It's snowing....I'm bored


Getting Noticed By Management
First, what's your name? Coty
How long have you liked wrestling? 2005
Have you ever had any sn's or email addresses that were wrestling related? no
if yes, what were they? no
who is your all-time favorite wrestler & diva, dead or alive? Randy Orton
who is your current favorite wrestler & diva? Randy Orton
all-time most hated wrestler & diva? Triple H
current most hated wrestler & diva? Triple H
who is your all-time favorite tagteam? Rated RKO
current favorite tagteam? Colon's
who is your all-time favorite clique/alliance? Evolution
current favorite clique/alliance? Legacy
which superstar has the best entrance theme? Mark Henry
what about the best diva? Kelly
who has the best entrance out of everyone & why? The beautiful people cause the shake their asses.
best weapon? chair
best type of match? straight wrestling
what is your favorite match -- ever? Orton/Foley at backlash 2004
what is your favorite year of wrestling? 2005/2008
favorite finishing move? RKO
favorte ring attire? Candice
favorite voice? Jay Lethal
favorite heel? Orton
favorite babyface Cena
how long have you liked wrestling? since 2003
how did you get into it? My cousins
who are the best wrestlers today? Bryan Danielson, Kurt Angle, Aj Styles.
who are the best divas today? Beth Phoenix
ever been to any wrestling events? No
if yes, how many & which ones? None
ever met any wrestlers? No
if yes, how many & who? None
ever started a chant when at a wrestling event? FUCKING NO
ever appeared on tv with your sign? Yes I did actually
what was your most memorable segmant in the WWE? Orton's punt to Vince
why? I marked out hard.
did you enjoy this? No
Top 5 Wrestlers of All-Time
5. Chris Benoit
4. Shawn Michaels
3. The Rock
2. Steve Austin
1. Hulk Hogan
Top 5 Entrance Music's of All-Time
5. Hart's
4. Austin's
3. Jericho's
2. Triple H's
1. Hogan's
Top 5 Finishing Moves of All-Time
5. Tombstone
4. Stunner
3. Pedigree
2. FU
1. Super kick
Top 5 Feud's of All-Time
5. Edge/Hardy
4. Taker/Kane
3. Lesnar/Angle
2. Austin/McMahon
1. Rock/Austin
Quick Hit Questions
Best Stable of All-Time? Evolution
Who is the Greatest Wrestler (in your opinion) never to win a World Title? Scott Hall
What do TNA need to do to become a legitimate player? Quit being fucktarded.
Outside of WWE and TNA, What is the one promotion, people should be watching? ROH
John Cena: Your thoughts? Great wrestler. People dont respect his abilites enough.
Top 5 Moments of All-Time
5. Orton punting Vince.
4. Ric Flair's tribute thingy after wrestlemania 24.
3. Vince on WCW.
2. Hogan slamming Andre.
1. Guerrero and Benoit in the ring after wrestlemania 20.
Top 5 Matches of All-Time
5. Flair/Funk
4. Edge/Foley
3. Taker/Angle
2. Michaels/Hart
1. Savage/Steamboat
Top 5 Events of All-Time
5. Bound for Glory
4. Survivor Series
3. Royal Rumble
2. Summerslam
1. Wrestlemania
More Quick Hits
What is the best piece of Wrestling Merchandise in History? no idea
Is wrestling too "nostalgic" for it's own good these days? No
When did you become a wrestling fan? 2003
CM Punk, the real deal? Hell no, CM Punk has failed every time he's won a title.
Finally....Yay or Nay? Great wrestler. Yay
Triple H? Good wrestler, he just needs to quit being a spotlight hog.
Shawn Michaels? could have a good match with a stick.
Edge? The new Shawn Michaels.
Big Show? Wasted potential
RVD? I really cant stand him.
Sandman? pfffttttt
Sabu? He's okay, but he get too much credit.
King Booker? over the hill.
Batista? Not as good as they make him out to be.
Finlay? Coulda been a world champion back in 06/07
Chris Benoit? Greatest technical wrestler ever. R.I.P
Lashley? He could have been a mega star.
Umaga? He's great. He could easily be a world champ.
Undertaker? Meh, I just dont see what the big deal is.
Kane? Same as Taker, but Taker has more ability.
