Is it time to just get over it? (Benoit)

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Is it time to get over it?

people will never get over what he did nor should they. The man killed his family before killing himself. What he did was sick and disgusting and he deserves to rot in hell.

He will never be shown or mentioned or shown on anything associated with the WWE name on it again for that very reason. No matter how good he was he will forever be known for what he did in the last few days of his life.

As a Benoit fan it hurts to say that but it's the truth. Besides of the people that are still fans of his wanna see matches of his there is always youtube.
I think it's sort of a mixed bag, and both sides have some pertinent points.

On one hand, he killed his wife and his son, which there is no way that can ever be excused, and to the one dude who called him a "Hero" in an earlier post, you need your ass kicked... hard.

But on the other hand, professional wrestling had a great hand in contributing to the whole situation, no wrestling didn't kill Nancy and Daniel, but it knocked some screws loose on a guy who probably wasn't too internally stable in the first place. It just seems a little unfair for WWE to blacklist the guy when his act was (arguably) partially caused by what he did in the ring.
Oh yeah, the families of the victim's of Charles Mansion should "get over it," or how about the families that saw their wifes, husband's and children be tormented and killed by the Nazi's. Hell, the world should just get over the Holocaust, and Hitler, he wasn't that bad of a guy.

That's how you guy's sound like. The guy is a murderer, plain and simple. He will never be praised ever again, and he does'nt deserve to be. It's the worst possible thing a company can do is praise a man that murdered his family member's. I don't give a damn how good of a wrestler he was, he does not derserve praise or recognition at all for what he did to his wife and son.

WWE will never get over it, it was the darkest day in the history of WWE, left a big black mark of WWE and wrestling in general, and WWE's been trying to get the supporter's and naysayer's back on their side. Their rating's and viewer's have slowing declined since the day Benoit commited the murder, and what he did was more critcal to the business than WWE not showing his face anymore. What they are currently doing by erasing Benoit from their history is only what a logical, decent human being would do.
That Monday morning left us all wondering what the fuck happened as we hear ****** is dead (we're all in shock) by the afternoon then the family is dead (uh! oh!). And then the ****** tribute show during the tribute show it was pretty obvious ****** did it. But there lies the hurt that people felt we all knew he did it they did too, they fucked up by paying tribute and they know it that is one of the reasons why they don't want to mention ****** he almost brought down the business like Tracy Lords almost brought down porn
I moved really early.

People have to realize the separation between Benoit the person and Benoit the character.

We loved Benoit the character, and he didn't kill his family. That was his person. The character of Chris Benoit thrilled us with his matches his entire career. And those incredible matches shouldn't be erased from history because of his person committing an awful act.

I wouldn't expect a Chris Benoit DVD. That would be awful for public relations. But put his matches on the DVDs. You can talk about him.
I moved really early.

People have to realize the separation between Benoit the person and Benoit the character.

We loved Benoit the character, and he didn't kill his family. That was his person. The character of Chris Benoit thrilled us with his matches his entire career. And those incredible matches shouldn't be erased from history because of his person committing an awful act.

I wouldn't expect a Chris Benoit DVD. That would be awful for public relations. But put his matches on the DVDs. You can talk about him.

The person commited the crime, what that crime was overshadow's anything that the character did. The character is still played by the person.

What Benoit did was wrong, and disgraceful. Add that to the fact that he took the pathetic way out and killed himself instead of being punished for what he did. The man deserves no praise at all the murder he commited overshadowed everything his in-ring career had, becuase of all else, it'll be the only thing that people will remember from him. Not his matches, promo's, or his character, the fact that he killed his wife and son if what people will remember most about Benoit, and it's what WWE's trying to get rid of. They don't want a murderer associated with their company, so any change there is to not mention him or his accomplishment's, it's for the better.

I was a huge fan of Benoit, and even after I learned what he did, I still had the pictures of him up like I did for Guerrero after he died in respect. But, after a day I realized I was praising a vicious and vile human being and I took it down.

Benoit put more damage on the busines than WWE not mentioning him. What he did was dark and vile, and even his accomplishment's won't take that away.
The person commited the crime, what that crime was overshadow's anything that the character did. The character is still played by the person.

You need to separate the character from the person. Two separate entities that live in parallel universes.

