I've decided to join the Army

Pretty sure he already explained this, Military pays for his school, plus he gains experience cooking for his fellow troops. Perhaps more reading & less trolling would do you a little good.

He's joining the army not the fucking Taliban you fuck. It's one thing to shit on Milenko, but shitting on the troops as a whole, is just plain douchey.

Once again pretty sure he covered this, had you actually taken 2 seconds to read the fucking thread & not been so hell bent I'm trying to be a fuckhead & troll the kid (who is finally doing something decent with his life) you would seen the answer to your question already.

Wait... did I just defend Milenko?, holy shit the world really must be coming to an end.
This is the 2nd time you've done it. Admit it Justin you like me
Admit it Justin you like me

Dude really?

Read carefully what I'm about to write. Then re-read it.

The Taliban is a bastard mostly fostered by the US during the Cold War and the Chechnya problem. The US used the pathans of Afganistan to smuggle weapons to Chechnya and try and disrupt the Russian rule there. Once the cold war finished the Taliban were left with a militant rule and no guidance and resources as the US had promised.

People who propagate Death to America, use this tory to death in educating/brainwashing young recruits.

What they do is wrong, killing civilians with no remorse just to catch a few 'infidels', but do you think their motive NOT THEIR ACTIONS are unjustified?

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