Jeff Hardy is TNA's most realistic target

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Look, I already created this thread but my mouse spazzed out and put the cursor over the red X. I accidentally clicked and now the work is out the window. Let me summarise.

Jeff Hardy is probably going to be released within the next three years. It'll be meth or he'll just be fed up or they'll just be fed up. All of TNA's main event talent are on the way out - even Angle. TNA's audience and product have shifted dramatically since he was last there and his spot monkey style would be more at home than ever. Not to mention that he appeals to a niche audience that TNA could really use.

I think that was all. Thoughts?
Jeff would be a good draw amongst the teenager/female demographic, but the guy should not be the main target for the company. Hardy has been world champ for a month and wouldn't do much to solidify a company as a legitimate competitor in the wrestling market because of his overall lack of credentials as a top guy.
The thing is, when Jeff was in TNA he fucked them over by no-showing events. Would TNA be willing to take Jeff back? He's been doing fine now, but would JJ and Dixie Carter be able to trust Jeff with a main-event push again?
They'd have no choice. Before I deleted the original topic, I had stats and charts and everything. It was a real Slyfox style thing. Honest it was.

If we speculate that within the next two years, TNA will lose Angle, Sting and Foley (which they likely will) then you're left with the lesser "legends" and the midcarders they've done so well to bury. Samoa Joe and AJ Styles are the only viable main events left.

TNA will call off all debt, so to speak, in the search for someone fresh from the E. They'll offer ridiculous amounts of money. And when they do, Jeff Hardy will answer the call.

And Ricky, we're talking about the company that had Christian as its main guy for half a year. Christian.
Ah !
Within 3 years TNA will not need Jeff Hardy, because by that time, the carefully engineered and constructed development of their own home made SUPERSTAR will have reached it's pinnacle, and they will have a much more magnetic, dynamic and charismatic talent at the top than any of the current top TNA and WWE performers put together. That's right, I'm talking about the legendary Brutus Maximus !

Matt Hardy gets cleaned up during the extreme rules match at WM 25, apparently the slight cut on his scalp was not PG friendly.
Provided he stays clean i doubt the WWE would let him go considering how popular and how much merch he sells. I dont think he would want to go as i doubt TNA can match the monies hes gettin in WWE. If he fucks up on meth than he wouldnt have a choice.

TNA would deffo take the chance though if all there stars left they wouldnt have much talent left and the biggest draw in the WWE (bar Cena) would been a great acquisition for them
Gotta respect a man that goes Slyfox-style.

I still don't see Jeff ever returning to TNA. I honestly don't see him lasting in the WWE for the next 4-5 years. He'll probably retire because his body can't take anymore abuse and just do music, art, or something.

How about Rey Mysterio? He's just about as big a name as Jeff, has a style that screams TNA, and will probably be leaving soon anyway. Maybe even CM Punk.
You guys have to begin to realize that TNA isn't a true alternative anymore. Their product is horrible and they will continue to struggle getting over. Christian came home to WWE, as did Gail Kim. If you can remember, Gail Kim was the woman who wanted to redefine the women's division. That lasted long...

Kurt Angle is most likely going to return to WWE once his contract is up as well.

These wrestlers realize that you just can't compete with the WWE. Too most guys, it's about the money, and not "push".

I honestly see TNA going under within the next few years.
As someone in this thread already mentioned, Hardy will be out of the game in 5 years, 6 years tops. And, honestly, so long as he stays clean, I don't see WWE ever letting him go. Despite what some may think, Hardy will be a draw even if WWE sticks him in a permanent upper mid-card position.

Furthermore, TNA doesn't need Hardy. They have Roode, Storm, and Hernandez, three guys that will easily and comfortably fit into the spots that Sting, Angle, and Foley now occupy. Ironically, it seems that TNA's strategy of hiring WWE/WCW veterans has actually paid off, as it has allowed them to put on a watchable product with proven talent while they groom the next generation of stars.
You guys have to begin to realize that TNA isn't a true alternative anymore. Their product is horrible and they will continue to struggle getting over. Christian came home to WWE, as did Gail Kim. If you can remember, Gail Kim was the woman who wanted to redefine the women's division. That lasted long...

