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Jack Swagger Deserves A Push, Who Agrees?

Terry Gyimah

Championship Contender
Jack Swagger if anything he deserves a push, like the man is a former World Heavyweight Champion, a former Mr. Money In The Bank, a former ECW Champion, and am I the only one who actually enjoyed Swagger being World Champion?

Not only that but he just shares so many similarities to Kurt Angle, that he reminds me a whole lot of a young Kurt Angle in terms of his charisma, his cockiness/arrogance, etc.

And is it just only me that thinks that he should be a main eventer especially now?
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Well, what do you think is happening right now with Jack Swagger? He's certainly not being buried. Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler are laying the foundation for a potential feud between the two. He gets a decent amount of air time, ring time and is currently being pushed. Maybe its not on the level you want it to be but there is no denying Swagger is being pushed. As for a World Title push, I'll pass on that until he can get himself over. One of the main reason he failed as World Champion was because no one gave two shits about him. He wasn't even remotely over. Let them cook Swagger slowly so when/if he does become main event material, I won't be a huge fail like last time.
I like Swagger; his title reign was ok. I hated when he won the title the WWE took his intensity away. They had him wearing suits and backing down from competitors. They shoulda kept him like he was in ECW, in which he never backed down and had that college football like intensity. The E truly believe in Swagger they have to cash in on his positives which is his intensity, and his image. He has that All American look; he really needs a face run; his mic skills aren't bad and he would be so easy to get over. He's definitley one of the top future faces of the WWE.
I enjoyed him winning the world title, not the run because it was just to short for Swagger. Yes people have said that 1,000 times, but this guy had decent time to get built up, and a surprise World title win to change the landscape would have been huge, if they had him run it awhile longer and possibly could have made him one of the top heels on SD!/Raw for time to come. But that didn't happen because of Mysterio, and this isn't me hiding behind a Mysterio excuse, but Mysterio was threatening to leave during that time and well how do you satisfy someone like Mysterio? A World Title Push... :| Swagger as a heel would have made way more sense to have put the blame of "injuring Taker". Even though Mysterio was the one that actually did it lol...

Moving on... Now to rebound, what really needs to happen for him is in this Dolph Ziggler feud, want Swagger to be rebuilt? He needs to win it then. Vickie is meh, but the US title? Have him actually hold the title for a few months. Give Swagger an important match at Wrestlemania, after Mania maybe a feud where he becomes noticeable in the main event picture. If you need to move him to SD! so be it, but Swagger needs time to actually be built up which is what this Ziggler feud can do for him, make Swagger noticeable and forget about the whole Cole stuff and move on towards bigger and much better things.
swagger has one problem - THE CROWD DOES NOT CARE ABOUT HIM - his look can be there (its 50/50 IMO), his move set can be there (its 50/50 IMO), and his charisma can be there (its 50/50 IMO)... but if he gets no reaction he is worthless.

they have tried so hard with him and nothing has worked. no one cared when he was ecw champ, no one cared when he was Mr. MITB, no one cared when he was WHC (which was absolutely HORRENDOUS IMO), and the only reason he got a reaction at mania was because of immense pushing by cole, lawler, jr, and stone cold for gods sake.

im trying to be objective bc he has intangibles... but no one cares. i think he blows.
Jack Swagger if anything he deserves a push, like the man is a former World Heavyweight Champion, a former Mr. Money In The Bank, a former ECW Champion, and am I the only one who actually enjoyed Swagger being World Champion?

Not only that but he just shares so many similarities to Kurt Angle, that he reminds me a whole lot of a young Kurt Angle in terms of his charisma, his cockiness/arrogance, etc.

And is it just only me that thinks that he should be a main eventer especially now?

Yes you are the only one that enjoyed his title run. You simply can't be one of the biggest faces of an entertainment company and talk with a lisp...add no personality and average at best in ring skills and you have a low low carder that is only in the wwe for being a former college wrestler....drugged out tna kurt angle is still infinitely > than jack swagger will ever be
i gotta agree with mkman613. The crowd just dont care about him. Maybe if his mic skills were better then id say yes he deserves a push but he is sloppy on the mic. People like John Morrison are able to get over without havng great mic skills because in the ring they are unique and exciting. Swagger is average in the ring and i really dont understand where these comparrisons with Kurt Angle come from? Sure swagger can mat wrestle but other than that he aint too great, Not bad, but not great. He is fine in the midcard but i cant ever see him being a top star in WWE.
swagger has one problem - THE CROWD DOES NOT CARE ABOUT HIM - his look can be there (its 50/50 IMO), his move set can be there (its 50/50 IMO), and his charisma can be there (its 50/50 IMO)... but if he gets no reaction he is worthless.

they have tried so hard with him and nothing has worked. no one cared when he was ecw champ, no one cared when he was Mr. MITB, no one cared when he was WHC (which was absolutely HORRENDOUS IMO), and the only reason he got a reaction at mania was because of immense pushing by cole, lawler, jr, and stone cold for gods sake.

im trying to be objective bc he has intangibles... but no one cares. i think he blows.

