Jaen World Order

Who should be Deputy Leader of the Jane World Order?

  • Doc

  • xfearbefore

  • I Am Phenom

  • Areoplex

  • General Disarray

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Good Sir Jane, let me be your partner. Winning this tourney would be the first step towards global domination.

JKO, you are my loyal servant, but I must win this tournament. You and I both know you have your haters. As do I, but that's just more proof I need a more respected partner. Your winning right now anyway.
Ya know what?

Fuck you. Fuck all of you. From the Deadman alts to the mods... I don't even fucking care. You're all ***** who were lucky enough to ever associate with me, then what happens? You just turn your backs on me, like I was nothing. You all swore a fucking oath, and each and every one of you broke it. You don't deserve the chance you were offered. This is the end of the Jane World Order. You're all done. Get the fuck out.

I look forward to looking down on you all from Miko-Heaven, while you burn in Miko-Hell.
I rebelled against no one. You threw a tantrum and kicked us all out with no reason given.

And you would think that, TM, because we don't like each other.
I'm surprised, TM.
I still don't like you. I lost most of my respect for you after the completely unprofessional way you handled my complaint. On my board if someone did that I would have demodded them or at least given them an extremely stern talking-to and put them on a close watch. There are just some people in this world I don't like, and you happen to be one of them. You have a similar personality to someone whom I despised in middle school yet who was loved by all around him. You have that je ne sais quois or however you spell it.

Jane, that's hardly a reason. I am rebelling against no one. Rather it is you rebelling against us.
It shouldn't work like that, TM. I had a legitimate complaint and was extremely respectful. A person in power, who is supposed to be representing the staff, should not go around dissecting and belittling the person who made the complaint especially if it is done in a polite manner in the correct thread.

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