"USA! USA! USA!" - Jack Swagger's America?

People who agree with Zeb, are hypocrites. The only illegal immigrants are white people, who illegally hopped the Atlantic. They came and took from the real Americans, the natives. Mexicans have been on this continent far longer than the white man. The southwest rightfully belongs to Mexico.

This angle is different than if Wade Barrett was the WHC, and Zeb was insulting him instead. Why? Because Wade isn't an indigenous North American, like Albert is part. Al and all Mexicans belong here more than whites.

But racism will always exist. People will hate those who are different from them.

Al needs his richboy swag back and needs to teach the WWE Universe this hypocrisy. People will still be racist towards him, but maybe a few people will shut up about it.

You're obviously uneducated as most of those so-called natives just took the land-bridge from Russia when it existed. We all came from somewhere. Land changes hands by war, by demographics, by disease, etc. Accept the facts of life and learn your history.

P.S. There was no "America" till Amerigo Vespucci came to these lands and no United States of America till the founding fathers created it. Sounds like you're just as bigoted as the people you try and rail against.

As for your MeCHa beliefs, you're delusional if you think there should be a reconquista and that the South West US belongs to anyone but the good ol' USA. There was a war you might not have learned about between Mexico and the USA. Since Mexico lost, they signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo which gave the United States the Rio Grande boundary for Texas, and gave the U.S. ownership of California, and a large area comprising New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and parts of Wyoming and Colorado. Your knowledge of history is shameful.

As for this storyline, there's nothing racist about it. It's xeno-centric which was proven when Zeb Coulter told Canadians and Europeans to get lost as well.
You're obviously uneducated as most of those so-called natives just took the land-bridge from Russia when it existed. We all came from somewhere. Land changes hands by war, by demographics, by disease, etc. Accept the facts of life and learn your history.

P.S. There was no "America" till Amerigo Vespucci came to these lands and no United States of America till the founding fathers created it. Sounds like you're just as bigoted as the people you try and rail against.

As for your MeCHa beliefs, you're delusional if you think there should be a reconquista and that the South West US belongs to anyone but the good ol' USA. There was a war you might not have learned about between Mexico and the USA. Since Mexico lost, they signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo which gave the United States the Rio Grande boundary for Texas, and gave the U.S. ownership of California, and a large area comprising New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and parts of Wyoming and Colorado. Your knowledge of history is shameful.

As for this storyline, there's nothing racist about it. It's xeno-centric which was proven when Zeb Coulter told Canadians and Europeans to get lost as well.
I'm more educated than you, I know all about the Bering Strait.

This land was called America before the pilgrims arrived. So yes, the Europeans invaded America.

I know all about the history you talk about, pretty in-depth. Go into certain parts of Texas and tell some Mexicans to their face that the war is over. It was nice knowing you if you do.
I'm more educated than you, I know all about the Bering Strait.

This land was called America before the pilgrims arrived. So yes, the Europeans invaded America.

I know all about the history you talk about, pretty in-depth. Go into certain parts of Texas and tell some Mexicans to their face that the war is over. It was nice knowing you if you do.

Go to certain parts of Texas and tell AMERICANS that their land belongs to Mexico and they're invaders.

It was nice knowing you if you do.
I was laughing when I heard the USA chants. I hope they keep coming at the worst times, since this feud doesn't have much else going for it. (still hoping for a "Weed The People" chant)
Screw Swagger, go on THIS thread right now if you want to read some delightfully racist, right-wing apologist comments. I believe we're only two posts away from a "took-er-jobs"-chant.

They should have just made Swagger face and have his feud with Cesaro like we, the people, desired.
One thing I keep noticing is people saying that this angle isn't racist, seemingly as a dismissal of any racial undertones. Of course the angle isn't overtly racist. There are people, however, who are racist pieces of shit who will boo a Hispanic face wrestler and cheer a white heel wrestler purely on the basis of race.

I shouldn't even say "undertones." The racial aspects of this feud are clear. Colter overemphasizes the way he says "Del Rio," has complained that he looks around and sees people who "don't look like (him)," and has complained that illegal immigrants don't learn English. He clearly isn't talking about Canadian or English immigrants. He is obviously attacking Mexican immigrants.

And one thing Colter hasn't done is really talk about the details or minutiae of the illegal immigrant situation. He has boiled it down to lowest common denominator terms, in a way that simpletons who agree with Tea Party ideals without understanding the issues can grab onto. The racism on display by Colter is clear and clearly a parody. The racism on display by some fans isn't as clear, but it's there and real; and it's a shame that it exists in 2013.
In all seriousness why would you want or even think that your fans in the United States would chant MEXICO. I wouldn’t even for a storyline. It’s about patriotism. IF there was a certain and catchy chant Alberto has I’m sure they would have chanted it. Sorry but AAALLLBBBEEERRRTTTOOO just doesn’t sound good, maybe Rio, Rio, Rio. But don’t get it twisted with racism. I am just not going to chant another country's name. But to the credit to some I do not know why if Rio is face they were cheering Swagger on. I just thinks its cause he doesn’t have a catchy chant yet.
I think Swagger's new t-shirt (the one he debuted on Raw last night) adds an interesting angle to this conversation:


You'll notice that nowhere on the shirt does it say "Jack Swagger." In fact, if it weren't for the WWE tag, this could very much be a surprisingly well done anti-immigration shirt - to be worn to Tea Party conventions, clan meetings and border patrols.

WWE's going to make a killing.
A big part of it, I thinkm that WWE while trying to be their softie version of "edgy" hasnt actually said anything that isnt...well...True.

People do illegally immigrate to America, live in government housing with 25 people to an apartment, dont learn english, and feed off the system. People do that. exactly that. Like, a lot.

Voicing disapproval with such actions....How is that really "heel" behaviour? 99% of anything Zeb Coulter has ever said is actually true.

He has NEVER said "all mexicans are illegal immigrants"...he has said there are a lot of illegal immigrants, who abuse the system, who come over from Mexico, and he doesnt like that. Which is he is abundantly welcome to, since its absolutely true, and really, no one should like it.

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