The question is, what kinda gimmick would get you into him? I think they should've played up his amateur background more, it's been done a lot but it never gets old to me at least. The did play it up but it wasn't like Kurt Angle being the Olympic Gold Medalist or Brock Lesnar being an NCAA champion or even Bobby Lashley and him being an NAIA champion. If they gave him that gimmick, he could grow organically like the rest did and even use it to his advantage. When Kurt's a face, his medals are inspiring and when he's a heel, they make him better than you. Brock being NCAA champion means he's already a champion even before starting in the WWE so his title reign is inevitable. That's how it struck me.
i remember the first time i saw swagger, i didnt watch ECW towards the end and rarely watched smackdown so never heard of him till they were in oklahoma (his hometown) and he had a MITB qualifying match vs. santino. the crowd popped huge for him so i watched and instantly liked him, have liked him since. i guess part of it is the 'first impression' thing but i have just always been a fan. i marked out when he won MITB, and actually started watching smackdown again regularly just to see him win the title.
i think he will be around a long time, and i can see him as a WM main eventer someday, if he blossoms properly, its all up to him he has the tools. i just see a truckload of promise in him and wish his career the best, you never know, Swagger vs. Ziggler could be this generations Angle vs. Benoit, not because any of them are alike, but because they could give us some unforgettable mat classics.
i also enjoyed his title run.
Yes, Jack Swaggah deserves way better than he's getting, that's assuming he isn't gettning pushed that hard right now. I mean, he should be pushed really hard. I want to use an analogy which is sadly inappropriate for this type of atmosphere where children may be around.

Anyway, Swagger rocks. Probably my favorite wreslter je for some reason. I don't know, just something about him and the fact that his is one of the best ring guys in the company (top 10 easy) and he has a type of sensual attractiveness to him.

PS if you want to check out a glassic Swagger thread check out Jake's about his lisp from like 2 years ago. It changed my life.
Now honestly, I'ma have to diasagree on this one. For the simple fact, I think his heavyweight title run was a flop. And it really didn't draw much in the ratings, or to the majority of the fans. Because if he did, then he would've stayed in the title picture more. Now Swagger can wrestle, I give that to you. But he my no means is no where near close to Kurt Angle. Now they share the same ameteur/technical background. But for him to be taken seriously, they need to get him out that feud with ziggler, and he needs to appeal more to the fans to the point he seems like a real and worthy champion, and not some guy WWE decided to take a risk on. And having him win a series of matches in the midcard and dominate for a good 3-6 months with a IC Title reign or 2 is a good way to lead him to another WHC shot. Good question, but I feel now isn't the time, but if it was it'll be a flop like last time. That's why he been out the title picture as long as he has. Great consideration and great question.
he looks like a doofus and promo's like one most of the time. In ring skills can't be relied on to get you over.

Is he worthy of being a champ, well yes but he's not high on the list atm. and that lisp just makes him sound like a kid :( not trying to be rude since i have a speech impediment too and know first hand how it affects the way people percieve you.

Personally i think he and Alex Riley shoulda formed a Amateur Wrestling based duo citing both were national college champs or something, doesn't have to be true because few people would bother to check the stats. Woulda been a better fit for Riley then being the Miz's lackey and a joke and Riley woulda benefited from some extensive ring work training from an actual "Wrestler" and Swagger woulda been the one to have someone help him win matches.
Swagger, in my opinion, has the full package. Good in ring talent, good on the mic, great charisma, and a good look. It's a shame his backstage attitude got in the way of his big push. I really think he can be a good threat to Orton. Hell he beat him cleanly just last year at Extreme Rules. But now with Swagger's current storyline with Ziggler and Vickie I feel like Swagger is getting some much needed momentum back. I always thought Ziggler and Swagger would be good allies though. Back in 2009 they were both going down the same road as the top midcard heels in their respective brands. And now seeing them in a storyline I think they have good chemistry. But I hope Swagger makes it to the main event scene again. His talents shouldn't be wasted.
When you think about swagger one thing comes to mind and that is his mat wrestling. His problem is his lisp and the crowd just can't seem to care enough. He has the looks, the in-ring skills and the charisma. He also needs to change his entrance theme because hearing that can make anyone uninterested and annoyed.
I agree with you to some extent here. Back when Swagger won the World title the first time everyone was talking about it. It was a big surprise when he won Money in the Bank and a bigger one when he cashed in less than a week later to win the World title over a banged up Chris Jericho. There were two routes they could have gone with this. They could have had him turn face saying he rid the WWE Universe of the monotonous coward champion Chris Jericho. A man who cheated to retain the title on the grandest stage of them all while he worked his ass off to win the Money in the Bank ladder match and get to the top of the WWE by being World Champion. Then say he wants to be a fighting champion and offer to give Edge a shot at the World Championship and have Swagger go over Clean. Edges loses his cool, he snaps and goes back to the old maniacal Edge and helps Swagger get over as a main eventer. The other route they could have gone is for Swagger to hold a championship celebration the week after he won the title on Smackdown and have Edge interrupt him and say he doesn't think its fair that he got screwed at Wrestlemania while Swagger just snuck in cashed in a briefcase and became champion. Then Swagger calls Edge out on being a guy thats cashed in Money in the Bank before and Edge tells him he's right but Edge did it better. Then Swagger says he could beat Edge easily and Edge tells him to bring it on and defend the title against Edge. Then Edge still helps Swagger get over but as a face. They didn't do either of those things. Jack had meaningless feuds with Big Show and Rey Mysterio. Showed little personality and was just plain boring. He also quickly dropped the title in un-impressive fashion and fizzled out after a lackluster title reign.

