Jeff Hardy Fans, what Now???


Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
So the time has come, Jeff Hardy fans, your boy got beat, again on pay per view. Personally, it's getting old watching this guy in title matches, the WWE clearly has no faith that this guy is going to stay on the straight and narrow pathway, and that in no way is he goign to be able to handle the pressures of being champion. He's been in the title match at the last three pay per views, and lost all three times.

Clearly Hardy's best chance was at the beginning of the year. He rolled up Triple H, and was involved in the title match at the Rumble and had a good showing at No Way Out, but as we all know, Jeff was being Jeff and got caught beinga dumbass, no MITB, and no World Title that CM Punk eventually won.

So where do you go as Hardy Fans. Hardy in my opinion has pretty much reached the pinnacle of his career. He was at his hottest before the suspension, and he will never be trusted to carry the Holy Grail of the company. So what do you do, still root for the guy, and hope against hope that he's going to win the championship (which he's not), or accept the fact that he's going to job every time he's in a title match. Personally, I'm tired of the Jeff Hardy story, I'm tired of watching Jeff Hardy in title matches on pay per view.
Well, "We believe" is the tag line for most Jeff Hardy fan's(like myself), So of course he's going to be cheered everytime his music hit's.

Now I know that he's fucked up many time's in the past, But with the pop he get's in every arena in the world, And the fact he has one of the best fan base's in wrestling, You've got to think that if the WWE did infact take that chance, Even if it was for only a month to test the water, They could have a mega star on their hand's, He has masses of chrisma, And is solid in the ring, He even will put his body on the line in his famous "spots".

So no I don't believe this is the pinniacle of his career, I think WWE will introduce him to the championship like Edge was, Not with MitB, But like I said try him for a month to see how he goes on, And eventually become the biggest player in the WWE.
I'll admit that it's getting very boring seeing him again and again getting soo close and than not getting the prize. Jeff is to blame for all his wrong doings and such but I still wish the WWE would just give him the one final chance and give him the belt. He is over enough to carry it, and I don't think he would be any worse than Punk's regin. Jeff along with MVP are pretty much jobbers right now. It sucks but I think Jeff should just go into a feud with some midcarder and stay out of the title scene until Royal Rumble and than he should win it. Regardless, Hardy is a fuck up, but he is still very popular and one of the most loved and that's even with losing every top match and being a drug head.
Well, I think Hardy needs to move out of the title picture for awhile now. For even though the way HHH made him look very good at the last PPV, now ANOTHER loss (and a more distinctive one at that) sure doesn't help build him up as Championship material. He needs to lay low for awhile, and then come back with a bang, either winning the Rumble (though there is still Edge to consider here as well), or the MITB this year (maybe to cash in the case later the same night or something). But for now, he has indeed had his chances... I'm just curious who they are going to feed to HHH next, in case they indeed remove Hardy from the title picture for awhile now.
I think the WWE is saving his title victory for Wrestlemania.

My prediction is that Jeff will win the Rumble and will finally defeat HHH at WM for the strap. I guess the WWE is thinking that by having him LOSE titles matches now, winning at WM will make his victory that more meaningful.
Jeff isn't as over as he was pre-suspension either. His crowd responses have been good but nothing spectacular lately. I think its a safe bet that he won't be headlining Wrestlemania this year for a title win, but again....Triple H has made Jeff Hardy look good in singles matches 3 times now, with the one before this one being especially strong for Jeff....So regardless of how much I am not looking forward to it, I don't think Triple H's semi-rub for Jeff will be for nothing.

I predict that, sadly, Jeff WILL be a champion in the near future. And I dread every minute there is thinking of that possibility.
Time for me to sort this one out.

Jeff Hardy WILL win the WWE Championship. Why? Because he's arguably the most over superstar that the WWE have, bar John Cena. Kids love him, adults love him. Everyone does, he sells merchandice and his matches are entertaining to say the least.

