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Is The Miz Better Off In Non-Wrestling Roles?

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
So I was watching the video of Miz announcing himself as the host of Summerslam on WWE.com. And below the video, I read a bunch of comments about WWE needing to use Miz as a "wrestler" at Summerslam, but why?

Miz is sharp on commentary, and MizTV isn't a bad in-ring show. Miz presents himself well by wearing stylish suits, and he's a good talker. As a non-wrestling personality, I believe Miz has lots of potential, and more room to grow. I don't have the same feelings about him as a wrestler.

Let's face it, Miz plateaued a while ago. With the proper build, WWE could've inserted another mid-card level heel into the main event at Wrestlemania 27, because Miz was just a fall guy. The Rock was going to get his revenge for the AA from Cena on the previous Raw, and Rock screwing Cena out of the WWE Championship in the main event at Wrestlemania was the sweetest form of revenge. The main event at Wrestlemania 27 was just another stepping stone for the Rock/Cena match at Wrestlemania 28, and it's that simple.

Miz's face run has been nothing short of disastrous. The Figure Four doesn't work for Miz at all, you can already get the feeling WWE is running out of places to go with him, and another run with IC, US, or tag team titles won't help Miz.

Yeah, Miz is only thirty-two, but ignoring the upside for non-wrestling roles would a huge mistake in my eyes. Miz is just floating around in the mid-card with no real purpose, because Curtis Axel isn't dropping the IC title, especially with Heyman still at his side. So why not take a chance on Miz stepping away from in-ring action? There's nothing to lose.
Seeing as how I have not been big fan of The Miz, especially since his turn, I have absolutely no problem with him being used in non-wrestling capacities. There's also the issue of WWE's current storylines to take into account. The Miz is not involved in any major feud right now, so using him as a host/commentator keeps him in the fans' consciousness. It's much preferable to shoehorning him into another drab, boring feud like the one he had with Wade Barrett not too long ago. Like you said, Mitch, there's nothing for him or WWE to lose in doing this.
I'd like WWE to build up Christian and The Miz as a legit tag team. Both guys are former world champions and have credibility, Both can talk, and they can both go in the ring. Give them matching attire, a theme song (not a mash up of their current songs), and a tag finisher and let them help revive a dying division.
To say he is "better off" is something I cannot agree with. He delivers when doing PR, commentary or Miz TV but first and foremost he is a wrestler. He can put on solid matches and it would be foolish to retire him - if that is what you are suggesting.

In my opinion, he should turn heel. I think that he is over with some fans - the "really" thing actually works but make him heel; let him be an arrogant c*nt and go from there. I mean, he is banging Maryse of course he should be a heel. If they changed him to heel, he would no longer feel stale and he would instantly become the top heel on the roster.
The only time that I liked Miz's work was when he was teaming with John Morrison, the guys had a good connection as a pair of show-offs and The Dirt Sheet was a pretty good online show. Their run as Tag Champs was pretty good too.

Perhaps they could team him up with Ted Dibiase as a heel tag team? They're both guys that aren't bad overall, just pretty bland and they could do with a boost. Ted Dibiase has done nothing relevant since the days of Legacy and it would be a nice push for him as well.

To answer the question: The Miz is quite talented in talking and doing non-wrestling duties, but he's also not terrible in the ring either. Retiring him from the ring at 32 is a bad move, and while I can't see him main-eventing Wrestlemania again, I could see him working in the mid-card with a more fleshed out heel character.
While I can see your point, I guess the counter-point is, "Why do it now?"

In, let's say 5-10 years time (if he is still with the company) then he can take on the roles you suggested. As for the here and now, I don't think his situation is bad enough that he has to stop competing in-ring. Yes his figure 4 isn't that great, yes he is in a non-registering feud, but one thing that Miz has shown through the years is that he is an extremely hard worker for the WWE.

He is unlikely to have much more success than he did with Cena and Rock but I don't think that should be an example for him to then cease competing in the ring. LegendKiller mentioned Christian who is an interesting comparison; is he ever likely to reach the heights he reached with Orton again? Unlikely. Can Christian still offer WWE usefulness? Absolutely.