Mick Foley? way overrated.
Ric Flair? legend.
Spirit Squad? they had a lot of talent.
Johnny Nitro? overrated.
Mr. Kennedy? Needs to get his act together.
Rey Mysterio? peewee herman.
Hulk Hogan? One of the best ever. Hopefully he finds peace in his life.
Vince McMahon? Genius.
Shane McMahon? Hopefully a genius.
Eric Bischoff? Tool
Paul Heyman? Weenie
Name: Coty Smith
Age: 17
D.O.B: 11/3/91
Eye/Hair colur: brown/black
do u got a man: No
Nationality: White
Tattoo/piercingz: No
Colur: Red
Food: Chicken Wings
Candy: Cookies and Cream Hershey bar
Music: Rock
Numberz: 08
dis or dat
kiss or hugz: both
Flower or kissez kissez
Lookz or personality: both
Money or love: both
Pizza or Chinoz: tha fuck is chinoz?
Do u:
Wanna get marry: yes
kidz: three
planned future: I wanna be a ninja

I strongly believe that a ******ed person made that.
What is your favorite rival in sports all time? Ortiz/Liddell
ESPN or Fox sports? Fox
Jimmie Johnson or Cale Yarbrough? Johnson
Kyle busch or Jeff gordon? Gordon
Tony Stewart or Matt Kenseth? Kenseth
Red Sox or Yankees? Yankees
Braves or Mets ? Braves
AL or NL? AL
Football or Basebal? Football
Notre Dame or USC? USC
Auburn or Alabama? Auburn
Georgia or Florida? Florida
Richard Petty or Dale Eanhardt? Earnhardt
What is your favoroite nascar driver? Jimmie Johnson
What is your favorite Football team? Carolina Panthers
What is your favorite MLB team? New York Yankees
What is your favorite NBA team? Chicago Bulls
What is your favorite sport? MMA/football
What is the worst sport ever? Cup stacking
would you watch your favorite sport all day? No
V.S or Speed TV? Speed
what is the most boring sport? Soccer
Packers or Chicago? Packers
how old are you? SEVENTEEN
guy or girl? guy
favorite color? Red
wat is ur name? Christopher Coty Smith
how hot r u on a scale of 1-10? 10
favorite thing to do? workout
kiss or feel? feel
body or personality? personality
do you think im hott? Fosho
rap music or rock? Rock
mom or dad? Dad
favorite food? chicken wings
how tall are you? 6'4
if you could be any animal when u die wat woud you be? Lion
rough or soft sex? both
who be yo bestest friend? Whitney or Brandon
do u like cartoons? South Park, that's it.
single or taken? Taken
mom or dad? Dad
are your parents still together? My Dad is dead. So I guess not.
do u have any animals? a beagle named Flippy and a Cat named Stewie.
favorite shoes? Nike
are you good or bad? both
black or white? White
are you a drinker? No
Are you into booty? Yes
Who has the best booty? Whitney
If booty was food, what will it be? apples
How many booties have you grabbed? more than I can count. But they all liked it.
Do you think you have a nice booty ? Hell yes
If your booty had a different name, what would you name it? Jimmy
Do you have a tattoo on your booty? No
Have you ever kissed a booty? Like the way Triple H does?
Do you like your girl or boyfriend's booty? Hell yes. It's even called "Coty's private property"
If you could have anyone else's booty, who's would you have? No ones
Do you find the word booty offensive? Very vulgar and obsene.
Do you like the word ass over booty? No, booty makes me giggle.
Do you think a booty whole is to close to the vagina? LMFAO
Do you thing your booty is too small? no
do you think your booty is too big? no
Have you ever slapped a booty and it jiggled for over three seconds? No idea
Have you ever seen a booty so sexy that you cant help but to be horny? probably
Are you getting tired of these booty questions? no
Has your booty ever fell asleep? no
If you could touch a booty for the last time in your life, who's would it be? My ladies
Ham or turkey? turkey
Pretzels or crackers? crackers
Vanilla or strawberry? strawberry
Green or blue? blue
British or Tennessee accent? tennessee, but the british is so cute
Tall or short? tall
Digital clock or analog clock? digital
Light or Dark? dark
Bob Marley or M.I.A. ? M.I.A
Miley Cyrus or Demi Lavato? neither
Beaters or spaghetti straps? neither
Musicals or broadway? neither
Tired or anxious? anxious
Laptop or desktop? laptop
Vampires or zombies? vampires
Taylor Lautner or Robert Pattinson? no idea who they are.
