It takes Orton 4 weeks but Cena couldn't do it in 4 months


The King of Swing
so the past 3 weeks, including this week, orton has punted Harris, McGillicutty, and now Otunga. basically eliminating all of the new nexus except punk (who he will face at mania) and mason ryan. now i assume orton will face ryan next week, beat him, and then punt him. just as it has gone down the past 3 weeks.

so in 4 weeks orton will do what cena never could. end nexus.

isnt this kinda sad. are we supposed to forget that cena spend most of last year trying to end nexus and couldnt? i mean he got rid of barrett, well atleast sent him to smackdown, but never really ended nexus. and now orton does it in the matter of weeks. does this make cena look bad or orton look that good? or are we supposed to forget the past nexus/cena feud?

Why are you complaining? You should be happy someone other than John Cena makes a difference on Monday Night RAW.

Let Randy end Nexus and just get it over with, noone likes them anyway, lol.
It's a very watered down Nexus. That argument can be made. So it is not that far fetched. We all knew the Nexus storyline could only last so long. Heres to the nail in the coffin in one of the disapointting directions a faction has gone.
When Cena was feuding with the Nexus, they were the hottest thing on RAW, it was the story that was driving over 6 months of TV and PPV. This current CM Punk led version is not the same group, it is a one-off that is being used simply to give Punk a stable backing, but its clearly being killed off week by week now.
Orton gets his ass kicked by three people, then gets a GTS and draged to the ring, where he can barely even stand up, get his ass handed to him in the ring by Otunga, who cant put him away "REALLY", then one offencive move from Orton and Otunga is done "REALLY", then he kicks the shit out of Mayson Ryne "REALLY".

Have we now seen the invention of Ortons new gimmick "SUPER ORTON" god I hope not.
u do realize at the beginning they where trying make Nexus strong. and that Cena rarely had individual matchs with Nexus like Randy has had. the gang attitude is what the first 6 months where. beating down people.
I think it's pretty crappy myself. Blandy Boreton doesn't need to be "super orton". Cena was fine because he was the big face, the underdog, the fighting man for the people, etc. etc. Orton's character doesn't warrant that status.

And yeah, they made Nexus look terrible. Way to bury the guys you built up not too long ago.
I don't think this makes Cena look bad because like others said, it's not the same group. This is a good way to get rid of Nexus. Remember in January when we thought we'd see Nexus vs. Core at WM? Anyway, it's a shame what happened to Nexus. They debuted strong but the angle has a wrench thrown in it immediately w/ the Daniel Bryan thing. I'd love to know what the REAL plan for this angle was. As far as Cena goes, this should be his fued anyway but I think they needed something to shift Nexus' focus awy from him so they could get the Cena/Rock/Miz thing going. So at least they came up w/ a logical storyline and a logical way to end Nexus. I guess I'll just be happy with that.
I can definitely see where your coming from, however Cena was also dealing with a Nexus of 7 people generally (I usually discount Danielson because he was gone after one night) that, quite frankly was a completely different group. In fact over on smackdown 3 of the original Nexus that Cena had difficulty with are quite frankly dominating the show in the Corre, so in that respect the "original" Nexus is still quite strong. With that being said I still dont like the fact the new nexus has essentially been buried by one man so I can understand your point of view.
I like it for a few reasons.

1/ As mentioned before this is not the original Nexus, this is the watred down version that has been beaten inot submission by their ego driven leader CM Punk, whose only reason to take over the group was to use them over John Cena whoch has failed and to get revenge against Orton that is failing at the moment.

2/ So the first point is the new Nexus is not as strong as the original Nexus, the second point is Orton is not Cena. Orton is the vicious anti-hero Viper, Apex Predator, whatever you want to call him. Cena fought the Nexus to try and bring them down. The sadistic Orton wants to end their career.

Barrett wanted to over shdadow Cena, Punk wants to end Randy's career and the Viper will have none of that. You want to attack Orton, he'll do it back to you 100 fold.

3/ Randy has been Super-Orton for 6 months now this is nothing new

4/ It finally ends this poor excuse for Nexus and shows without a shadow of doubt that Barrett is the man and his Nexus was the dominant force in wrestling. Punk is the evil brain washing cult leader he has been for the last two years and orton will fight him at Mania. Anti-hero vs. Evil cult leader. It's all part of the over the top WWE and Wrestelmania..

*Sidenote- I'm not sure if Mason Ryan will get punted. The guy hasn't been around long enough and so far it seems as they are grooming him like they did with Batista. I guess we'll find out next week. The guy is huge and looks a threat to Cena and Orton, can't wait to see what he will do in a Raw ring...
Difference is The nexus started with more members and were hungry rookies. Now its less members and Orton in THE VIPER lol. He preys on people.for a living it makes since for.him to take them out. Hell it makes since for them to sit on the shelf until sometime after Manie because honestly.they are to green for a match at WM. The Corre is a diff story they are the original atagonists minus zeke.and are still going.
im just saying its stupid story telling.

I disagree. Orton has been playing the "I end careers" type for a long time now. John Cena on the other hand is more of a "I'll beat your ass - then you can recover and I'll beat your ass again" kinda person.

And on top of that, Nexus got more done with Wade Barrett as their leader, they even beat down Randy successfully. This is a new Nexus comprised of CM Punks wants and desires, not a successful unit but a bunch of cronies and pawns for Punk.

