Jake's Right, Hornswoggle IS A Rapist. And All Of You Are Sick For Thinking Otherwise

This thread actually makes me feel guilty for everytime I've laughed at the hidden camera footage from the Pi House in Revenge of the Nerds...

Oh, wait... no it didn't.

And remember, even midget serial killers are funny... not to mention cute.
We all know that it's not real, but as far as the joke goes. I think it's pretty funny. Someone earlier mentioned that sex sells. Well it does, but its not going to right now... 30 second matrix videos are what's hot on the market right now not a leprachaun spyin on nude women, which is just commical in itself

How long is it before sexual assault sells? We've had a necro angle. They've hinted at rape in the Angle/Booker feud. How long is it until we see a sweaty Kane bearing down over a weeping Rey Mysterio?
How long is it before sexual assault sells? We've had a necro angle. They've hinted at rape in the Angle/Booker feud. How long is it until we see a sweaty Kane bearing down over a weeping Rey Mysterio?

If I recall we already had a sweaty Kane bearing down over a weeping Lita. Then Snitsky killed the baby O.O

Sexual Assult will sell as soon as 30 second matrix videos stop selling... It would be really commical seeing Hornswoggle chase the girls around week after week
Alot of people are forgetting the biggest thing.

This is Entertainment

When something like this happens, it is OK'ed by all parties, if it wasn't, then they would end up being fired (remember Cryme Tyme, who were fired for performing a move (even in a safe manner) on an unsuspecting referee)

Look at all the day time soap opera's, we see Deaths, Assaults, etc, and thats fine, because its entertainment.

Primarily, WWE TV Employees, while being Athletes, are ACTORS!
I'm still not getting how watching a potential sexual assault is entertaining.

Ever seen Irreversible? Is the rape in that entertaining? Nope. It's making a statement. What statement is WWE making by having these sort of things as comedy angles?
This is no different from a 15 year old kid, looking up "naughty pictures" on the internet. 99 times out of 100, the images are taken with consent.

In this case, it is a midget,looking at another persons "naughty parts" with her consent! (the only difference, is it is being Taped and played on World Wide Television!

The skit wouldn't have been shot, if this wasn't the case!

As you can see, i have 2 words highlighted.

Skit - Noun
1. A short, usually comic dramatic performance or work; a theatrical sketch.
In otherwords, its Television, no different than watching "Days of Our Lives"

Consent - Noun
Compliance in or approval of what is done or proposed by another; specifically : the voluntary agreement or acquiescence by a person of age or with requisite mental capacity who is not under duress or coercion and usually who has knowledge or understanding
In otherwords, Melina said it could be done. We all know the term used by Defense Lawyers/Attourneys. "Its Not Rape if you want it"

(Definitions taken from Dictionary.com)

I'm still not getting how watching a potential sexual assault is entertaining.
Righty Oh, look at a boxing bout. On your line of thought, this would be "Potential Assault," but as we all know, its not!
If you're going to complain about things like this and how they shouldn't be allowed to do stuff like that on TV, then we have to get rid of a lot of movies. You need to lighten up. Nobody was actually getting raped. People were laughing because they knew it wasn't serious and because they have a sense of humor, which you clearly do not.

You can pick apart nearly everything and find lots of things that aren't 'morally correct' if you want to.
god damn you are all fuckin stupid for arguing about any of this, just piss off, the end.
This is no different from a 15 year old kid, looking up "naughty pictures" on the internet. 99 times out of 100, the images are taken with consent.

It's totally different. Women posing topless is just an image. A midgets wandering hands shows you how to attack women.

Righty Oh, look at a boxing bout. On your line of thought, this would be "Potential Assault," but as we all know, its not!

Boxing is a real spot without ''drama'' storylines. Boxing is built on feuds and title shots. There's no need for peeping tom storylines. Oh no wait. One of boxings biggest stars is an actuall rapist. And the number one boxing promoter is a murderer.
If you're going to complain about things like this and how they shouldn't be allowed to do stuff like that on TV, then we have to get rid of a lot of movies. You need to lighten up. Nobody was actually getting raped. People were laughing because they knew it wasn't serious and because they have a sense of humor, which you clearly do not.

You can pick apart nearly everything and find lots of things that aren't 'morally correct' if you want to.

But that's my point. It's making a sexual assault angle into a comedy angle. People are laughing at something that would make most people sick. Is it acceptable because it's in the form of comedy or because it's done by a comedy wrestler. No it's not.

And I have a sense of humor. But I dont find it funny. You idea of comedy is different to mine. You the sort of person who laughs at D-X cock jokes. I only find things funny that a child couldn't think up. I was making up cock jokes when I was 10, I've moved on since then, I'm now laughing at child abuse.
god damn you are all fuckin stupid for arguing about any of this, just piss off, the end.

