Jailbreak!! BillLesnar vs JenksIX- Open Debate For Freedom


...7, 8, Better stay up late...
if the 2 of you are fighting for a chance to come back, then we should do this right. have a debate between the 2 prisoners. someone from the forums
posts a topic & both prisoners have a chance to speak their ideas. this way both can show they want to contribute & can have a better shot at coming back by posting thier side for WZ & the mods to decide who deserves the shot.

Bill ur nt allowed to use your name in 3rd person 4 times a sentence.

Jenks, no racial comments or gay jokes.

first topic:

who do you want to see main event wrestlemania & why?
Who made you the boss of Bill, he will talk in 3rd person if he so choses.

no one is the boss of bill lesnar, in fact im a fan.

but to be fair, the 3rd person thing & jenks' foul mouth are 90% of the reason most dislike the 2. so taking that away can show who is the better poster & wants the 2nd chance, without using 3rd person or racial comments.
Bill lesnar isnt going to have a heated debate with jenks, as he is fan of his work and shares a mutual respect, however he may aswell give his thoughts on Mania

Bill Lesnar thinks this, its still too early though:

Title unification: Vince has been thinking about this for a while and he is sold on the idea (it didnt fail back in the day why not now?), SD is far too weak right now, rey is past it and not nearly as over as he used to be, Delrio is too young and is a great risk, Kane is retiring soon, and his only opponent would have been taker (will prob miss it), then theres edge who is the only proven guy on thier roter, and a fued with a returning HHH would draw and be fresh and interesting, however Edge would have too turn heel, and backstage reports say hes happy as a face, otherwise all other options (Orton and Cena) have been done before and have run its course. Sheamus aint an option period, since he is being blamed for wwe ratings fall. ALthough Cena-Nexus didnt draw nearly as much as Vince wanted too, Cena is the poster boy and has alot of say what goes backstage, therefore the blame on the ratings fall is being blamed on poor sheamus, who is being depushed hard (losses to santino, and being dominated in his fued with Jomo among other things so dont see him doing anything conme mania.Therefore Vince will prob put Cena or Oton in their chamber match, and those two will face off for the title. to put it blunty, Cena and Orton are the two biggest stars in the bizs, they draw the most, steal the most merc slaes, get the biggest reactions, it opens up a cena heel turn possibility (that is if Vince is serious about pushing randall as the companys top face), basically Cean vs Orton screams money and is the logical choice for the Mania main event. But we all know how influential HHH's political power and ego is.

Then theres the Miz, who is doing great things in the media, drawing BIG, and if hes pulls out a 4 star to 5 star match vs JOno, Vince WILL push him to the mania main event no question. Hes done his bit with orton, although WWE are still keeping it fresh and wont drop him from the situation just in case.Cena vs Miz would be big, then again Bill lesnar has heard reports that if Punk does well initially with Cean he will get his Mania match with Cena. The fued would be very different to the 2009 or was it 2008 (BilL lesnar ddint watch much wwe stuff then)m, if Miz does well with Jomo (he will), he would be the companies top heel and facing the top heel in Cena would be logical, the fued with involve great mic work and the would feel like a big time Mania match. HHH is coming back, and make no mistake about it, hes coming back to wrestle not as gm etc and all that shit, HHH will want to make an impact and he will be over as hell when hes back. HHH could easily book himself in the Mania ME and a fued with Miz has never been done before, and would be fresh and intriguing. If this happens, HHH will bury MIz big time, he will dominate the build up, win the match and signall his return thats hes back and no one takes his top spot until he says so. Oh by the way, HHH will bury Sheamsu when hes back,you better believe that it will happen in one night and contain atleast 2 pedigrees.

Early Reports, were suggesting that the WWE wanted Lebron at Mania (notice MIz ripping into him and Miami, in previous segments), but the heat are playing the same day as Wrestlemania so its not going to happen now (that would have been a big chance for MIz), then their are talks about HBK coming back as a ref, you better be sure that HHH will be involved.