Long enough for TNA to have a better women's division than the WWE had, and long enough for Gail Kim to prove the WWE wrong for terminating her contract. If it wasn't for TNA, Gail Kim would STILL be out of a job, I'd call that an alternative, wouldn't you ?

Kurt Angle is most likely going to return to WWE once his contract is up as well.

More than likely, but he would have been working the indies if it wasn't for TNA, I'd call that an alternative too.

These wrestlers realize that you just can't compete with the WWE. Too most guys, it's about the money, and not "push".

It's also about how much you have to work for said money, some rather actually have a life and less money, than to work for the WWE and have more money and no life, TNA gives that choice, and again, it's an alternative.

I honestly see TNA going under within the next few years.

Gee, I hope not, then we would have only one product left, I'd call that no alternative.
The only way i would be for Jeff going back to TNA is if its a personal choice for Jeff.I know the whole drug issue with Hardy would be the most likely cause to him not being with WWE for a real long time but why should TNA hire him if he is released permanently for drug issues?What kind of message would that send people who actually follow wrestling and not just watch it whenever its on t.v.I could see Jeff getting upset with the way hes being used down the road and maybe re-joining TNA but other then that any drug problems that lead to him joining TNA are just stupid.TNA needs wrestlers kids could look up to and they need guys they could depend on and a drug addicted wrestler wouldn't be to dependable in either category really
You guys have to begin to realize that TNA isn't a true alternative anymore. Their product is horrible and they will continue to struggle getting over. Christian came home to WWE, as did Gail Kim. If you can remember, Gail Kim was the woman who wanted to redefine the women's division. That lasted long...

Kurt Angle is most likely going to return to WWE once his contract is up as well.

These wrestlers realize that you just can't compete with the WWE. Too most guys, it's about the money, and not "push".

I honestly see TNA going under within the next few years.

If they don't get some young exciting superstars to take the place of guys like Sting and Angle then they are gone imo.

They also need some better story lines. I tried to watch impact the other day and turned it off after like 20 minutes. The crowd just seemed dead and uninterested. They really are in a bad way. If it doesn't pick up, I can't see them lasting very long either.

Back to the original topic though and let me just say that I could never see Mysterio joining TNA. Does anyone else think that this could be BS? They might not be close to a deal with anyone and are just doing this to get their ratings up? Is that beyond the realms of possibility.
Why would he go back to just have a lifetime fued with the Abyss?

Jeff Hardy has plenty to fall back on if he was ever released from the WWE, which I can't see in the near future. He can retire in about five years and focus on his band.
Long enough for TNA to have a better women's division than the WWE had, and long enough for Gail Kim to prove the WWE wrong for terminating her contract. If it wasn't for TNA, Gail Kim would STILL be out of a job, I'd call that an alternative, wouldn't you ?

More than likely, but he would have been working the indies if it wasn't for TNA, I'd call that an alternative too.

It's also about how much you have to work for said money, some rather actually have a life and less money, than to work for the WWE and have more money and no life, TNA gives that choice, and again, it's an alternative.

Gee, I hope not, then we would have only one product left, I'd call that no alternative.
still have no idea why gail got fired ? do you ? . gail got fired because she was clumsy in WWE. gail kept falling off the ropes on her head & more . i am tna original & tna is no altenative anymore . people are jumping off the tna ship because it is already sinking. ROh is better alternative then TNA is right now.tna is nothing but the good old boys club . tna's creative is all about good old boy jokes. TNA has the same problems that WCW had & made wrestlers want to Work for long as wrestlers run a company it will not work. WWe is where you go to become a superstar in wrestling & just not a nobody like the rest of the feds.
TNA doesn't need jeff hardy and jeff hardy doesn't need TNA....if tna was smart enough and push the guys that they already have and get rid of some of the stupid storylines that don't work than mayb they wouldn't have to recruit talent....I kno this thread is about if hardy was to go to tna but I jus want to focus on the company for a min....tna has wrestlers that can mak a impact alone with jus they moves,they hav good ideas but jus need to do things that wwe hasn't done.(lik push all of there talent and not jus some so that way they can hav an all around roster)if they jus work with the japan organization and parnter up with them full time than u would hav a brand that would showcase great talent goin against each otha and actually mak the pay per views show here in america.

in conclusion,jus lik a lot of you said b4 jeff will probably be gone in a few years anyways bcuz of his reckless behavior against his body and at the same time if tna continues to hav stupid ass storylines and gimmicks than people will get tired of them and the company will go down anyway but only time will tell
You guys have to begin to realize that TNA isn't a true alternative anymore. Their product is horrible and they will continue to struggle getting over. Christian came home to WWE, as did Gail Kim. If you can remember, Gail Kim was the woman who wanted to redefine the women's division. That lasted long...

