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It's Coming ...THE ROYAL RUMBLE!!!

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Formerly known as AD Angelic Diablo
Finally its coming!!! The Royal Rumble, its very near!!!

The Royal Rumble is the time of the year that gets me very excited! This pay per view is the start of the Road to WrestleMania. This pay per view gets me very anxious who will win the Royal Rumble. In the Royal Rumble you see lots of suprises happen. For instance John Cena returning and winning, I didnt see that coming. Rey Mysterio winning the Royal Rumble, etc. Even though last year we had no surprise that Orton was going to win, this years a bit different.

They usually have a build up to Royal Rumble and its obvious who is going to win. My question are as following:

1) Do you think there will be any surprises at the rumble?
2) Who do you think is going to win?

My opinion is: Edge.

I know it might be too early for him to comeback but I think the ultimate opportunist has something up his sleeves, I mean think about it:

Edge comes in number 30, Jericho is left and Big Show is left. Jericho takes out Big Show, Thinks he won, out of nowhere number 30 entrant Edge spears Jericho out of the ring. Starting a feud Edge-Jericho-Big Show since there is a huge gap between Rumble and WrestleMania. Jericho and Show lose their Titles to DeGenerationX due to Edge helping.

This could also build up a DX feud when some other team win the titles off DX.
Jericho complains its not fair, he is the best in the world Edge comes back and just wins it. Jericho says he challenges Edge for his spot at WrestleMania main event at Elimination Chamber. Edge wins and then Big Show and Jericho have a feud.

Basically what I'm saying is Edge winning works out perfectly in my opinion. If Edge doesn't come back then I am guessing Undertaker loses to Batista an hour before to lose the Heavyweight Championship, and then Taker is the number 30 entrant and wins the Rumble to then start a feud with John Cena leading up to WrestleMania.
Na'h, I'm getting annoyed with people always saying that Edge will return and win it. It's WAY too obvious, try and think of something different, Edge has had his time in the sun, it's about time that the Rumble boosted someone insted of promoting Edge. He's won the title 9 times in 3 years, that's just too much. It has to be an up-and-comer who's going to win.

- Jo-Mo
- Kofi
- Christain (after losing ECW championship)
- Miz (I hope not, I think he sucks personally)
- Ted DiBiase

Any of these guys are fine, and in my opinion are ready to take it big time. Edge, winning the title again (yawn)... Also, it'll be good for SD! to win this year in my opinion, since they're starting to climb to the dominant brand space.
This year should be interesting, it seems a lot more open than previous years, lets take a look at these guys:

Edge - Ultimate opportunist kicking in again, they could be doing a Cena by saying he is injured for longer than he really is.

Cena - Unlikely, I reckon he is most probably going to be the defending champ at wrestlemania

Undertaker - Possibly, but with this young star intitiative i would have thought he would keep right out of it since he can't put over talent at mania as he has to win. The question is whether he drops the title to Batista or not

Morrison - A big possibility in my eyes but the question will be whether he still has the intercontinental title which is very possible as I dont see any serious competition for it

Triple H - Doubt it, more likely facing HBK in a DX break up

Kingston - Possible but it all depends on how his feud with Orton rolls out, doubt his first title shot will be at mania

Miz - Again most likely still champ

Orton - I doubt he will be persuing the title AGAIN so soon, might end up with Taker at mania

Batista - Possibly although he has kinda already gone through this route and is very possible in being the champ soon

There are some possibilities and how they might work out, could be (and knowing me will) be completely different.

What I completely forgot to say was that I reckon christian will finally drop his title at TLC and go on to win the rumble, thus pushing him into smackdown or raw on that main event stage where he really deserves to be.
See we havent seen Edge in so long, and we are definitly missing him.

He hasnt been in action since the summer cmon! These guys you named are great talent that deserve to be pushed, but now is too soon.

Fans are missing Edge, and that is a great return for Edge, maybe not winning but at least started a feud with JeriShow after eliminating them.

But who I really want to win is John Morrison or Kofi Kingston, but pushing Morrison and giving him a title shot too soon would ruin his career.

Out of all the young guys I say Kofi, his feud with Orton is amazing, and its time to take it a step higher, and have him eliminate Orton to win the Royal Rumble.
Nice Idea but it just would be too much like Cena coming back early....however it would be ten times more awesome !!!!