I'm by no means a Miz fan but I respect how well he has done for himself despite the number of people labelling him as a joke. Someone like that deserves chances to try different things along the way of his career, be it commentating, his own segment or a new finisher, before being pushed to the way-side.
I'm a huge fan of the Miz and no one can deny that he is passionate about the business. His mic skills and charisma make him a great non-wrestling personality, but he's also pretty solid in the ring so at this stage in his career I don't think he needs to step away from active competition completely. It's true that he has probably plateaued, but that doesn't mean he still has nothing to offer as a wrestler. Not everyone has to be a top-level main event guy, the Miz could easily become a workhorse of the midcard and help a lot of guys.
I believe it depends on the aftermath of all the non-wrestling roles he is put into. In theory all the non-wrestling roles the miz is put into still equates to television time, at least more than he is going to get purely as a wrestler, and given his current run definitely a better chance of getting over. Now IMO in a perfect world for the miz and his character growth he would become a bigger star then he was before and maybe lead to some GM or authority roles on screen. Given that he's no where close to retiring as an active competitor it'd be interesting to see some kind of power trip angle ala William regal in 2008, except it's followed through with this time which would see the Miz ultimately turn heel again and again be in the main event programs with more momentum behind him then he's ever had. All this however depends on if this continues and if the Miz delivers.
I have really tried to get into The Miz. I enjoyed his work with John Morrison, and his run with the WWE Championship was fun. You're right. He is a good talker, has charisma, and is decent in the ring. Pulling him back from in-ring competition completely would be foolish, but I do think he is best suited in some sort of talking role.

He needs better storylines, he needs better opportunities. He lost the Intercontinental Championship after one day and has plummeted following his loss of the WWE Championship. He has what it takes, I do believe, but the WWE needs to follow through fully with it. The use of MizTV would be smart, as it could be a good recurring segment, but shouldn't be used for the sake of it.

Anyways, keep The Miz going. I think a turn may be necessary, because he is getting nowhere as a face. I want him to, but it won't happen this time around. The crowd are best suited to a heel Miz, and with the mic skills and charisma he has, he can use that to help him. At this point in his career, I just don't see a full-time talking role for The Miz.
I couldn't agree more. The Miz isn't the worse wrestler but he hit his peak as an in-ring performer at Wrestlemania 27.

I personally don't care for MizTV at all & I'd rather see someone like Damien Sandow with their own in-ring talk show. But I do think The Miz is a solid fit in almost every other speaking position he fills. I've never cared for The Miz or have been a fan but I think he works as just an on-air figure, sort of like Brad Maddox's current position (I actually think Maddox is much better all around but is a good fit as just RAW GM currently).

So yeah I'd say keep The Miz around & use is almost exclusively for Commercials, Commentary, DVD's, Talk Show appearences, Pre-Show/Post-Show Panel, etc. like how WWE used Matt Striker for the last several years he was with the company.
Miz is weak in the ring, not terrible but not good. Everybody knows he got talent on the mic, but nothing that make me wanna see him at the top. He's good for mid/upper mid card. Right now i would put him in the tag division. I understand that a tag title won't do anything for his career, but the point is not what the WWE can do for the miz, but what the miz can do for the WWE.
He can talk on the mic and is ok in the ring. Just think Miz, Wade Barret, and Curtis Axel need to get more mic time for there off and on feud that's been happening. Maybe another submission hold too, or at least work the leg more.

Think he'll be a good commentator in a few year tho.
In my opinion, Miz is someone that's gotten a lot of unjustified hate from the IWC. He's sharp on the mic whether it be during promos or commentary and he's really solid inside the ring. Of course, Miz doesn't do all the flips & high spots that some thing is necessary to be a good pro wrestler and he was actually playing a heel character that wasn't intended to be the "cool heel" that all the smarks like to cheer for.

That being said, personally, I'd rather see The Miz in the role of a commentator than as a wrestler unless WWE was able to make him part of a good, strong tag team. Miz isn't going anywhere near the main event again, at least not anytime for the next year at least I'd imagine, we've seen him spend much of 2013 in the Intercontinental Championship scene and I've no real interest to see him feud against Ambrose. So if not as part of a good strong tag team, I'd much rather he stayed on as a commentator. In all honesty, and I'm sure some will definitely not agree or will think this outright blasphemous, I'd rather see Miz take Jerry Lawler's spot on Raw. In my opinion, he's infinitely more entertaining to listen to than Lawler is at this point. I know Lawler is a legend and all that. I get that and I'm not disrespecting Lawler for that in the least. But, in my opinion, Lawler just sucks on commentary now. Lawler's schtick of telling lousy jokes that might have been funny 30-40 years ago is wretched. Every so often, he manages to tell one that's honestly kind of funny, but those jokes are very, very rare.