Apart from Cena,Randy,HHH and Miz, the only other guy capable of headlining Mania in the roster is Cm Punk. His chances rest soley on JOHN CENA. Cena has leverage over Vince, as Vince needs him to sell gear and put bums on seats, therefore he has HUGE pulling power of what his character says and does. This is the chance for Cean to tell his 'i dont put anyone over' haters to shut the fuck up. If Cena puts a 5 star/4 star match with Punk and sells well with great phycology, the fans will want more (punk has too win the rumble, and gain the upperhand in segments..so far so good), if Punk vs Cean delivers, you better be sure Vince will scrap any plans he has and push hadr fro this to happen at Mania. You know how Vince is when he sees a chance to make good business. If Ceans says he likes what he sees in punk, Punks star will rise big time and he has big shot at headlining Mania. So yea punks chnaces rest on Cena. HHH put Batista over, Flair with Steamboat, HHH put Orton over evntually over much fuss, the list goes on. The only guy Cena can argue to have put over is Edge, and Edges star was on the rise dating way back. This is a big chance for both guys. As for JOmo, he needs to pull a MIz, and really pick up his work to impress teh boss however its unlikey, as his mic work will pick up but not enough, and will most likey be fodder to the big push.

So thats what is most likely to happen, but what does Bill lesnar want to happen?, no Title unification thats for sure.

Raw ME - TRIPLE H VS MIZ. HHH will be hot going into this, he will be getting big pops all over the pace and has never had the shining mania moment, which leaves a dampner on his C.V, no doubt he will be incredibly determined to put this right esp since hes had so long out, so expect HHH to have his working boots on. Who better opponent to face than the MIz, the rising heel of the companys top brand. Riley is there for fodder, and expect Cole to eat a pedigree, Miz will rip into HHH on the mic and this is a huge chance to impress and rub shoulders with a guy like trip's magnitude. Both guys are eager to impress, the fued is new and fresh and can go in many directions, and most importantly will make the wwe big bucks. Please Vince, give MIz the win and his big mania moment, it will do wonders for his career. Trips wins the rumble btw, his ego will clinch it.

SD- Cena (C) vs Swagger. Cena wins teh chamber (some how), and faces Swagger. Let Swagger beat a host of guys inc tournamnet win to get here, booking him as some unstoppable force, he drew great heat when he was champ and can put on great matches willy nilly. Bill Lesnar can see the styles of both guys meshing well. Cena always delivers at the big event, and he can help Swagger draw great heat. Give them time to work, this screams of win and let Swagger prove hes no poor mans angle. Cean will be in his element here (expect lisp jokes) as he has a guy who is worse than him on the mic and a guy that is great in the ring and can help Cena work a great match. Bill lesnar hasnt put punk here, as he wants Punk vs Bryan for the US title in a 2/3 falls match, that will deliver in terms of promos,in ring, and it has the history, Cole will be all over Punk here aswell. That fued will amke botyh guys look legit and let punk win so Db gets a standing ovation Benoit Style as he leaves the ring. Let Cena win the match against Swagger, since Miz should beat HHH. oh and give them a 60 minute iron match as the blow off

SO Bill lesnar wants Cena vs Swagger and HHH vs Miz. Fuck Orton, the guy has bored Bill lesnar to death every mania since 21. Keep in mind the SD match is unlikey to happen (Cean wont go SD, and Swagger is suffering what Sheanmus is going through...being blamed for bad ratings during his title run), and HHH will likey maul MIz.

Feel free to call Bill lesnar on anything he says
Bill lesnar would like to add, like anyone else his main choice was Taker vs Cean as both guys havnt fueded since Cena was new in 2003, Taker vs Cean would be epic as botn guys bring it for Mnia and would ahve a 5 star match (last time they afced it was great and Cena was inexperienced, Taker had his Biker Gimmick and that held back what he had to do in the ring. Now with takers streak, him retiring soon, his return (wait to see his reactions when he gets back) vs Cean the biggest guy in the company and well on his way to being the biggest guy EVER inthe company, sorry hes done more than Austin innterms of promoting the company outside the ring in diff ways, hes really the ultimate company man much like Sting. Soon enough Only Hogan will rival him. This just needs to happen at Wrestlemania, Vince wont want another Hogan vs Austin etc on his hands. Give Cena the win as the match should have Takers career on the line.. Cean needs this to further cemnt his legayc. Taker never EVER puts people over, not Brock, as Brock was scheduled to job to Taker in 2004 (one of the main reasosn why he left), this is his chance to pay his fucking dues like he should. But this most likely wont happen since Taker is a huge doubt for Mania
fucking fantastic sir. thanks for participating. shows u kno ur stuff & insightfull. i like the idea of miz vs hhh. didnt think about that at all actually.

one more point to you sir.
Good thread idea.