Miz will be close i reckon....if he's lucky final 4

JO-MO He'll eliminate Miz for sure but wont win

I like SMJ1's idea of some1 losing belt then winning rumble but just nt taker

Maybe taker and Cena in the final 2 but we'd need much controversy

Edge is a nice wish but dnt think he'll be back

I think it could be Jericho for sure he's just on a permanent roll atm

Kofi defo final 4 and i can see him and Orton's fued lasting till WM cause orton is yet to have a Proper match with him so orton wont win

Rhodes/Dibase just aren't ready but this might start some conflict

HBK would be awesome and HHH just plz no......

Edge is still the obvious choice but we'll see....maybe he could come in and get Kayfay injured and have to drop his WM match to give creative more time to pick an official winner but that just wont happen. I predicted the last two years but Orton wasn't hard it was almost obvious.

Suprizes......Kofi will honestly be the luckiest guy ever if he does but my money is Jerhico unless Edge makes a return
Vince wouldn't let RVD win......no brainer !
It'd be awes though !!!! Jeff wouldn't be allowed to wrestle until he finishes his court stuff either which sucks but for some reason i cant see him winning it. I dunno why i just can't lol

Kennedy .......Be fucking hillairious !!! Orton would shit himself lol

Edge, Jerhico or HBK for me
wow u really got me thinking and i think this might be hbks last years in the wwe and hes done so much for the wwe hbk should win this and hhh should win the world title in e.c and then those two can have a match at wrestlemania
Thats actually quite a good idea seen as they have been kept out of the title picture for soo long......as long as HBK wins though cause that was awesome at SS when he kicked HHH out the ring....WOW okay we are onto something now.....but any other possible winners developing into stories ?

Cena Taker ?
Edge Jerhico?
Batista Cena? They've never had a long fued just one match...im suprised this has never happened actually....
What some of you fail to realise is that Edge is nowhere near ready to be cleared to return yet. I would love to see it, but I know it wont happen. But he is set to appear in the Australian tour next July.

Now onto my RR choices:

Chris Jericho: With huge rumours of Undertaker facing Cena, he most likely wont be the WHC heading into 'Mania since they're both on seperate brands. Jericho has never won the RR so to me its a possibility.

John Morrison: Not impossible for someone whose never held a World Title to win the RR of course, Benoit, Batista, Mysterio, Morrison in my opinion is the best wrestler out of the younger talent, I'd love to see him win it.

CM Punk: He's excelled since his debut, and within the past year and a half has proved he can mix it up with the big dogs, I can't imagine who he'd end up facing if 'Taker isn't Champion heading into 'Mania but thats apart of the surprise/

Kofi: I think he has less chance since he hasn't been pushed as hard as Punk yet, only recently has he well and truly proved his worth since dropping the Jamaican accent and feuding with Orton (that leg drop was incredible and his performance at SS was nothing short of amazing) I honestly think he has more chance of winning the MITB though.

Christian: We've never seen an ECW star win the RR, and there is no bigger name on the ECW roster than Christian. He deserves it the most, I've enjoyed seeing him main event ECW since he re-debuted with WWE, and out of the names I've mentioned I think he's the most established and well-known, and overall he deserves the win, he deserves that WrestleMania headline, and he deserves the moment when he captures his first World Title.
They are saying that Batista will get the strap off of Undertaker, so that Undertaker will face John Cena. John Cena will be going into WrestleMania as the CHAMP. But would it be for the title or could Cena lose the belt, and this could be just something BIG to headline WrestleMania.
As far as HBK superkicking Triple H in the beginning of their match at Survivor Series, i think this will have some build up to Shawn Michaels eliminating Triple H at Survivor Series. Triple H winning the elimination chamber pinning John Cena or Sheamus. Leading up to HBK vs. HHH for the WWE Title.
WWE should suprise us somehow...and I have a feeling that someone who never won the rumble and someone who never had a world title (WWE or World) win so theyll probably pull some kind of suprise for us: and the winner will probably be Christian
I am all for, 100% behind, up and coming stars to win the RR .... but it never has and most likely never will.

Stone Cold won the title 3 times! 3! in the PRIME of his career. Michaels won in his prime. Cena. Taker. Benoit. Rey. You get my point.

An everyone knows the winner HEADLINES Wrestlemania. So does WWE want Morrison headlining Mania? Probably not yet.

And just like the past, I really miss multiple RR winners. I mean would you really want a different team winning a sports championship every year. I just feel some RR dominance is needed.

