Is John Morrison + World Title = Ratings?


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Since almost everyone of us love Morrison, If Morrison was to get a huge build up, like maybe a few high profile feuds/wins (Taker, Y2J, Rey, etc.), a RR win, and maybe 1 more IC Title up until he wins the Big one at WM against the top Heel just like Austin did at 1998, would Morrison still be loved and maybe give ratings to the show granted that he is given a great storyline and high profile Championship feuds? Or would we start to hate him like some people start to hate Jeff Hardy even with all the hype?

Just my 2 cents. Thanks for all the replies :D
Considering Morrison can't talk and he's terrible. I'd say that a high profile win against any of those wrestlersyou listed, a Royal Rumble win and a title win at WrestleMania would get people to turn on him.

In fact, I think they'll turn on him nyway.
I disagree. Because Morrison isn't very good, a big win would actually be quite interesting. I'm also pretty sure that the fans are too blinded by his flips to recognise that he's shit.

What am I talking about? He's not shit. He does flips and has an outlandish gimmick. Flips and an outlandish gimmick. That's a formula for main event success if there ever was one.
What? Are you asking if he can draw ratings or if he will be World Champion? I doubt he will ever be WHC. I don't think he is shit, but beyond the spots, there isn't much else he has working for him. I doubt he will draw ratings. It's still a show on a shit night on a shit channel. He could be a merchandise draw at some point I guess.
All i can say to this is, Morrison won't be champ...yet. He's just starting to work himself as a face, and he's starting to go over as such. When would he get this final push, maybe next year or even later into this year. Like th OP said, he needs a good program to work with.

Good luck, Morrison! Smackdown needs a face if Jeff leaves, so I'm thinking he's being groomed for this role. Then again, with Creative of today, you can't expect something long term.
Ratings? No way. Not unless he has the HBK's initial push and that took years to establish and hone to perfection.

Morrison is talented and the best spot monkey in the WWE at the moment. I'm never bored watching any of his matches no matter how dead the crowd seems at times. Now with Edge out for a while, I think having Morrison feud with Chris Jericho would be a great idea to get him somewhat more established as a face. The one match they had on Superstars a few weeks ago was great and I would love to see more of that.

As for the main event? He's just not there yet. Give him another year. Then again, it is Smackdown. I'm not exactly convinced that CM Punk as champion is exactly killing in the ratings right now, either, so it might all be a moot point.
Not a chance. I like watching Morrison in the ring, I've found a lot of his matches to be entertaining. I hate what they're doing with him right now though, watching him on Smackdown while he was singing Michael Jackson oldies with Teddy Long was just embarassing. The whole ultra-metrosexual/glam rock/Jim Morrison deal he's been doing really only works in any way while he's a heel. I think he's taken it about as far as its going to go and the guy does need to work on his mic skills. He's not bad overall on the stick, I've heard lots worse, but his gimmick/image makes it hard for me to take the guy seriously. The guy gives off a vibe that's about as threatening and dangerous as a cloudy day.

I don't see Morrison having the WHC anytime soon. He needs to retool himself a little. The guy's a great athlete but he doesn't give off the vibe right now that he can pull off being a world champ.
IMO definetly. Morrison is gold in the ring, and can cut a good promo from time to time. Does any one remember that promo he cut with Edge a couple of weeks ago? 'Tim Horton's ran out of donuts, eh! I couldn't get tickets to see Celene Dion, eh!' LOL classic. Although I'm a Canadian and I wanted to punch him in the face, I let it go. So yeah I think Morrison could be ratings if he's not TOO MUCH hype. I think winning matches against, Rey,'Taker, and Y2J, is a bit to huge, and than winning IC title and RR, than winning World Title at Mania, is WAY too much success and it could end up to Morrison getting stale.
Personally, Morrison is a very talented wrestler. I think he is currently getting a push to be one of the top faces in SmackDown! but a WHC run right now wouldnt be smart for him or WWE. I would like Morrison with another IC run sometime in the future, i bet he can have great matches with people like Mysterio, Matt Hardy, and R-Truth. And thats why SmackDown is the best brand out there. Because they have the talent to make great matches and feuds unlike Raw (who will probably let Cena have the title at NOC). In Morrisons case, it would be nice to see him win the MITB at WM 26, that would be the stepping stone to a possible run later on in the future.
Personally, I think if the title was put on Morrison right now then the same thing will happen which happened to CM Punk. A huge portion of the fans just couldn't believe Punk beating main event stars (partly due to losing quite often whilst holding the MITB case). His title reign didn't last long at all and it took Punk a while to get his credibility back before the recent MITB win and cash-in. It seems this title reign is different because Punk's had more time to be built up once more and is seen as a more believable main eventer.

I believe the same thing WOULD happen to Morrison. Though it can be argued the CM Punk's fluke cash-in after Edge was already attacked by Batista beforehand to win the title first time didn't give CM Punk the right push to show he's a main eventer let alone champion. After all, it was like taking candy from a baby, and it didn't help that he was face!!

So right now, no, Morrison + world title doesn't = ratings. I am a huge Morrison fan however, I'm just speaking in the view of many unbiased fans that flood the arenas night after night and all the internet smarks.

Therefore how could John Morrison receive the world title and not bomb?

It seems it's too soon for him to win the Royal Rumble as he hasn't main-evented a pay-per-view, yet alone Wrestlemania.

As stated above too, the MITB might not be the best option. It didn't work for Punk and he's a fellow face. If he was to go down this route the best case would be to have it cashed in to start a hard fought match.

I think the best option though however is to engage in an interbrand feud with HBK for Wrestlemania and have HBK (the man he's often compared to!) pass the torch in his final match, a face vs face classic built on respect. Wrestlemania is an event almost every WWE fan tries to watch and everyone would be aware of his huge win and HBK (Main eventer supreme!)'s approval. From there on, the real main event push of John Morrison could begin.