I want people to get involved and start topics in here, because I want to know what everyone else is interested in talking about and I don't wanna end up making 10 threads a day no one cares about.

As for wrestling questions, like the one you asked, it's hard for me to answer.

I have such a problem with the current product (both TNA & WWE) that I can't really give an answer to you in a brief amount of time or post.

who do you want to see main event wrestlemania & why?

There really isn't anyone I really care to see at this point, mainevent mania. I can narrow down the guys it probably will be and match each of them up against one another and none of them make me say, "HOLY SHIT! I want to see this!"

At the current time, I think Punk vs Cena has the ability to be the most compelling storyline, because you have the bad guy with the good morals against the good guy with the bad or questionable morals.

I mean there is so much that needs to change and could change in WWE before Wrestlemania, that really can't just focus on the mainevent.

Btw, was Punk wearing an SES shirt when he attacked Cena on Raw? Is he going to rebuild SES?

If Punk is going against Cena heel, I definitely see him having some sort of backup. Cena talking on one man at a time is unrealistic!

I feel this will just turn out Cena vs heel Punk, Punk will either form a new stable or get help from Barrett and Nexus.

The only thing I think I can really hold out for, is a Cena heel turn sometime/right after Mania. Or Cena going over to Smackdown.

I'll end this by saying, what I would like to see is CM Punk beat Cena clean in the main event at Mania.
ya i think that this thread kinda streamlines everything & eliminates the need for 20 different threads. just need some more support from WZ to ask questions of you two.

i like punk\cena. i like it alot. gives a fresh approach to the ME storylines without taking away from the champ. nexus seemed to die off in the eyes of vince. & orton is just floating around now. like u, i dont see anything really standing out at mania unless vince pulls a rabbit out of his ass, or for that matter- a rattlesnake....

i tell you what, both of you are impressive. alot of the negative stigma surrounding you guys seems to be just a bit of overreaction to personality differences...

bill i never really interacted with you but besides the 3rd person thing, u have some great posts. & jenks, man, u rub people the wrong way & say some downright foul shit, but sir, u know ur stuff. at this point i dont see why the both of you cant come back. recently u have proved you want to be here & can contribute instead of just starting shit. so at this point, i cant vote either one of you off the island. im voting to give u both a return to WZ.

next topic, anyone?
Who is this nightmare chap and why's he acting like a mod?
Who is this nightmare chap and why's he acting like a mod?

just a guy tryin to share opinions on WZ

i fail to see how wanting to have a productive converstation on topics between the 2 has anything to do with 'acting like a mod'... i thought this would be a cool idea so i made the thread. never said i had / pretended to have any power or decision making ability, just voicing my opinions to gain perspective on who i think is a better poster. & at this point i dont mind having either one back with the people of WZ.
just a guy tryin to share opinions on WZ

i fail to see how wanting to have a productive converstation on topics between the 2 has anything to do with 'acting like a mod'... i thought this would be a cool idea so i made the thread. never said i had / pretended to have any power or decision making ability, just voicing my opinions to gain perspective on who i think is a better poster. & at this point i dont mind having either one back with the people of WZ.

Yeah, your involvement is appreciated. Bill and I have both said we want people to get involved and ask questions/create threads etc.
appreciated sir (tips his hat to jenks)

just tryin to have some fun & promote discussion.

so bill\jenks, if you could team with one wrestler in your debut in wwe\tna\roh, etc... who would you choose & why?
appreciated sir (tips his hat to jenks)

just tryin to have some fun & promote discussion.

so bill\jenks, if you could team with one wrestler in your debut in wwe\tna\roh, etc... who would you choose & why?

