Is there a place in TNA for Orton?

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Dj Martyn

Dazed and Confused
Does anyone on the TNA side of the fence reckon there is a place for Randy Orton on the TNA roster...

Is he too much of a Risk for the company?

Do you Think his wrestling is up to scratch?

Do you think It would be a major hit for WWE for him to Jump ship....?

p.s...I know people start these threads everytime WZ reports there is discension within the ranks of a company...but...ya know...i like talking about it so there.

and in my opinion...he would be a welcome edition to the TNA roster, he has great mic work and he is not bad at all in the ring, and in a different playground to WWE i think he would shine.
As much as I would hate having another WWE star come along and instantly being handed main event status, I've always been a fan of Orton and I think he'd be the perfect enemy or ally for Christian Cage or Kurt Angle. I'd be disappointed though, as this would mean yet another step backwards for the X Division. Overall, however, I think it would benefit the company and draw ratings, if he was used properly.
Omg. Are You For Real.. Orton Would/could Be The Future Of This Business Is Handled Right.. The Legend Killer, Obvo Have To Chage The Nickname To The Icon, But He Could Make Tna No.1, And Start The Wars On Monday Nights Again!

Carter Family Get The Chequebook Open, Coz We Could Have A Fieldday!!!
TNA would be extremely stupid to not pick up a wrestler such as Orton if given the chance. However this situation will in fact never present itself to TNA, in my opinion anyway. For one, Orton is used to wrestling with the 'main promotion' and so is used to big money cheques and more or less the fame that goes along with wrestling for TNA. TNA would never be able to pay the amount that Orton would want without crippling their own promotion. Also Orton in TNA would probably be a disaster in that Orton would feel that because he was such a big star in WWE, then he would have the worst attitude problem ever in TNA. Imagine how cocky and arrogant he would be in TNA, with WWE he had attitude problems, at times thinking he was bigger than the business. In TNA, I truly believe Orton would feel he is bigger than TNA.

I also believe that Vince Mcmahon is a smart enough businessman to realize that firing Orton to allow him to go to TNA would be a huge mistake. WWE would more than likely give him a major de-push, have him wrestle the middle-low cards and wrestle on heat rather than fire him.
if randy orton would ever wrestle on heat....i bet he would quit just to get that low pay check in tna but yeahh he would be a perfect fit with the team cage thing going on with christian, styles, tomko, steiner....a whole bunch of guys that can get it done. get orton in there as the "icon killer" lol.. perfect fit. probably bring like an intercontinental type title in tna....could remind me alot of evolution days. cage world champ, styles x division, orton has the middle tier title, stener nd tomko tag champs....all holding gold. gota luv it if u apprectiate all the talent in those 5 superstars.
I don't think that Randy Orton is going to TNA..I would love to....but I don't think that Vince it's going to make the same mistake like Angle. I think Randy will be in Heat for a long......time.
I'm really suprised with the responses in here, not saying they are bad, but still a little caught by them. I watch TNA, but still am a WWE guy. I couldn't see any conceivable reason why anyone would want the cancer in their locker room.. It's been said, it'll take the limelight away from a guy like Samoa Joe or an Abyss that are TNA guys.

Ortons ego won't allow him to only make X amount of money, or not be in the main event. Orton probably would demand main event status. I just can't see how TNA could suspend Austin Aeries, and then hypothetically bring in RKO. Interesting to see the responses though.
exactly, you can't ignore the fact that Orton is an incredible wrestler, good on the mic, and has amazing potential. To either fire him/not hire him would be something that wwe/tna should not do. But then you look at the personality of Orton, the money he will expect to make if he is ever a free-agent on the wrestling scene, and his overall attitude, and there is really no way that tna would/could ever sign Orton.
Well I think Orton would damage the TNA locker room. It's the complete opposite of what TNA needs right now. What they need is to stop hiring WWE stars. It just makes them look similar to WWE because they'll be signing every guy they release. Like Bischoff stated, It's better to be different than over being less than or better than. It's true. TNA has to get away from the WWE image if they want fans to like them. Angle Vs Sting for next week is a good idea, but Angle was still a WWE superstar and fans no doubtedly know him better from there. They need to start developing their own megastars that they created themselves. But to answer your question, I think Orton would piss off the talent even more and it would make the X-Division go lower and lower of what it used to be. Hoping it doesn't happen for TNA's sake as I've heard they're having financial problems and Orton's ego is too big to take too big of a paycut.
Orton could Help TNA to a degree.. TNA has a Large sum of guys that are "world title" statuse and WWF is losing many. I dont think WWF would let orton go b/c I think TNA would grab him in a heartbeat but would not make much out of him b/c impact is only 1 hour.
If TNA had 2 hours Orton would fit in fine as a good heel. Fighting JJ, Steiner, Sting... would be great for him But he is nowhere CLOSE to the
"dream match" style we are going to get from Angle/Sting
I really don't think that Orton would be a smart pick up for TNA. The moral in the TNA locker room is up one day and down the next. I think adding Orton into the mix would destroy moral. He is a very talented guy but his backstage antics are less than stellar.
If you took Orton's attitude out of the equation, he definitely could bring something good to TNA. As for TNA not being able to pay his checks- you must think they're a much smaller company than they are. There are already reports of TNA paying big stars very high amounts when they jump ship. Besides, they're owned by the incredibly wealthy Panda Energy.
If you took Orton's attitude out of the equation, he definitely could bring something good to TNA. As for TNA not being able to pay his checks- you must think they're a much smaller company than they are. There are already reports of TNA paying big stars very high amounts when they jump ship. Besides, they're owned by the incredibly wealthy Panda Energy.