I for one aren't arguing. I'm starting a discussion. Which is the purpose of the forum. And it's working. Read this post and learn from it. Realise that the point of a forum is to talk about stuff.
Y 2 jake u could be in prison for having a threat as your tagline thingy

"Im Gonna Hunt You Down You Sick Bastard, Y2jake"

yes thats a threat can be taken to court and bad things happen
Y 2 jake u could be in prison for having a threat as your tagline thingy

"Im Gonna Hunt You Down You Sick Bastard, Y2jake"

yes thats a threat can be taken to court and bad things happen

You're right. I'm going to sue wwe90% for saying he's going to hunt me down. You're so right man. Hey thanks for the advice. So you're with me right? Hornswoggle is a rapist.
O.k, everybody calm down, first of all, how is Hornswoggle a rapist? did he have force sex with melina. No i didn'T all he did was chase her and remove her towel. It's been done alot in movies so why is it that big of a deal now. I'm not sure, but am thinking that it's a big deal for most of you because it's a little person that did it. If it would have been Mr mcmahon doing it instead of Hornswoggle, you would be offended. Also, you could make the point that he's a rapist because he jump on melina in the first segment of the story, but the fact is that he did the same thing to Mr Mcmahon the week before, so if he's a rapist because he jump on Melina, he must have rape mr. mcmahon the week before. So in conclusion, i don't think that rape is funny at all, and it shoudn't never happen but lighten up people, what happen last week wasn't that bad all it was was hornswoggle being a voyeur and humiating Melina the same way that'S being done in movies.
ya, for starters hornswoggle didnt rape her, in other words, hes not a rapist

and please its just a skit why do ppl have to take things so seriously? god ppl nowadays just love to complain about crap, this was a comedy skit, though i didnt find it funny, some ppl did, just because i didnt find it funny doesnt mean i need to be bashing WWE for this, it was a stupid skit but hey thats what it was a damn skit

if SNL did something like this with a midget i doubt ppl would be jumping down their throats, calm down, if u were offended by it, fine.. then u must be offended by pretty much 90% of not only what WWE does but by 90% of whats on TV, my advice is stop taking things so seriously, or stop watching WWE... geez.... ppl really dont have anything to do except come here and complain about every little thing in WWE... why is it that nowadays ppl are so touchy...
Remember when DX threw Coach thru a wall pantsed him and spraypainted his thonged ass? Ugh, the imagery is horrendous. Anyways, I'm pretty sure that also counts as a form of sexual assault. But noone was in a rage over that. Just sayin'.
Do i think Jake actually agrees with the point he's making in this thread? Nope
So it's either
A) Trying to get a discussion going, obviously they need 2 sides, so he's playing the side most won't take. That's quite healthy for a forum.


B) Trolling. Baiting people in with a very bias first post, which clearly people will argue and get worked up. Which is happening. That's quite bad from a moderator.

Upto you all how you interpret it.
But chill imo.
Jake, I think I figured out why you create threads like these. It creates nice discussion, but more importantly.. it brings out the people who don't belong here on the forums.

Apparently they can't understand or catch on to your point of view & sense of humor.

So basically this is his world and we're all privileged to live in it(or in this case, post in it)...we all have to play by his rules and applaud his sense of humor or we don't belong here....glad we got that cleared up.

And clearly we have different definitions of nice discussion if you think saying people cheer rapists and have sodomy in mind when they see their mother in a towel creates nice discussion.

A) Trying to get a discussion going, obviously they need 2 sides, so he's playing the side most won't take. That's quite healthy for a forum.


B) Trolling. Baiting people in with a very bias first post, which clearly people will argue and get worked up. Which is happening. That's quite bad from a moderator.

If anybody who wasn't a moderator post what Jake has posted in this thread, the thread would be removed and the poster banned. Calling somebody a rapist is not creating healthy discussion. Saying people would cheer rapists and saying people have sodomy on their mind when they see their mother in a towel is not creating healthy discussion. The next time somebody asks me what trolling is, I'm going to show them this thread.
Do i think Jake actually agrees with the point he's making in this thread? Nope
So it's either
A) Trying to get a discussion going, obviously they need 2 sides, so he's playing the side most won't take. That's quite healthy for a forum.

Correct. I didn't watch it on Monday and get all offended. I watched it and though ''How can people find this amusing'' It's not funny. And in real life it's a form of sexual assault. Nobody can deny it. Chasing after somebody in a towel and then ripping it off is sexual assault. It didn't anger me but I was confused as to why this was offered up as a comedy segment.

B) Trolling. Baiting people in with a very bias first post, which clearly people will argue and get worked up. Which is happening. That's quite bad from a moderator.

I am in a way. But I thought trolling was going specifically after one poster. It's me who's being attacked in this thread. I'm not attacking specific individuals. I'm going after each post and picking holes in them. It's irrelevant who the poster is, if they say something stupid then I'll reply back. Say something intelligent like what Big Will or Irish Canadian did then there's no need. Doesn't bother me. Everyone appears to be saying the same thing. It's funny, wrestlings fake, Melina was aware of the storyline. And then I get flamed. Again I dont care. The purpose of the forum is to create discussion. Which this is doing. It's certainly a better thread than Who's your fave wrestler, or I hate Cena etc. I look over those for spam. I dont read them to get people opinions. Unlike this one.