However, with Edge injured right now and Jeff Hardy maybe not signing. This could also be the chance to push Morrison in a feud with CM Punk whilst confirming the creation of two future headlining stars in the process. A CM Punk/Jericho feud might not work currently as it'd be heel/heel and would be in danger of making CM Punk look face before he's 100% grafted as a heel. So it seems WWE may be forced to pull the trigger on Morrison and at least get him in a World Championship feud straight after Night of Champions. (Unless they do a storyline with Rey wanting to claim both titles).

Either way, Morrison is a main event waiting to happen in my book. More than that, he's a brilliant champion waiting to happen too as he's athletic, charismatic and has a recognisable moveset.

That's Plantastic!
Morrison is a main event waiting to happen. He hasn't looked out of place against Jericho, Edge or Punk. He belongs in their class. He's a fabulous wrestler and SD is better because of him. That being said there's no reason to shove into the main event so quickly. Punk could do a lot with a long title reign and Morrison is still very new to being a face. He needs to build up his personality a bit more. Ring wise he's more than ready. His mic work is very good but he is a natural heel in that area.

The WWE should continue to push Punk like crazy and slowly build up Morrison at the same time. Morrison could be World title material by WrestleMania.
I think Morrison will become world champion but it will be probably next year. Him going to Smackdown was the best thing instead of going to RAW because he would have been lost on RAW. He can basically take over Hardy's spot if Hardy is gone. I'm not sold on Morrison yet but if he improves in the next few months, I'll start to change my mind.
I'm pretty much sold on JoMo at this point. I wouldn't want him as WHC just yet, there needs to be more build up. A WM 26 win wouldn't make me mad if it was over a top heel who went a rampage for a while. He wouldn't bring in ratings for Smackdown as I don't think anyone can except for Cena, but he would be a refreshing face for a very refreshing show when compared to RAW.

I honestly don't care who gets the WHC or WWE Title for that matter as long as its not Cena, HHH, Edge, or Batista for at least another year.
Considering Morrison can't talk and he's terrible. I'd say that a high profile win against any of those wrestlersyou listed, a Royal Rumble win and a title win at WrestleMania would get people to turn on him.

What do you mean Morrison can't talk? I find his promos very entertaining. Thats your opinion though. But why do you think he's awful? Is it because you don't think he can talk? I'd really like to know this. A Royal Rumble win and a title win at Wrestlemania are both great ways to get someone over and if McMahon and company trust him with giving him a rumble win and a title win at Mania then he obviously can't be that bad.

In fact, I think they'll turn on him nyway.

Why you still haven't said why. Thats borderline spam my friend.
I think that in time, a year or maybe 2, Morrison will be a world champion. But for now, no. He's been built up beautifully, the way he kept losing to Edge and Jericho, but made to look good, made it seem like a big deal when he beat Punk clean. If they continue his build up right he'll be at the main event level in a year or so.
Right now it's still early to consider this guy to be the best in the world, but no doubt, I think he should have a chance in 2010 to become the World Heavyweight Champion. For now, Morrison needs to be built up to that level, but he's on the right path so far with accomplishing that.
What do you mean Morrison can't talk?

What I mean was, can't talk well. He has the vocabulary and the screen presence of Paul Walker.

I find his promos very entertaining.

That Michael Jackson one he did on this weeks Smackdown was entertaining. But only because of how bad it was.

But why do you think he's awful?

Bland persona, flashy moves and not much else.

Is it because you don't think he can talk?

He's like The Miz was when he was a laughing stock, but without the charisma.

A Royal Rumble win and a title win at Wrestlemania are both great ways to get someone over

You'd hope they'd be over before those two major wrestling event happened to him.

At his current level people would shit all over a Morrison Rumble win.
What I think of Morrison ATM:

Well, some people think he may end up like Benjamin or as a curtain Jerker, but IMO he would do pretty good in the future. His ring skills are great, his technical ring skills are ok(He has a few unique moves), his mike skills are kinda ok, but it can improve, he looks good(Nothing gay in that sentence ok), and he's pretty established for a Midcarder(5x Tag Champ, ECW Champ, 2x IC Champ). What he really needs is, based from what I've said above, is some pretty good high Profile feuds with Jericho or Taker(I hope they would give him a good rub), and he should be remembered for doing something remarkable(Iunno like what Henry did to Orton, something that would make us totally mark out for him), some good merchandising, and maybe, 1 solid catchphrase(It got over Bret, Mankind, Austin, Rock, Hogan, HBK, and somewhat Cena). I hope in a few months time or in a year they take Morrison seriously, coz the guy could contribute a lot in the business

Just my 2 cents. Thanks for commenting on my thread :D
remeber he beat cm punk last week. if he gets a good feud than i think he could do well in the mainevent. what do you people want from him. i have yet to see any great wrestler be ready for the mainevent after just a few years. he has done what you should do: win a few tag titles, win a few singles titles, and now if he can have a good feud wtih a top heel then he will be over and will be ME material. don't know y people always bash the younger talent for there lack of skills, either in the ring or on the mic. im sure it took HBK and HHH a few years of being bashed before they reached the level they are at now. you should always want wrestlers like morrison to develop and become great maineventers. the more wrestlers around the title scene the better. look at what we have on raw now. the same old boring matches with HHH orton and cena. i kno some people dont like cm punk or jeff hardy but atleast there new to the title scene. neither one were near the title at wrestlemania and now at NoC we have a wrestlemania rematch for the WWE championship. thats terrible. its been the same feud on raw for almost 6 months. same old boring ME.

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