Kurt Angle is most likely going to return to WWE once his contract is up as well.

These wrestlers realize that you just can't compete with the WWE. Too most guys, it's about the money, and not "push".

I honestly see TNA going under within the next few years.

Well, I figure that once this set of characters leave, Tna will be MUCH better:
Kurt Angle
Booker T

Pretty much most or ANY of the people that came from Wwe,Wcw, should leave and STAY gone.

Jeff should stay in Wwe or nowhere.

Leave TNA ALONE with all the old name wrestlers, Support the younger ones
Long enough for TNA to have a better women's division than the WWE had, and long enough for Gail Kim to prove the WWE wrong for terminating her contract. If it wasn't for TNA, Gail Kim would STILL be out of a job, I'd call that an alternative, wouldn't you ?

More than likely, but he would have been working the indies if it wasn't for TNA, I'd call that an alternative too.

It's also about how much you have to work for said money, some rather actually have a life and less money, than to work for the WWE and have more money and no life, TNA gives that choice, and again, it's an alternative.

Gee, I hope not, then we would have only one product left, I'd call that no alternative.

Angle would have gone to Japan and made a nice amount of money. I do agree with the guy who says that TNA will go under in a few years. Unless they pull their heads outta their asses and stop acting like WCW.
Well, I figure that once this set of characters leave, Tna will be MUCH better:
Kurt Angle
Booker T

Pretty much most or ANY of the people that came from Wwe,Wcw, should leave and STAY gone.

Jeff should stay in Wwe or nowhere.

Leave TNA ALONE with all the old name wrestlers, Support the younger ones
to regular WWe fan the youngsters in TNA are nobodies & without superstars like Sting,Kurt angle,Booker t,Nash,&Steiner to hlep establish them . they will stay nobodies till they get to WWE. you have to have veterans or superstars to make stars out of the t youngsters . that is how wrestlers has always worked. i am tna original & i can tel you . you are wrong as hell. TNA started out with youngsters & veterans not just youngsters in first place . nobody cared who the youngster were at first in tna untill the veterans like jeff jarret,ken shamrock, & scott hall helped them get over. without old name wrestlers no fed makes . that is how wrestling works .the old name wrestlers made wrestling .so suport the old name wrestlers because without them there is no youngsters
What TNA needs to do in my eyes, instead of getting in more WWE guys, they needs to start putting over their ORIGINGAL talent ala Aj, Joe, Storm, Roode, Shelly, Sabin, Creed, Lethal over those WWE vets. They need to show a proverbial passing of the torch.
I thought TNA had finally realised this with the whole MEM/Frontline but they then proceeded to have MEM crush Frontline. Releasinig Petey Williams, Sonjay Dutt was a huge mistake in my mind.
When WWE purchased WCW, did you not notice how Vince eventually had WWE stars go over people like Booker T etc. Chris Jericho ended up the Undisputed Champion.
TNA can work around AJ and Joe. They are like TNA's version of The Rock and Stone Cold. In my mind those two need to be put over on a regular basis over Angle, Booker, Sting, Nash, Foley.
Those who were in WWE like Matt Morgan, Bashir, Rhino can get in as TNA's main stay. They were crapped on in WWE, they can be made big stars by going over those who were WWE's big guys. If Kurt is on his way out then TNA can take a crap on Angle, have him lose on his way out, then when he gets back to WWE, gets his return push, it will (in Kayfabe) make WWE's talent look considerably lesser than TNA's. So See my logic?


