Jake's Right, Hornswoggle IS A Rapist. And All Of You Are Sick For Thinking Otherwise

People its all ENTERTAINMENT!!! The Same people that are complaining about the hornswoggle segment are prob the ones who watch R rated movies with violence, Theres no difference between a friday the 13th movie killing naked women to the WWE hornswoggle skit its all ENTERTAINMENT
And Kids should not be watching wrestling if they are under 14, if they do they should have responsible parents to tell them from right and wrong. Thats why television shows have a rating. I think people should be worring about kids using the internet then watching a WWE show
I suppose this thread applys to those sort of angles in a way. Not sure if the HLA was suppsed to be a comedy angle. But I certainly think that the Katie Vick one was. Or was that bad writing? Then again how many dead corpses do you see lying around? Not as many as you see females walking around.

Anyway I'm done with this thread. Nobody is actually really answering the one question that I'm trying to ask. Why do WWE promote stuff like that as comedy? Nobody appears to be giving me an answer. Everyones saying pretty much the same thing, ''I can differentiate between real and fake'' etc. So can I, that's not what I'm asking. I know Hornswoggle didn't attempt to rape Melina, but what he did do in the angle was a form of sexual assault. And it was portrayed as comedy. So until somebody answeres why WWE does that (other than to give immature wrestling fans erections) then I wont be replying to this thread anymore.

Okay, I'll try to answer.

The WWE promotes stuff like that as comedy because the majority of the WWE fans are young, male, and would laugh at a segment like the one with Melina and Hornswoggle. It isn't right, but it works, so that's what we see.

Btw... I wasn't talking about all male WWE fans there, just that many would find that funny. A guy my age who watches wrestling thought it was hilarious.

Flames Out
I have to agree with PocketJokers that Melina and Hornswaggle had to agree on this hell all of the superstars performing that night probablly had to and as you can see Vince is all about making money and if Melina having her towel ripped off by Hornswaggle is going to make everyone in the business more money then there going to do it. They dont care what would happen in real life because this is a TV show and if you dont want to see that type of stuff which is a constant in the WWE you should probablly be watching the Cosby Show instead of RAW. As for the WWE fans cheering it that is being a warm blooded American Male SEX SELLS.
This is the dumbest thread I have ever seen and could imagine. This section of wrestlezone website was probably created for the smarter members of the wrestling world to get toghether and discuss things. But obviously thats not whats going on.

If wrestling is so bad, I got an idea. Stop watching it and stop bitching about it. We might not be watching the best quality right now, but WWE is in my blood and I think most the people that go to this website. We like it, and deal with the story lines, and go on with our life not bitching about every little thing. So grow up or get the F out.
First of all it is not rape, and like someone mentioned before it's entertainment. We have to tell the younger ones that all is called entertainment because the WWE stage all this. If this was real, Big Show would have been champion more times and there would be more people hurt and killed.
Added to Hornswoggles raping attempts was beating coach with his own walking stick. That's beating a cripple who is black. Two in one...so Hornswoggle is not a raping racist who beats up cripples? And this is meant to be funny how? It got no reaction at all from the crowd, it's just plain silly.
How long is it until we see a sweaty Kane bearing down over a weeping Rey Mysterio?
lol. kane on mysterio.

anyway heres the deal. As morally wrong as rape and sexual assault (a few of my friends are victims) are a lot of people think its funny because a midget is doing it. the wwe has done lot of questionable things over the years. no one has a problem with edge and Christian losing their towels on tv. Mark Henry had the really bad storyline with mae young, Big Vis was forcefully humping other male stars, Vince Wrestled Steph. These are all morally wrong and to some extent illegal regardless of circumstance but sadly we choose to cheer on an illegal act. society has a problem to where its really bad and heinous if it happens in real life but its awesome if it happens on TV. sure its just a storyline but somethings should just be left out and those things aren't.
Along the lines of this topic I don't get how the Mr. McMahon kiss my ass club is supossed to entertain us.
that's a form of hazing which is a felony in most states if it's of a sexual nature.
I just read in the paper yesterday that 13% of students who are hazed ina sexual way become suicidal.
Vimce making people kiss his ass is a form of that and can create a bad image for kids. Htey think it's funnywhen in fact it's degrading.
If I were a wwe superstar I wouldn't do it, I'd rather lose my job then hav ea nice sexual harassment suit on my hands agains the WWE.

