I have to be honest, and i usually like the posts here, but this is the stupidest thing I have ever heard in my life. There are countless examples of this in wrestling. Most notably HHH having sex with a mock corpse dressed as KANE.
Is it acceptable in regular society? NO, but since when has wrestling been apart of the normal society. Almost every storyline in the last 15 years has been off the wall in one way or another. If this Hornswoggle storyline was the first of its kind I could agree with you but it has been going on for years. Accept it and move on or maybe just change the channel if you dont like it. Saying we all would like to sodomize our mothers if she were in front of us in a towel is totally out of line and just plain stupid
Wrestling is scripted? WTF? So it wasn't Hornswoggle who has rape on his mind but a WWE writer. This makes it worse. To a degree it was ok that Hornsoggle was going to do it. #1 He has a better view. #2 Midgets dont go to prison. #3 He's like a child. And children would never do anything like that.
I know that hitting somebody with a chair is questionable. I know that attacking fans is questionable.
BUT. How many fans do you have? Not many, so how do you attack a fan?
How many folded up steel chairs do you see? And do you hit people when you see the oppertunity.
But what would you do if you saw your mother in a towel. From the looks of this thread I think the majority of you would have