How would you push John Morrison?

First, I'd sneak up behind him. Then give him the ol 2 handed shove right into oncoming traffic!!
Ha ha I jest....
I like the idea of a slower build. Have Morrison battle his way through a gauntlet of opponents, barely making the next round. You could even have this series of matches dictated by the Miz if you so choose. Basicly the old Rocky build up (Stallone, not Dwayne). The fans would get behind it and it could make for some very dramtic matches done well.
First time post here...

Personally, the WWE has really missed the boat with Morrison. He can do some of the most spectacular ringwork and parkar things I have ever seen and they need to capitalize off of this. This is how I would book him and please bear with me.

Change the character. Clean shaven and shorten the hair. No more Hollywood gimmick. Go with something softer and get him a valet... Babyface him up a bit more maybe make him fall in love or something mushy like that. (Some may disagree but is all done for a purpose and you'll see why in the end)...

Anyways ultra babyface him after Mania then around next Halloween/Fall time make the World Title his number one goal and passion in a good way. Then weird things start happening to Morrison. Starting with lights flickering here and there and progressing to things happening to him and his valet. Unexplained phenomena in and outside of the ring. And he can't put it together as things significantly get weirder, darker, and stranger from Fall/Survivor Series all the way until Rumble while he pursues his Title dream. It even begins to freak out and effect all the fellow wrestlers and his valet. All of the sudden everything stops at Rumble and on to 30-40 Man match. At the Rumble make him shine more than this past year. More amazing parkar. Completely going off and all of the sudden it's him and 4 other wrestlers. Then all of the sudden, arena goes dark, faint spot light on Morrison standing in middle of the ring while remaining 4 wrestlers freaked out standing against ropes. Lightening strikes all 4 ringposts and knocks out every wrestler but Morrison. Arena lights back on and countdown from 10 starts. Crowd completely puzzled as is Morrison and crowd countdown 3...2...1..... Arena lights cutout again...DONG...DONG...DONG.... Undertaker's music hits. Undertaker takes his time to the ring. They meet in the middle of the ring. It all seems to come together now, Undertaker tries to speak out to Morrison, but he's wanting nothing to do with it. Somehow Morrison gets eliminated from Rumble, either from Taker or he blames Taker. His dream for the Title now crushed. He loses his babyface, valet relationship breaks down and he relieves her of her duty. All this building up to Wrestlemania.. Taker/Morrison... This becomes one of the most amazing mindblowing matches with all the parkar, dark phenomena, high flying, mystical things happening. Taker wins to maintain the streak and at the end of the match, we find out what Taker wanted Morrison the whole time. Taker's spirits want to pass the torch to Morrison and make him the new Phenomena... The new keeper of the gates of hell. The new Crypt Keeper... Morrison is gone for weeks as we see vignettes of Taker training him. Finally the Crypt Keeper makes his debut.. Long flowing locks, scruffy beard, all died black... Morrison moves on in this role. With his parkar and this story line behind him, WWE could make him even more amazing with multiple title runs.
I think turning John Morrison heel would be a big mistake. Those amazing parkour spots pop the crowd, and it wouldn't make sense for a heel to do them. At this last Royal Rumble, and the mini Royal that followed the next night,Morrison kinda established the battle royale as "his match." That is, all eyes are on him for what stunt he's gonna pull off next.

But on the mic, he's weak, so you'd have to work around that. I would start booking him in high profile matches with established stars, and let his in ring action do the talking for him. Have guys like HHH or Edge beat the hell out of him, only for Morrison to find a way to pull off an upset, leading to next years Rumble where Morrison wins it.

Only problem, I see is how can you book a guy like Morrison in a feud against a guy like Cena. Morrison is amazing in the ring, but isn't much on the mic, so in promos it would be very one sided.

Anyway, I hope they find a way, because watching John Morrison every week and wondering what he's gonna do next is probably the biggest thing that keeps me watching WWE every week. That spot at the Royal Rumble had me marking out more than anything I've seen in wrestling in years.
Let's look at what has worked for him in the past. When he was a heel in 07 and ECW champion, he was red hot on the mic, which is the thing that people agree has held him back. So what do you do? Do you turn him back heel and let him go off on those tangents like before? I say no. I think that the character itself is fine, but needs fine tuning. If he acted more like the heel character which allowed him to execute better on the mic, I think he would get over much more. He can still be the super cocky self absorbed rock star he was as a heel. He doesn't have to be all smiling faces and kissing babies. Make him "too cool for the room" so to speak. Let him embrace that heel persona more so, instead of cutting promos on the faces he does it to the heels. That would help him greatly. Then on top of that you have his style which already draws the crowd, with just the right changes to make people take the character more seriously. This would also be the time to give him a different finisher. He's been using that flash kick quite a bit, the running knee, and backed down on the use of Starship Pain. I think he should simply adopt the Superkick as his finisher. He has had it and used it before under the name of the "Nitro Blast", so just bring it back and use it. That takes care of the problems with John Morrison.

