Your favorite former WWE/F diva.

to me the greatest and favorite WWE diva of all time is trish stratus! she the greatest WWE women's champ of all time and she wore the belt 7 times and one time hardcore champ,3 time WWE diva of the year (I remembered her diva of the year site back in 2003) and my dream wife
My pick is Trish Stratus
I believe that she was a great in ring competitor and one of the most famous diva's that has ever competed in WWE. She had a very good move set and her looks were and still are very astonishing she usually always was a fan favorite and always gave everything she had in the ring.

Trish was one of those diva's who in my mind help the new comers learn the ropes im not saying that she carved the divas spot in the history of the sport all i'm saying is Trish is my favorite diva that is not currently in the WWE right now.
Lita, for sure, especially during that run with Edge from 2005-2007. That Edge-Kane Rivalry was a great one to remember. And I am sure everyone here remembers the live sex celebration after Edge beat Cena for the championship. Those were the good ole days, before Edge became rated PG and had a relationship with Vickie Guerrero and teamed up with vanilla ice Cena and Khali to take on one of the best groups of up and coming talent in the WWE, the Nexus.
Trish because she is extremely hot and could actually put on one hell of a match. She improved so much over her time with the company. When she was in matches with other Diva's that could wrestle, which they had a few during her time (Lita, Mickie James, Victoria to name a few) I would actually watch for the wrestling not just because they were hot, which is what I do now with Maryse haha.
something to consider is what do you people percieve as the difference between a Diva and a female pro wrestler if anything at all, Tish and Lita weren't really Diva's IMO they were female wrestlers who happened to be good looking

where as someone like Sunny, Sable, Stacey Keibler i'd consider diva's by today's definition, they were hot females who happened to be able to do some wrestling aswell

Lumping them all together my pick is a tie between Lita & Trish, they were both in a group of there own.
Both consumate professionals in ring and on the mic.

Mickie James would come in a close 3rd place.

but i'm more about the wrestling ability than the really hot looking women
I think my favourite Diva is probably Lita, at this point.

For me, Lita was the most exciting WWF/E Diva that competed back in the day and she really had it all. Her run in the ring with Essay Rios and then The Hardy’s showed that she had the talent to be able to pull off some really exceptional things. I don’t think I have seen a Diva that has been as good or as athletic as she was when she was with The Hardy’s. Her feuds with Trish Stratus are probably the best Diva feud that the WWE has had in its history and it was very entertaining to see how it was going to pan out continually.

Not only was she exceptional inside of the ring, she was an excellent valet. She worked for both The Hardy’s and Edge. Her run with Edge was probably was probably her finest moment and that is actually saying a lot. Most people gave her the right kind of heat and her relationship with Edge was always entertaining. Her mic work was pretty damn good too and I think that outside of Trish Stratus, she was probably the closest the WWE were ever going to get to coming up with the total package for a WWE Diva.

I have to go with Lita too. She was amazing to me, like you said her feuds with Trish--best in Diva history. Main event people main event. I just hated her storyline with Edge, it blurred way too much with reality. All the "you screwed Matt" chants. It was just beating a dead horse to me. But anyway Lita all the way!

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