Jake's Right, Hornswoggle IS A Rapist. And All Of You Are Sick For Thinking Otherwise

yeah you can. The match is the peak of the story. For great movie and wrestling, you need interesting characters and a good story. The storyline adds to the climax of the story. And everything a character should support the personality of the character, even as sneaky Little bastard. I mean if you just watch wrestling and saw two men in a steel cage fighting for no apparent reason is just would not make sense. Me personally, I like the characters who result in epic matches, yet it has to make some type of sense. You have the build the drama whether it is movie or boxing, wrestling. Building the drama is key to the entertainment value of anything and that happen through story and character development.

I for one never understood boxing, where you would let people beat each other for entertainment. Like they literally wanna hurt each other for a belt. That ridiculous.
yeah you can. The match is the peak of the story. For great movie and wrestling, you need interesting characters and a good story. The storyline adds to the climax of the story.

Yeah but the greatest feuds of all time haven't involved bad comedy angles.

And everything a character should support the personality of the character, even as sneaky Little bastard.

He's a face now though.

I mean if you just watch wrestling and saw two men in a steel cage fighting for no apparent reason is just would not make sense.

That's how wrestling is promoted now though. WWE frequently promotes Cage matches for no reason and TNA has a whole pointless PPV containing cage matches.

Me personally, I like the characters who result in epic matches, yet it has to make some type of sense.

I agree. But the Hornswoggle incident wont lead to anything. Therefore it was pointless.

You have the build the drama whether it is movie or boxing, wrestling. Building the drama is key to the entertainment value of anything and that happen through story and character development.

Same as I said above. Hornswoggle is in a storyline as Vince's son. Which will presumably lead to a match or feud with him. I don't know it yet. But I presume that that incident from last week wont lead anywhere.

I for one never understood boxing, where you would let people beat each other for entertainment. Like they literally wanna hurt each other for a belt. That ridiculous.

They do if for the money and because they want to be the best. Like most things in life.
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OK, I've read through this entire thread, from the beginning, and can see both sides of the story. Have seen all the common arguments, such as it's scripted, wrestling's fake, every person has given their permission to perform the scene, and so on for one side, and the pressing argument of how Hornswoggle is a rapist for chasing Melina all around the backstage area, ripping off her towel, and wondering why people are cheering for it.

In my opinion, and this is only my opinion, Hornswoggle's story dictated this, because in his way, he was getting back at Melina for what she was telling Jillian Hall, about how much she smells because of him rubbing his hands all over her, that she did it for a future shot at the Women's Championship. When Hornswoggle ran under Kristal's wedding dress, it was obvious that Kristal knew it was going to happen, or she wouldn't have been standing with her legs spread far enough apart for him to get under her dress without getting stuck. In real life, how many women does anyone know that intentionally stand with their legs spread far enough apart for a little person to scoot through them while trying to run away from someone else?

Yes, it is sick to have this sort of storyline played out on prime time TV, yes it's wrestling, but no, it's not real, and it shouldn't be expected to be real. The storylines have a general path to progress on, and the storyline behind Hornswoggle, aside from being Vince's illegitimate child, is he is trying to be a McMahon, trying to impress his "Father," and if he is looked down upon, he gets revenge in the most impish of ways. So what is wrong with him getting a little payback for all the times he has been wronged for it?

On a side note, how many times has Hornswoggle been ridiculed, from the time he was playing as Finlay's Leprechaun, Michael Cole was calling him the "Little Bastard" for getting involved in the matches, throwing Finlay another shileleigh (however the heck you want to spell it), getting thrown by Finlay onto his (Finlay's) opponents (Midget tossing...isn't that a Federal crime these days?) Nobody has ever pitched a complaint about that, because it was part of a storyline, and Hornswoggle was a heel character, helping Finlay win his matches. He's in another storyline, and that's how sick this has become.

For instance, look at Mark Henry. When a superstar needs some time off to tend to some nagging injuries, a storyline is written for Mark Henry to beat the bloody pulp out of them (Batista, Undertaker, Kane, Bobby Lashley), giving them legitimate time off, with a storyline reason. In the real world, that is assault, manslaughter, attempted murder...the list goes on and on...sex and violence sells...if it didn't, the WWE wouldn't be a multi-billion dollar conglomerate, and the stars wouldn't be making 6-figure salaries on a regular basis.