That's how I would push him, that's not how I would put a title on him. I honestly don't know how I would do that, all I know is that I would. A lot of folks have called for him to with Rumble, EC, and eventually MITB at WM if they have one. I wouldn't mind seeing him win a MITB match, and thusly the title as a result. But, I would rather like to see him actually win it in a hard fought contest with a legit main event heel.
I think JoMo's push has been pretty perfect thus far. He's picked up wins over the likes of Sheamus, Miz, and Daniel Bryan, he shows his skills off on a weekly basis, he shines during PPVs, and he's been shown to be able to compete with the top dogs without being pushed too much too fast. Being one of the last three in the Elimination Chamber was huge for him considering one of they guys eliminated before him was Randy Orton and that he just barely got beaten by CM Punk.

I think JoMo wins Money in the Bank at Mania and uses his opportunity in a similar fashion to RVD. He'll probably choose a PPV where he can show off his parkour abilities and put on a hell of the match to win the championship. If Miz manages to retain at Mania I think JoMo could cash in as early as Extreme Rules. If Cena wins I think JoMo waits until Cena drops the belt to a heel, perhaps CM Punk. I think JoMo has what it takes to make a feud with anyone on the roster great, and I would love to see him in a feud with the likes of CM Punk or even Alberto Del Rio.

Call him The Shaman of Sexy, The Guru of Greatness or The Friday/Monday Night Delight, JoMo has been catching eyeballs lately.. What with especially


One of the best Royal Rumble moments with that spider-man thing or


Or that leap onto Sheamus..

Still many believe that the guy doesn't deserve to be in the main event title picture because he's a spot monkey [a term i believe was coined by someone who couldn't jump 2 feet in the air without tripping :banghead:]

As many people have said that he is the SOBER JEFF HARDY.. Jeff Hardy was put over by Triple H himself and a couple of PPVs later he went on to become the new Word Champ and was arguably the biggest face in the company alongside Cena and was getting much bigger pops..

So how would you book him pre and post wrestle-mania to be in the title picture..

Do you think that he will be champion soon enough..

Will he get as over as Jeff Hardy did..

Who do you think should be able to put him over and break that proverbial glass roof..

Now I'm not the biggest fan of Morrison, but I know a lot of ppl here are. On monday I watched as R-Truth pinned John to eliminate him from the #1 contender guantlet. I figured this was punishment for his "issues" with Trish. I don't buy it though. I mean why would John and Melina be upset that Trish was at WM? Its not like Melina would be in that match to begin with. Perhaps this is all a work leading to the on-air reunion of Morrison and Melina as a heel power couple?

I see Morrison getting involved in the ME of "Extreme" Rules, distracting Cena which sets up Truth getting pinned by Miz. Next night on Raw it's Morrison vs Truth and John wins with help from Melina. Then Cena hits the ring and chases Morrison off. Starting a Cena/Morrison feud that lasts till Summerslam, putting Morrison over as a credible heel. Let's face it, as a face he is nothing more than a bland spot monkey.

In May I'd have Cena get one last shot at Miz and once again get screwed over by Morrison (who beats either R-Truth of Orton earlier in the night). Then in June its Trish vs Melina and in the ME Miz vs Morrison vs Cena vs Big Show (or Jericho is he resigns) with Show or Jericho picking up the title. July I'd have Cena/Trish vs Morrison/Melina with Morrison picking up the win over Cena. And finally end blow off the feud in Los Angeles at Summerslam. Even have The Rock sitting front row to plant some more seeds for WM 28.

Its either this or go back to SD until he gets cut.

Oh so it's either feud with the face of the company and be a flirt to the WWE title or........... get cut altogether.


Anyway, I think people are setting the bar too high for Morrison this year. More than likely if this Trish thing is real which it seems it is he is going to have a slower way to the top if he gets there at all. There are pieces out there saying that Vince just doesn't view Morrison as a credible champion. Whether those dirt sheets are true or not remain to be seen but there's still no strap on Morrison. A nice feud with Ziggler for a good portion of the summer isn't a bad thing. Both put on tremendous matches and are both border-line main eventers. Let him get a nice, slow push where he can really hone his skill.

I've read people say Sheamus, Miz, Swagger, etc got the strap too quickly but then I read that Morrison should already have it among others. The IWC is just a great big confusing piece of crap sometimes...
ehh i dont buy it, i think morrison deserves a title run but not right now. God knows when they'll take away the belt from the miz and i see Cena being the only one to beat him for it, as lame as that sounds. Morrison needs a real good fued first and like u said maybe something like an r truth fued after he loses at extreme rules. I see Morrison winning the title at the end of the year setting up maybe a miz vs morrison at wrestlemania 28!! lI see it as Cena will beat the miz and then the miz will when the title back giving Cena the room to start the rock fued up again!