On Raw right now, Cole is more of the straight as an arrow babyface commentator, JBL is definitely more of a tweener and walks a line between face & heel. Sometimes he sound definitively heel and sometimes he's definitely a face. I think Miz could pull off a sort of "neutral" role in which he does commentary and basically winds up agreeing with points being made by JBL & Cole without taking either side. I admit that it sounds kinda dull on paper but, personally, I'd prefer it over listening to Jerry Lawler try to be funny any day of the week.
He's best off in a non-tv role.

Ok, that's a tad harsh but tbh, I'm so tired of Miz. I thought a face turn would reinvigorate his character, but it's made him one million times worse. He's seriously one of the worst babyfaces I've ever seen. I thought Sheamus and Cena were bad, but he seriously comes off as the biggest tool. From his stupid haircut to his pursed lips when he's in a segment. Also, the fact that WWE tries to push him like he's some ultra-charismatic guy when his mic work is honestly nothing special. And then he completely jumped the shark when he became the new Ric Flair. I seriously never want to see him on my TV again. Everytime I see him use the Figure 4 Leglock, I die a little.
In all honesty, and I'm sure some will definitely not agree or will think this outright blasphemous, I'd rather see Miz take Jerry Lawler's spot on Raw. In my opinion, he's infinitely more entertaining to listen to than Lawler is at this point. I know Lawler is a legend and all that. I get that and I'm not disrespecting Lawler for that in the least. But, in my opinion, Lawler just sucks on commentary now. Lawler's schtick of telling lousy jokes that might have been funny 30-40 years ago is wretched. Every so often, he manages to tell one that's honestly kind of funny, but those jokes are very, very rare.

Anyone who finds this to be any sort of blasphemy deserves to go deaf. Jerry Lawler has become a tired, old stool sample and needs to go as of 5 years ago. I'm with you 100% here, The Miz would be a more than apt replacement.

While many might argue that The Miz is too young to make the leap to full-time commentator, it isn't as if he can't still wrestle. It is fairly clear that The Miz's popularity is waning, and while it's not out of the realm of possibility that he could regain his heat, there are more promising prospects on the roster and on the horizon. Rather than being squeezed into the show and being largely ineffectual, making The Miz the color commentator would keep him on TV, make use of his greatest asset, and hopefully push Lawler out the door.
The Miz is MUCH better off in a non-wrestling role. I hated him as WWE Champion, he is not believable as a top tier wrestler. I struggle to find interest when is going to have a match. With that being said, I do however enjoy his promos. MizTV is a great talk show. Miz as an announcer, manager, or even a GM could be interesting someday. I just don't want to see him working too many more matches. I'll admit I was biased against him as an in-ring competitor from day one and I still to this day think John Morrison should have gotten Miz's push when their tag team split up. I gave him a chance as an in-ring competitor and after 5 years, I'm just not interested and am not a fan of his in-ring work. I probably never will be.

Some hate Miz so much that want to see him future endeavoured. My wife, for example, boycotted WWE in its entirety when he was WWE Champion. She'll watch sometimes with me but her fandom never recovered. I found him tolerable but only for his promos, which have only continued to improve. I'd like to see him enter a non-wrestling role and remain there. Make him a manager for struggling heels, he's annoying and can get them heel heat. Have him become an announcer, Lawler will retire eventually one of these days and Miz could announce for Raw while JBL does Smackdown, for instance. MizTV needs to stay. Miz is infinitely better off in a non-wrestling role as he is gifted on the mic but NOT in the ring and will never be a believable threat to a World Champion, let alone make sense holding the belt itself. WWE should have him in speaking roles only.
Regarding the above conversation about Lawler and Miz. While I completely agree that Jerry Lawler is THE WORST babyface announcer I've ever seen, I don't think Miz is much better. He seems to have the Larry Zbysko problem of trying to get himself over, rather then trying to get the match over. Also, someone needs to tell him that the mic is right next to his face and he does not need to SCREAM all the damn time. Seriously, his commentary is one of the main reason I rarely watch Main Event (Well that and Masterchef :p).
Kind of funny how everyone hates Miz now that he's a face. When he was WWE champ he was cheered even when he interrupted Stone Cold on Raw (the night after he defended his title at WM against Cena.)