Randy is playing his character as usual and decimating things when he's pushed to the limit. John Cena doesn't go out to end careers, he doesn't do after match attacks he just sticks his hands in the air and gives everyone a big smile that says "YAY I DID IT" where as Randy won't stop til something like... "Yes... they're dead," enters his head.

lol... That's just my input.
Im loving every minute of it because it shows that Orton has never changed. Still as crazy as every not giving a fuck. Plus its a good way to send the rookies to OVW to develop there skills a little more. Also it gives more room for Skip Sheffield to return. Overall this shows that Orton is better and more entertaining when he's not in the main event.
Well, tonight I officially rooted for Orton for the first time in six months or so. I feel like shaking his hand for assisting in the removal of David Otunga from WWE programming, at least for now.

I do find the storyline as a whole to be rather odd and somewhat thrown together, though. Others have pretty much made the Cena vs. Orton argument, and I agree with it, but the way things initially played out, Punk took on Nexus as his own to thwart Cena, then the entire angle was abandoned. My thinking is that Cena got injured and they were unsure of how serious it was, then simultaneously agreed to terms with Rock for his involvement in WM. The basis for the Punk/Orton feud is solid and I'm glad that they went so far as to acknowledge something that happened two years ago, but the involvement of Nexus is taking away from the personal nature of the feud and, in my opinion, overshadowing Punk's ability to sell the feud on his own. I'm totally fed up with Nexus as a whole, though and am saddened that The Corre has turned out to be a small-scale rehash on a different show. I'd like to get back to wrestling and stop the ten minute mass-beatdowns.
To answer your question, it is the second thing - the WWE want you to forget past feuds and history, as they always do. And anything which makes cena looks bad is always good.
Nexus has lacked credibility for a long time. WWE spent so long trying to develop these guys into something worth watching in the end only to be fed to Randy Orton and become lackeys to CM Punk. The Nexus had mystique and a sense of fresh air but all that has totally been lost.
Nexus has lacked credibility for a long time. WWE spent so long trying to develop these guys into something worth watching in the end only to be fed to Randy Orton and become lackeys to CM Punk. The Nexus had mystique and a sense of fresh air but all that has totally been lost.

But it's Nexus in name only Wolfpac. Punk's inferior version is easy prey to the Viper. Barrett's troup would never had let Orton get this far, he would have been a victim of the 450 by now...
And on top of that, Nexus got more done with Wade Barrett as their leader, they even beat down Randy successfully. This is a new Nexus comprised of CM Punks wants and desires, not a successful unit but a bunch of cronies and pawns for Punk.
I think you hit the nail on the head. Original Nexus was all about domination of the show now not so much. Remember seemed like Punk only joined/took over the Nexus cause he was tired of John Cena.
About Orton, I was talking shit about his punts when he completely whiffed on Harris, and barely grazed McG, but this time it actually looked like he cracked Otunga's noggin good. And thank you to Orton for taking out Otunga, now I don't have to see him wearing Jennifer Hudson's panties on Raw for a while
Blah give me a break. Cena was facing a more populated Nexus and that story-line was done beautifully. From a story-standpoint I still don't see why this is a big deal. Orton is getting 1on1 chances that Cena hardly got but when he did he was just as effective. Cena also eliminated all of this new nexus from the Royal Rumble, looking WAY stronger than anyone on the roster. By the way, I think Orton will lose at Mania. If that happens, you're dead wrong.
Blandy Boreton doesn't need to be "super orton".

This is what top-level babyface wrestlers do. It works. Just because you don't like the guy doesn't mean it isn't the right thing to do.

Cena was fine because he was the big face, the underdog, the fighting man for the people, etc. etc. Orton's character doesn't warrant that status.

Doesn't warrant what status? Are you telling me he's not the #2 babyface in the company (would be Taker, if he were around more than 3 months out of the year)? Did you not hear that reaction? It's warranted.

And yeah, they made Nexus look terrible. Way to bury the guys you built up not too long ago.

NEXUS has made Nexus look terrible, not Orton. Otunga is the most worthless wrestler on the roster, and Harris/McGillicutty weren't ready. They are fine for being in a stable, but taking apart the stable is part of the storyline. That's how it goes.

Orton is much more ruthless and aggressive than Cena. He doesn't have to play by a bunch of rules. He doesn't go about things the "fair" way. I think Nexus needs to gain the upper hand over the next few weeks, heading into Mania. But remember, we have 3 more Raws before Mania. It's going fine.
Honestly the way it seems to me by Punk's half-assed attempts to save his team mates and the fact that he never seems genuinely upset kinda makes it seem like they are going to do a story where he reveals it to be his plan to dismantle Nexus(getting rid of the main threats first). Then Punk can brag that he did what Cena couldn't.
Very few people are remembering Cena vs Nexus coming into Wrestlemania because they have nothing to do with each other- so it really doesn't matter. They're playing off of Orton's SCSA persona- the lone rebel badass. That character is meant to pick off factions. Hell, that character looks BEST when going up against factions.

On top of that, Cena faced a completely different Nexus. Let's say, for arguments sake, that the New Nexus looks incredibly weaker than the original Nexus. (And it does.) Cena took out the group at the Rumble with ease. The original Nexus had 7 members- This Nexus has 5, and they aren't meant to look strong at all. They are SES 2.0. CM Punk, and maybe Mayson Ryan are the only guys in this group that are meant to get anything out of it.

So it's not shitty storyline- it's different opponents, different characters.

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