My predictions:
Triple H/Michaels: One of the way this could effect the feud is in the upcoming months, one could win the WWE title. The two are still DX but major jealousy occurs. Other wins RR and challenges him for the title.

Odd men out:
I'd think the obvious candidate would be Jericho. That would be just the feather to put in his cap, and another reason for him to continue the current persona. Imagine if with all his success so far, he could come out and talk about how great he is for winning the Royal Rumble. It would work rather well I think.

Another guy I could see winning it would be C.M. Punk. Same goes for him as with Jericho. Imagine the promos he could cut with the Royal Rumble on his resume of successes. The Royal Rumble would be just the evidence he needed to show all of the people how being "straight-edge" pays off and what is possible by making the choice to live as such.

One of the main reasons I think it will be one of these two is because if you look at the winners of the last few Royal Rumbles with exception to last year, it has been all faces that won. Randy Orton is the first heel for a while to win one, and I think that trend is going to continue in order to make a credible and stronger heel to go against a face champion at Wrestlemania, most likely being Cena.

As for the wish list, I am with most of you and I would like to see either John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, or Christian but I don't think that is going to happen. With the recent developments and momentary push of Sheamus into the title picture, I wouldn't be too surprised if he were the guy to win it, or perhaps Drew McIntyre since apparently Vince is so high on him too. Those could be some real up-setters right there that no one would see coming for the most part, and it would be just the push that either guy needed.
im sooooo happy him going to this. finally a ppv is in atlanta and the rumbble count be a better one. i like the idea of taker dropping the title and then winning the rumble but i'd rather see some1 new win it. i also like the jeff hardy idea but like some1 said he wont wrestle with the court case going on. edge most likely wont be back in time. and i like the idea of a young guy winning but i'd much rather see sonme1 like that win mitb and cash it in on the same night. talk about intense. my vote is for chris jericho. i see dx beating jerishow at tlc and bigshow n jericho have a short feud going into the rumble. if they want take to face cena then taker has to drop the title to someone because cena wil be champ going into mania. i would say taker beats batista and loses to cm punk but if there going to have punk v rey at mania then idk. hmm this is interesting because i dont like batista and since he and jericho are both heels it wont work. who else could taker drop the title 2?? dam smackdown is fucked. they have no face besides taker and if hes facing cena....... either some one goes face or........thats right john morrison. haha when dx beats jerishow and taker beats batista jericho can take the title from taker and john morrison wins the rumble.

now this whole idea does not include christian. i like christian but i dont see him winning the rumble. maybe loses the ecw title and goes to be a smackdown midcard face. (they really dont have a good mid-card face besides jomo. maybe r-truth) but jomo could drop the ic title to christian
Only one heel RR winner went to WM and won the title. Thats was yokozuna, he won at WM but lost it minutes later.

My picks are John morrison and kofi, but my #1 pick is kofi. His feud with Orton is IMO the best feud in a long time, he deserves to win RR and hopefully face Cena.

what about:
Edge- he won't come back by that time, but i hopes he proves me wrong

HBK/HHH- HBK won 2, HHH has won once. They already fought at WM 20 with the additional benoit, plus i'm sick of HHH being in the main event of a WM every year.

Sheamus- I know I have said in other threads he didn't deserves the push right now, but I would like to see him win and face the UT. RR is different from a battle royal its more credibility.

Really! I woudn't know who will win or who should win. We'll just have to wait and see.
I'm actually going to the Rumble this year, so I'm really excited for this one.

Anyways, here's my dream scenario: SuperCena keeps getting bashed by fellow wrestlers, saying they're sick of him (like Carlito). He defends against Sheamus and then someone like Swagger at the PPV after TLC. Going into the Rumble, Randy is extremely angry that he hasn't had his shot at the title and guarantees a Rumble win. However, the DiBiase-Orton thing begins to surface again throughout the feud with Kofi.

Then the Rumble comes. Cena doesn't defend his title, instead he does commentary for the entire match (a genius idea: He could evaluate every single contender when they enter and then ahve fun with King every time one gets eliminated).

The match comes down to DiBiase, Orton, DX, Miz, Morrison, Kofi Jericho and someone like Sheamus with three entrants to come.