Bill Lesnar asks, does this wrestler have to be active?
nope. the guy can be on leave, injured etc...

just for semi-reality, nobody thats dead. somehow making a debut with a zombie owen hart, although awesome, would probably be impossible & violate the health code.
Alright night,
I been procrastinating too long on your topics/wrestling threads because I want my post to be good and well written, but I feel I need to give you part of my answer now.

I know you said you rather no one dead, but the question was so good that I couldn't pick just one peson, I figured I'd pick someone who I'd want to tag with whose dead, and then I'll have at least one more whose alive and young/in-prime.

If I Could tag team with any wrestler, whose ever wrestled, then the obvious choice for myself would be Andre The Giant.

There are many reasons why I'd pick Andre. First of all, if Andre is your teammate, your already at an advantage due to his size. Andre would be the muscle, who'd be hard to maneuver/take down and I'd be the solid in-ring performer capable of lengthening the matches.

With Andre as my partner, we'd have no problem becoming huge baby faces or heels. As baby faces, I'd sell like Justin Beiber sperm at an elementary school taking an ass whoopin until I could make a tag to the big man who'd come in and clean house, enraged that his little buddy had just been roughed up.

And as for heels, we'd cheat but not a lot. We'd always have ourselves coming out looking good, embarrassing the other team in some way and if they had a problem with it, I'd have Andre threaten to kill them backstage :lmao:

One of the main reasons I'd want Andre as my tag partner, is that our promos and skits would be pure comedy gold. Andre is one of those people who is unintentionally funny and I think our team would be able to capitalize on that. I mean just to do a promo in public would be a spectacle, due to Andre's size.

He's the epitome of a larger then life character.

His mannerisms, way of speaking, size, drinking habits, everything about Andre is legendary. If this question was "who do you think you could tag with and draw the most money" the answer would still be Andre because the possibilities and potential are endless(entertainment wise.) And it would have been an honor and a pleasure to have tagged with him, as long as he didn't crush my skull or fall on me :)

I'll get back to you with a relevant tag partner soon.
Oh, I meant to add we'd cheat to defeat the really deserving/promising tag teams. We're not ********s lol.
andre is a good choice. you would probably dominate damn near everyone just based on him alone. & i like how you put in the parts about the comedy skits. that is one of andre's most underrated features. he is very comedic but rarely got to show that side. well played sir.
okay Bill lesnar has made his choice (Bill lesnar didnt even think off Andre props to jenks)

Bill lesnar was going to go with Ravishing Rick Rude however he has Chosen Goldberg. Goldberg is Bill lesnars favorite wrestler for many reasons, his great finishers, his no nonsense ill fuck you up if you mess with style, his high impact moves, his amazing entrance, reactions everything about him is epic. Huge Babyfaces, getting great pops wherever we go due to our dominace and unmatched charisma and appeal.

Bill lesnar with Goldberg would be unstoppable. Bill lesnar & Goldberg wouldnt say much outside the ring except for the usual catch phrases and cold hard stares. Would do the talking in the ring, with quick 2 minute beat downs just the way Bill lesnar likes it. Crowd would be HOT big chants, get a rep as being invincible even Steiner would shit his pants
i think steiner left tna cause he kep crapping his pants during matches, lol.

good choice. based on your previous comments, i should have guessed u would pick goldberg. bill lesnar is high impact.... ya, it fits.

im gonna have to lean toward kurt angle. the man can do it all. mic skill, fights like an irishman, & one of the best technical wrestlers in years. would always have someone to watch my back & angle is driven by gold.

his comedic value is looked over in tna. we could have some of the best segments backstage. in the wwe some of his skits were genius. could have the fans laughing & our opponents cowering in fear.

finisher? ankle lock, leg drop from the top rope combo. if ya dont tap out, ur gonna get knocked out.
Nightmare can anyone ask the questions or is it just you?

Bill Lenser and Jenks an old school question to the both off you 'What do you think off Vince McMahon making the WWF world wide and also what do you think off Vince McMahon taking all the best wrestler from the indy's'?

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