Jake's Right, Hornswoggle IS A Rapist. And All Of You Are Sick For Thinking Otherwise

Is this thread even necessary??? I'm quite pissed at myself for even opening it...I thought It may have something to do with wrestling? Seriously, HHH running around with a sledgehammer and busting people over the head with it doesn't appeal to you as an action that would be deamed "illegal" in the real world....wait....I just answered this issue. This isn't the real world.
wow some of u all need to chill out. Hornswoggle hasn't been the only superstar who has done something like this. Dean Malenko and Miki James have done this before and nobody calls them rapists. It's called "Entertainment" for a reason and i personly thought it was funny.:twocents:
Um....... I believe its called a GIMMICK do you think that a bunch of hooded people could get buy with diging up the undertaker in reality? no. Do you think Kane would get away with burning someone? Hell no. And if WWE was actual reality i think Triple H and Shawn michaels wouldve already been gone for a year and probably in tna because vince wouldnt allow shit being dumped on him. Its called a Gimmick used in Storylines. YOU IDIOT
On one hand, I could cite other inappropriate material from other sources of television, ranging from "The Sopranos" to "The O.C" but honestly, we aren't talking about them. We are talking about wrestling on television. So let's stick with that.

Basically, the formula for most tapings and PPV's are a series of matches seperated by backstage antics like promos, skits, and vignettes. The question is basically what we/they choose to do with the time between matches.

Wether or not Hornswoggle is a rapist is irrelevant simply because hands down you can easily agree that the space used for that segment could have been used for something far more effective, from a wrestling standpoint, to push and enhance the taping/PPV.

Case in point was the DX segment on Monday. Hornswoggle chasing Shawn around the ring was funny. Boogeyman asking to join DX was funny. Sending Khali after the Coach was funny. But it didn't need a rape reference, peeping toms, or the like.

Totally possible to make filler WWE material without going there. ;)
Was there a post like this when Triple H has sex with Katie Vick? Or how about when Triple H drugged Stephanie McMahon and married her before saying it was time to concimate the marraige? This thread is out of control. But I see the point. WWE has no limits now.. Technically Hornswoggle has committed sexual assault. Personally I'm not a big fan of midgets anyway.. I say lock him up. lol
~And Gene Snitsky "murdered" Lita and Kane's unborn child. Seriously people. Time to get a fucking grip on reality. It's a WRESTLING TV SHOW. My God.....:weird:[/QUOTE said:
I don't know if you remember but IT WASN'T HIS FAULT.My problem with the storyline is that they are making what he does look funny,when it is not.It's really quite creepy actually.It does not matter if all the parties agreed to take part in this storyline, It's is bad judgement by the writers for even bringing this off the table.I'm just glad I have TiVo.
Dude, if you want to get "technical" about all this, how about pressing charges on all the wrestlers who jump in a match and whip somebody's ass. Sounds like assault charges to me. Lets press charges of sexual harassment against all the comments DX makes. More yet, lets all grow up and realize that wrestling is no different than any other show on tv these days. This isn't the Andy Griffith era. It takes a lot more to sell these days. If your favorite actor played a rapist in a movie, would you think he should be downgraded like you have downgraded the guy who plays Hornswaggle. I think you are overreacting. Ban me if you want, I'm just speaking my mind like you were when you started this thread.
Dude, why is it okay for you blast people and call them names, but someone like me would get banned for the same shit that you do?
Meh, at least its not as bad as the Katie Vick angle, but the same people who wrote that garbage are probably writing this. Its a lose lose situation.
Anyone else see it? No? I did. When he decided to be a sexual predator. If I spyed on somebody in the shower what would happen to me? I'd get arrested and put on a sex offenders register.

If I chased after a girl in just a towel, do you not think a bystander would stop me? And if I ripped off her towel would I not get arrested? And yet WWE fans cheer this shit. They cheer a would be rapist. Is it acceptable to rape if your a midget?

ah come on dude you cant seriousley say you wouldnt rip off a towel that melina has on. I sure as hell would
dude you gotta remember that it isnt real its a show of entertainment. yes i understand if you did the same things you would get arrested but how many times has the wwe done things that would get many people arrested. i mean how many times did stone cold flip the boss and hit him with a stunner and how many times did he get fired? and how many times has vkm touch the divas and in real life would be hit with sexual harrassment? think about it this shit happens all the time in the wwe and no its not good for the kids but as long as it gives ratings they couldnt really give a shit.
dude you gotta remember that it isnt real its a show of entertainment. yes i understand if you did the same things you would get arrested but how many times has the wwe done things that would get many people arrested. i mean how many times did stone cold flip the boss and hit him with a stunner and how many times did he get fired? and how many times has vkm touch the divas and in real life would be hit with sexual harrassment? think about it this shit happens all the time in the wwe and no its not good for the kids but as long as it gives ratings they couldnt really give a shit.

Read the thread ********.
WWE is wrestling but officially its sports entertainment. So in sports entertainment you can do anything as long as its kayfabe. So they could do a snuff film on RAW and as long as its kayfabe its all good. I think its like a balence for Hornswoggle cause he used to be a wrestler somewhere and now he's just this joke, and in kinda a shitty gimic. I think him being able to molest Melina is a fair trade, she is super hot too btw. Also did anyone know that Mr. Kennedy brought Hornswoggle into WWE and Finely fell in love with um and kept him around.

I have to be honest, and i usually like the posts here, but this is the stupidest thing I have ever heard in my life. There are countless examples of this in wrestling. Most notably HHH having sex with a mock corpse dressed as KANE.
Is it acceptable in regular society? NO, but since when has wrestling been apart of the normal society. Almost every storyline in the last 15 years has been off the wall in one way or another. If this Hornswoggle storyline was the first of its kind I could agree with you but it has been going on for years. Accept it and move on or maybe just change the channel if you dont like it. Saying we all would like to sodomize our mothers if she were in front of us in a towel is totally out of line and just plain stupid

Wrestling is scripted? WTF? So it wasn't Hornswoggle who has rape on his mind but a WWE writer. This makes it worse. To a degree it was ok that Hornsoggle was going to do it. #1 He has a better view. #2 Midgets dont go to prison. #3 He's like a child. And children would never do anything like that.

I know that hitting somebody with a chair is questionable. I know that attacking fans is questionable.

BUT. How many fans do you have? Not many, so how do you attack a fan?

How many folded up steel chairs do you see? And do you hit people when you see the oppertunity.

But what would you do if you saw your mother in a towel. From the looks of this thread I think the majority of you would have
I have to be honest, and i usually like the posts here, but this is the stupidest thing I have ever heard in my life. There are countless examples of this in wrestling. Most notably HHH having sex with a mock corpse dressed as KANE.
Is it acceptable in regular society? NO, but since when has wrestling been apart of the normal society. Almost every storyline in the last 15 years has been off the wall in one way or another. If this Hornswoggle storyline was the first of its kind I could agree with you but it has been going on for years. Accept it and move on or maybe just change the channel if you dont like it. Saying we all would like to sodomize our mothers if she were in front of us in a towel is totally out of line and just plain stupid

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