What Benoit did was wrong, and disgraceful. Add that to the fact that he took the pathetic way out and killed himself instead of being punished for what he did. The man deserves no praise at all the murder he commited overshadowed everything his in-ring career had, becuase of all else, it'll be the only thing that people will remember from him. Not his matches, promo's, or his character, the fact that he killed his wife and son if what people will remember most about Benoit, and it's what WWE's trying to get rid of. They don't want a murderer associated with their company, so any change there is to not mention him or his accomplishment's, it's for the better.

You don't need to erase the man from history. But you don't have to shower him with praise. There is a happy medium where you acknowledge his involvement in your company but don't praise him as a hero. Portray him as a generic wrestler who wrestled some good matches.

I was a huge fan of Benoit, and even after I learned what he did, I still had the pictures of him up like I did for Guerrero after he died in respect. But, after a day I realized I was praising a vicious and vile human being and I took it down.

Benoit put more damage on the busines than WWE not mentioning him. What he did was dark and vile, and even his accomplishment's won't take that away.

It's okay to not frame his face and shower him with compliments. But we're talking about just including him the history of the company. I guarantee if they added a Benoit match on some DVD's, nobody would care. We would just appreciate the match.
You need to separate the character from the person. Two separate entities that live in parallel universes.

You don't need to erase the man from history. But you don't have to shower him with praise. There is a happy medium where you acknowledge his involvement in your company but don't praise him as a hero. Portray him as a generic wrestler who wrestled some good matches.

It's okay to not frame his face and shower him with compliments. But we're talking about just including him the history of the company. I guarantee if they added a Benoit match on some DVD's, nobody would care. We would just appreciate the match.

:banghead: Are you insane? Chris Benoit deserves all the hate he is getting from every wrestling fans around the world. You can't excuse what he did. Seriously in what world is it ok to kill your wife and kid and then offing yourself? WWE is just beggining to rebound after that piece of shit did what he did, there is no chance in hell that Mcmahon would portray Benoit in a good light after what he did, it would be corporate suicide. So in Closing Fuck Benoit he can rot in hell for all i care, he is nothing but a piece of shit.
Now it seems that on the The Very Best of WCW Nitro DVD they do have some unedited footage of Benoit.

From our News site
In the new WWE DVD The Very Best of WCW Nitro, one of the scenes that that they show involves the reforming of the 4 Horsemen. During this part, they leave Chris Benoit in, without any attempt to alter, edit, or distort him and he is seen walking down to the ring to his entrance music and standing in the ring with the then-reformed 4 Horsemen.

Well, that's that. I doubt he will ever get more recognition than that. And that's already more than he deserves.
Let me just ask one question: How do you move on from this?This isn't Hollywood celebrating Roman Polanski(who drugged and raped a 13 year old girl,in case you didn't know),this is a company whose reputation is always under jeopardy,and there is no way they can even look like they're celebrating the career of Benoit lest they're prepared to fend off attacks that they are a company that celebrates murderers.From a "moral"(though God knows what the fuck that means) and a PR standpoint,there is no way they can ever put Benoit in a positive light and survive the fallout.It doesn't matter if Benoit was of sound mind when he did it,he still did what he did,and frankly that's all everyone's going to remember.

Many posters also made a very good point,how are the family members of Benoit and his wife going to react?Opening up an old wound isn't going to feel good.Imagine if they're channel surfing one night and find this 3 hour Benoit compilation being shown on TV,or if they're shopping at K-Mart and see a Benoit DVD on the shelves.Can Benoit's parents,siblings and relatives take the pain that's going to come rushing back,remembering that one of their own was a murderer?Can Nancy's family take the fact that the WWE are celebrating the life of someone that killed their daughter/sister/cousin/niece?

In summary,WWE "getting over" the fact that Benoit killed his wife and son would be in bad taste.If you want to watch a classic Benoit match,then go on YouTube,go on Daily Motion,Google the match and chances are,you'll find it.The WWE aren't obligated to use Benoit's image and,personally speaking,it's a smart move tearing that page out of the history books.I'm already amazed that the WWE lets Daniel Bryan use the Crossface,and I think that's as far as the company would ever go to associate itself with Benoit.Benoit was never a huge star anyway,there's no need to ever utter his name or show his matches.
Most of y'all try too hard to look like good people. I know, I know, Benoit is said to have killed his wife and son before committing suicide. But think about it, the reason he did what he did is said to be brain damage. It's not like Benoit woke up one day and thought to himself, "I just thought of a great idea, I'm going to kill my wife, then my son and off myself last!".
He was depressed and was not in the right mind state. He was probably feeling sad about something inside and wanted to destroy everything and everyone in sight. Some people are lucky and have other options like video games and music to take out their frustrations on, Benoit had no way to get it off but to literally do something stupid and it happened, sadly. That's just a theory that I think doesn't sound far fetched. I think we all can agree that he was not in the correct mind state when he snapped, though.