What can they do now? Give him the US title and let him run with it. A guy that's gimmick is he is an All American American. How good does it sound to add the words United States Champion to that. Let him have a nice long title reign and build some credibility up and I could see him as a World Champion again.
Did Jack Swagger deserve the push he got? I don't think so. He was jobbing to bourne week in and week out.

I loved his ECW title reign though. I love what his program with ziggler at the moment. Will he be a star in the future? of course. But not now.

I can't buy him as a main event yet. Hopefully this program with ziggler will add more to his character and credibility.
jack swagger isn;t a bad wrestler but he sucks at charisma en mic skills. he is a midcarder at best. The reason people are making these "push Jack swagger" threads is because the wwe pushes people who aren't ready yet or aren't world title material.
I agree that Swagger deserves a push because he has the skills necessary to be a main eventer. People whine about how bad his world title reign was when the poor guy barely even got a chance. Had it lasted longer and been booked a little better then things would be different and he surely would be main eventing now. Feuding with Ziggler for now will be good for him. They both need something to do. Swagger could win the US title and help get hinself over by being "The All American American United States Champion Champion". He has plenty of time left in his career to become a main eventer again. They should build him up and a midcard title run similar to his ECW title reign will help.
Swagger is right where he should be. The guy had an awful reign as WHC. Why would you want to see him back in the main event scene?
A) He is getting a push right now and gets more TV time than most of the locker room and is currently in a story line with Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero. Before that he was in a story line with Michael Cole and Lawler so its not like Swagger isn't getting pushed at all.

B) Swagger isn't over with the fans and is generally boring to watch as he has an extreme lack of personality, or at least a personality people would pay their money to see. Swagger like most of the WWE is just there, nothing special. Maybe if he stopped "Thalking like thish" it would help.

C) There is more to getting TV time than in ring skill, I would rather watch Santino every week as he is much more entertaining and that's what pro wrestling is, sports entertainment.

D) He has gotten plenty of big time chance before and even got a 3-4 month world title run. The WWE gave him his chance and he didn't capitalize, simple as that.
I agree that the fans don't care about him but he could have gotten over as a face after mania but they didn't turn him. I have no clue why. But him and dolph look like they'll make an impact. Dolph is sooo much better on the mic thes days then he was a few months back so he may carry that but it wouldn't make sense to have them continue feuding because they are both heels. If dolph goes face it will kill his momentum. It's too late to have swagger go face now so I say build him through this legitimate tag team. for now....
I like Swagger. I think he should stick with Ziggler and Vicky. They would make a great tag team.....the in-fighting to try to get Vicky's attention is funny and would cost them some matches, but their talent will also help them win a title.
Swagger is definetely an underrated talent on RAW. Perhaps the most underrated[and I'm even including Ryder in that category]. Swagger has everything needed to succeed except really good mic skills. I don't agree that Vicky Guerrero should be his manager, though. That's like copying the Ziggler thing only replacing it with Swagger. I wouldn't mind seeing Swagger get a good manager though. He needs someone who is very vocal who would influence him and possibly even help Swagger himself improve on the mic by being around them. This is where Paul Heyman from 2003 would've came in handy today. With Heyman's manager genius[and mic skills] and a guy like Swagger, you have the next potential Lesnar type. The potential for Swagger is endless and hopefully WWE will recognize this and use him.
What the hell is wrong with some of you? Swagger is so horrible on the mic that it's cringe worthy. I remember a segment he did a few weeks back talking to Vickie and it was one of the worst promos I've ever seen he kept stuttering and forgetting his lines and was just plain horrible. He has no charisma or personality and just does this goofy smile and runs around the ring or smacks his chest. He isn't bad in the ring at all but that is only half of what makes a good wrestler. I can't believe th is guy is a former world champ what the hell were they thinking and one more thing he doesn't deserve to be in the same sentence as Kurt Angle as he is nowhere near his level in the ring and has zero comparison to Angle on the mic. He needs to improve greatly in this and I don't think he has it as it seems he just can't act it at all. If he doesn't develop some serious skill here the crowd will never care about him.
Receiving a push doesn't necessarily mean attaining main event status. Jack has had that already and he didn't measure up, not that I have anything against him; he's fun to watch in the ring.

The thing is, he's hardly in a bad spot now. He appears on both brands, has a storyline going (with Vickie & Dolph) and sees action all the time. I'm sure many other performers would love to be in the situation Jack Swagger is now.

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