Number 28 in the Rumble: The return of Edge! He goes after Jericho and eventually eliminates him, setting up a great feud leading into Wrestlemania (maybe include Christian and have a tag showdown with JeriShow to get the one on one payoff at Mania)

Number 29 is no one important and choas breaks loose. Miz and Morrison go out and so does Sheamus. DX gangs up on Orton/DiBiase with Kofi but the tables turn and HBK is out. All of a sudden, there's a big elimination spree that culminates with Orton eliminating DiBiase and Randy is alone waiting for the 30th competitor. There's no one we can think of legitimately beating him and we're all groaning because it is Cena-Orton again.

And then #30 is The Rock. He's been talking about making a big return, well here it is. Randy is shocked. Cena is stunned on commentary. Rock cleans Orton's clock: Rock Bottom, People's Elbow, toss over the top.

Rock v. Cena at Mania. God, that'd be fantastic.

Anyways, onto reality.

I think the Rumble winner is going to face Cena at Mania at that person will of course go against face SuperCena. Thus I expect a big heel to win the Rumble (though Taker would be great). My choices:

-Miz. He's easily my favorite part of Raw. He can wrestle well enough to be a credibly theat to Cena and we all know he's good enough to carry a 3 month Road to Wrestlemania on the stick

-Morrison. Turn JoMo back into the awesomely arrogant Shaman of Sexy instead of the somewhat forced good guy that we've been given since his turn. Seriously, he shouldn't change up his character so much. Look at the greats: They were pretty much the same character, heel or face and JoMo's arrogance and hilarity is all but gone now. Go back and watch old JoMo promos: They're awesome. I would love to see him tell Cena to 'Be Jealous' after hitting the Moonlight Drive.

-Orton. This would be the way to get around his inability to challenge Cena for the championship. Then he could have a big leadup where he sets Cena up against DiBiase and Rhodes during the Road to Mania and generally causes chaos. Hell, that might be awesome on their own, Teddy could full-fledged turn the month before by beating Cena for the championship and setting up Randy vs. Teddy for the strap at mania as a huge smark swerve. That would be fantastic, really.

-CM Punk. Great match against Cena last week, could be pretty cool. Plus we haven't really seen both face off a lot

-HBK. Turn him heel again and see who gets cheered. My money is on Cena getting booed. LOL But that would be a great build up.
Even if Edge does return in time he shouldn't win it. I don't even want to see him become a world champ again. He sucks as a champ and has almost single handidly killed the prestige of it with his 9 2 week reigns in the past 3 years. He's great when he's chasing after the belt but he doesn't make a good champ.

I hope they use the RR to push somebody new. I could really see Kofi winning it depending on how his feud with Orton goes between now and the RR. Christian could definately be a possibility assuming he drops the ECW title at TLC. Jericho and Punk are also well deserving to win it.

I just don't want it to be the obvious Cena, Taker, HHH, HBK or Orton.
The dissapointing thing is the RR isn't used to push young talent to ' The next level' anymore, simply for already established main eventers to get into feuds that seemto last for about 100 years! ( Cena and Orton or Orton and HHH).

But my prediction is probably Orton or another raw heel. I can't think of one right now.
Cena needs new competition and the RR COULD push someone to the next level.

My Smackdown pick is CM Punk as it gets him back into the title picture.

Ah well, should be a good PPV which I will have to buy!
I really think Christian deserves to win it (after losing ECW title somewhere along the line)...

And I could see Edge getting involved, maybe helping Christian beat Jericho in the final 2 or something like that...

But I just have a hard time seeing the WWE wanting Christian in a major title match at Wrestlemania.
Edge will not be back in time to have a match or involvement at the Rumble. Chris Jericho will WIN this years Rumble. He may return at the Elimination Chamber ppv, costing Jericho his opportunity as he will be cocky and cahs in his title op at that ppv. If Edge is not ready to return in time for Mania, Jericho will then slot into the card with a match against Undertaker at Mania.
Is this not HBK'S last year?

I reckon they'll send him out on top win at the rumble and title at mania...or the other option will be edge.

I would love it if the wwe pulled of a masterstroke and did something massive like the winner being a random like Vance Archer or someone like Primo, Evan Bourne, Mike Knox,Tommy Dreamer or Goldust maybe not what everyone would think but certainley someone who would put a spanner in the works.

In an ideal world i'd go with Matt Hardy, or R- Truth or Shelton.

But facts remain it will never be an ecw guy, Christian will never win it he will always get the eric bischoff treatment.

Morrison or Kingsston never in a million years because Vince will never push anyone that kick.