I'll agree however, that it is getting annoying watching Hardy come close time and time again. I'm sure some of the fans are giving up, but I won't. He'll win the big one eventually, and I see it happening at WrestleMania. It's the biggest stage in which Hardy could win the belt, and it would be fitting. Say what you want, that he's already had the chance and he's had two strikes against him. So the fuck what. I'm pretty sure, while Vince is probably a little worried to put the belt on him, it won't completly stop them giving Hardy the belt.

Hardy as champion would draw. Let's face it. Someone who most people never thought would win, wins the title. They'd want to see what would happen next. Don't tell me you wouldn't because I know every single one of you would.
Jeff isn't as over as he was pre-suspension either. His crowd responses have been good but nothing spectacular lately. I think its a safe bet that he won't be headlining Wrestlemania this year for a title win, but again....Triple H has made Jeff Hardy look good in singles matches 3 times now, with the one before this one being especially strong for Jeff....So regardless of how much I am not looking forward to it, I don't think Triple H's semi-rub for Jeff will be for nothing.

I predict that, sadly, Jeff WILL be a champion in the near future. And I dread every minute there is thinking of that possibility.

His crowd responses haven't been great because he keeps ending the show with a Twist of Fate on HHH. Look at the Cyber Sunday voting. He won, by a lot, and second place featured him too. Even Mark Henry got a quarter of the vote in his match. WWE has been trying to set up all three of them in a Triple Threwat, and had to assume that enough HHH fans wanted to see him beat Kozlov, that they could do it here. Unfortunately, they were honest enough to keep Kozlov out. Now Hardy has a built in semi-friendly rivalry with HHH for over a year. He has been the victim of Kozlov assaults, just like HHH, so which ever way the WWE goes with belt at Survivor Series, Hardy will still be around.
So the time has come, Jeff Hardy fans, your boy got beat, again on pay per view. Personally, it's getting old watching this guy in title matches, the WWE clearly has no faith that this guy is going to stay on the straight and narrow pathway, and that in no way is he goign to be able to handle the pressures of being champion. He's been in the title match at the last three pay per views, and lost all three times.

Clearly Hardy's best chance was at the beginning of the year. He rolled up Triple H, and was involved in the title match at the Rumble and had a good showing at No Way Out, but as we all know, Jeff was being Jeff and got caught beinga dumbass, no MITB, and no World Title that CM Punk eventually won.

So where do you go as Hardy Fans. Hardy in my opinion has pretty much reached the pinnacle of his career. He was at his hottest before the suspension, and he will never be trusted to carry the Holy Grail of the company. So what do you do, still root for the guy, and hope against hope that he's going to win the championship (which he's not), or accept the fact that he's going to job every time he's in a title match. Personally, I'm tired of the Jeff Hardy story, I'm tired of watching Jeff Hardy in title matches on pay per view.

Will you be prepared to eat your words when Jeff Hardy does become World Champion? I will go out and personally say that Jeff Hardy will become World Champion. The company has put to much behind him to waiver. Even after his suspension they still continue to push him, why would they do this if they have no reason to eventually put a strap around him. He puts on excellent matches with Triple H and is personally at the top of his game. The only thing that will stop him is another slip up and he isn't going to slip up again.
As of right now i don't see him being champion any time soon. He basically has no credibility left when it comes to going against triple h. And why would you want him as champ? He has shown time and time again that when he's under pressure he cant handle it. I sure as hell wouldn't trust my championship belt to him on arguebly my flagship show.

Now if he ever does win the belt i don't see it happening anytime soon. Maybe i can picture him picking a number of wins and going on a win streak on some big names or mid carders from here to lets say Royal Rumble or WM. Then becomes number 1 contender and tells Triple H he has improved alot since last time they fought. Then goes on to win but besides that i don't see how he can beat triple without most thinking it was a fluke or he got lucky. If they want the belt around hardy they need to keep him away from Triple H for awhile.
This reminds me of some older feuds that had the same two guys face each other for a championship multiple times over the course of a year or so. Face challenger goes against champion multiple times and always loses, and later wins the big one in dramatic fashion.