Jeff, I agree could be good for TNA. He is probably at the moment a closely sized draw as John Cena. But again, TNA NEEDS ITS OWN STARS!
Oh god no... TNA wasted the guy when he was there before, and to be blunt, there isn't all that much to waste.

TNA has 2 big problems they need to deal with:

1) They couldn't book a decent and compelling storyline to save their lives.
2) They have, bar none, the worst announce team a nationally televised wrestling program has ever had.

The first problem makes the fans unhappy, and the second problem makes it worse. If WWE aired the same crappy storylines that TNA does, people like Jim Ross could at least sell it to us. Don West and Mike Tenay just flat out suck to the point that they actually detract from the few good things that TNA gives the fans.

Jeff Hardy would not solve either of these problems. Heck, TNA lost Christian Cage who has actually been scientifically proven to be 7.4 times better than Jeff Hardy, and the Instant Classic didn't help them out any.

TNA needs to establish the right guys, and use their temporary big names like Angle, Sting and Nash to do so.
Jeff Hardy shouldn't go to TNA. He is rapidly becoming more popular per the day. Besides, he is not gonna get fired because of a failed drug test. It was proven when WWE gave him that WWE championship reign.
Hardy won't help – making AJ Styles the face of the company will.

If you need veteran signings to continue to push young talent TNA shouldn't be looking at guys like Hardy – they should be looking at guys like Lashley and Elijah Burke.

I still want Elijah Burke in TNA pretty badly.
i see alot of people bashing TNA and i personally understand but correct me if im wrong but hasnt tna ratings gone up higher these last couple of weeks?

also the only reason i would personally stick up for TNA is because if TNA doesnt become a major source of competition in the near future then the wwe would have no competition and if they dont have competiton then i guess that means where going to be stuck with the same lame crap they are giving us right now..
Jeff Hardy does not need to go to TNA,whats the most he could do over there,win the X-Division title.Besides what TNA needs to save them are young guys that were not pushed alot in the WWE,guys like Elijah Burke,Shannon Moore,The Highlanders,etc.
still have no idea why gail got fired ? do you ? . gail got fired because she was clumsy in WWE. gail kept falling off the ropes on her head & more .

You mean like Candice Michele ? Of course, they didn't fire her yet, I see your reasoning for firing a newcomer that on her debut was given the Women's title and expected to perform like a veteran, the WWE gave up on her, TNA gave her another chance. I don't see that as bad.

i am tna original & tna is no altenative anymore . people are jumping off the tna ship because it is already sinking. ROh is better alternative then TNA is right now.tna is nothing but the good old boys club . tna's creative is all about good old boy jokes. TNA has the same problems that WCW had & made wrestlers want to Work for long as wrestlers run a company it will not work.

I beg to differ, our understanding of the word alternative might not be in tune, I call an alternative anything other than the WWE that offers wrestlers the opportunity to work, it doesn't matter if it's on a local level, national level or world-wide level, every opportunity to work is fine by me, and TNA offer me the opportunity to watch something else on TV rather than what the WWE chooses to push down my throat. You are right about the good old boys club however, but what did you expect ? You got Jarrett, Russo, Nash and Steiner, same poison that was in WCW, then again, for years they went with their X Division, full of new talent and it was outstanding, yet the ratings didn't go anywhere, they bring in more good old boys like Angle and Foley and now they are in competition with WWECW, I think it's wrong for wrestlers to run promotions too, they tend to put themselves over too much, as an example, see Tripple H in the WWE.

WWe is where you go to become a superstar in wrestling & just not a nobody like the rest of the feds.

I don't believe the WWE creates "Superstars", they package gimmicks, TM names, produce nifty multimedia packages to get them over, and give them the wide audience exposure that their TV and live product has acquired in the range of 50 years or so, ultimately, the talent has to get himself/herself over with the fans and make the whole thing work, and if you have been watching, they don't offer new wrestlers that much of an opportunity. R Truth had to make a name in TNA first, CM Punk in ROH, Big Show got his shot in WCW, and so on, if it wasn't for alternative working experience many of the top stars wouldn't even be in the WWE. I say TNA might be not your cup of tea or even mine, but as wrestling fans, we should support ANYTHING that's different or at least owned by someone else that gives us the chance to see more talent work and develop other than what the WWE approves.
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