Is it time to just get over it? (Benoit)

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Probably been pointed out already but with the Benoit situation it wasn't JUST Chris Benoit.

There was Nancy and Daniel Benoit. I agree with WWE's decision to not have anything that fully focuses on Chris Benoit's career or anything that shows off him because it could offend the immediate family of Nancy Benoit. I know if anyone killed my sister and then had his work shown off and paraded around I would be pissed off. WWE is doing the smart thing.

If you want to watch Benoit stuff, this little thing was invented a while ago where you can watch stuff, it's called YouTube.
Agreed. Go to Youtube, if you really wish to see past Benoit's messed up ending.

He will forever be the elephant in WWE's office that nobody mentions and that's the way it has to be and it's his own damn fault.

I feel terrible for a man that was sick in the head. I wish he could have gotten help. Unfortunately, he couldn't be stopped in time and became a monster. And such monsters, tragic or not, deserve nothing but the uttermost contempt and are well beyond redemption forever.
While obviously he wasn't in the right state of mind because of the damage his brain had taken. He still murdered his wife & child. No getting over that.

And tgrfan to "hogwash" about mental health issues; the same way people alzheimers remember things. Some sticks some doesn't. Plus he was likely to have it written down.
See, a guy can MURDER his wife and kid's, but WWE should move on. Only becuase he was a good wreslter. You gotta be fuckin' kidding me! The guy is a murdered, he did a very, very bad thing, and deserves what came out of it. Him being not mentioned in WWE anymore is the exact same thing I would do. It's atrocious to want to show a guy who killed his family. The guy committed the most sinful of crime's and deserves by every right to be punished!

See, this is where I get off on this kind of subject. This kind of stuff happen's with a lot a wrestler. Take for instance, Kurt Angle. Now, Kurt is, by all mean's, in a world of his own right now. He was arrested a few month's ago for drunk driving, openly lied on Twitter about it, and said "believe me, not the cop's." While, it was against the law what Kurt did, he still got some sort of free pass from fan's becuase he's a "good wreslter." The same goes for the Hardy fan's, and really the TNA superstar's in general and thier fan's. People have to realize no matter how "good" a wrestler may be does not make them a good person and therefore get a free pass.

Now, Benoit was a good wresiler, but in no way shape or form are WWE going to erase the thing's he did to himself, his family, and the WWE organization. People have to realize that when wrestler, no matter how "good" they are, they deserve to be punished, Benoit deserves everything WWE did to him after he murdered his wife and kid's, them trying to erase him from everything. He doesn't deserve to be acknowleged anymore, as a performer or a person. He commited a crime and will forever be punished for it.

WWE did the right thing in erasing Benoit from the company. Sure, his accomplishment's will be written away, everything he did will be forgotten, but it's his own damn fault.
I've said on another post that it would be a good idea to put Chris, Nancy and Daniel Benoit in the HoF some day. Now might not be the time. That being said, Benoit was a remarkable performer. He loved the business, he sweat and bled for the business. He loved it and the fans loved him. I can understand if he never makes it to the WWE HoF but I wouldn't be against him and his family being inducted. It wouldn't celebrate his actions, imo, but celebrate his career, and his contribution to the business, as well as pay tribute to the family.

I saw Benoit perform at a show in Toronto about a month or two before he killed his wife and son. I was stunned by the news, when I heard it. Those who were close to him, didn't believe he did it or that he was in his right mind when he committed these actions. These are people who were on the road with him for decades. I knew him as a fan. I'm not saying he couldn't have been an evil person who did an evil thing. I know there are evil people in this world. But there are also sick people in this world. There has been plenty of evidence to say that Chris Benoit was a sick man, based on trauma he suffered from concussions over his career. Neurosurgeons and some of the most renowned neuro specialists studied Chris Benoit's brain and said his brain damage was so severe they believed that he wasn't in his right mind when he committed these horrible acts. Concussions are now being looked at more closely for possible affects on the brain and have been linked to incidents where football players have killed members of their family. No matter what Vince and others say, it isn't a cop out, it is a studied condition, that is supported by science. SO based on that I don't hate Benoit, I despise his actions.