However, there is a big difference between these older feuds and Hardy's semi-push. The older feuds usually had a heel champion that would always result in an unclean win. Sure, the face would lose all the time, but it would never look like he actually lost clean. He always would get screwed. Thus, he wouldn't lose any credibility.

Hardy, on the other hand, beat HHH for an opportunity, but then went on an incredible losing streak in main events. He lost to Orton, lost the Elimination chamber, lost the championship scramble, lost to HHH at No Mercy, and now has lost again. Add to this that these were all clean victories against him and how his own mistakes cost him the Money in the Bank push and Hardy has had a horrible year.

Do I see Hardy eventually winning the title? Yes.

Do I think it should happen sometime soon? No.

Hardy needs to rebound. He needs to have another feud that can climax in a number 1 contenders match. He can win that match and go from there. He needs some time out of the main event to give HHH a fresh challenge and so he can actually win a PPV match.

I feel that the WWE is going to turn Hardy into Chris Benoit. He's going to lose continuously until they have every champion mocking him of how he cannot win the 'big one'. Then, he'll win at Wrestlemania or something. Not exactly the main event I'm paying to see, but it will likely happen anyways.
I doubt Hardy's feud with Triple H was ever going to lead to gold for Jeff. It was more of a program to test if Hardy is still capable of working at a main event level like he did in January and if he was sincere about not screwing up again, because if he does indeed do that, it will be the last thing he ever does in WWE.

Jeff Hardy has the wrestling skills, psychology and unique personality needed to make it in the main event. He's a very real guy, and people relate and react to to that. Add that to the fact that he is in WWE's top tier when it comes to positive crowd reaction, and we have a guy WWE have every reason in the world to put the belt on. The important thing, however, is how...and where.

They need to do something special. Hardy has been in-and-out of the WWE Championship picture since early this year and has proven himself to be able to carry a world championship reign. I'm still confident that had Jeff not "screwed up", he would have won MITB and a guaranteed WWE Championship victory, possibly cashing it in at WrestleMania 25. For a world title won for Jeff to completely "click", they have to be careful how to go about it. They don't wanna turn it into a bust like Punk's reign.

The most realistic path I see for Hardy in the future is to have him feud with some heels and maintaining a solid winning streak until the Royal Rumble and have him win it, allowing him to face Hunter in the main event of WrestleMania's 25th Anniversary and finally winning the gold. It's been done before, but it's always worked well. It's also important that they make it a singles match. Winning the title in a multiple-participant match just takes away something from the title win, which is something they messed up with Rey Mysterio when he won it.

They can easily turn a title win for Jeff into the most wanted event in WWE for quite some time. They have the chance to create something big, something meaningful, something important and memorable here. Not rewarding one of their best, if a bit unreliable workers with the WWE Championship for tried and true service to the company after all these years would be a grave injustice. Besides, there's nobody else on SmackDown right now with the same talent and overness.
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I think giving jeff hardy all these title shot just to lose them is his punishment for his drug problems. He is still so over with the fans, even though not as much, so they can't really do what they usually with people coming back from suspension. He will win the big one eventually if he doesn't screw up but it won't be for a while.
its over. its over. hardy lost at cyber sunday??.he was supposed to win his last title match with triple h i think that was his oppurtunity to actually do it. but now its very weak. its getting a bit annoying now. either give him the damn title or not. obviously they probably wont. and that sucks. give the guy ONE shot. kane has won the title (for one day) cm punk has won the title fcking khali has won the title but they wont take there shot with jeff. well the thread ask "what now" i think 1. the feud with trips is over. 2. another title shot and who knows what will happen. or 3. he'll be downgraded too midcard hell.hopefully not.
I think Hardy fans should be glad that he didn't win the title at CS. Like his match at No Mercy, it wasn't built up as well as it could have been, and even if Hardy won, it wouldn't have been the big dramatic victory that Hardy fans clamour for. The bottom line is that Hardy still has more proving to do, at least in my eyes, and apparently Vince's too.

