Jack Swagger - what happened?!

It's pretty simple what happened: he lost one of his best assets in Zeb Colter who helped tremendously in promoting Swagger, he got a few too many infractions related to weed and he still can't travel all over the world so they really can't put a title on him or else he won't be able to go with house shows out of the US and represent the title and he was pushed too high, too soon and now there are too many fresh faces that Swagger's character isn't as captivating enough to warrant a high level of promotion.

It's funny because Swagger is a great physical specimen. He's tall, farm strong and a solid ring worker. His weakness is his mic work, he really can't be taken too seriously when he talks because of his lisp and since he doesn't have Zeb or any manager he really can't be promoted very high so he naturally has become a mid to under card jobber. That happens sometimes.

Let's not forget that Swagger DID get another push a while back. Before he got Zeb and the new We The People gimmick he was a low to mid-card jobber most of the time and the addition of Zeb and a face turn proud American character did wonders for him and he was able to do some upper card, co-main event work again. He's also been in major PPV matches like MITB many times before.

I don't see Swagger as a WWE World Champion again, even though he is the right size to be taken seriously as a World Heavyweight Champion, he could be pushed to be a contender again or he could even get another shot as a US or IC Champ and that would be fine. He will need a manager again when he does. But for now, he's good where he is at. He's getting regular work and he's had more career highlights already than many, many other wrestlers that have been in WWE before.
He sunk himself with his run in the law from a while back. He was seemingly on the verge of a major push with a very likely WM WHC win but not long before that he got arrested on a DUI, which I can only imagine ticked off a lot of people backstage he hasn't sniffed a title since.

He was pretty over in the Rusev feud and it's a shame they didn't jump on that to make him into something, but I guess unless you're already a huge star one major strike and you're out.
He's borind and stiff in the ring and can't work a mic. A real bad combo for any WWE "Superstar"

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