And you are all so ungrateful. Trying to feel for Benoit's family by cursing him out is not the way to do it. His family had to pay for your entertainment. Benoit put his body on the line on a weekly basis to entertain YOU, people. And when it got to him negatively, he and his family had to pay. If Benoit was going to go through with the plan of killing himself after his wife was dead, I think he did the right thing by killing his son too. Cause, really, who wants to grow up without their parents?
And you are all so ungrateful. Trying to feel for Benoit's family by cursing him out is not the way to do it. His family had to pay for your entertainment. Benoit put his body on the line on a weekly basis to entertain YOU, people. And when it got to him negatively, he and his family had to pay. If Benoit was going to go through with the plan of killing himself after his wife was dead, I think he did the right thing by killing his son too. Cause, really, who wants to grow up without their parents?

Dude you have just Ultimate Warriored yourself. Look we all know that he has made sacrifices for our entertainement, so has HHH, Ric Flair etc etc etc. Thats not the problem. The problem is that he fucking Killed his wife and son and then offed himself. No company in their right mind would have a DVD of a murderer in stores, the backlash from the media would be so horrible that WWE would go bankrupt the minute the DVD comes out. So in closing Fuck Benoit may he rot in hell like the fucking piece of shit he is.
Honestly, I don't mind seeing an occasional Chris Benoit match put on a DVD now and then.

The sight of him doesn't provoke any kind of rage or hatred. If anything I just feel abit sad that such a wonderful career went to waste.
Dude you have just Ultimate Warriored yourself. Look we all know that he has made sacrifices for our entertainement, so has HHH, Ric Flair etc etc etc. Thats not the problem. The problem is that he fucking Killed his wife and son and then offed himself. No company in their right mind would have a DVD of a murderer in stores, the backlash from the media would be so horrible that WWE would go bankrupt the minute the DVD comes out. So in closing Fuck Benoit may he rot in hell like the fucking piece of shit he is.

I know there really is no excuse to kill your wife and son, but Benoit was not in the right mind state when he made those mistakes. If it was a guy who was completely normal with no possible damage to their health that suddenly just decided to drive down the number of living family members from whatever it was to 0, that person fully deserves any backlash he gets. Benoit made a bunch of sacrifices for our entertainment and therefore, it affected his brain and health - which ultimately resulted in the horrible wiping off the Benoit family at his hands. The diving headbutt was a signature move that he used every week, so I don't think there's any questioning as to why HE got brain damage and not any other wrestler. Hell, you can say that he brought this upon himself by choosing wrestling as his job, but I honestly don't think ANYONE could have imagined their last week to be this horrible had they chosen wrestling as a job until Benoit and his family became a victim of this horrible ending. If Benoit had not killed himself, I doubt he would have gone to a regular prison, more likely a mental ward. Though, who knows what the real story would have been?

Maybe none of y'all have ever been there, but I know how it feels to be down in an awful mind-state. I've had fantasies of going through with killings of random people just to take my frustrations out on the world, though thankfully, it has never happened and hopefully never will.
It is never going to happen. Vince wants no part in having an image of making money off of a murderer (which is what would happen if he was featured on DVDs). If you want to see his old matches, just be grateful a lot of fans have them recorded and put them up on Youtube and other places.
But think about it, the reason he did what he did is said to be brain damage. It's not like Benoit woke up one day and thought to himself, "I just thought of a great idea, I'm going to kill my wife, then my son and off myself last!".

And you are all so ungrateful. Trying to feel for Benoit's family by cursing him out is not the way to do it. His family had to pay for your entertainment. Benoit put his body on the line on a weekly basis to entertain YOU, people. And when it got to him negatively, he and his family had to pay. If Benoit was going to go through with the plan of killing himself after his wife was dead, I think he did the right thing by killing his son too. Cause, really, who wants to grow up without their parents?