If anything, Hornswoggle is a pervert, a voyeur...not a rapist. He didn't attempt to have unsolicited sex with Melina, or any other female character he has interacted with. He is a pervert, just like his dad Vince.
OK, I've read through this entire thread, from the beginning, and can see both sides of the story. Have seen all the common arguments, such as it's scripted, wrestling's fake, every person has given their permission to perform the scene, and so on for one side, and the pressing argument of how Hornswoggle is a rapist for chasing Melina all around the backstage area, ripping off her towel, and wondering why people are cheering for it.

In my opinion, and this is only my opinion, Hornswoggle's story dictated this, because in his way, he was getting back at Melina for what she was telling Jillian Hall, about how much she smells because of him rubbing his hands all over her, that she did it for a future shot at the Women's Championship. When Hornswoggle ran under Kristal's wedding dress, it was obvious that Kristal knew it was going to happen, or she wouldn't have been standing with her legs spread far enough apart for him to get under her dress without getting stuck. In real life, how many women does anyone know that intentionally stand with their legs spread far enough apart for a little person to scoot through them while trying to run away from someone else?

Yes, it is sick to have this sort of storyline played out on prime time TV, yes it's wrestling, but no, it's not real, and it shouldn't be expected to be real. The storylines have a general path to progress on, and the storyline behind Hornswoggle, aside from being Vince's illegitimate child, is he is trying to be a McMahon, trying to impress his "Father," and if he is looked down upon, he gets revenge in the most impish of ways. So what is wrong with him getting a little payback for all the times he has been wronged for it?

Good intelligent post. But I'm really just on about how WWE promotes certain things as comedy. I just used Hornswoggle as a basis. The title is only like that to attract certain people. I do enjoy getting flamed.
I'd say it was comedy because what American Male, in the right mind, of course, wouldn't want to do what Hornswoggle is doing on a regular basis?
you're kidding right? I saw this post a few days ago, thinking it was just someone trying to be funny. Now its still going and I cant figure out why. Apparently someone forgot that this is a scripted, unreal reality. If you're going to say this is wrong, then shouldnt the entire concept of pro wrestling be something to look down upon? It promotes violence doesn't it? Dont people go to prison for assault? So by what you're saying, pro wrestling in general is wrong, and you're wrong for watching it and enjoying it. So now whos the guilty one?
Jake, I actually see your point, I do. I'm not going to say that this was the height of any kind of entertainment, it certainly wasn't. But I have to disagree with you that you can't compare this skit on WWE Raw to any other kind of entertainment. I'll be the first to say that rape, murder, and assult have been used by a number of filmmakers- see Quentin Tarantino.
I guess my point amounts to this, you can't say that there isn't a comparison between wrestling and other forms of entertainment, because there certainly are. It's all entertainment and we all make a conscious decision about what we have decided to subject ourselves to.
I'd say it was comedy because what American Male, in the right mind, of course, wouldn't want to do what Hornswoggle is doing on a regular basis?

That would be easier tyo read if it was in English. Do you mean that it's ok because you and other men would do the same? I wouldn't. Rape doesn't appeal to me. Too much wriggling.
you're kidding right? I saw this post a few days ago, thinking it was just someone trying to be funny. Now its still going and I cant figure out why. Apparently someone forgot that this is a scripted, unreal reality. If you're going to say this is wrong, then shouldnt the entire concept of pro wrestling be something to look down upon? It promotes violence doesn't it? Dont people go to prison for assault? So by what you're saying, pro wrestling in general is wrong, and you're wrong for watching it and enjoying it. So now whos the guilty one?

That has been said by about half of the people in this thread.

Jake, I actually see your point, I do. I'm not going to say that this was the height of any kind of entertainment, it certainly wasn't. But I have to disagree with you that you can't compare this skit on WWE Raw to any other kind of entertainment. I'll be the first to say that rape, murder, and assult have been used by a number of filmmakers- see Quentin Tarantino.
I guess my point amounts to this, you can't say that there isn't a comparison between wrestling and other forms of entertainment, because there certainly are. It's all entertainment and we all make a conscious decision about what we have decided to subject ourselves to.

