Is it time to just get over it? (Benoit)

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The problem is i agree with you 100 percent.. People have to move on and he was one hell of a wrestler. There are 2 problems..

1. Benoit didn't kill our family members at all, so what authority does anyone have to say they should move on? I certaintly don't nor will I try too.

2. I disagree with you calling me a dick. I am a dick for calling him a ****** but he called Benoit's wife a ****e? That should go unsaid. Opinions are opinions and yes 2 wrongs don't make a right but that's the problem we have today. People think they can just talk out their ass and not suffer any consequences.

If i insulted you in anyway, then my apologies, but calling a women we knew nothing about who was murdered a ****e is just simply wrong.

Your right about the whole didn't kill our family thing and your right....but I didn't really call you a dick I just said it makes you look like one there is a lot of web sites that don't know what the hell their talking about he probably read that one so just think of that but its good you corrected him.
Chris Benoit was one of the best professional wrestling performers of the 1990's and 2000's. But he also murdered his entire family.

There are some things that you do that just aren't forgivable or excusable. Pete Rose will never live to see himself in the Baseball Hall of Fame, and his sin was gambling on matches. There is no need to honor or pay tribute to Chris Benoit's career; he was an excellent wrestler, and a monster off camera.

When people talk about Nazi Germany, they don't say "yeah, the mass extermination of Jews, homosexuals, gypsys and the mentally handicapped was really bad, but can't we forget about that? They really nailed universal health care." When people talk about slavery, they don't say "sure, kidnapping people and dragging them half the world away to labor until they were dead was bad, but they also took homeless people and provided shelter for them."

Same with Chris Benoit, except on an internet message board devoted to professional wrestling, you are going to find people with absolutely no sense of perspective. Amazingly, there are people saying "sure, he murdered his wife and suffocated his son, but boy could he sell an arm chop!" Thankfully the WWE hasn't felt the need to jump on that particular train. The man was a murderer. It's his career that people should be getting over.
when oj simpson did what he did it changed his life and how we look at him. that does not change what he did on the field and on screen...tell me that you dont laugh your ass off everytime you watch the naked gun films...the same way that, though what benoit did is very fucked up, it doesnt change what he did for US in the ring. he was and is one of the few that can be called THE BEST. kurt angle is one of the other few. i think that they should include more of him on dvds and if the viewer makes the choice to skip that match, so be it. i also fell that they SHOULDNT include him on tv though because unless you have tevo, u cant skip it if u want. We cant change what he did. and some will never get over it to see what he did in the ring as amazing ever again. we should be respectful of that! but those who can see them as seperate things should be allowed to watch his best matches without having to search through to find them
I agree. Time to move on. Benoit was dope. I mean dude did second rope tombstones and powerbombs when it was unheard of (still is.) Brain damage caused the unfortunate deaths. Let's not forget depression cause of the loss of Eddie. And the deeper issues in it all that triggered it. Benoit's wife was a ****e and his child unfortunately had that skinny boy disease being totally un-athletic and unlike his father.. Cause and effect. A fucked up brain will do that to you.
The W*nker of the Week Award goes to... YOU!

How in the holy hell can you say that because his son was slightly under-weight caused him to kill him. And Nancy Benoit was a ****e? WTF?! What The F*ck?!

Look, I don't agree what he did, however, I don't believe that he should be removed from DVD's that WWE don't broadcast. However, Vince maybe covering himself in case anyone says he is promoting killers. I wish that wasn't the case.
When was the last time you saw O.J. Simpson discussed for his football prowess? He's been getting blackballed for over 15 years now by the vast majority of the media, known only now for his murder trial and other personal problems. There many times when you'll see a countdown of the greatest college and pro players and his name is not on the list, though anyone who watched him play can tell you that he should be. And, unlike Benoit, this is a man who was found "NOT GUILTY" in court.

If ESPN and other outlets are unwilling to show footage of Simpson carrying a football due to his perosnal issues, can you really blame the WWE for not wanting to show footage of Benoit wrestling? While it may seem unfair to penalize Benoit because of his profession, the images of him using violent acts (no matter how scripted) against other humans just aren't going to work given the context.