But personally I don't really care for The Miz. But just can't help but feel bad for the guy haha
He might but I doubt the WWE will even entertain the idea of him being the next Matt Striker. There was a lot of vested interest and effort to make him one of the top stars during 2010 and 2011 and headlining WM27. Doing this is WWE basically saying they failed and made a mistake trying to turn The Miz a full fledged main eventer I doubt Vince McMahon's ego will let that happen.
Better off? No. He's doing a Jack of all Trades this with his commentary, MizTV, now hosting, and when he was vying for the IC title. He has improved with locking in and keeping the figure 4 a 4 instead of having someone like barrett move his leg while he's trying to escape to make it a "figure 3 1/2". Something that can reinvigorate any wrestler or Diva is give them a "blood feud". He had one with Cesaro over the US title but they had Cesaro keep it to drop it to Kofi who dropped it to Ambrose. Some heel needs to come in and make Miz his bitch on a show and then Miz comes back on the next weeks show and returns the favor. He cna still improve in ring and possibly make it back to the WWE title picture or work his way into the WHC picture to give it back some prestige. They keep bringin up his WM27 main eventing to make Axel's victories over him better, but now he's gotta get back to that main event level.
Yeah I definitely know what you mean with the non-wrestling role.

He's great for the midcard division and maybe would be good at chasing the WHC or holding it if he was a heel, but I don't know if they'll ever do that. They also have two up-and-coming heels holding their midcard belts, so the only place he has to go is the tag team division, which honestly isn't a bad place for him, MNM was pretty successful. However, Del Rio doesn't have an opponent right now, Miz could be that guy potentially but the problem is I don't think WWE know if they're going to do Big-E and Ziggler at SS or Ziggler and Del Rio at SS (unless a challenger presents himself on this coming RAW). Also, Miz just lost clean to the Ichamp Axel.

I think tag team division should be where you put guys you don't know what to do with, like Swagger/Cesaro, but actually give them purpose and put some spotlight on the divison (assuming you don't have natural tag teams like The Usos).
Ever since WM27 the MIZ easily has had the biggest dropoff i can remember. He was the worse WWE champion in history and him being a face has done no wonders. I will give him credit though,he definitely has elevated himself in superstardom really has taken the hard road to get there. He is a decent in-ring worker but he should never ever compete for the title again.

He needs to be a heel this face angle is not working. Its true though,its almost like the WWE is running out of ideas for him. There just throwing him into this and that hoping it works. I agree he should for the time being stick to non-wrestling angles. TV,Interviews,being the host of said pay per view. He works better though as a heel. A slimy heel is what he does well. He is absolutely going no-where as a face,Miz TV is a great platform but have him be a heel while doing it.

Nothing to lose for him to stick to non-wrestling for now. Super stale face and he is going no-where right now.
I see nothing wrong with letting Miz float around the midcard. Miz is a former WWE Champion, and WWE, despite their misuse of the guy, is still adamant about presenting him as a "star". Because of this, whenever Miz is in contention for a midcard title, it looks like a bigger deal as a result.

I disagree that Miz's face run isn't over. Miz is a lot better as a face. His wrestling style works better as a face. It's hard to take him seriously when he's a heel, and dominating matches. But his smaller size and perceived lack of workrate make him easy to sell as an underdog. His moveset best works when being used in a face-style comeback. Miz is naturally goofy looking guy, so it's nice to just let him be the comedy frat boy that he's always been.

I think a good thing to do with the Miz would be to put him in a tag team with Alex Riley. The two of them had a good deal of chemistry before as heels, and they could help bolster the face side of the tag division.

Miz is good in his roles as a commentator and as a host, but he should not step away from active competition completely unless he is unable to wrestle anymore due to injury
Miz is doing fine. He needed a face turn at the time because he'd lost so much momentum. He's been the WWE's TOP MID-CARD FACE for the past several months and has pretty much carried the mid-card on his back along with Y2J. IF you've noticed there have been plenty of FACE TURNS lately. It's time to capitalize on a MIZ HEEL TURN. There is a need for a TOP HEEL on SMACKDOWN. ADR < MIZ. MiZ can cut better promos and being a former WWE CHAMP it would help raise the prestige of the title. ADR is good in the ring, but he's been in the title picture way too long. Start building up the MIZ again and begin his rise as a WONDERFUL FOIL to DOLPH ZIGGLER and CODY RHODES as well as a great ally to Damien Sandow!!!

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