Will Jeff Hardy make THAT much of a difference for TNA?

Even if he doesn't draw huge numbers on his own, at the very least he's another big name they're going to have to make room for on a weekly basis. I'll be surprised if we see Daniels on two consecutive shows for the rest of the year. So in that way, Hardy is definately making a difference.

Honestly though, there's really no reason for Jeff Hardy not to make a huge difference in TNA. The man was a huge star in the WWE. But unlike Angle, who hadn't really been a top top guy in the WWE since maybe 2003 (the man was a filler contender for Cena and a filler champion after Batista; Eat it, marks) when he showed up on TNA's doorstep in 2006, and Hogan, who peaked in the '80s and mid '90s, Jeff Hardy was a huge star in the WWE in 2009. Assuming that many of Hogan's fans have moved on and found families, careers, and lives, and assuming that Angle really wasn't all he was cracked up to be when it came to star power, I think Jeff Hardy may well be the biggest signing TNA has ever made. He was red hot over large portions of 2008 and 2009 and if TNA were smart, they'd use that to try and sway WWE's CURRENT audience (not the one that they had ten years ago and who we're not sure still cares for wrestling at this point). Jeff Hardy can be where the money is for TNA. Whether or not he'll get that chance or if Hogan would prefer to keep most of the spotlight in the company on him remains to be seen. But Hardy is a very big deal. Market the shit out of him and let it play.

Untill he gets convicted of either his current charge, or some other charge down teh line.

The fact remains, Hardy is a libility, a good athele sure, but a libility nonthe less, to have him carry the company is a very bad idea bussiness wise. If they were to put all their eggs in his basket, he'll wind up breaking them all, it's not like he's completely cleaned up.

He can bring in a few fans sure, but to rely on him would be a mistake.
Hopefully Hardy can make a difference if he isn't in prison for the next 6 months. If it wasn't for his personal issues, Hardy could of been on Impact every week after January 4th and maybe the ratings would of been better. I don't know though. Jeff seems happy there, but I don't see him staying in TNA for a while. I think he will make a short impact and then fade of into obscurity. I hope I'm wrong and that Hardy is the powder keg that sets TNA off.

Honestly Hardy is their last chance unless TNA can get a huge name like Cena, Orton, or Jericho which will probably never happen.
Untill he gets convicted of either his current charge, or some other charge down teh line.

The fact remains, Hardy is a libility, a good athele sure, but a libility nonthe less, to have him carry the company is a very bad idea bussiness wise. If they were to put all their eggs in his basket, he'll wind up breaking them all, it's not like he's completely cleaned up.
Fuck his charges. Go with him anyway. They have no better bet at this point, in my humble opinion. Hardy is a hook. Once people are hooked, I'm certain whether or not he's convincted doesn't mean a thing (as far as TNA's concerned, obviously). Hardy doesn't need to be the top guy for the next ten years to both get and keep new viewers. Hardy brings people to the show and from there you let people invest in AJ, or The Guns, or Wolfe, or Burke. Who cares if Hardy's a liability? He's still good for business if he gets people to check the company out. That's all they need at this point.
Despite Hardy's troubles outside of the ring, he is still way over with the fans, and he WILL sell merchandise like crazy in TNA. TNA will most likely try to get all they can out of Hardy before he has another issue outside of the ring. I wouldn't be surprised if he got a world title shot in the near future, and won the belt on his first try. I don't believe Hardy will hang on to the belt for long time, but he will probably have a short reign, and hold on to the belt long enough to get people talking.

Again, despite Hardy's troubles outside of the ring, this man is still very popular, and the fans will go ape shit for him.
While I'm inclined to think that Jeff Hardy can make a difference for TNA, part of me thinks that TNA shouldn't get too comfy with the fact that he's with them now. It's been said before but I'll say it again: JEFF HARDY HAS PROVEN TIME AND TIME AGAIN TO BE BOTH AN ASSET AND A LIABILITY.

I never saw Hardy in his first TNA run but from what I've read and been told, many assumed that he would never return to the company and had burned his bridges with TNA. Then he returns to WWE, becomes the company's biggest star (next to Cena), and then turns his back on them too.

It was said earlier, Hardy can potentially be a tremendous help to TNA as he can attract the majority of WWE's fanbase especially the younger demographic. If Hardy doesn't pull off the crap he pulled with TNA years ago and with WWE recently, this could be great for the company. However, given Hardy's history, TNA shouldn't put too much trust in him. WWE did and now it could potentially cost them dearly.
While I'm inclined to think that Jeff Hardy can make a difference for TNA, part of me thinks that TNA shouldn't get too comfy with the fact that he's with them now. It's been said before but I'll say it again: JEFF HARDY HAS PROVEN TIME AND TIME AGAIN TO BE BOTH AN ASSET AND A LIABILITY.

I never saw Hardy in his first TNA run but from what I've read and been told, many assumed that he would never return to the company and had burned his bridges with TNA. Then he returns to WWE, becomes the company's biggest start (next to Cena), and then turns his back on them too.