Vince does not want to have anything with Benoit for many reasons. Many of those reasons are the same reasons he distances himself from many of the early deaths that have plagued the business. The more deaths that occur in the wrestling industry the more the spotlight focuses on him as the major promotion in the industry. The usual questions that are asked: what role does WWE play in protecting the health of its workforce ? Are they doing enough ? DO they care at all about these performers' well being ? Questions that put the WWE in a very tough place from a PR standpoint. The truth is the industry isn't doing enough to protect the well-being of the many performers within the business. The wellness programs that ignore the results of drug tests when that performer has a huge rivalry; the pressure put on performers to return to work before they've fully healed from injuries, which leads to the drug abuse and its harmful affects on its performers. The Benoit tragedy like many of the untimely deaths of performers within the industry expose the industry's failure to look after the health of its workforce.

I'm not saying we get over it. That will never happen. What can be and should be done is, we acknowledge it, pay respect to his wife, son and forgive Benoit for his actions. His career makes forgetting him impossible. WE should celebrate his life and the lives of his wife and son in their entirety and not remember them based on his actions on the last few days of their lives, if that's at all possible.
I understand why the WWE is against anything with Benoit, it was a horrific act.... Has he contributed to the history of professional wrestling? Of Course... Who can forget the great feud and matches with Kurt Angle or Chris Jericho... They were instant classic matches.... Let alone, headlining one of the biggest Wrestlemainas in the history of the WWE WrestleMania XX... Should he be in the hall of fame, yes, slide him in there.... just celebrate his in the squared circle work and leave it at that.....
I agree. Time to move on. Benoit was dope. I mean dude did second rope tombstones and powerbombs when it was unheard of (still is.) Brain damage caused the unfortunate deaths. Let's not forget depression cause of the loss of Eddie. And the deeper issues in it all that triggered it. Benoit's wife was a ****e and his child unfortunately had that skinny boy disease being totally un-athletic and unlike his father.. Cause and effect. A fucked up brain will do that to you.

Also, let's not forget that everything in the universe happens for a reason so his murder-suicide led to a lot of attention in the media to head trauma and performance enhancing drugs in sports. Yeah it was thru extreme methods but it cause a GREAT DEAL of awareness to some SERIOUS ISSUES IN ALL OF SPORTS.

That alone might make him an inadvertent hero.

What he did outside of wrestling doesn't matter when in comes to in ring performance, especially in the past. That Nitro dvd is now ruined. Benoit was in many classic matches. MANY. That's how most of us were introduced to him.

And straight up, I really wanted to see that Benoit vs CM Punk match on that PPV the day of his death.

At least we got a proper tribute show. The timing of it all was phenomenal.

do you even think or read before you post? this is one of the dumbest post i have ever seen on the internet. It was dumb enough that i had to stop reading the thread just to respond to it. Benoit's wife a ****e? why the hell would you feel the need to insult someone who was murdered in her own home by someone that she trusted beyond anything else? His son skinny boy disease and un-athletic.. so lets kill him? come on Hitler, we should kill everyone so that we have a master race? you, are the dumbest person i've seen lately, which is saying something because i've had a few rants lately.

benoit is the complete opposite of a hero, he is a murderer that i have no problem with wwe cutting him out of wwe/wcw history. hell for all i care cut him out of history all together and forget about him, and feel for those who's life was taken pre-maturely because he decided to kill them.
I Think You Carnt Forget The Thing Beniot Done Outside The Ring Yet We Can Just Forget What He Done Inside ... Come On He Was Probably My Favorite Wrestler Cause Of The Crossface . I Disagree With Everyone That Say HOF Because I Dont Think You Should Be Put Init After A Crime Like That , Yet I Think He Deserves Some Recognition For His Talent Like A DVD ... Or Even What Everyone Was Talking About A Few Months Back ...

The "WWE HOF , ICON AWARD " Which Would Be Award To Someone Whom Isnt Good Enough To Be Recognized As HOF But Is Still A Icon ..
Chris Benoit was one of my favorite wrestlers back in the day,his extreme dedication to the buisiness really showed in all of his matches. If this choice was soley based on his career then it would be a no brainer to have him in the HOF and realse dvds and the whole nine yards but the seriousness of what he did cannot be overlooked. It's a shitty situation though
IMO I dont think they should censor anything when it comes to Benoit. Yes he murdered his wife and kids but that was then. It shouldnt change anything that he achieved as a WCW superstar. I mean he wasnt murdering people then (for all we know) He still is one of the greatest superstars yet.
I think that we all need to remember him for the great professional he was. He was excellent in the ring and a great showman. I understand why WWE won't mention him. He did kill his family and himself and taht's just not good for buisnees. But he had a mental issue. So that's why I remember as Chris Benoit the wrestler, not the man.:icon_neutral:
Does U.S. history exclude slavery?
Does German history exclude WWII?