On a side note, didn't Melina and Batista run a rape angle? I think that made a mockery of rape and honestly, having had that happen to a friend of mine I was a little offended. I'm not easily offended either.
i think you guys are looking to much ito this topic lol its not something to laugh about obviously but it wasnt real guys ya know it was just like a segment that they did to give everyone a laugh its not like they had you know what or anything ya know
I think EVERYBODY is overthinking this whole issue. First of all a lot of the WWE are done because somebody thinks they will be funny. I laughed, not because OMG I like chasing scared girls in a towel but because ITS TV and I found it funny when hornswoggle did it. This has nothing to do with him being a little person, it just has to do with humor. It happens ALL THE TIME ON TV. I'm going to say what im sure a lot of actors, actresses,rappers and pretty much everybody who does something controversial. IF YOU DON'T LIKE WHATS HAPPENING THEN CHANGE THE CHANNEL AND DONT WANT!!!! I'm sure you WONT be missed.
i absoloutely agree with you on that if you dont like it stop coplaining and turn over go watch Tn-Gay or some other wrestling organisation but the fact is that this topic is not serious as its just humour nothing more
Alright then, what about the soap opera's? There is rape, KNOWN mafia killings, drug transactions, Gun selling, illegal gambling, computer fraud, robbery, racial profiling, racial attacks, defamtion of charactor, corrupt policeman and woman, Shall I go on? Spare me this BS about Hornswoggle. You all wanna make me VOMIT. So it's ok to watch this crap on your beloved soaps but not on wrestling? They are one in the same. Here's the real KICKER, they GET AWARDS FOR PORTRAYING THIS KIND OF MALICIOUS ACTIONS! I don't so WWE, TNA, Independants & others getting nominated for awards! PLEASE. Stop being a bunch of idiots.

I bet the same people complaining about this is going to say that Video Games, Movies, T.V. Shows and such is what makes our children VIOLENT too. I got news for you, STOP LETTING THESE THINGS RAISE YOUR CHILD AND BE A PARENT!!!! How about trying to teach your kids right from wrong instead of letting Jigsaw, Sonny Corenthos, Bevis and Butthead, Manhunt Game, & others do it for your LAZY ASS.
why would anyone think that would be considered rape. this is entertainment pure and simple i mean sex does sell i mean look one of the top shows on tv according to the neilsen ratings desperate housewives i mean it is watched by alot of people and it is about a bunch of white women waiting to have sex with strangers all the time. i mean sex does sell and hornswoggle is supposed to be comedy relief and by chasing milena it was supposed to be funny. if it was rape or anything like that milena would have let him chase her. it is entertainment not real life . so watch just to be entertained not to see how many laws that the wwe breaks.
i agree totally its just a segement thats it nothing more and how the hell is it rape? its just a funny segment i bet that if anyone complained to wwe about this subject they would get laughed at i mean this is stupid
That storyline was out of line I agree but one must ask did Melina give the ok to go along with this or was it something out of the blue she had no idea about...If she did not give the ok then one can assume a lawsuit or something is in order.

Which I am surprised that skit did not create more of an uproar than this..or if it did it is something that being hidden.
dude theres no lawsuit, theres no nothing. Its TV and im positive that Melina was asked before hand if she'd be ok with this angle.
hornswoggle is not the first one to do this nor will he be the last. it seems to me you are singleing him out cause he is of small stature. val venis has done this same thing in the past. triple h, kurt angle, and many other superstars have "commited" sexual crimes on camera. why are you so disgusted now that hornswoggle did it.
Am I the only one who remembers when Heidenreich "raped" Michael Cole? That was WAY more controversial and disturbing than anything the Lucky Charms midget has done.

didnt Kane rape a dead body at one time too and what happened to that storyline it was dropped after like a week, but seriously folks Hronswaggle is a rapist and he shouldnt get a free pass just because he can play the height card. theres no excusing rape even if it is just an act the storyline really should be dropped and looking at last weeks raw it could have already been dropped
Am I the only one who remembers when Heidenreich "raped" Michael Cole? That was WAY more controversial and disturbing than anything the Lucky Charms midget has done.

And Gene Snitsky "murdered" Lita and Kane's unborn child. Seriously people. Time to get a fucking grip on reality. It's a WRESTLING TV SHOW. My God.....:weird:
You Are All Idiots If You Dont Know That Its All Staged And Is Just A Harmless Storyline That Melina And Hornswoggle Are Just Working Together On Kayfabe. Wrestling Is Scripted And If You Dont Know That You Must Be 3. That Would Be Like Every Ref That Got Shoved Sued Or Like John Cena Sueing Mr Kennedy For A Botched Move That Noone Is Responsibly For You Morons.
oh noes. the criminal charges just keep on pileing up. now hornswoggle and coach should be arrested for attempted murder. /end sarcasm.
I agree Jake.He is a soon to be seriel rapist.
This week again he has gone into the Divas shower room.
If you noticed throughout this hole weeks's Raw the referred to him as little Horny
lol hows this rape did Hornswoggle hold down melina and fukk her no he just chased her and he didnt even touch her and this is a storyline its not real coz if it was melina would ov alreadii fukd over the company

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