Keep in mind that the WWE, as the top dog in the industry, has the highest responsibility to help protect wrestling's public perception. The Benoit murder-suicide is the most dangerous example of what a wrestler's lifestyle MAY be able to cause due to substance abuse, head injuries, and so on. Even if it's not true, it can be twisted and used by the media to indict pro wrestling as a whole. In that respect, it's a very wise decision by the WWE to make Benoit disappear and avoid anything that could bring him back into the attention of the media.
This is noit so much an issue of not being able to get over it, it is an oissue of being a PR nightmare of mentioning or honoring him. Unfournately, if they try to honor him, the backlash will be briutal for the media that ismore concerned with having a story as opposed to doing any research on the subject. Why do you think there are so many people that blame roid rage for what Benoit did as opposed to the medical evidence.

The sad part is that what Benoit did and his medical condition is probably the main cause of why all professional sports are taking concussions so seriously. So despite all the bad and evil that he did and people view him as, he will end up having the most impactful effect in all of sports in the coming years and yet will never be able to get any of the credit because of it.
:wtf: To the people who think its time to move on from the Benoit incident, are you insane?. Look, yes the guy was a good wrestler and a liked him, but for Satan's sake he killed his whole family. How can anybody forget that?. If for some reason we would find out that he really didn't killed his whole family ( yeah right and Santa Claus exists :rolleyes:) maybe, but i wouldn't hold my breath on that.
The WWE needs to acknowledge the fact that due to a lot of damage to his head caused by years of doing it all for the WWE aswel as the other companies it caused this tradgic event to happen. I understand that they are PG and don't want any link with what Benoit did, it's not fair to his family because they are not accepting any of the responsibility even though a large part not all of the damage came from the types of matches he was booked into. E.g hardcore, last man standing etc.. Benoit was one of if not the best ever professional wrestlers in the history of the sport and that should be acknowledged and he should go into the hall of fame but make sure everyone knows its due to him as a professional not as a person
When was the last time you saw O.J. Simpson discussed for his football prowess? He's been getting blackballed for over 15 years now by the vast majority of the media, known only now for his murder trial and other personal problems. There many times when you'll see a countdown of the greatest college and pro players and his name is not on the list, though anyone who watched him play can tell you that he should be. And, unlike Benoit, this is a man who was found "NOT GUILTY" in court.

If ESPN and other outlets are unwilling to show footage of Simpson carrying a football due to his perosnal issues, can you really blame the WWE for not wanting to show footage of Benoit wrestling? While it may seem unfair to penalize Benoit because of his profession, the images of him using violent acts (no matter how scripted) against other humans just aren't going to work given the context.

Keep in mind that the WWE, as the top dog in the industry, has the highest responsibility to help protect wrestling's public perception. The Benoit murder-suicide is the most dangerous example of what a wrestler's lifestyle MAY be able to cause due to substance abuse, head injuries, and so on. Even if it's not true, it can be twisted and used by the media to indict pro wrestling as a whole. In that respect, it's a very wise decision by the WWE to make Benoit disappear and avoid anything that could bring him back into the attention of the media.

I agree with you that the comparison to OJ is insane, and he committed the most despicable act any athlete has done before, but his legacy was great, and i was a huge fan, I know that friends and family of Nancy and her son must still be devastated by this act 4 years later, but his CAREER was HOF worthy, and should someday down the road, be mentioned and remembered on DVD, but that time is aong time from happening, his legacy for the time being with the media is being a cowardly murderer of his family
no, there is NO time to just get over it. Now i do think maybe they should have a Benoit match on here, ONLY for the history of WCW, now i DO think they are doing a good job in not doing this or that for Benoit or not putting him in the hall of fame, but they shouldnt get over it, Benoit did a serious crime for no reason at all, then killed himself. i wouldnt mind seeing a match of his on the WCW DVD for history of WCW reasons, but that is it.
His alleged actions are not to be condoned, but to show his matches in DVDs is absolutely okay. Randy Orton's DVD can never be complete without the Benoit match where he won the WHC and the DVD will still go through without that match included (or so I've heard). Yeah, we're told that he murdered his family and that's nothing to condone but y'all have to understand what mind state he had when he might have done what he's claimed to have done. He was in deep depression and brain damage seems to fit his actions if they actually happened that way. All of you will probably still talk shit about him and label him "MURDERER!" without understanding what might have happened. Yes, what he's claimed to have done is very wrong and should be thought of in a very negative light but it's not like he was in the right mind state when he did it.