No, they don't, but there also isn't much material out there that glorifies it either.

Um idk when the last time you went to school was but i remeber learning about slavery in yes us history does include Slavery.

Back on topic.

If what the original OP said is true that Benoit had dementia then NO he had no control over what he did because his brain was so damaged that he saw what he was doing in a different light. I'm not saying this is what he thought because i obviously dont know i wasn't there id be in jail if i was but if Benoit had Dementia he could of thought that by killing his wife and kid he was saving them from a much worst fate. i personally think people need to do research into what stuff is before they start smearing someones name.

Now on the case of the WWE not showcasing Benoit matches on DVDS. The WWE is an Entertainment company so as such they have to be careful what kind of reputation they get and if they start showing Benoit in stuff a lot of people are going to think that the WWE doesn't care about the incident and possibly not watch them.
Benoit was an incredible wrestler as far as showing his matches in the past it should be done to show his part w/in WCW & WWE, but there will always be ppl on both sides of the fences. If WWE does start to acknowledge his work there will be ppl who think they are wrong for glorifying someone who committed a heinous act. If they continue to act like he never existed they are erasing his legacy in a way & ppl will disagree w/that. I understand why WWE does this. They have to worry bout there image in the business world & offending ppl associated w/the Benoit family & disagree w/what he did. I would like to see the WWE move on show his work, but I don't see it happen because of the circumstances associated w/his death.
Chris Benoit was one of the best performers in the history of the business. His determination, dedication, and aggressiveness was matched by few. He was a great competitor and a hell of a performer. That all being said, what he did to his family and ultimately to himself was terrible and should never be forgotten. The WWE isn't showing him for business reasons as most everyone knows. Some peole will never forgive him, not even his closest friends. Should he be erased completely? I say no, but I think it's a mistake to glorify him, no matter how great of a performer he was.
The WWE erasing Benoit from history is not a case of Vince just being mulish. The WWE promoting an insane murderer is simply out of the question. This can never, ever change.

It doesn't matter who you were or how good you were. If Stone Cold Steve Austin or Triple H or the Rock had killed their wife and child they would have to be erased just the same. It sucks for Benoit, but ask his wife's family how much it would suck if the man got honored after all.
Chris Benoit was one of the best and most respected wrestlers of his time, with a dedication to his calling that among active wrestlers I can only compare with the Undertaker's.

Chris Benoit murdered his entire family, and he took a his time to snuff the life of his wife and his son.

I can hold those together and not see a contradiction, not because I've been brainwashed but because there isn't any contradiction.

The WWE won't honor Benoit - at the end of the day, he still killed his family, and NOTHING could ever rectify that, or be given as an excuse.

But at least, give him a sop of recognition. Even a little bit.
What Benoit did is by far the worst thing that has ever been committed by an athlete, and that could be a bullet in WWE's heart, and the beginning of an eventual downfall, but Vince did the smart and the right thing. WWE is all about superstars and characters, so you don't want such a person anywhere near WWE, no matter how good of a wrestler he has been. I hope they continue this way and I wish they never ever acknowledge him in future.

And for those who try to show a little respect for Benoit for what he has done, I see this attempt as a pointless one. The guy didn't respect himself, and is a serious contender for the stupidest person of last decade, so I really see no reason to root for this fucking guy.
Wrestling fans and Benoit fans know what a great superstar he was. I don't think the WWE should start showing his face on their products again. What he did was horrible. There is no need to remind his friends and family about it. Some have probably gained closure on the issue but I'm sure others still have wounds about it.

There is no need for WWE to bring Benoit products back. They have absolutely nothing to gain from it.

Most wrestling fans will remember Benoit for being a great wrestler. He doesn't need recognition from the big company saying he's one of the best. Most of us already know that.
Time to move on??, are you for real, something like this is not something you will/ should ever forget, what he did was unforgivable and thats the truth. A person who does something like this should not be honoured just because he's a good wrestler. I don't blame WWE from distancing themselves from him, he should, and will never be mentioned again. He nearly destroyed Pro Wrestling by doing this completely changing how everyone views it, it's not like he was even the best wrestler in the world or even a true main eventer. Bottom line is, he is a fucked up evil prick and to say he should be honoured by using him in DVD's is totally ridiculous.
While Chris Benoit is/was one of my favorite of all time in the biz and was without question, one of the most intense and skilled of all time, I still just dont think its ok to forgive and forget what happened.