Not only that, but from what I hear, Smackdown is getting better ratings than Raw, so they don't have to do the emergency title changes when the ratings start to suck. Don't give up though, and never count Hardy out. He may yet stll win the title.
Why couldn't the WWE just have rigged the votes and put Kozlov in the WWE Title match at Cyber Sunday? Because now this gives Hardy another reason not to challenge for the title. His push has been terrible as of late. The whole "so close but never making it to the top" angle has been done for far too long now. Either the WWE should give him a title reign or stop giving him title opportunities altogether. I did say last month that I could see a Triple H vs Jeff Hardy Wrestlemania Main Event but that looks doubtful now. Mr Kennedy should be the one to win the title at Wrestlemania 25 since he is more reliable than Hardy, excluding injuries of course.

I just can't see the WWE giving him a title run which is unfortunate as I think Jeff would make a good champion. But it is too risky. A few weeks ago and I would have been all in favour of a Jeff Hardy WWE Title run. I think the bookers are partly to blame as they have given Jeff too many wasted title opportunities, but Hardy has still came out of those matches looking strong and is still way over with the fans. The fans clearly want him to win the title as can be seen at Cyber Sunday as the fans voted him to challenge Triple H for the title.

But despite being injured for most of this year, I think Mr Kennedy deserves a title run more than Jeff Hardy. I wont deny that Hardy is consistantly good in the ring and always entertains me on a weekly basis. He has become a very important asset to Smackdown and is one of the highlights of the show every single week. He has become somewhat of a big deal on Smackdown despite not winning the WWE Championship. Hardy still has fresh feuds with Edge, the Big Show and even Kozlov and Khali. Not to mention the face vs face option with the Undertaker and Mr Kennedy.

I'm a Jeff Hardy fan, but I will be pleasantly suprised if he does indeed win the title anytime soon, if at all. He does deserve it as he is a hard worker, but at the same time he doesn't deserve it due to the actions he does outside of the ring. I still don't think he is 100% drug free, but that is only my personal opinion that is probably wrong. Either way, I can't see Jeff Hardy winning the big one. I hope the WWE proves me wrong though.
I was going to make a new post about this but there was no point.

I have been thinking and cannot for the life of me see Jeff winning the belt from HHH. In any shape or form. While I certainly don't object to it happening, I don't believe HHH sees Hardy as enough of a significant threat to his spot. We know the man has an ego the size of New York so why would be let someone who he has no care for take his spot as top dog on SD!

I believe I am right in saying the last two occasions where HHH has lost the belt cleanly was HBK in 2002 and Batista in 2006(?). And Hardy's most famous victory over him was with a hardly convinving roll up last year. That is hardly putting someone over. I don't see it happening in this way. If it happens, watch for it to happen in a multi person match up.

Unfortunately Hardy probably won't win the Rumble and therefore it is most likely that we will see a MitB win. I don't believe it will happen any other way.

I would be happy to see HHH give Hardy the rub of a convinving and clean win but does anyone reckon it will happen?
It has nothing to do with HHH's opinion of Jeff or HHH's ego.

After losing to both Orton once and HHH repeatedly, Jeff isn't being portrayed as though he's quite ready to be considered a true main event player yet. The reason they're booking him that way is imo, a reflection of how they feel towards trusting him with the belt. Both of the times he was susended, he was getting a big push and they were probably close to giving him the title, but i think they're likely to want a full year with no fuck ups before they give him the belt. So some time after Mania is likely to be when they give him the title win, so a MITB win is the obvious choice. If he got suspended again after that, they can just give the MITB to someone they can trust, like they took it from an injured Kennedy and gave it to Edge (which was still fucking stupid as Ken stated he wouldn't cash his shot in 'til Mania 24 anyway).

