Is TNA Picking a Fight it Can't Win?

Still funny how Hogan's still the center on attention on the promo's and such when, in fact, he hasn't been a draw for TNA by any mean's.

Hogan hasnt been a draw? are you crazy hulk hogan despite what he done with wcw is the single biggest name in wrestling history people who have never seen a wrestling show in their life know who he is and what he does like arn anderson once said you ask someone who has never seen wrestling what it is theyll be like oh its that thing hulk hogan does he will always draw putting him on a billboard advertsing impact wrestling is genius because you have people whove never heard of tna looking at that billboard going oh hogan on there lets check it out then they tune in for hogan and see aj styles christopher daniels robert roode kazarian just to name a few they see them wrestle and it hooks them they start coming back for more and more its a genius move in my eyes
Let's ignore the stupidity of how a billboard across a rival promotion (yes, given that they work the same field, they are in fact rivals regardless of success) is seen as "starting a war". Let's ignore TNA taking advantage of WWE's backlashing elimination of "wrestling". Let's ignore the fact that most, if not all of TNA's fanbase are former WWE fans. Let's ignore how advertising is suddenly a failed attempt at expanding and ask ourselves... What in the fuck is the issue here? Mr. McMahon gets to be reminded every day there's a company out there with some of the big names he discarded? That any WWE fan gets to realize there's another company? That advertising isn't a goddamn waste of money. And some people wonder why the internet wrestling community is looked at with such disdain. It's not even the only billboard in the damn state. Apparently it's also an issue to have Sting, Kurt Angle and Hulk Hogan on it. Yeah, putting 3 of the most well known figures in modern wrestling history not under WWE is wrong. Jesus Christ. So it's in front of WWE HQ. Who gives a shit? There's a McDonalds billboard that advertises the "Daily Special" right in front of the local Burger King. BK doesn't give a shit. Why? it's just business. There is no damn war going on. "Smart move, Ronald McDonald. You exploit how expensive my food is. Let me retort. My burgers are bigger".

The internet wrestling community. Acting like overbearing housewives since the dawn of the internet.

I think what some of us are questioning is what is the long term goal of advertising in that particular market. I'll explain.

Companies like the one I work for will, before they open a new store, due extensive market research to ensure that over the long term their store will produce solid profit gains year over year. This is based on numerous factors like growth of the city, competition (i.e. market saturation), advertising costs for that market, in our case what sports are most dominant in the area, the affluence of those closest to the location being scouted, property costs (i.e. leasing prices,) location of nearest interstate, major cross streets known to the community, stop lights, malls, gas stations, etc. In other words, they do as much research as possible BEFORE they make an investment.

With this investment (albeit small on a scale) of billboards in a market dominated by the WWE, what exactly is the goal of these billboards? Have the folks at TNA done the necessary research to ensure there is a GOOD reason to do this? Is their goal to peel away WWE solely to their programming? The most interesting part of that question to me is this. Impact Wrestling has Thursday nights all to itself. No competition from WWE, and really the only sport they would have to deal with that gets prime time on Thursdays would be The NBA on TNT. Now, given that, why in the WORLD aren't they more successful than they are in the # of viewers? Where are those wrestling fans on Thursdays (the day BEFORE payday and new movie releases) that they aren't watching TNA? It's the perfect night for them to take advantage of, and yet, they don't.

So when they venture into the back yard of the WWE to put up billboards, I see it as nothing more than a ploy to thumb their noses at WWE as though it's going to make a difference in their long term goals. I disagree. The perception is they are just the little engine that could trying desperately to get the attention of the big dog on the block, which I still believe is a mistake.

They should focus on their product, leave the WWE to themselves, and make your own product better.
Hogan hasnt been a draw? are you crazy hulk hogan despite what he done with wcw is the single biggest name in wrestling history people who have never seen a wrestling show in their life know who he is and what he does like arn anderson once said you ask someone who has never seen wrestling what it is theyll be like oh its that thing hulk hogan does he will always draw putting him on a billboard advertsing impact wrestling is genius because you have people whove never heard of tna looking at that billboard going oh hogan on there lets check it out then they tune in for hogan and see aj styles christopher daniels robert roode kazarian just to name a few they see them wrestle and it hooks them they start coming back for more and more its a genius move in my eyes

I would agree that the IDEA of bringing Hogan in sounded good on the surface, but it's proven to have made very little difference. In fact, if anything, they are currently in a period of stagnation as far as growth and Hogan eluded to that in a recent interview he gave where he mentioned that he believes they and Spike need to work together more diligently to get Spike TV in more homes nationwide. It's essentially an admission from the man himself, that even his presence alone hasn't been enough to make an appreciable difference in the # of people watching week to week.

For most avid fans I would guess that most of us see Hogan, Flair, Bischoff, and Sting as past their prime. Guys we watched 20 years ago in their prime making it fun to watch, now just 'old' guys who refuse to hang up the boots and give the airtime to the younger guys. Now whether that's just the perception of a few of us or more, I don't really know. I know that when I watch Hogan literally hobble out to the ring, I feel sorry for him. The business has destroyed his body and he's barely able to walk. Bischoff looks to be a shell of his former self in terms of the size of his personality and character, and Sting has certainly lost several steps as he's gotten older. Yes, I like the face paint, the robes, the "schtick." But it doesn't mean I want to see him doing that for another 10 years simply because he could. I also like guys like Roode, Storm, AJ, Joe, Abyss, and so many others that by comparison don't get nearly enough time on tv to continue their development as professionals.
Let's ignore the fact that most, if not all of TNA's fanbase are former WWE fans.
I'm not so sure about that statement as I believe part of them are but I also believe there is an extremely large segment of them that are like me. I was a WCW fan and never once spent much time watching any form of the WWE/F because I didn't like it. Until they bought WCW I didn't watch WWE/F and after a year and a half or so watching what they were doing I said forget it, quit watching and accepted that I was destined to not have wrestling to watch anymore. I later found TNA and started watching it and I think a good sized portion of the people that watch TNA are the same way.

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