big moves. And then have him win the MITB, and feud with the champion at the time, wouldnt mind seeing him on Smackdown either, if they dont want to make him into their top star. Edge V Jeff Hardy would be great.
Jeff Hardy is right on the cusp, and his clean win over Snitsky on Monday, kicking out of the pedigree at No Way Out, clean wins over Umaga and HBK, and the great build toward Royal Rumble with Orton show it. WWE is putting their stock in him as a top babyface championship contender and within the next 6-8 months, he will be a champion. Although I was really hoping that he would go over in the Elimination Chamber and go on to the Main event at Mania, I am actually glad he didn't only b/c as a fan it makes me wanna see him win that much more. There is definitely room for improvement both technically, and on the mic, but he has improved vastly in both cases over the last few months. For once, WWE is not hotshotting and rushing this. The fans want it, and they know it so they are doing it right.

While some might argue differently, I don't think HHH has ever truly elevated another star to main event status. Cena going over him at 22 is the closest thing in my mind, and some might say Orton and Batista. While he may of handpicked and groomed them, in my mind, Orton truly became a viable main event level star when he feuded with Foley, and Batista with Undertaker. Jeff Hardy is HHH's pet project. He smells money in a feud with him, and his upcoming heel turn will give him plenty of new faces to feud with and Hardy is going to be the guy that makes this heel turn worth looking forward to.

Heel or face, HHH holds the crowd in the palm of his hand anytime he goes out to the ring or picks up a mic. But he is also the establishment, and even the most naive fan knows that he is a McMahon and pics his spots. Cena, while immensely popular with kids and girls, doesn't have the male fan demographic, and that is where Hardy comes in. Hardy is the fan's choice and also the underdog so the crowd backs him that much more. I was 10 rows back at Armageddon and his pop was huge, and even bigger when he beat Hunter.

I see him winning the MITB ladder match at Mania, and going on to feud with HHH leading into Summerslam or maybe even sooner. Plus, if we ever see the Cena heel turn that's been teased for the last 2 years, we are in for a treat with a Heel Cena vs. Hardy feud as well. Jeff's not where he needs to be, but he is getting there, and will be sooner rather than later.
I think he's a legitimate contender. He has great moves in the ring, and the crowd loves watching him. I think he deserves a push into the WWE title.
Heel or face, HHH holds the crowd in the palm of his hand anytime he goes out to the ring or picks up a mic. But he is also the establishment, and even the most naive fan knows that he is a McMahon and pics his spots. Cena, while immensely popular with kids and girls, doesn't have the male fan demographic, and that is where Hardy comes in. Hardy is the fan's choice and also the underdog so the crowd backs him that much more. I was 10 rows back at Armageddon and his pop was huge, and even bigger when he beat Hunter.

I don't quite agree with you here MichaelJ.

Sure Hardy right now is getting a fairly even level of pops from all demographics. But so was Cena at one time. Cena was getting Rock like pops back when he was US champ with the wigga gimmick.

Since then most of the male audience 16 and up seems to have turned on him. Make no mistake the same will happen to Hardy. I mean look at Jeff,
look at his image, he paints his finger nails and has an overall boy band-backstreet boys kind of look, his audience is heavily slanted towards the female demographic without a doubt.

Right now everyone is showing Hardy respect because the spots he has been doing garners it, but if Hardy does become champ they are going to tone down him doing big spots because they don't want to risk injury. When that happens he will probably go over everyone like crazy just as Cena did, and then the male demographic will quickly turn on Hardy.

And as for the female and young kids audience, they will still cheer on Hardy but really, when push comes to shove I believe kids and a fair bit of the female audience will cheer on Cena over Hardy if they ever come to blows. Cena just has that superhero/everyday man gimmick that appeals to them and Hardy can not realistically pull of what Cena does.

So in a sense what I'm saying is.....Hardy will eventually be Cena with less success.
I have a couple takes on this...
1) I think it would be great to see Hardy in the main vs orton and cena. It's not gonna happen, but it would be his big pay off.
2) Does he deserve to be the champ yet, no. I have been a hardy fan since the TLC matches, and he is well on his way, but it's too soon for him. I think it would be great to see him win the belt at some random ass time, like if he wins the money in the bank match and beats edge or whomever else.
3) He needs to build staying power. That is why he won't get the belt for at least 3 months. Once he wins, it's over and the novelty will be worn off quickly, then he will be a jericho.
4) Lets also not count out the disease of injuries that WWE headliners seem to suffer in groups. When the whole damn roster got hurt this year, people got their chances, and it's always possible it could happen again and bam, Jeff get's the strap.
Cena was getting Rock like pops back when he was US champ with the wigga gimmick.

