Jaen World Order

Who should be Deputy Leader of the Jane World Order?

  • Doc

  • xfearbefore

  • I Am Phenom

  • Areoplex

  • General Disarray

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Ok men. It's time.

Everybody, support Jane 4 Admin. If not that, xfear 4 Admin. He will swiftly admin me, and our goal will be complete.

Now. As tribute to Luther, one of my heroes, we will leave the title for now. But... it's still my fucking World Order.

We're back in business, muthafuckas. And if you let me down I'll kill you.
I've already begun gathering the masses.

If I see one motherfucker with a Guy Fawkes mask on, I will kill them.
Friends. Luther, the former Admin, has thrown his support behind Jane. X and TM have too. Who are you to go against TM, X, and Luther?

What Kanye said! C'mon, JWO. It's TIME. Time to finally achieve the goals of the JWO. Vote for Jane, or you will receive your punishment. I have already been betrayed by someone I loved... and now... we can rise above it. I am the future, and you are my greatest friends. If you are a member of this club, I command you to vote Jane. Or your world as you know it ends...
It's not but it's you posting an annoying picture which is on the same level.
Well, guys. I don't know if Lee will approve. If you don't, go ahead and delete them. But these are the 2010 Jane 4 Admin Sigs, provided by me and Kanye.

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