You pay to see a film because of the storyline, cast etc. You usually dont know what's going to happen in the film. You have a basic idea, but that's all. You chose to see that movie because it appeals to you. When you pay for a PPV what do you expect? Wrestling. Not lame comedy angles that will lead nowhere.
Who wouldn't like a life where there are no consequences? As Peter Griffin explored on "Family Guy" when he was found to be mentally ******ed, isn't that just as bad? I mean, it may be animated, but he walked into the women's bathroom and punched open every stall door. Is that not reprehensible? Please don't play the animation vs. real actors card on this one, because I think they'd have done this on a sit-com at some point anyways. You want to discuss inappropriate...
The following is the definition of Rape.
Starts Here >>>| In most jurisdictions the crime of rape is defined to occur when sexual intercourse takes place (or is attempted) without valid consent of ALL of the parties involved. The penetration need not be by penis but can be by other body parts (e.g. digital penetration) or by objects, nor does it have to be penetration of the vagina, as penetration of the anus is also considered rape. (or in the case of a Female, the forcing of a vagina or anus onto a penis) |<<< Ends Here

As none of this took place, he simply CAN NOT be considered a rapist!
people.. its a tv show.. i had no problem at all with it and it was funny because hornswoggle was getting payback.. you have to be a complete idiot to not be able to differentiate that ripping a towel off a girl is wrong if youre not in an awesome relationship with her..
if next week hornswoggle goes ripping towels off torrie wilson and candice, and fans react in the same way.. i still dont see it as a problem because im able to differentiate but i see how other can see that then theres a problem.. because its promoting that you can rip a towel off your friend or anyone.. when a heel gets attacked even in a sexually degrading way fans react laughing because they have it coming.. faces dont.

although, i do think they should create more sexually centered storylines and also should bring right to censor back to wrestling it would be GREAT for the show.
i agree with Kennedy there is nothing wrong with that type of incident its all for the story line and i see no harm in it. i dont agree with hornswaggle being vinces son but it still is pretty entertaining
That would be easier tyo read if it was in English. Do you mean that it's ok because you and other men would do the same? I wouldn't. Rape doesn't appeal to me. Too much wriggling.

Jake, I guess you read too much into what I said there. What I meant was, what Red-blooded American male wouldn't want to chase a woman like Melina around, see what's under her towel, scoot under a dress while running away from someone else, hide in the smallest of places, and so on? What Hornswoggle is doing in his scripted role is more voyeurism than being even close to an attempted rapist. There's a big difference between being a voyeur and a rapist, my friend. I haven't seen a single episode where the Little Bastard is trying to have sex with any of the women on the show. Hornswoggle is a pervert, just like his "Dad."
1) It's a tv show and entertainment.
2) Hasn't this been done numerous times before? I recall Dean Malenko stalking Lita in the shower.
3) Clearly it's not rape, there was no action. You would have to classify it as harassment.

Just like others have said previously.

However. I do see Jake's point here that people would cheer for things that "aren't right." Clearly this is something that Jake has a problem with and other may as well.

But I'm sure other people have problems with spitting, disrespecting parents in front of their kids, necrophelia, abortion, murder, driving while intoxicated, guns, sexual deeds in return for favors and violence in general. All of which have been seen in WWE and others previously.
How could anyone take what happened in the storyline as if it were real. It was in the script and therefore can't be called it. I think the whole illegitimate son of Vince storyline is running it's course. And he didn't have sex with Melina on camera. It was written as part of the storyline and meant to be comedic. Anyone that has a problem with it, then write to the WWE and complain about it. I'm not bashing anybody with this nor am I taking sides. I'm just saying how can something that was written in a script for a storyline be considered rape. That's the only part I find confusing is that can it really be called that if it was part of a script?

Now, just because I'm saying it was written in to be comedic, doesn't mean I think it was good. And as far as why they'd put it in and think it's funny, have you seen what Vince McMahon thinks is funny? he thinks Mae Young in a swimsuit, lingerie, flashing her chest and being drunk out of her mind is funny. He also thinks grown men kissing his bare ass is funny. He thinks a fat hairy oily guy in a speedo dancing like an idiot is funny. Sex sells and crude humor to an extent sells and until the people that find it mildly amusing to funny stop watching them do stuff like this, they're gonna keep doing it because it's Vinny Mac's company, he signs the checks and more than anything what he says goes whether people like it or not. Not saying it's right because I don't think it is, but that's sadly what we got with the WWE.
The point, which is obviously lost on you is this: How come fan's cheer storyines that in real life are actually pretty sick? And why does WWE promote these as comedy?

The Hornswoggle incidednt was just a way of starting the thread. I could go on about Bra And Panties matches if you would like. Where the object of the match is to rip the clother of a female performer.

