John Morrison-- Future World Champion

I like Morrison in the ring a lot. He brings something that a lot of upper mid-carders and main event matches in WWE simply don't come close to. But his mic skills...he stills very robot-like. And I think that works against him as a face. Now as a heel it's fine, because you can hate that he looks like a million bucks and not care about what he says.

For me to be satisfied as a fan with him being a World Champion, he either needs a manager that can do his talking, or alter his character to an extent that somehow makes him a really good heel.
I never thought he'd be a future main event champ, until this past Friday. It's not any one thing that he did, but after he won, they showed the preview of the EC match, with just his face and Undertaker's, and I said out liud "Wow, that looks like a good main event".

He's got a good look, and he has a decent amount of charisma during his promos, but the style he uses will never get him further than the mid-card under Vince McMahon.
I think that Morrison will be a world champion soon. I didn't think he would when he was teaming with The Miz but now he's turned face I can see that he will. He's a great athlete, his kicks look like they would hurt, he can sell, he's over with the fans, got a great look and is pretty good on the mic. There is one thing that hurts him and I believe its his reactions as he doesn't garner enough of a response from the crowd. He gets a little but nothing spectacular, yet if he carries on and it gets bigger then I definately believe he will win the world championship in the next two years.
Absolutly John Morrison should win the title. He is above average in the ring and he has a lot of moves that we don't see a lot of today. He is gold on the mic, he has the look and he has a mega fan base and you just never get tired of seeing him at least I don't. So yeah he should be a future world champion but the real question is will does Vince think that he is. Vince lets a lot of good things that could help the company pass him by I just hope that he doesn't let John Morrison winning the title pass by, because John Morrison in my opinion would make an awesome world champion.
Will this push happen? It seemed for that Jomo's push for the title was inevitable but now I'm uncertain. It feels like he's taken a reduced role in any sort of storyline on Smackdown! and he hasn't had a big high profile match since he defeated Rey for the IC title. Why was John Morrison not given another title shot after losing to Jeff and he hasn't been given any time to run promos.

My hope is that JoMo will have a big wrestlemania which in turn will lead to him getting in the main event picture on SD!
I think he should definitely be in line for one down the road, but not currently. Since becoming a face he has lost some steam. His interviews aren't as interesting without the Miz and he is better suited for the cocky heel role.

I would like to see him change his look a little like the miz did. Reformat his wardrobe. The little fur at the bottom of his tights bugs the hell out of me. I could see him in something similar to Edge.

I don't know what his role at Wrestlemania will be. I would like to see him get a partner and take on the Miz and Show. Maybe this is how they will bring back Joey Mercury. MNM back together. If it works out maybe he swipes the US belt of him in the process.
I'm still not sold on Morrison not being in the MITB match. They've had "last chance" things before, and the way that they've been booking Morrison recently definitely makes me think he's got the second best chance (behind Christian) of winning it.

1) JoMo comes over to Smackdown and has matches almost immediately with Punk and Jericho. He beats Punk a lot, even while he was champion. He even almost beat Jeff Hardy while he was champion, which was saying a lot.

2) Mysterio fucks up again and Morrison is there to save them. Multiple times, John's done this for them. ECW title, for instance, or how about the "oh shit, Punk/Kofi suck as tag champs...let's go back to Miz and Morrison" situation?

3) Morrison effectively put over Drew McIntyre. Brownie points.

4) Morrison goes into the Elimination Chamber with an injury story and still puts up a huge fight, until he's eliminated by the UNDERTAKER, the champion at the time. Basically, Morrison was given the best possible spot for someone that wasn't the current or new champ.

5) Morrison loses the qualifying match, but not by being pinned. He does his own finisher and someone steals it from him.

I still have a feeling Morrison might earn his way into it and then win the Money in the Bank. They're pushing him in a subtle but still noticeable way right now, and I don't think it's going to lead nowhere. And, of course, if he wins MITB, then he most likely won't be cashing it in without winning a world title down the line.
I'm still not sold on Morrison not being in the MITB match. They've had "last chance" things before, and the way that they've been booking Morrison recently definitely makes me think he's got the second best chance (behind Christian) of winning it.

1) JoMo comes over to Smackdown and has matches almost immediately with Punk and Jericho. He beats Punk a lot, even while he was champion. He even almost beat Jeff Hardy while he was champion, which was saying a lot.

2) Mysterio fucks up again and Morrison is there to save them. Multiple times, John's done this for them. ECW title, for instance, or how about the "oh shit, Punk/Kofi suck as tag champs...let's go back to Miz and Morrison" situation?

3) Morrison effectively put over Drew McIntyre. Brownie points.

4) Morrison goes into the Elimination Chamber with an injury story and still puts up a huge fight, until he's eliminated by the UNDERTAKER, the champion at the time. Basically, Morrison was given the best possible spot for someone that wasn't the current or new champ.

5) Morrison loses the qualifying match, but not by being pinned. He does his own finisher and someone steals it from him.

I still have a feeling Morrison might earn his way into it and then win the Money in the Bank. They're pushing him in a subtle but still noticeable way right now, and I don't think it's going to lead nowhere. And, of course, if he wins MITB, then he most likely won't be cashing it in without winning a world title down the line.

My thoughts exactly! I am still waiting on for morrison to win the world heavyweight championship because this guy has the total package. If he's in the MitB ladder match then it would be a 2 man race christian and him
Even though you didn't say so, I am going to guess you are talking about the World Heavyweight Championship. Did you actually think he was going to go into Wrestlemania 26 as the WHC? Or that he would get a shot at the WHC AT Mania 26? If so, I am not sure what show you have been watching.

He will have his turn, sooner as opposed to later. He is 30 years old, which I know to a lot of you is, like, ancient. But it's not. While he's no spring-chicken, he still has lot's of time to soak up quite a few title reigns. I would like to see in the MITB match, but not to win it. Not yet.

I think he needs another year of solid mid-to-high card feuds. He could do something with the Miz over the U.S. title. He could hold that for awhile, and take on some great mid carders. It would help him to build a lot of momentum, which is something WWE ignored to do with a guy by the name of Sheaums. Is Morrison 10x better than Sheamus? No. He is 20x better than Shitmus. But he needs a little more time. I also liked someone elses idea of switching up his wardrobe a bit. I hate those stupid tights as well.

So, will he get his shot? Yes. Does it need to be yesterday? No. The world is not going to come to an end because this guy hasn't main event Mania yet.
I think this guy will probably be main eventing WM 27. If it wasn't because Rey Mysterio fucked up than maybe he would be higher off the card right now instead of facing Miz and Show for the titles at WM 27. He is not in the MITB because my guess is they are also pushing Dolph Ziggler as well. He has been jobbing to Drew who I think sucks but he got the ticket to EC and Drew didn't. I think he will get the push as soon as the end of this year or WM time next year.
He is great! he needs a bit more to be a remembered World Heavyweight Champion, maybe an accompanied diva 2 more moves so after three years he doesn't become another john Cena (5 moves of doom). But again if rey did it, yes he can do it for 5 times

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