Japan or Italy? japan, cause the wrestling
Las Vegas or LA? vegas
Ticking or clicking? tickling
Print or cursive? print
Fall Out Boy or All-American Rejects? fall out boy
Scared or paranoid? paranoid
Star wars or star trek? star wars
Pineapple express or Panda express? pineapple express
Robots or humans? humans
Schizophrenic or bi-polar? both
Singing or dancing? singing
Jail or rehab? rehab
Funny or sad? funny
Tomatoes or potatoes? potatoes
Dawn of the dead or land of the dead? the one with Ving Rhames in a mall
Regina or Gretchen? no idea
Halloween or Christmas? christmas
Spring or Fall? spring
Superbad or knocked up? superbad
All time low or Boys like girls? no idea
Neptune or saturn? saturn
Spongebob or rugrats? rugrats
Ice cream or popcorn? ice cream
Amusement park or concert? concert
Texting or IMing? IMing
Disneyland or Sixflags? sixflags
Internet or TV? internet
Boring or Quiet? quiet
Rugrats or rocket power? rocket power
Homeschool or real school? I've done both. I honestly prefer homeschooled.
UCLA or UC Berkeley? UCLA
Itchy or burning? burning
Rocketship or submarine? rocketship
Mcdonalds or Taco bell? taco bell
Hamsters or birds? birds
Running or swimming? Love both, but swimming is more fun.
Tila Tequila or Jeri Lee? Tila
Tokyo drift or Dark knight? Dark Knight
Slugs or ants? ants
Rap or country? Country
Sharpies or highlighters? Sharpie
Do you have anything against the Jonas Brothers? no
Can you dance? yes
What are you listening to? ESPN news
Does your school have paper towels or dryers for after you wash your hands? yes
Do you like dogs? yes
Has a teacher never showed up for one of your classes? Yes
Who are your two bestest friends? Bella, Brandon, and Whitney
Have you ever attempted suicide? no
Who do you have posters/paintings/artwork of in your room? a few
Do you own any Nikes? Hellz yeah
What are your favorite movies? Dark Knight, Forrest Gump, and a bunch of action movies.
Would you ever eat cat at a chinese resturaunt? no
Why do they call it duck sauce anyway? cause they grind up baby duckies and put them in it.
Finish these lyrics: you're the voice i hear inside my head, the reason... that I eat food
When was the last time you played a Wii? never
Do you get made fun of at school? never did
Have you ever been to Six Flags? no
What is your favorite episode of South Park? The pubic hair episode.
Do you over use the fraze "your mom"? I do, and I do a lot.
On, what comes up when you type in your name?
Coty 9 up, 3 down
Name of a super bad ass motherfucker who owns everything an everyone. The name in urban legends you only hear about in your nightmares. A name given to the chosen one. Some say the person who is given this name is the only one who can kill Chuck Norris. Strangley enough the guy with this name will leave a smell of lemons wherever he goes.[/quote=]

What is your favorite color for a Sharpie? black
Where does your mom work? She's still in college
Are you wearing anything from Hollister right now? no
Do you have anyone that has ditched you because you changed your style? no
Where are you going for your next school break? par-tay
Are you and your ex(s) friends? Yup
Spell your name without vowels. Chrstphr Cty Smth
Do you have any friends? uhhuh
Have you ever read the twilight saga? no, but my girfriend tells me about it.
Do you ever get surveys from evidently so
What brand is your printer? dont have one
Have you ever been to Maine? no
Do you have a butler? no
What is your favorite candy bar? cookies and cream
What is your favorite layout site? none
What is your favorite kind of oreo? chocolate
Who are you texting? nobody right now.
What is the closest thing to you that is rainbow colored? a notebook
Do you have any pens with faces on them? no
Who do you sit next to 2nd period/block? my dog
Do you have a DVD burner? yes
What is the closest pamflet to you about? myrtle beach
Where is your iPod? on it's dock charging
What brand is your washer? whirlpool
What websites have you bookmarked/favorited? A website for wrestling schools, and a movie site.

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