Women's Battle Royal

Next Up from the other seed:

Ms. Brooks Vs. Christy Heme

I voted Heme. I like red heads!!!

Christy Heme-1:
Ms. Brooks-0:
cool, but right now it's between Ms. Brooks & Christy Heme. First to 3 wins.
Christy-1, Ms. Brooks-0
As hot as Brooks is i agree about the red heads. That and she had no experience and gave it a go. Christy Hemme gets the vots.
It is hard to choose but I'll have to give it to Christy Hemme. For some reason she is my favourite Diva in TNA.

Christy Hemme 3
Ms. Brooks 0
This thread has fallen apart, it really has. The Beth/Torrie vote just disappeared, the guy got banned, unbanned, IP banned, and god knows what else.

I think we should let Ech take over, he knows everything about women's wrestling.
It's all good! Beth & Torrie are against other people later on. I can handle my thread. Christy advances by a 3-0 vote.

The next two females from the wwe group is "Cherry Vs. Michelle McCool".
I vote for Michelle!!! She is one of my top 3 divas. Cherry is alright but i prefer McCool.

Michelle McCool-1
Michelle McCool-1

One more and cherry advances to the next round. *On a side not all parings were randomly chosen, don't get mad at some of the "lop-sided" pairings. The nex paring is the battles of the "biggest divas".
Since all I know about Cherry is her name, and having seen those videos of michelle, its easy for me. Michelle gets the vote.
Michelle-2 Next vote advances!!!!!!!
Next seed may be a tough one? 2 of the most dominant divas are next!
Yeah!!!!!!! Michelle McCool advances!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The next paring is Jazz Vs. Amazing Kong. Two really big dominating divas!!! I go for Jazz just b/c i havent saw alot of amazing kong yet.
Amazing Kong-0
Ummm can i vote for harvey whipleman in drag? I'll go with Jazz just because she's never had a wardrobe malfunction. 2-0

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