Upto you all how you interpret it.
But chill imo.

Exactly. It's just wrestling. Who gives a shit.
So basically this is his world and we're all privileged to live in it(or in this case, post in it)...we all have to play by his rules and applaud his sense of humor or we don't belong here....glad we got that cleared up.

Who's laughing about this thread. I'm not. I'm making a point. I didn't think the angle was funny. My sense of humour is in the Bar Room. Outise of there my posts are serious. If you think I'm trying to be funny then that's just my natural wit and charm coming through and you haven't read the thread properly.

And clearly we have different definitions of nice discussion if you think saying people cheer rapists and have sodomy in mind when they see their mother in a towel creates nice discussion.

Sarcasm. Hangs head. It just doesn't work in text.

If anybody who wasn't a moderator post what Jake has posted in this thread, the thread would be removed and the poster banned.

No. If the thread creates discussion then it stays. Unless it has been done before. Hornswoggle the rapist has never been done before. So it stays.

Your one of those posters who hates the big bad moderators. Why? Because there the ones that give out the infractions. And you have two of them. Two for flaming, which doesn't surprise me at all.

I'll also give you a little Jake fact. I hardly ever give infractions for flaming. If I did, most the people in this thread would be banned.

Calling somebody a rapist is not creating healthy discussion.

But it is. For once a thread has been made that's bringing out real emotion. They dont come along very often.

Saying people would cheer rapists

But they are. Hornswoggle will still be a face on Monday. And he'll still get a bigger pop than the whole of the ECW roster.

The next time somebody asks me what trolling is, I'm going to show them this thread.

Next time somebody asks me what flaming is I'll direct then to the two posts you recieved infractions for. :)
y2j, we laughed at Cryme Tyme Stealing Cars and laptops. We watch triple H run over a man. We Austin break into Pillman House with Pillman with a gun. We saw DX vandalize Planes, building and take the bottom from under a limousine. We watch Mickie Jane stalk Trish. Why this story so offensive. And this is just not in WWE. We saw kurt ankle lock a girl. That abuse of women. Yet it is wrestling and because it is wrestling, things that are terrible and horrific and sick can slide through the cracks. It then becomes character building. the same as a Joker who can do heinous acts, but we let it slide. It entertainment. The reason we cheer for Danny Ocean to steal from three casinos. It Entertainment.
we laughed at Cryme Tyme Stealing Cars and laptops. We watch triple H run over a man. We Austin break into Pillman House with Pillman with a gun. We saw DX vandalize Planes, building and take the bottom from under a limousine. We watch Mickie Jane stalk Trish. Why this story so offensive. And this is just not in WWE. We saw kurt ankle lock a girl. That abuse of women. What is the point

I was waiting for somebody to point out other angles. Thank you. I'm not just on about this angle. I'm on about all of them in general. The comedy ones specifically. So not so much HHH running over Austin, Mickie staliking Trish etc. Those are storyine angles that are promoted to advance storyilines. And there supposed to be serious.

But the Cryme Tyme angles also fall into this category. WWE promoting stealing as comedy. I'm also not getting how people find that amusing. Why were Cryme Tyme faces? What would happen if you got mugged by somebody? It's not exactly comedy is it. In fact that would probably fuck up your whole day.

Is this not the face of a guilty man? It's not because he was stripped of the Cruiserweight title. No, no. It's because he know's what he did was naughty. He thought it was funny. But he then came to realisation that stuff like that isn't funny. He realises that stuff like that would be traumatic if it was in an every day situation. He also realises that there's no need for angles like that in wrestling. He realises that it wont further a storyline and is therefore pointless.
Man, you responded so fast that I did not get to edit it before you responded. But what I added on is that we let things slide, because it is entertainment. And then I went brought up movies and character where heinous acts are used for character progression. But we cheer the them just because entertainment. I used Ocean 11, 12, 13 where you are right, if I was robbed of a 150 million, I be hurt, but in the movie I cheer ocean and them. In wrestling if it was my sister on the street being chased in a towel I be mad as well, but because it entertainment and I know all party were okay with it, I can enjoy and imagine what Melina must look like under their.
Man, you responded so fast that I did not get to edit it before you responded. But what I added on is that we let things slide, because it is entertainment. And then I went brought up movies and character where heinous acts are used for character progression. But we cheer the them just because entertainment. I used Ocean 11, 12, 13 where you are right, if I was robbed of a 150 million, I be hurt, but in the movie I cheer ocean and them. In wrestling if it was my sister on the street being chased in a towel I be mad as well, but because it entertainment and I know all party were okay with it, I can enjoy and imagine what Melina must look like under their.

It's not a movie though. It's wrestling. Movies have to have plenty of storylines. And plenty of different characters. There have to be different types of movies, comedy, horror, drama etc.

In wrestling all you need is intresting gimmicks and good matches. You cant really compare them.

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