Jaen World Order

Who should be Deputy Leader of the Jane World Order?

  • Doc

  • xfearbefore

  • I Am Phenom

  • Areoplex

  • General Disarray

Results are only viewable after voting.
What Kanye said! C'mon, JWO. It's TIME. Time to finally achieve the goals of the JWO. Vote for Jane, or you will receive your punishment. I have already been betrayed by someone I loved... and now... we can rise above it. I am the future, and you are my greatest friends. If you are a member of this club, I command you to vote Jane. Or your world as you know it ends...

Jane, you will win the vote. Your followers will see to that sir.

Then, we can really start the ultimate plan of the Order.
Well this is interesting.

My Janeites... I feel betrayed. More betrayed than I ever have before. I look at you guys, my friends, and I just feel... empty.

I have half a mind to get rid of all of you, right here, right now. End the JWO and destroy the legacy... and I'm really considering it. People who I respected laughing behind my back, challenging me, fighting me.

You don't deserve Jane anymore.
So instead of performing your Janeite duties you cower behind another leader? Begone, coward.
Jane, I don't think that Doc meant any harm with that comment.

C'mon, Doc? Can you really picture him insulting you? C'mon Jane, give Doc another go around.
Jane, I don't think that Doc meant any harm with that comment.

C'mon, Doc? Can you really picture him insulting you? C'mon Jane, give Doc another go around.

What the fuck does it sound like he's saying?

He's basically saying I'm the bare minimum of the forum. He's calling me an idiot, and that it's an insult to be compared to me.

Could that really not mean harm?
What the fuck does it sound like he's saying?

He's basically saying I'm the bare minimum of the forum. He's calling me an idiot, and that it's an insult to be compared to me.

Could that really not mean harm?

Coming from anyone else, I'd say, "Let's shoot the fucker!". But it's coming from Doc and he loves everyone.

You have a point, however.
I did not call you an idiot. I love you However one cannot be a "good" nonspam poster if they do not go into the nonspam sections.
Hey bitches. JKO has brought this tag team thing to my attention. If you care about Jane you'll be my partner.

Apply here.

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