It also makes me feel better to think of Benoit as innocent and that the double murder was actually work of an enemy of his. Police should not always be trusted and it's highly likely they hated wrestling and decided to label this a double-murder suicide to give WWE more negative attention and to destroy Benoit's legacy. None of us were there when it happened and we are not in the position to judge him, so I'll remember him as a legendary in-ring worker with lots of classic moments to his name. Also a man who died a controversial death which still remains unclear.
The WWE needs to acknowledge the fact that due to a lot of damage to his head caused by years of doing it all for the WWE aswel as the other companies it caused this tradgic event to happen. I understand that they are PG and don't want any link with what Benoit did, it's not fair to his family because they are not accepting any of the responsibility even though a large part not all of the damage came from the types of matches he was booked into. E.g hardcore, last man standing etc.. Benoit was one of if not the best ever professional wrestlers in the history of the sport and that should be acknowledged and he should go into the hall of fame but make sure everyone knows its due to him as a professional not as a person

I said it then and I'll say it again these guys not only worked for WWE. If your going to put McMahon's feet to the fire you better get Turner,Bischoff and Heyman lined up behind him because they all worked with all 3 companies and they all did hardcore matches.
Can someone exactly tell the OP where this "time to get over it" should be used? You get over break-ups, you get over disappointments and the kind. Chris Benoit killing his child, his wife and then himself is not a disappointment, it is not an unfortunate accident, it is a henious crime.

I cannot understand why there should be any sympathy towards a guy who is a murderer. Why should his profession come into play? Regardless of how entertaining you might have found him, there cannot be any excuse for offering sympathy towards a murderer. There can be no excuse for murder and that is why murderers are executed.
I feel bad that Chris Benoit suffered brain damage, mental illness, and substance abuse. I think that he did give his all to the business and that was his downfall. He sacrificed his body and had to live with the consequences. Chris Benoit was an awesome wrestler.

I will never forget what he did. The details of his actions are burned into my memory forever. There is no getting over it or moving on. There will never be a HOF ceremony for him, nor should there be. The man murdered a defenseless mother and child.

Do you know how poor the WWE will look if they put out a DVD set that praises his in ring work? They are not going to take that risk. I think that it is more likely for the WWE or another production company to make a film chronicling his last days, his mental and physical problems, and the brain damage he encountered.

This is such an emotional topic for people. I would think that most people will agree that Chris Benoit had a HOF career. However, his actions in his final days trump everything he ever did in a ring.
WWE should never, ever honor or pay tribute to Chris Benoit. No Hall Of Fame. No best of dvd's. Nothing. I think we can all agree on that. There's no reason to include his matches on any best of Nitro dvds or what have you.

BUT...while there's no reason for WWE to mention or acknowledge Benoit in a positive light, there's also no reason for them to go out of there way and censor his entire existence. I can not support that kind of revisionist history.

There have been murderers, mass murderers, murderous dictators, and all kinds of horrible human beings throughout history but we still see there faces and hear their names on the news, in the history books, or on the history channel. No one pretends that these people didn't exist. If we just swept otrocities under the rug, rather than put them under the microscope, we'd never learn anything about why they occured or ever be able to prevent them from happening again.

To pretend that Benoit never existed, to me anyway, signals that WWE is protecting there own ass. They don't want people being reminded of the brain damage he suffered potentially due to the lifestyle that came with being a wrestler.

So while there's no reason whatsoever to ever put him in a Hall Of Fame, or include his best matches on a DVD, there's also no reason to edit out every single clip of him that ever existed. If he happens to show up in a clip from some ppv on a highlight reel for some other wrestler or event in history, then there's no reason to rewrite history and pretend Chris wasn't there.