Wow. Just wow. You, sir, are insane.

First of all, YES, he was sick in the head, not a bad person. But let's say your spouse ties you up and chokes you to death. Would it really matter that he/she isn't in her right state of mind when it happens? It's a damn shame, not just for his family's sake, but for his own as well that he wasn't stopped. That much of it requires pity, not hate.
But the fact of the matter is he wasn't stopped and therefore he became a monster. And once it's done, it's done. A monster is a monster is a monster.

And what the fuck was that about him "doing the right thing" by making sure his kid doesn't have to grow up without his parents???? :wtf:
Words fail me at such insanity. My parents both died when I was young. If only they had done the right thing and killed me first. :suspic: How merciful it would have been of them to save me a difficult childhood.

How old are you, son? Because you obviously still have a lot of growing up to do.
Yes, you have a point. I feel sad for Benoit and his family and it is a damn shame, no hate for any of them unlike the majority of this forum. And wasn't there anyone nearby who could have heard any possible screaming to be alerted? Unfortunately, the whole thing went through with no witnesses and we still don't know the real story regardless of what police reports claim.

As it is, honoring Benoit would have been failed business just for the media and the heat that would come from it - so it's doubtful it ever happens. But removing him completely is just wrong and also prevents the plan of learning from the accident so it wont ever happen again. Like it's been mentioned before, dictators like Hitler or serial killers aren't removed from history books. They are there so we can learn from previous casualties and to prevent it from occurring again.

And growing up without parents because they died from some kind of disease or accident is not the same as knowing that your father killed your mom and then himself. The latter is a casualty that's really hard to recover from, specially if you were old enough to know the situation and to understand things better as opposed to a little baby that can be carried by a close relative into an adult.

As for me being insane, I doubt it. I don't have any plans to hurt any person unless they have wronged me in an unforgivable way and I am old enough to think for myself. Thanks for your words anyways.
Sorry, there will never be a point in this instance that it will be time to move on. Hell, we haven't moved on from what Manson, Dahmer and Gacy have done. We haven't moved on from what Susan Smith had done. There is no way that we are going to move on from what Chris Benoit had done.

To use CTE as an excuse for what he did is beyond repugnant. There are so many people out there that have CTE, but they didn't kill their families, even when they killed themselves. CTE DOES NOT EXCUSE MURDER. NOTHING EXCUSES MURDER.

Chris Benoit at the end of his life did something horrible. The problem with honoring him in anyway for his career is that you end up having to honor the man that committed such heinous acts. Hell, OJ was acquitted by a jury of his peers and was still vilified. Don't think that Benoit is going to get any better treatment.
Some of you guys are making excuses for Him and its pretty sh*tty.

He sent Chavo and others several texts BEFORE he did the murders. He KNEW it was wrong. If he really cared, he should've got help. then , he would've been diagnosed, probably found out about the brain damage from scans and went on with life.

Instead, He killed his wife, then killed his son--- if i remember correctly, some medical experts at the time opined that he might have used a CHOKE hold to kill his son, as he died from asphyxiation but had no bruising.

This PEICE OF CRAP could workout with hundreds of pounds, was in amazing shape and how much of a chance did his son stand?

In the end, there be another mat based, or technical wrestler, with promo skills, who'll be better than Benoit, you fans can like him, then you can move on.

He Choked Nancy with a cord and put a knee to her back.

does any of that crap sound like a hero to you?

heres something I don't understand:

wrestling is predetermined. you have to train hard so that you DON'T hurt your opponent. We know you can still get hurt and takes hard work and skill, but you work to put on a show--- an athletic show..

HOW THE F#CK does being a expert of holds or collegiate wrestling prowess mean anything for real in WWE?! ( other than knowing how to better control and protect your opponent) Him being the greatest mat wrestler in the world didn't mean crap if Vince told him " You gotta job to JBL".

Benoit had the promo skills of friggin' DOOR KNOB. He was boring trying to sell storylines.

Im tired of hearing how great a mat wrestler, or whatever , he was... in the end, that don't mean crap.

I feel bad for his family, Nancy's family....its amazingly painful... but Chris did that. and I damn sure don't feel sorry for him.
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