It was said earlier, Hardy can potentially be a tremendous help to TNA as he can attract the majority of WWE's fanbase especially the younger demographic. If Hardy doesn't pull off the crap he pulled with TNA years ago and with WWE recently, this could be great for the company. However, given Hardy's history, TNA shouldn't put too much trust in him. WWE did and now it could potentially cost them dearly.

That's basicly how I feel about this. He's a great draw no doubt, but he could wind up hurting the company.

Fuck his charges. Go with him anyway. They have no better bet at this point, in my humble opinion. Hardy is a hook. Once people are hooked, I'm certain whether or not he's convincted doesn't mean a thing (as far as TNA's concerned, obviously). Hardy doesn't need to be the top guy for the next ten years to both get and keep new viewers. Hardy brings people to the show and from there you let people invest in AJ, or The Guns, or Wolfe, or Burke. Who cares if Hardy's a liability? He's still good for business if he gets people to check the company out. That's all they need at this point.

Well here's the thing, if he's the champ, and gets hit with major charges, TNA's reputation gets hit, and one of their invenstment leaves them.

You do have a point though that he will bring in fans, but he is a libality and thus he can't be leaned on. For your idea to work, TNA would have to have everything else straightened out, then use him to get the causuals to watch, then let the causuals see a good show on the nonhardy parts, then when Hardy acts up, the fans might still tune in.

Tna hasn't hit that point yet, they are ok right now, but they aren't yet a great show (though they have time).
The bigger question that i'm asking myself is if Jeff Hardy leave TNA before is contract is up just like he did before? If you don'T take into consideration that i might go to prison in the near future, if he tired and burned out like he sometimes is, will he just decide to pack up and leave or find a way to get release before is contract is up.

Jeff as always been unrealible and i really hope that he has change and will not pull one of his famous stunt to get fired by TNA like he did last time he was there, because the guy is way to talented to continue to burn bridges in the wrestling business.
As I stated in the other thread, Jeff hardy is TNA's last big hope. Jeff hardy a year ago was the #2 man in the WWE, behind only John Cena. Jeff Hardy is as over as it gets with the younger crowd, the mainstream WWE Audience.

Word of mouth will spread that Hardy is in TNA, and it will be interesting to see if Jeff Hardy can pull those fans taht he had in the WWE. This isn't like Kurt Angle, or Mick Foley, or any other big name that has jumped ship. In all fairness to Kurt Angle, he was far from the wrestler he once was when he jumped, and Angle wasn't as over as hardy was when he left the E.

I'll say this, Jeff Hardy is the best chance for TNA to succeed, moreso then Hogan or Flair. If jeff Hardy can't get it done, it's not getting done.

I completely agree with Shocky. Once words goes round that Jeff Hardy is on TNA, then fans will tune in to watch it. What really will give TNA momentum is giving the World title to Jeff Hardy for a while. This will give Hardy recognition that he's in TNA, thus people will watch him more. Then after a few months when rating go higher then give the title to someone else.

Jeff Hardy will be a breakthrough for TNA, if everything works out. TNA now have RVD, Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle and Kennedy. These ingredients will make a great dish, and bring alot of ratings!
The thing about Hardy is that he is a huge merchandise shifter, and more importantly, he is a guy that the younger audience can get on board with, something that literally no TNA performer is currently able to do. I don't think he can stop people tuning into Raw and get them watching TNA instead, but I do think he will be able to expand TNA's audience into new markets, which is always important. Too often people forget that the younger audience used to watch in the Attitude Era too, that's where a lot of the fans on these boards came from, so I think that Jeff Hardy, if he stays out of prison, is probably the most important person on the TNA roster right now.
Are you guys all serious. I give you that Hardy was huge last year. I personally don't like him. He is overrated in the ring, not good on the mic. And his matches are all risky. That whisper in the wind doesnt look good half the time. But i am 100 percent sure he isnt gonna be a big deal. I bet all you guys said the same thing when Kurt Angle singed. Someone said angles singing wasnt huge cuz he was only filler contenders for Cena and Batista. Thats bull. Hardy was great last year but when he left he got caught with the drugs and he was off tv for a while. Angle wasnt gone that long. You guys probably thought sting's signing was the greatest ever. But he doesnt make TNA better. Neither do Hogan, Flair, Ken Anderson,RVD because the ratings arent gonna go through the roof for them. Hogan came and the ratings went up for a couple weeks. But ever since they have been going steadily down. with last mondays huge live show only getting a freaking .98 Jeff Hardy is going to be the same like all the other so called game changers. The guy could really go to jail TNA would be just plain stupid to have him be the face of the company.
Jeff Hardy can make a HUGE difference for TNA, if he is able to get out of his current legal troubles and keep himself in check, then he is the perfect face for TNA. As someone mentioned in a previous post, Jeff was second only to John Cena as far as being over. The only thing that can hold Jeff back is his being so unreliable. He can't pull the no shows, and keep getting into trouble. he's got to be able to take the brass ring and run with it.

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