I also agree that he should defeat a heel. Edge would be the best choice. Maybe even Koslov if they decide to go that way.

Koslov should get the next shot against HHH imo. Hey, they let Punk and Kofi win the tag titles even though the fans didn't vote to see it happen on PPV, why not let Koslov get a title shot? The creative team are obviously considering it anyway. I could live with Jeff getting another shot in a triple threat, but if he doesn't win that he needs to be put in a fued or something. It's not fair on the other guys that he gets 3 shots in succession when there are other talent who should be getting PPV time. I want another TBK PPV match and for Koslov to ACTUALLY have a PPV debut.
If Jeff is to remain credible, in any sense of the word, he needs to beat HHH. And, he needs to beat HHH soundly. As of right now, I would not even worry about Jeff getting the belt. At Wrestlemania 25, this is the match that needs to happen.

And, if HHH has really stated that he will do what is best for the business, I think his actions are pretty hypocritical. For all his alleged sway and intelligence, I find it hard to believe that he would not try to reason with Vince and the bookers to put the belt on Hardy (or, at the very least, to let the match between him and Hardy at Cyber Sunday end in a No Contest). I think it is obvious to anyone that, as a main-eventer, Hardy could be a substantial source of revenue for at least 3-5 years.

Also, I think the argument that WWE is afraid to put the belt on Hardy because he is too much of a risk is, at the very least, not well thought-out; it is OBVIOUS that they have not been and are not afraid to turn their head the other way when their top earners commit acts that go against their policies.
The only reason Jeff hasn't been given a championship run, is because the WWE don't trust him. And rightly so. He can't be trusted not to go off and be caught with drugs. He already has 2 strikes; a third and he's out of there forever. Vince is protecting his business in not giving him the belt. Can you imagine what would happen if Jeff won the belt at Wrestlemania and a week later was fired for failing a drugs test? That would do nothing for WWE at all. I like Jeff Hardy, but you can't blame Vince for being cautious.
I dont really get what's so special about Hardy, he isn't that interesting in the ring. And he's not that young either. Right now, Hardy has to prove himself because the WWE is testing him, in his skills, his determination, and waiting to see if he'll make another mistake again.

His feud against Triple H has headlined three pay-per-views already, and he ended up losing every bout. It's time they do something different with Hardy. Either let him win the title or feud with someone else. Because i'm sure the WWE wont let him lose against Triple H again, because nobody would like to see that.

But the fans should know that Hardy isnt a champion, because he is to blame for his own mistakes. His nickname suits him, he's a real risk taker. But in time if he improves, Hardy will become a champion he'll either be dominated by Triple H, or stand his ground against Triple H.
I don't know what the future holds for Jeff Hardy anymore. We can question and argue his in-ring ability, his mic skills, his attutude, all day long, but there's one aspect of Hardy that many can agree on, he has that connection with the fans. Jeff gets mad cheers wherever he goes and that many fans really want to see Jeff win and that's what has probably kept him the mainevent scene still, dispite his many strikes and question marks against him. I agree his two drug suspensions (which means one more and he's out) and his other backstage issues have not only held him back some and cost him MITB and a probable reign as the WHC. But let me remind you of another two time drug suspened wrestler, Randy Orton.

Randy was suspended for the second time shortly after WM22 where he was in the triple threat WHC match. Then a year later, Orton got into some backstage issues while the WWE is was in Europe (I think). Some thought Orton would never get another chance, but then he built his legend killer gimmick up again, making it more a career killer one, and had a successful title run and now is one of the top wrestlers on RAW.

