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lol. TNA show in CT got cancelled 45 minz before it started

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attila said:
TNA will definately capitalise on it. But to suggest that TNA did this on purpose is stupid. No promotion would dare piss off fans the way that this did. You don't cancel a show at the last second, after evryone has rolled up, after everyone has paid money and is pissed that their money may be lost, all for the purpose of an angle. TNA, especially as a growing company in a new town for the first time, would never dare cancel a show for an angle.

But they are blaming WWE. That slander and WWE may try to sue them if they had nothing to do with it. To Insinuate that is wrong. WHo know why the show got canned, but truth of the matter, I doubt Vince has that much power.
Kasey said:
Don't buy everything that's sold to you. The fact that a WWE rep was hot on the wire to dispel rumors is pretty fishy to me. Usually, WWE has a modus operandi of ignoring what TNA does. However, I still remember the incident at Universal when TNA wrestlers came bearing gifts and food for the neighboring WWE workers, and were promptly booted from the area by orders of WWE officials. It's not that hard to call up some other county mounty and have them go to the arena. And who says the call came from Titan Towers? Cell phones are also used by people these days. I'm not saying that the call did take place, but I damn sure wouldn't be surprised if it did. Vince killed many territories, what's to say he wouldn't protect his own? Especially if all it took was a phone call.

YEah, but this is slander of their name. Just like when Kurt talks about WWE, they respond. What they do in their bussiness, does not bother WWE. It when they slander WWE that they talk. Plus it was an email sent to TNA not posted for all to see. That was the thing that turned WCW fans onto WWE. WWE never mention TNA nor did they mention WCW. TNA should Chill on the slander before they end up paying larger sums. TNA is already reporting negative profits until 2008, let not maker their backers really leave from a Multi million dollar suit.
It doesn't take that much power to pick up a phone and call the police. Also TNA didn't accuse the WWE of being involved one of the police officers actually said "You know you have competition up here that doesn't want you here" that is what started the rumors.
i totally believe vince had something to do with this. (and if he didnt he shouldnt be surprised when people think he is, he works awful hard at being a complete jerk)

this isnt too low for vince, i couldnt tell you how many times vince would do things like schedule a show in the same city as the competition just to steal away attendance.

in the end this will only HELP tna, i dont think vince counted on the police actually ratting him out. this story isnt over...
It's true.... it's not too hard to pick up a phone and call the police. Hell, even I could call the police telling them this arena in this town is not safe and rumors had it that there's anthrax hidden in that building. I mean, it's only a small show holding only 800 people that's not teleivised.... it's not like it's something Vince would care about.

And the fact saying there's someone else in CT that doesn't like TNA is a little out of the league IMO. Why? When did the WWE ever bash TNA? When were they worried of TNA? Why do they need to care if TNA can't scream nearly loud enough for the WWE's gigantic ears?

I mean.... if you're on the road 7 days per week working nonstop for a business with over 60 wrestlers, as well as a couple indy promotions they work with, writing scripts, having conferences, going from one state to another, with 3 main shows that are all above TNA's league, and been in business for over 2 decades, why should Vince care about TNA? With his heavy involvement in his own company personally living the hard work for 20 years nonstop would really give Vince time to care about TNA. How can he possibly see a .8 rated show for 1 hour effects everything he has?
Im sick of of people acting like Vince is a bad person with an evil company. Thats fucking stupid. Vince did nothing to TNA but then they want to take shots at WWE for no reason. TNA can burn in hell for all I care.
Either way, it looks like TNA n Russo are plain'n on capatilizes on this big time. Just check out the James Gang video up at tna.com.
Also, I also don't see how Vince could've been behind this. This obviously had to be a last minute thing seeing the cops showed up in the last minute. The RAW & ECW names/superstars and team have been in England for the past couple days and did 3 shows in England, and another one right now currently being filmed in England.

You could argue it was someone who was a WWE lover or some devoted employee from the office, but I find it very hard to beleive it was Vince.
if i was vince i would send dx to do a shoot outside the tna warehouse
wrestling247 said:
if i was vince i would send dx to do a shoot outside the tna warehouse

N give TNA the plubicity ain't no way vince would ever do that. It would be extremely entertaining though.
BRandonkin said:
YEah, but this is slander of their name. Just like when Kurt talks about WWE, they respond. What they do in their bussiness, does not bother WWE. It when they slander WWE that they talk. Plus it was an email sent to TNA not posted for all to see. That was the thing that turned WCW fans onto WWE. WWE never mention TNA nor did they mention WCW. TNA should Chill on the slander before they end up paying larger sums. TNA is already reporting negative profits until 2008, let not maker their backers really leave from a Multi million dollar suit.
Kurt was all lovey-dovey after his split until they found where he was going and shit on him. Then they proceeded to bury him over cell phone lines like he wouldn't notice. WWE didn't mention WCW? How? By letting Flair wear their title on his first appearances? Yeah, they were being downright cordial. Did you even read any of what I'd stated earlier? WWF and WCW were at each other's throats for the better part of the 1990's. Was any of the info of this initial post broadcast on TNA's website? This was the information they broadcast, and nothing more.


To be refunded for your ticket purchases for Saturday's event, starting Monday morning, contact the place where you purchased your tickets ([email protected], [email protected] , or the Face Off Arena (860) 282-0003 to verify your address and/or credit card or paypal account. Full refunds will be issued this week.

Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Hermie Sadler
UWF President


On Saturday, TNA Wrestling was forced to cancel a live event in Bloomfield, Connecticut, after police and local officials arrived without prior notification and informed TNA representatives of their decision to not allow the show to take place.

Once again, TNA Wrestling would like to apologize to all of our fans in Connecticut that came out for the event, only to be turned away from the building by police.

TNA Wrestling is still puzzled by some of the reasons given by police and local officials regarding their decision. Other wrestling groups hold shows monthly throughout Connecticut, yet they have never been forced to cancel their events.

Tell me where this comes right out and says "Vince McMahon fucked us out of Saturday's show." It may make allusions as to how pissed of they are, and as to the fact they got screwed over, but WWE isn't even mentioned, so how are they going to get sued for it? The original e-mail may have gotten out of their hands, but alas, it can't be proved intentional as much as McMahon's involvement in the incident, so everyone is at a standstill (except for the jipped fans). Besides, this might involve Vince as the mastermind of the whole thing, but not Vince McMahon.
MadMetal said:
Also, I also don't see how Vince could've been behind this. This obviously had to be a last minute thing seeing the cops showed up in the last minute. The RAW & ECW names/superstars and team have been in England for the past couple days and did 3 shows in England, and another one right now currently being filmed in England.

You could argue it was someone who was a WWE lover or some devoted employee from the office, but I find it very hard to beleive it was Vince.
Sure. It could be argued either way. Hell, it could've been Russo who called it in, but we'll probably never know. Besides, with the apparent angle coming out with a couple of TNA guys it could all be a work. Then again, it could be that the call was legit, and they just want to play hardball and get dirty now.
Kasey said:
Tell me where this comes right out and says "Vince McMahon fucked us out of Saturday's show." It may make allusions as to how pissed of they are, and as to the fact they got screwed over, but WWE isn't even mentioned, so how are they going to get sued for it? The original e-mail may have gotten out of their hands, but alas, it can't be proved intentional as much as McMahon's involvement in the incident, so everyone is at a standstill (except for the jipped fans). Besides, this might involve Vince as the mastermind of the whole thing, but not Vince McMahon.

But what is being suggested by the outlaws video. Why would WWE feel the need to respond in such a situation. Let us not be blindthat TNA is trying to play this on WWE.
^^Oh yeah for sure tna is trying to put this on wwe, i would think that maby showing the towers with the wwe logo could violate some copyright rules. i think its funny on how some think this is all a work. Tna is a little yappy dog trying to get food out of the dish from the bigger dog.
It also doesnt help the therory that wwe did this cuz most of them were over seas. The factor most people havent looked at yeat is the word CITY Employees, that means whoever called or sent them out was with the CIty the cops were along to maintain order not the other way around. They decided vey late and in bad taste they dont want the show in their city like i had posted before it was moved to a biger venue due to "Large Ticket sales" I think that city code was violated in terms of maby fire or copacity of the building in terms of people and that it was requierd that it be shut down.
BRandonkin said:
But what is being suggested by the outlaws video. Why would WWE feel the need to respond in such a situation. Let us not be blindthat TNA is trying to play this on WWE.
If in fact the whole thing was a work, then all of it was planned from the get-go by TNA (namely Russo) from the cancelled show and on down. However, it could be that she show was cancelled by other means (namely not by TNA), and as a result Russo just picked up the ball and ran with it for an angle. Either way, they're smart in using this for a proposed angle.
tna COuld lose a ton of $$$ if they take so far as to wwe having a case to sue them for slander.
DeathIsARight said:
Wait a second. Are you in some way accusing McMahon of killing them? If so that is way over the line, Vince may do a lot of things, but killing a humanbeing is not one of them. If you mean something else I am not aware of, please say what you mean.

I mean, if Vince was behind this(WHich I am not 100% sure of), I am positive he wouldn't do anything that would bring harm to someone. Doing something that would destroy him and his company if caught. This could have been somebody else in WWE, maybe stephanie or Shane could tipped the police.
Mabye I did go to far. But did you see how vince acted when confronted about possible killing some wrestlers in an interview? It was kinda ugly. In fact they aired that interview footage on jimmy kimbel live. I've looked for this story on the net but I was unsucessful.
how would you act if someone accused you of killing some of your hardest working employees?
wrestling247 said:
tna COuld lose a ton of $$$ if they take so far as to wwe having a case to sue them for slander.
And WWE could lose a ton of money for intentional corporate sabotage if they were actually behind the show's cancellation. Either way, this whole thing has done something that hasn't been done in a long time...and that is generate serious interest between two American wrestling promotions. This can only help the air of competition and further business. I mean, hell, we're talking about it, aren't we?
This is definetly not "just a big coincedence". Two shows got canceled within two days, Jarrett even said that he has never seen that in the business before.
Even with the police statements, I'm skeptical either way. I don't know what to really make of the whole situation, but nevertheless, I do find it interesting. Anything that gives wrestling a little bit of genuine entertainment is alright with me. After reading the police statement, I kind of figure it's best not to trust anyone's word. I'd pay $100 to find out the truth. I'd bet money that TNA will think twice about going to Connecticut ever again.
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