As for Morrison getting pinned by Truth for backstage heat!!!?? who knows man backstage politics are crazy in there and god(vince) only knows what happened in that one!
The fact that John Morrison was involved in the gauntlet match this past Monday could possibly, just possibly, indicate that his "punishment" over his behavior towards Trish Stratus might not be all that severe. I know that it's just a single match and all but if the WWE really wanted to keep JoMo out of the picture of anything relevant, then why book him in a #1 contender match when they could've put someone else in that spot?

I look for JoMo's feud with Dolph Ziggler to escelate over the course of the next few months. They really haven't had a hefty singles match against each other and most of their feud has revolved around their participation in the six person tag match at WrestleMania. I'd say that Morrison & Ziggler will have some high profile matches over the next few ppvs before both of them compete in the Raw MITB match at the July MITB ppv.

I think it's ultimately too early to tell at this point what's gonna happen with Morrison's career. I don't think he's going to be punished too severely. I don't see him being #1 contender for the WWE Championship right now so I'd like to see his feud with Ziggler continue. These two could have some fantastic matches if given the time.
I never said he should or would win the title anytime this year. I just think this is a good way to build up a new ME player on Raw. With so many people leaving there are spaces to be filled.
John Morrison has been proven to not be able to hold his own... why put him in a rivalry with the top face? If anything, your situation brings up the possibility of Morrison going back to riding Miz's coat tails.... and to be honest, I'm not ok with that. I've said it once and I'll say it again, Miz is far beyond anything Morrison will ever be capable of.

IMO, Morrison should've already been fired or at least dwindled down to jobber. After all these years he's yet to truly catch on whether he's Bischoff's lackey or this little "shaman" that he claims to be. And it's not WWE's fault in this case. Even on Smackdown, the land of new talent, Morrison failed to get over properly.

This summer should be used to build Dolph Ziggler over as a true Main Eventer and even get R-Truth into the upper mid-card range so he can give Miz a few credible wins. Yes, I truly believe that R-Truth can be a main eventer when Morrison can't.
dont think wwe will turn morrison heel. they dont hav enuff main event level faces ryt now so pushing morrison 2 main event level may become needed. and now 2 go off topic, r truth shud be nowhere near the main event match. sum1 else- ANY1 else shud hav won. i think morrison wud hav won that match if not 4 the whole trish stratus fiasco.
Im a huge John Morrison fan and i have been since his Tough Enough days. I think he is in the top 5 most impressive in-ring performers ive ever seen. However i do think val venis hit the nail right on the head in his shoot. Morrison is putting too much emphasis on his relationship and not enough on his career. I guess in his eyes, as long as he is able to pay his bills he's not really willing to jeopardize his relationship with Melina and i think that, that comes thru to vince mcmahon. I dont buy arguement that he doesnt see Morrison as a credible champ. If he thinks the miz is credible then anybody else would be (might as well give the belt to hornswoggle)..i just think management doesnt see the drive in morrison that they would like to see..thats why they arent really pushing him like that.
I like the slogan "The Summer of Morrison" ... maybe the WWE can use it to build up Summer Slam? I can see him win the MITB and challenge Cena for the WWE Title. Morrison doesn't have to win he can have a loosing effort, Morrison can still look great provided they can have a 20 min classic.

This could prepare Morrison's Championship run for WM28. Have a good upper mid card run for the rest of 2011 ... then breaktrhough once 2012 hits. I'm thinking of the Jeff Hardy push in late 2007 / early 2008.

I wasn't a Jeff Hardy fan at the time but the way the WWE built him up at that time made me actually believe he was a main event player. The same can happen to Morrison.
Originally Posted by EvenFlow DDT
Now I'm not the biggest fan of Morrison, but I know a lot of ppl here are. On monday I watched as R-Truth pinned John to eliminate him from the #1 contender guantlet. I figured this was punishment for his "issues" with Trish.

Maybe they want R-Truth to get a push. Ok nevermind yes this was punishment for his issues with Trish. You make a legendary diva feel bad you deserve it.

I don't buy it though.

Why? Clealry either you don't believe the main page or you just feel like not believing in the signs. R-Truth and Johnny Curtis get tag team shots and now Truth is getting WWE Title Shot... You tell me coincidence or not?

I mean why would John and Melina be upset that Trish was at WM?

This isn't necesarrily common knowledge however Morrison and Melina are kind of a thing and Morrison believes that Melina was wrongly not in a match at Mania due to Stratus.

Its not like Melina would be in that match to begin with. Perhaps this is all a work leading to the on-air reunion of Morrison and Melina as a heel power couple?