So it boils down to the main boys or old guard Y2J, Big Show, Orton, HBK, HHH, Taker, Batista, Edge, Kane (never but still) Cena, it will be someone who has been in or aound that situation for a wee while.

WWE are pretty much predictable tbh
Personally, I love the Royal Rumble. I have since I watched my very first one in 2000 and I will always have a place in my heart for the PPV that sparked my love of professional wrestling. As we begin to get around to this period of time in the wrestling calendar, I get very excited and tune into "mark mode". You see, the Royal Rumble is one of the only wrestling events in the year that will legitimately excite me to any real degree. This year, it is the exact same excitement surrounding the event as has always been prevalent to me. This year, it is one of the first years in a while that really has me guessing about who is going to win it. The last couple of years, we always had an prediction about who was going to walk away from the Royal Rumble with the shot at the desired Championship at WrestleMania. However, this year it is very up in the air.

You see, over the last few years, the WWE has gone with it's tried and tested stars to take away the prize. However, this year it seems as though it may be a very different story indeed. The main stars will likely have a very big role to play and I can probably see Triple H, John Cena and CM Punk going very far, along with Randy Orton. However, this is the time when WWE needs to find out how serious it is about pushing new stars in the industry. If they are as serious as I would think them to be, then a rookie or a very good youngster needs to walk away with the prize. My personal thoughts would immediately jump to Morrison or Sheamus for example. However, I really can't bring myself to think that any of them will go over people like Triple H and The Game is my own personal pick for the event. It should be a cracking match though.
It's very sweet that so many of you are giving Kofi and Morrison such a fighting chance. But simply look back at the past 10 years of RR. Not one of the winners have ever NOT already been a World Champion. Only exception is Rey Mysterio and we all know that it was a sympathy win followed by a single sympathy run in remembrance of the late great Eddie Guerrero. Just because WWE threw us 1 swerve with Sheamus' BBR win doesn't mean that it isn't still quite predictable. Orton will win again and use the win to break the stipulation of not being able to challenge Cena for the title. I know it, you know it, my dumb dog knows it, even Michael Cole knows it
It's very sweet that so many of you are giving Kofi and Morrison such a fighting chance. But simply look back at the past 10 years of RR. Not one of the winners have ever NOT already been a World Champion. Only exception is Rey Mysterio and we all know that it was a sympathy win followed by a single sympathy run in remembrance of the late great Eddie Guerrero. Just because WWE threw us 1 swerve with Sheamus' BBR win doesn't mean that it isn't still quite predictable. Orton will win again and use the win to break the stipulation of not being able to challenge Cena for the title. I know it, you know it, my dumb dog knows it, even Michael Cole knows it

I guess you've never heard of Batista and Chris Benoit then.

WWE has used the RR quie a few times to give upper mid-carders that final boost to become a world champ. Right now Kofi has ALOT of focus on him and assuming his feud with Orton won't last much longer this is WWE's chance to finish his main event push or just let him fade back into mid-card hell.

This RR more than any is gonna prove just how serious WWE is about making a new star cause right now they need one more than ever.
I guess you've never heard of Batista and Chris Benoit then.

WWE has used the RR quie a few times to give upper mid-carders that final boost to become a world champ. Right now Kofi has ALOT of focus on him and assuming his feud with Orton won't last much longer this is WWE's chance to finish his main event push or just let him fade back into mid-card hell.

This RR more than any is gonna prove just how serious WWE is about making a new star cause right now they need one more than ever.

I'll give you Batista (even though we know Vince has a thing for muscleheads who can't wrestle) but Benoit was actually WCW Champion well before the rumble. WWE has a thing for sending stars right on the cusp of breaking through back to mid-card hell. Examples: MVP, Swagger, Carlito, JoMo, Matt Hardy, Shelton Benjamin, Umaga (RIP), Christian, Billy Gunn, and the list will continue unfortunately
I'm extremely excited for the Rumble. It's truly unpredictable this year as of right now. It's the one PPV I have every intention of oredering no matter what. It always delivers. Always.

Right now, since he's lost his title and is on the cusp of breaking through, my pick for the win is John Morrison. I think he would make a great Royal Rumble winner and eventually a great champion. WWE seems to be serious about building new stars, so a Morrison win would work perfectly.

If it's not Morrison, I expect it to be Kofi Kignston. He's red hot right now, and also on the verge of becoming a main eventer. Plus, I'm a Kofi mark.
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