Its only fair to Nancy who in her own right was a very important part of the business herself as a manager/valet by the name of Woman for all of the previous "Big 3" during the 80's, 90's and early 00's. Hell she managed people such as The Sandman, Ric Flair and The 4 Horsemen, Doom, Kevin Sullivan, 2 Cold Scorpio and Chris Benoit. To me she was one of the best of the women valets because not only did she look great but she was always physically involved in the matches and constantly found ways to reinvent herself to fit in with the wrestler she managed ala dressing in nice dresses and jewelry while managing Ric Flair and beating down the Sandman's opponents with her very own singapore cane, getting him beers during his matches, and lighting his cigarettes....also during mid match.

I think a lot of people forget just how important managers/valets were to the business back then and should have remained up to the present day. And as such, like I stated before, Woman aka Nancy is a big big part of that. Every bit as important as Miss Elizabeth and all the other valets if not that much more!

So yeah, while Benoit was a great performer it still doesn't make it ok to just say
''OH WELL he may have brutally murdered his family but mother fucker could wrestle!"
He wrestled his heart out but at the end of the day its not fair to show how great he was when someone who was equally as great in another facet of the business is disgraced in the process!
Benoit was nothing special... more like an extension of the Dynamite Kid if the business hadn't eaten him up too... he KILLED HIS WIFE AND KID! Hello, wrestling is important to many people, but, would you feel the same way were it closer to you... yes, watch old Benoit matches, but don't celebrate him any more than you would any of the decent, hard-working entertainers we have grown up with. In my opinion, fuck Benoit. FUCK BENOIT. I have been entertained by his matches, but I am NOT on the same page as far as his legacy. It may be the fault of the machine, but we (hopefully) don't celebrate Manson either, right?
Loved his matches, loved how intense he was in the ring.
He entertained me for years with some of the best matches i had ever seen.
I can still watch his matches, but the tragedy of that day is always there in my mind.
First, the sorrow, we all likely felt when the news first broke of his death
Then that sorrow changing to horror, as the details of what happened came out.

Is it time to move on?
Perhaps, murder happens every day, many worse than what happened on that day.

Will/should it happen?

As great as he was in the ring, he will always be forever known as the lunatic that slaughtered his wife and child. You can't separate the two different Benoits, they are the same demon, and will be remembered as such.
Should his accomplishments be forgotten? NO, but they should not be honored either.
Um idk when the last time you went to school was but i remeber learning about slavery in yes us history does include Slavery.

Back on topic.

If what the original OP said is true that Benoit had dementia then NO he had no control over what he did because his brain was so damaged that he saw what he was doing in a different light. I'm not saying this is what he thought because i obviously dont know i wasn't there id be in jail if i was but if Benoit had Dementia he could of thought that by killing his wife and kid he was saving them from a much worst fate. i personally think people need to do research into what stuff is before they start smearing someones name.

Now on the case of the WWE not showcasing Benoit matches on DVDS. The WWE is an Entertainment company so as such they have to be careful what kind of reputation they get and if they start showing Benoit in stuff a lot of people are going to think that the WWE doesn't care about the incident and possibly not watch them.

Kid I really think you need to try harder in school because you seem to be far from the sharpest knife lol
Anyone who thinks Benoit should be honored in the Hall of Fame or having DVD made of his matches, should go fuck themselves. The guy killed his wife and kid, there is no possible way of excusing that. If it was while driving drunk, then i would feel different because hey shit happens and he would serve time in jail or have probation. But killing your wife and kid and then offing yourself you have to be the lowest of the low to do something like that.
No, they shouldn't move on. It's a bad move for the WWE to move on. They don't want to be related to Chris Benoit for a plethora of reasons, as a matter of fact. Nobody wants to be associated with a murderer in the public eye, especially since they're moving towards kids (product-wise), on top of that, they've tried to stop head injuries and revealing that their business and their product might be one of the reasons Benoit went out and killed his son and wife... well, that wouldn't be too smart now, would it? I don't think they'll ever really move on, they might stop censoring him so strictly, but he'll never be a centerpiece of anything they do.
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