Now, will Jeff still become world champion one day, I'd say yes. But the WWE is not happy about all the chances they've given Jeff and that he screwed up and did some stupid stuff. They basically gave him a chance to win the WWE and he got suspended. So ya, they've made him lose a bunch of times. Let's please leave out the loss to Orton and NWO, as we all know it just wasn't meant to be his WM, MITB was supposed to be his, and they made him look good by beating HHH, oneuping Orton every night leading up to RR, and having him eliminate Jericho and make final 2 in EC. After the suspension, well, a loss Cena, losing to MVP at SS, and losing to HHH in three consecutive main events, those are all rough, but let's look at them closer. Yea Cena beat him cleanly, but he didn't disappear like other losers as the challenger/champion have their staredown, he jumped and knocked them both out. MVP match had interference, and he beat him in a rematch, the scramble wasn't really him losing, he went count for count with HHH as it ended, which was awesome, the NM match HHH snuck the pin on Hardy and the CS one does suck for Hardy, but it still shows that the fans love Hardy. The losses have sucked, but there have always been saving graces and signs of a big push near.

I stand by an earlier prediction of mine, that Jeff Hardy will win the MITB at WM 25 and challenge and beat the WWE or WHC champion after their match and win. My money is one Edge beating HHH and then Hardy beating Edge. This could start a feud with Edge followed by HHH where Hardy does get the win and HHH goes back to RAW at the next Draft. The loses won't affect Jeff Hardy if he wins MITB and the Title all at WM, cause we all see what happens to people who lose as much as they win for a time (CM Punk). WWE likes to do the unexpected because they need a ratings grabber and someone who is way over with the fans. Jeff Hardy is way over with the fans.

Jeff Hardy will be the unexpected.
Ah the hardy fans. silly kids. let me debunk some points here real quick.

"but he is soooo way ovuurrr dude!!! he needz da belt!!"

No the fuck he doesnt. Hardy is prolly THE most over guy in the whole fed right now. and you know what he DOESNT have?? a good win/loss record, OR the title. He needs neither to be just as over as he is now. so there is zero benefit to putting the belt on him. there IS however the risk. He cant be champ, or have the company counting on him, if he fucks up and gets fired, they will not be able to fill their main event promises, AND it will look terrible publicly for their company.

"well orton failed tests!!!'

yes and he was on roids. not drugs. big difference. Orton merely had attitude problems, while Hardy is an addict. Orton is about 6 years younger than hardy. Orton wanted to change, Hardy has publicly said in interveiws he belives he has no problem, and refused to go to rehab when they tried to send him.

May I continue?? Its not even CLOSE to the same comparision, and you look like a very ignorant, naive fan boy to make such claims.

"oh they are saving it for WM"

wow. thats the funniest fucking one. Ok, so if he cant be trusted with the title, do you REALLY think he can be trusted with the biggest main event at the biggest event EVER?? Explain to me the reward behind taking that risk?? when just as many people would buy the show is he was simply in the MITB?? There is zero good reason for them to do that, especially when he is just one simple slip up from getting fired at all times.

Sometimes I wish I was a Jeff Hardy fan, so I didnt have to live in reality either. I appreciate the man's work as much as anyone, but you know what I appreciate more??


I like Jeff Hardy. I wouldn't say I'm a fan of Jeff Hardy. I mean, fans are so last week. Maybe you could say I'm a member of the Jeff Hardy Universe. But not really. I enjoy his work and think he's entertaining.

Honestly, this discussion doesn't need to be about the ring work, or the promos. Whether he's over or not. He clearly is, and clearly his ring work and promos get him over. It barely matters. If everything Jeff was was transplanted into a drug free man, well, he'd have been WWE Champion by now.

So the point is drugs. The point is unreliability. I've posted elsewhere on the topic of Hardy's drug use, and I should make it clear that I was defending him as a man in general. That he didn't deserve hate for using drugs. The same doesn't necessarily apply to being a champion.