Unless of course the family of Nancy Benoit have made some special request that he never be shown ever again. If that were the case, then that would be fine. However, I feel it's more a case of WWE covering there own ass on the whole Benoit scandal.

We don't need to praise or honor Benoit. But we don't need to pretend that he never existed either. To say one has to choose between the two, is a false choice.
BUT...while there's no reason for WWE to mention or acknowledge Benoit in a positive light, there's also no reason for them to go out of there way and censor his entire existence. I can not support that kind of revisionist history.

There have been murderers, mass murderers, murderous dictators, and all kinds of horrible human beings throughout history but we still see there faces and hear their names on the news, in the history books, or on the history channel. No one pretends that these people didn't exist. If we just swept otrocities under the rug, rather than put them under the microscope, we'd never learn anything about why they occured or ever be able to prevent them from happening again.

To pretend that Benoit never existed, to me anyway, signals that WWE is protecting there own ass. They don't want people being reminded of the brain damage he suffered potentially due to the lifestyle that came with being a wrestler.

I have already posted on this topic but I just want to address something you posted here. See while there is mention in the history books of murderers and mass murderers, they have been mentioned in the history books for that reason only. There is hardly a mention of the murderers private lives or backgrounds in the history books, or perhaps just a few lines have been mentioned. Chris Benoit will forever be remembered as a murderer and the WWE will gain nothing by painting that picture of him. If WWE chooses to portray him in some manner, it will be as a wrestler and Benoit has done far too many wrongs for him to accept him as anything but a murderer. The damage that Benoit has done is irreversible. Niether WWE nor Benoit will gain anything by him being acknowledged by the WWE.

As for the evils of the business, enough information is already available. The deaths of guys like Benoit, Guerrero and Umaga and the causes are public knowledge. There is the wellness policy in place which has been put into place to purge the evils out of the business. It is perhaps the biggest acknowledgement by the WWE that bad things do happen in this business but we are here to fight against them.
I was a huge fan of his when he was a wrestler. However, he murdered two people, one being a little boy, HIS little boy. There is no excusing that. He could've just killed himself if it was that bad. Head injuries? That's f'n stupid and a cop-out. How many athletes in this world have had those? Substance abuse? Add him to a massive list. Name a guy who's been wrestling for 15-20 years that hasn't fallen into at least one of those categories, most falling into both.

The OJ situation is a perfect comparison (except OJ was found not guilty and it was two adults; Benoit did it and one was a child). If the WWE is smart, they will never mention his name ever again, they will never show him ever again. He doesn't deserve it, his "legacy" doesn't deserve it. I don't care how good he was in a fake sport, he was a disgusting murderer and that's all he should be remembered as. If there's a hell, I hope he's burning there. He deserves nothing but the highest amount of contempt you can give him.
I agree. Time to move on. Benoit was dope. I mean dude did second rope tombstones and powerbombs when it was unheard of (still is.) Brain damage caused the unfortunate deaths. Let's not forget depression cause of the loss of Eddie. And the deeper issues in it all that triggered it. Benoit's wife was a ****e and his child unfortunately had that skinny boy disease being totally un-athletic and unlike his father.. Cause and effect. A fucked up brain will do that to you.

Also, let's not forget that everything in the universe happens for a reason so his murder-suicide led to a lot of attention in the media to head trauma and performance enhancing drugs in sports. Yeah it was thru extreme methods but it cause a GREAT DEAL of awareness to some SERIOUS ISSUES IN ALL OF SPORTS.

That alone might make him an inadvertent hero.

What he did outside of wrestling doesn't matter when in comes to in ring performance, especially in the past. That Nitro dvd is now ruined. Benoit was in many classic matches. MANY. That's how most of us were introduced to him.

And straight up, I really wanted to see that Benoit vs CM Punk match on that PPV the day of his death.