Good point man.I think the WWE has alot of storylines that are disgusting,but knowone ever says anything.I remember how the got away with Bischoff's HOT LESBIAN ACTION & Kane's necrophilia storyline(Katie Vick) WWE 'S more sexist than racist.I dont think there's a glass ceiling for minority wrestlers,but women will never4 be taken seriously in that company
Good point man.I think the WWE has alot of storylines that are disgusting,but knowone ever says anything.I remember how the got away with Bischoff's HOT LESBIAN ACTION & Kane's necrophilia storyline(Katie Vick) WWE 'S more sexist than racist.I dont think there's a glass ceiling for minority wrestlers,but women will never4 be taken seriously in that company

I suppose this thread applys to those sort of angles in a way. Not sure if the HLA was suppsed to be a comedy angle. But I certainly think that the Katie Vick one was. Or was that bad writing? Then again how many dead corpses do you see lying around? Not as many as you see females walking around.

Anyway I'm done with this thread. Nobody is actually really answering the one question that I'm trying to ask. Why do WWE promote stuff like that as comedy? Nobody appears to be giving me an answer. Everyones saying pretty much the same thing, ''I can differentiate between real and fake'' etc. So can I, that's not what I'm asking. I know Hornswoggle didn't attempt to rape Melina, but what he did do in the angle was a form of sexual assault. And it was portrayed as comedy. So until somebody answeres why WWE does that (other than to give immature wrestling fans erections) then I wont be replying to this thread anymore.
The reason that the WWE think that stuff like this is funny is because Mcmahon thinks its funny. You have t remember that the company is run by a guy that does what he wants, not what the fans want.

In his eyes he probably thinks that its the funniest thing ever! A midget leering on a woman!! How funny is that ?!!?!? Apparently not that funny...

But they are still going along this course because yesterdays raw had hornswaggle "strip" melina naked under the ring! Come to think about it there should have been a hell of a lot of sexual harrasment lawsuits going on the amount of times that women have been stripped and what not!!

At the end of the these angles makes the old saying true: Once a McMahon, always a pervert!
Why do WWE play these angles as comedy?

Thats the easiest question i've answered all my life, and the answer, is because it makes everyone (except for you obviously) laugh!

Its a Comedy Angle, its not a sexual assault angle, its not a rape angle, its Comedy! You laugh at it, you dont make a big fuss over it, you just LAUGH!
There are some answers. They are promoting this because it's intended as a humor spot and to most people it is funny. Also, it does this. It causes people to talk.

Anything storyline they can do that is a fantasy that people can't actually get away with, they will.
Hornswaggle is not a rapist. At no point did we see him attempt or commit a sexual activity nor was penetration involved..

He can be seen as a pervert but that is completely different. To call someone a rapist when he didn't commit the act is completely wrong and inaccurate..

There are much larger issues the WWE has played on that could be talked about as serious..
Hornswaggle is not a rapist. At no point did we see him attempt or commit a sexual activity nor was penetration involved..

He can be seen as a pervert but that is completely different. To call someone a rapist when he didn't commit the act is completely wrong and inaccurate..

He chased a girl out of a shower down the hall way, it's only cos he didn't catch her was she safe. That to me is attempting to commit a sexual acivity. Am sure if you chased a girl who was in a towel and whipped it off her you'd be arrested under sexual offences.
He chased a girl out of a shower down the hall way, it's only cos he didn't catch her was she safe. That to me is attempting to commit a sexual acivity. Am sure if you chased a girl who was in a towel and whipped it off her you'd be arrested under sexual offences.

It may be a sexual offense or harassment but rape stands in a class of its own.. Calling someone a rapist is a strong term
The following is the definition of Rape.
Starts Here >>>| In most jurisdictions the crime of rape is defined to occur when sexual intercourse takes place (or is attempted) without valid consent of ALL of the parties involved. The penetration need not be by penis but can be by other body parts (e.g. digital penetration) or by objects, nor does it have to be penetration of the vagina, as penetration of the anus is also considered rape. (or in the case of a Female, the forcing of a vagina or anus onto a penis) |<<< Ends Here

As none of this took place, he simply CAN NOT be considered a rapist!

I wanna differ with you on this term here that you all are saying is rape. According Uniform Crime Report(UCR) Rape is defined as a sexual intercourse ,achieved through force and without consent. Forcible Rape is defined is the Carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will. Well with the little Hornswoggle angle it could be considered Sexual Battery A physical and intent of wrongful physical contact.

Hornswoggle ripping the towel is a sexual offense because that is against her WILL. If any person would attempt to do that they would get arrested and charged with like battery. This whole thing is sending a wrong message to the viewers especially to kids, they will watch this and believe its ok because the young viewers will see there favorite star do something but in all reality its a tv show but it is sending out a wrong message to the younger viewers.

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