Jeff does not deserve the title this year, or even next year. Probably not even the year after. Look, it's way too early. Jeff got off suspension in May. Not even 6 months ago. There's no way he's ready to be trusted again. Not even in the slightest. I have no problem with Jeff main eventing as a challenger, but not too often (he'll get buried if he keeps losing). Push main event non title feuds, stuff to main event SmackDown and fill in PPVs. Let him remind people why they love him with ladder matches. Book a TLC match with Edge. There's good feuds waiting for him on SmackDown, Edge being one big one. 'Taker would be another. See how he does with a tag team title with Matt again, or US Champion. Hell, why not pull a Kane with him? Have him win the ECW Title at this year's WM. If he screws that one up, it's not a big deal. It's a safe bet. Let him run it until the draft and then send him back to SmackDown. It will increase ECW ratings and let Jeff try a title run.

There's a lot of options for Jeff. He's going to be in the main event level for a long time. He's 30. He's got tons of time. He could wrestle for 15 years yet. I get his style is high risk, but honestly, he hasn't had a major injury so far. I don't see much of a reason to expect a career threatening one.

Jeff probably needs two years from May 2008 before he can really be trusted. Wrestling is way too fast paced nowadays. People complain about champions getting stale after 2 or 3 months. Chill out, take it slow. Enjoy the show, and Jeff has a chance in the future. Give him two good years. Give the ECW Title, US Title, Tag Team Titles.

I think there's a realistic possibility something big for Jeff could happen at or around Wrestlemania 26 or 27. But this year's WM is too early.

Of course, I could be completely wrong and the WWE is really teasing a WM 25 win for Jeff. I have doubts, but they do so like their swerves this year. If anything major, Jeff could win MITB at WM this year. But I would wonder about even that.
Norcal pretty much hit the nail on the head with what I was about to post. Every item that Hardy Fan clings to is easily debunkable. Look, it's honorable and respectable that people mark out for the guy, it's what being a fan is all about, but it's time for the WWE to move on otu of this stale, one year old quest for the title that isn't going to happen.

Jeff Hardy is over, no doubt. I don't understand, and I can care a less, but there have been other guys in the history of the WWF that were far more over, and many times better the in ring worker Hardy was. Take a look at Ted DiBiase, Andre The Giant (spare me the 2 minute title reign), Scott Hall, Jake Roberts, Rick Rude, Roddy Piper, the list goes on and on. No doubt in my mind, whether it be heel or face, those wrestlers were far more over then Hardy ever has been, yet never sniffed the gold.

This is what today's fan doesn't understand about the business, the belt shouldn't be won by anyone that is qualified to win it. All of those guys above deserved runs with the belt, but they didn't get it. You know why, because quality guys that don't win titles make belts more prestigious and valuable.

Also, this Main Event of Mania 25 kick that everyone is on. Has there ever been a main event of a wrestlemania that they gave a way on a lesser pay per view 5 times within the last 18 months? Hardy Wrestled Triple H at Armageddon, In the Chamber at No Way Out, In the Scramble at Unforgiven, and one on one at both No Mercy and Cyber Sunday. The WWE isn't going to be able to get enough people to buy another Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy matchup, you can't repackage a match we've seen 5 times now already in recent memory. With the impending returns of Edge (which will probably return face) and even (gag) Kennedull, with the Big Show and Koslov looking more and more impressive as heels, with MVP making a nice tweener turn, and with the Undertaker at home and a possiblity of a Wrestlemania ReMatch with the Game, Jeff Hardy is running out of options at this point.

The WWE isn't going to be stupid enough to let a Self Admitted Addict like Jeff Hardy win the Royal Rumble or an Elimination Chamber match to make himself the number one contender. The WWE is still trying to get over the PR nightmare that was Chris Benoit winning the gold at the last big Anniversary show, they certainly aren't going to risk a third strike candidate (who in reality already has 4 failures if you include his first run and why he left TNA) tarnishing the belt ala Rob Van Dam.

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