No No and No, keep their relationship backstage. I don't like heel power couples unless there is a certain Miss Guerrero involved.

I see Morrison getting involved in the ME of "Extreme" Rules, distracting Cena which sets up Truth getting pinned by Miz.

Or he could just continue his feud with Ziggler. He doesn't need to turn heel as you suggest. This would turn him heel and this would be bad.

Next night on Raw it's Morrison vs Truth and John wins with help from Melina.

Why? These two are the best of friends and theoreticcaly Morrison did nothing to R-Truth makes no sense.

Then Cena hits the ring and chases Morrison off. Starting a Cena/Morrison feud that lasts till Summerslam, putting Morrison over as a credible heel.

I don't think we will be seeing this however I can say it would be a good feud. And frankly Morrison should not go heel he should remain face and just get better on the Mic.

Let's face it, as a face he is nothing more than a bland spot monkey.

This is because he is bad on the Mic no other reason.

In May I'd have Cena get one last shot at Miz and once again get screwed over by Morrison (who beats either R-Truth of Orton earlier in the night).

No Cena vs the Miz is already enough, I don't want WWE to pull a Batista and have three matches for the same feud witht the seam result.

Then in June its Trish vs Melina and in the ME Miz vs Morrison vs Cena vs Big Show (or Jericho is he resigns) with Show or Jericho picking up the title.

Where did this come from? And you are totally forgetting that their would be a MITB at this time. And there is no more fatal four way. And why the hell would Jericho resign when he said he's coming back after DWTS.

July I'd have Cena/Trish vs Morrison/Melina with Morrison picking up the win over Cena. And finally end blow off the feud in Los Angeles at Summerslam. Even have The Rock sitting front row to plant some more seeds for WM 28.

So now you are saying that Summerslam should have two huge stars in a mixed tag match. And you are saying that Trish comes back to restart the feud. This makes no sense.

Its either this or go back to SD until he gets cut.

And by applying the same logic several WWE stars should be cut by niw right? I think he actually will go to Smackdown and try to establish himself there. No he will never be cut.
Personal opinion - people are doing way to much wrestling arithmetic here and are adding 2 & 2 to come out with 5. Morrison lost in a 5 man Gauntlet match but so did Randy Orton and Dolph Ziggler, and yet no one is questioning the motives over their defeats. Truth has been regarded as being depushed for some time now, this result could simply be a means to freshen him up and make him more credible again. Morrison is still feuding with Ziggler to my knowledge and as such, was never likely to be facing Miz at Xtreme Rules ESPECIALLY as he lost to Miz not so long ago on RAW (but long enough that he hadn't had any chance to be ignorant to Trish, conspiracy theorists).
Personal opinion - people are doing way to much wrestling arithmetic here and are adding 2 & 2 to come out with 5. Morrison lost in a 5 man Gauntlet match but so did Randy Orton and Dolph Ziggler, and yet no one is questioning the motives over their defeats. Truth has been regarded as being depushed for some time now, this result could simply be a means to freshen him up and make him more credible again. Morrison is still feuding with Ziggler to my knowledge and as such, was never likely to be facing Miz at Xtreme Rules ESPECIALLY as he lost to Miz not so long ago on RAW (but long enough that he hadn't had any chance to be ignorant to Trish, conspiracy theorists).

I agree completely with this. Morrison not winning a gauntlet match doesn't prove anything. There are way too many variables that could be in play here.

The fact that he was in such a match to begin with shows that he still has some sort of title relevance. And bear in mind that this was a gauntlet match that didn't have guys like Sheamus, HHH or CM Punk in them. Guys who are legit main eventers.

The fact that Morrison didn't win is no more indicative of anything than the fact that Orton or Ziggler also came up short. This match could have nothing to do with Morrison right from the start, and everything to do with Truth. My personal gut feeling is that this is going to lead to a Truth heel turn in order to shore up a lack of main event level heels.

Of course, this is all beside the point simply because Morrison is nothing more than a spot monkey mid carder, but I digress.
How would I push Morrison? I would push him to the back of the line since to me he's not a good wrestler at all, just a spot-monkey. He could be a jobber, and be used in gimmick matches since he loves spots so much. Only good thing I could say is if he got into tag teaming again with someone good like Joey Mercury but that won't happen. Sorry, not a JoMo fan at all.
What does spot monkey even mean? It's like people saying Morrison isn't capable of having an entertainig matches and this is proven wrong with his matches with Mysterio, Ziggler, The Miz, and Cena (back in ECW).

Does he have spots? Sure, but so did The Rock, Undertaker, or Ric Flair. They weren't high flying but they were surley non-senslical parts in a match to keep the crowd fired up. Unless you felt Rock throwing the elbow pad to the crowd before doing an elbow drop adds depth to in ring psychology.

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