Jack Swagger: Do you ACTUALLY want to watch him?

No, I never want to watch him, not even if he was in a program with the Rock. He's terrible. He's okay in the ring but he has zero charisma whatsoever. His smile makes me cringe, and hell it looks like he's cringing when he's smiling, he isn't intimidating in the least, he can't cut a promo, he has a monotonous voice, he's just awful all around and I hate watching him even if he's in a 2 minute match getting squashed.
Jack Swagger knows his best period when he feud Matt Hardy for the ECW champion and his feud against Christian,to captured the WWE tittle was not a good idea he has lost many fans after this he will be ridiculous with the Big show and his last good match will be against Taker 1 year and a half.

i've see Jack swagger at ROH for to evoluate and return with more moveset.
i think ppl arent understanding the role he is playing right now. swagger has proven that he COULD be a formidable opponent to anyone, IF he is booked to be. he can fully control a match, then turn around and be punching bag. let him perform matches in the mid card. his career is going as it should.
I've never got the love for him. For some reason, he used to be a young stud where everyone online was praising him for his great future. People loved him, they thought him as this modern day Kurt Angle styled gimmick, but because of his size he looked even more dominant.

And nowadays, who is he? He's not a jobber, he's just a filler. There is nothing good happening to him, his gimmick is stale, he's boring to the eye, and his mic skills (and voice) will not win you over. The only problem is that he's been like this his entire career. People are finally learning.

This is how I also feel for Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler. When I watch them, I get bored. They will not win me over with their wrestling skills, they will not win me over on the mic, and their appearance will not slip by. Just how I feel.

At this time next year, let's see how and where Dolph has played out. Three weeks ago there was some huge praise for him. Everyone loved his potential. Not me. Give him a year, and lets see if he makes progress. Ask John Morrisson how that goes.
I think he's a poor man's Kurt Angle. There ..I said it. WWE need to either push him as a technical heel or a technical face. That's the look he has. Angle got WAY over as a technical face/heel..I genuinely think WWE have no idea what they want to do with Swagger. Maybe build him with a run with the IC championship or in the tags? I genuinely don't know.
Would LOVE to see him in a tag team with Santino.
his is boring, he needs a HUGE overhaul, HUGE! and his lisp really kills his overall heel persona.
I do enjoy watching Swagger. He has a great look and his lisp aint that bad. Great in-ring ability too!

I can't get passed the cauliflower ear though!
i lost all interest after i read swagger, he can wrestle, but he can't talk, and his character is lacking the "WOW" factor, he needs a over haul on his character, he needs to fix his shit cause if he doesn't i fear he might be fired, take him off for awhile send him to fcw, experiment a little, see what works, that's what the wwe needs to do, however since it's WM season he will continue to be pushed to the back. He could do it if the wwe would give him another shot.

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