Since then most of the male audience 16 and up seems to have turned on him. Make no mistake the same will happen to Hardy. I mean look at Jeff,
look at his image, he paints his finger nails and has an overall boy band-backstreet boys kind of look, his audience is heavily slanted towards the female demographic without a doubt.

Right now everyone is showing Hardy respect because the spots he has been doing garners it, but if Hardy does become champ they are going to tone down him doing big spots because they don't want to risk injury. When that happens he will probably go over everyone like crazy just as Cena did, and then the male demographic will quickly turn on Hardy.

Currently HHH is on the verge of his heel turn, and Cena is going to stay face no matter what kind of crowd reaction he is getting. I am not a Cena hater, but WWE should have done right by his character, listened to the boos, and given him the chance to develop past his current direction. Instead, they listened to the cash register thinking that he wouldn't sell any merchandise if he turned heel, but for all his merits, he isn't Hulk Hogan, The Rock, or Steve Austin, and he can't be the same "you can't see me" good guy character forever.

As I said, I am not a hater, and in fact am a fan, but I want more from him. As an 18-34 male who will or wont buy PPV's as opposed to all the little kids out there who cheer him and who have to beg their parents to buy it for them, I think we who don't like the current direction deserve some respect too. Plus, I think Cena is good enough that a heel turn wouldn't have hurt his merch sales at all and maybe even would have made them better b/c he would have more creative options.

Aside from the spots he has been doing, people are showing Jeff hardy respect right now, b/c he isn't HHH or John Cena who WWE has shoved down the throats of the fans as babyfaces regardless of crowd reactions. They also respect him for being a guy that they have watched grow as a performer and struggle through both personal and professional setbacks. In a sense they have grown up with him as a wrestler, and they want to see him succeed b/c in a sense when he does, they do. It is very similar to a Chris benoit situation where the fans made him and forced first WCW and then WWE to take notice and do something about it.

I have no doubt that the fans will eventually tire of and turn on Hardy, but hopefully WWE does him right when that happens and uses it as something to build his character. You suggest that WWE will tone down his style as champion as not to risk injury and the fans will turn on him for it. I agree, but that will also lead to a major Jeff Hardy heel turn. Perhaps Jeff will take a note from Cactus Jack's anti-hardcore campaign in ECW, and go on an anti-high spot campaign which will only incite the fans that much more. As I said before, Jeff is right on the cusp, and he has unlimited potential, but it is up to WWE not to drop the ball on this one.
I think he should now be continued a legitamite contender for a number of reasons. First of all he has paid his dues and put it body through hell throughout his career numerous things that basically no other wrestler would even think about doing. Second every since returning he has been over with the fans and has been his entire career. Third and most importantly he puts on great matches every single time he enters the ring. He may not be the greatest on the mic, but every match he is in is entertaining. His match at the Rumble was good, he was the reason the Raw elimination chamber was so good, he is now a legit contender. I look forward to him winning the MITB match, being drafted to Smackdown! after Mania' and fueding with Edge by the end of the year.
I don't know, I missed the JBL/Jericho match, but i heard good things about that. The Hardy match was good and he showed that he belonged with the best. Outside of the whisper in Wind, it was a good match. The whisper in the wind looked botched, i dont know if it was because didn't walk in to it, to because Jeff didnt jump far enough. Unless i was imagining something? I dont think he botched the twist of fate, it wasn't his best, but it looked legit. It was nice that he got a clean finish, and at least he kept momentum going into No Way Out.

You were imagining it.:)
I thought that happened the first time I saw it too, but it was just the camera angle. The replay was unbelievable almost, I was shocked how well it was done, in conclusion, blame the camera man :dark2:

Ok, now I deffinatley think Hardy deserves at least 1 title run for about 2 or 3 months at least. He is obviously over with the fans, and honestly, when people say all Jeff is only a spot monkey, I find it very unfair. Sure, he is most known for that, and probably the greatest in the WWE for it.......with exceptions of course. He can wrestle good matches without it being a gimmick. Finally, people only say he has no mic skills, I personally believe it's because he hardly has mic time, lets face it, he isn't the greatest, but he can get the crowd going.
Here'S my opinion on this, if Jeff was a legitmate Contender to the world title, he would be in the main event at wrestlemania instead of being in the same spot he's been in is entire career. Unless they decides to surprise everybody and have jeff win the MIB ladder match and use it on the same night and win the WWE title, Jeff HArdy will always remain a upper card wrestler.

Another thing i would like to point out, The WWE had 2 chance to pull the trigger and make Jeff Hardy a legitimate main event wrestler, one at the royal rumble against Orton and another one at NO Way Out. But time they made him look strong but he lost both match. then for some reason he's put in the MIB ladder match by beating Snitsky last week and this week he lose to Jericho. So i'm thinking that just maybe Jericho might turn heel and start a feud with jeff over the IC Title so that Jeff get lost in the shuffle yet again.

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