At least we got a proper tribute show. The timing of it all was phenomenal.


wow, I don't post often on here, but reading that made me furious. You.. my friend have to be one of the most retarted people in all of human kind. you should.. probably off yourself now because it's just going to get worse on you as the years go by. Hey mods.. can we get the 12 year olds off here? lol.

but seriously.. to the point. I'm kinda torn on this one. In my family, we had this happen. The family members it happened to are still not over it and it has been 10+ years. It's really not something you ever can get over. HOWEVER... Benoit was one of the mest in ring performers ever. His matched in WCW were amazing, and that SHOULD be honored. Maybe chris benoit the man was a complete fucktard, but chris menoit the character was great... maybe they can honor that? I don't think the WWE should try to make money off of him ever though, as that would like promoting murder. Instead, just give anything you have of his away for free. But no matter what any of us think, we all know we will never see another Benoit match, or hear his name again, unless completly by accident. It's a shame, but it is understandable. Oh, and WTF.. snuka kills his girlfriend but he is still on WWE's payroll. :banghead: :wtf: :disappointed:
Regardless of what he did in the ring, Chris Benoit is 4 Real the asshole that murdered his family.

Nobody wants to be reminded of the shit that he did.

He was just featured in the Satan's Prison DVD not too long ago, and that's being nice to the guy.

To say that he should have a DVD to remember him in the future is absolute bullshit. WWE is right to have him erased from everyone's memory. They don't want to celebrate someone who did that to his family.

You can think of any reason in the world (roid-rage, concussions, failing marriage, brain problems, etc.) there's no excuse for murdering your fucking family.

He had to deal with the death of the late Eddie Guerrero, his best friend. You would think that would change his ways and have him cherish his family and his career rather than fucking up.

You can say he was a great wrestler, an outstanding performer, and was apart of the greatest matches...and i'll agree with you.

But to celebrate a murderer is absurd, if you wanna see the greatest matches of the douchebag that murdered his family, go to

How's Satan's dick taste, murderer!
Sure he was great in the ring, nobody is saying he wasn't but he also murdered his family. Someone like that does not deserve to be praised in any form no matter what he did in his career. You must be a seriously diehard wrestling fan if you are willing to look past his heinous crimes
He had to deal with the death of the late Eddie Guerrero, his best friend. You would think that would change his ways and have him cherish his family and his career rather than fucking up.

It actually took a turn for the worse in regards to his life. Not all people are the same, some can get over a close person's death and move on to do something better while others are emotionally hurt by something like that and feel the depression of it until their death. I don't know how many have gone through such situations but without even being there I can tell it's NOT easy and doing stupid things can come naturally as uncalled for as they can be. It's amazing a rather insensitive person like me is paying respect and actually trying to understand the situation while others who think they show morals are doing themselves a favor by cursing out Benoit.

Look at it this way, let's pretend you have a brother who's married and has a child. He snaps and does the same thing over some tragic reason. Are you going to remember him as a murderous piece of shit?
Your right about the whole didn't kill our family thing and your right....but I didn't really call you a dick I just said it makes you look like one there is a lot of web sites that don't know what the hell their talking about he probably read that one so just think of that but its good you corrected him.

You are right my apologies to you and I understand what you are saying. I still wish it would have never happened. I also understand the other side as well... To be honest, I dn't think there is ever going to be a medium ground when it comes to Benoit.. People who love his in ring character will still love him. people who hate him will still hate him and the WWE has to make money so they are going to do whats best for buisness period.
I think that Benoits name should be mentioned not honoured. Benoit played a major role in this sport/entertainment. what he did was wrong and none of us truly know what happened and his state of mind. Lets just put it to rest - let time heal
I'm on the fence about this one. I love watching his matches on youtube and whatnot and I'd love to see some of his stuff on DVD that I can't find or is in better quality. But one part of me gets a really uneasy and weird feeling watching him wrestle knowing he murdered his family. I'll never forget the day it happened, I was at work and we had a mentally challenged kid working with us and he thought it was a story line. He said "I think Chavo is the one who did it".
You are right my apologies to you and I understand what you are saying. I still wish it would have never happened. I also understand the other side as well... To be honest, I dn't think there is ever going to be a medium ground when it comes to Benoit.. People who love his in ring character will still love him. people who hate him will still hate him and the WWE has to make money so they are going to do whats best for buisness period.

Yeah no biggy it was all just a misunderstanding.
But no matter how much wwe is all about "the fans" and no matter how much we loved his ring abilitys Vince isn't gonna risk his ass for it
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