orton's attitude out of the equation? then definitely WWE won't release him in the first place =]
Little Randy needs to spend some time growing up and not causing so much damn trouble for himself and the company he works for (they have enough problems at present...that's another story altogether). TNA doesn't need Orton. They already have enough solid workers and entertainers with enough youth to see them well into the next decade should people stay healthy. Orton is bar-none one of my top three favorite performers in all of the WWE right now...but he is too much of a legit heat magnet. He's the kind of cancer that could implode TNA on itself morale-wise. In a place like WWE where there are always ten guys to take his spot every time he f**ks up, in TNA they'd probably be dumb enough to saddle the belt on the kid. Do I like Orton? As a performer, sure. However, even with an unlimited bank book, if I were Dixie or Jeff I'd avoid him like curdled milk. I'd say in five years...IF Randy grows up and stops acting like a $hithead deluxe, then definitely go for him. Right now, though, TNA needs to develop their in-house stars and milk the established vets to get these guys over yesterday.
There is a place for him, he would give them more main event names they need. But I doubt TNA could afford another huge salary. And where would they put him? He could fit in anywhere, but it would take some time to find a suitable fued for him. Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle would be good, but they do need to get him used to the 6 sided ring before any huge push. But in all reality i doubt the WWE would fire him, there are 2 talents on the verge, Carlito and Randy Orton. But both are too big to let go. If anything he will be demoted for a while to heat or sent to ECW for a year as an attitdue adjustment.
Alot of people are saying that Orton might not jump to TNA if the money isnt right for him, but in all honesty, if he was let go from WWE where else would he go to get that kind of money, i can imagine him charging through the roof for indy bookings.

I think Orton is a tool (Pun intended) that TNA could use to there advantage, they could use his name to help gain two hours of TV a week, in which case they rest of the company would not suffer that much in terms of depushes etc.
so many of you ppl think because orton has had a few problems out of the ring, he is going to get fired. orton is too big of a star at the moment to be on heat, so the idea of him working on heat most likely wont happen, and as for him being fired, i cant see that happening, as WWE dont want to lose another wrestler to TNA, however, if he was to be fired and go to TNA, i think he would fit right in, i mean think of it, you have to remember not only Angle was a WWE guy, but so was steiner, cage, and tomko at one stage, so there are a lot of guys on TNA that were main event wrestlers anyway, apart from tomko who was christians manager as such, and now rumour of Jericho too, i just think TNA have to stop hiring ex-WWE stars, and do get their own megasuperstars.
Randy Orton is a great wrestler. I still haven't managed to see a wrestler perfect a drop kick like this young athlete has. But I dont think there is a place in any promotion for a kid like this. His attitude for the buisness is disgusting. This kid doesnt care for his position in WWE so why would he care for a promotion like TNA? He'd just fuck around and cost them serious cash. I dont think TNA would want a guy like Orton in there company. On top of that Vince is going to do everything in his power to keep Orton, one of WWE's main eventers to remain with the company. Don't get me wrong roster wise, he would be a great addition to the company because of his talent and charisma but he might hurt them with his attitude more then he can help them. Orton takes his position for granted. He thinks nothing bad can happen to him and thats WWE's fault. They need to punish him more to show him he is not vunerable to punishment.
I personally do not feel there is a place for Orton in TNA. Too much of a risk, too much potential baggage, too much potential bad press.

His wrestling is certainly up to scratch, that's not the issue. But between trashing hotel rooms, sexual harrassment allegations against women, steroid allegations, etc., this would be too much negativity for a company still trying to establish itself, and still trying to distance itself from WWE in many respects.

I think Orton needs to cut major heel promos to establish himself. Because TNA focuses less on promos and more on wrestling, this may hurt him there too.

I don't think it would be too big of a hit for WWE, they have lots of resources to fill his shoes if he were to jump ship.
Orton's had too many chances with the WWE. Him going to TNA will just make the lockroom like the WCW lockroom was back in the day. Think about it..... Do you really wanna put RKO and Big Poppa Pump in the same room together?:shooter:
Absolutly there is a place in TNA for ORton. I think an insane feud would be Orton and Styles. I hope Orton moves to TNA becuz WWE has been sucking as of lately. Imagine: Orton, Angle, Rhino, Abyss, Sting, Styles, Christian Cage, etc all being in TNA. WWE better watch it's ass
there would def be a place for orton and Tna i believe..EXTREMELYYYY doubtful he would ever go over to TNA..he gets a nice fat paycheck in the doubt at one point in his future he will have the title around the waist i really could never see him going but he would fit above..wwe doesnt need to watch its ass its still in a position where it could flaunt it and nothing can be done about it for now..
Orton would be a great addition to TNA's growing roster of talent and I would personally love to see it happen. But in all seriousness here, I highly doubt that it would ever happen. Orton can do anything he wants and WWE will not fire him. Because if they do, Orton will sign a TNA contract the next day. And they can't afford to lose another big name, especially someone like Orton who is one of the future stars of this industry.
Is there a place for Orton in TNA? Yes. Will It ever happen? Maybe Someday. But right now i dont think that TNA could handle Orton. He has a horrible temper and would probably get in his share of fights with wrestlers, hotel rooms, and probably even the new TNA mascot Stomper. The fans IMO would never accept orton into there style of wrestling well at least not now. Yeah one day maybe Randy will grow up and TNA would be a good place to have him wrestle but not right now.
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