Is Hard Justice doomed to fail? the storylines they recycled. Aside from the One Night Stand. Please. The way you put it, they do it frequently, so illuminate me.

...they're being paid from $500 to $1000 bucks at the PPV. "All this money"? Dude, get your head out of your ass for God sakes.

Why do people who have no clue about TNA keep saying the usual stuff without thinking?

- It's like WCW

- It's like WWE

- It's like ECW

- They hire old guys

- They hire ex-WWE guys.

- They recycle old storylines.

- They hire old guys.

- They hire old guys.

- They hire old guys.

I mean, seriously. I don't think that the PPV will be balls to the wall awesome, but I'm going to buy it, because I'll at least watch some wrestling 'cause these guys can still go. They way I see it, most of them are TNA guys. Raven, Richards, Foley, RVD, Rhyno. I was fine watching them before, and I'm fine watching them now. At least this time I have a reason to watch them.

Now go hail Cena.

A thousand bucks for a crowd of 900, and a PPV that will sell around 100,000... That's good money for guys who have been out of the ring for awhile.

Why do people keep on saying things about TNA... Because it's true. Kevin Nash was there for less what 2 months got a World Title match at a PPV. RVD is there less for 2 months and is the new face of the company.

Hogan, Nash, Hall, Bischoff, Waltman.... nWo reunion? It's okay because they called themselves the Band... I'm sorry.

Foley?!?!?! For years the guy had WWE coats and shirts on... Even what not working!

I think ECW vs. TNA will be a big mistake.. Why is that you ask, well WWE owns ECW. Their pockets aren't that big, and well nothing like putting Hogan out of business twice.

Overall, I want competition. I don't want a bunch of guys looking for their last big chance.
Maybe some of you people prefer to watch hornswagle prance around the ring. Maybe you want to see the Nexus, which is a WCW bite off the New Blood and the Millionaires Club, the Main event Mafia vs. TNA. Yes WWE does recylce storylines also if you didn't know. Maybe you want to see a invisible unknown gm text, e-mail, a ring a bell to announce matches, How about another insanse geust host, Florence Henderson from the Brady Bunch anyone. The fact is is that many of these TNA wrestlers, which have been doing nothing for months and proabaly under contract, have an oppurtunistic way to be used. How bad can Hardcore action be, atleast it's entertaining. Give it a break people. You bitch and moan against TNA, while Raw for months has sucked, completely sucked up until two weeks ago.

I second that brother. You hit the nail right on the head...
By the way the whole Emailing GM thing in WWE totally suck's Light's to the building flicker when they receive email's.. WTF is that cheey shit? I would rather watch Tommy Dreamer vs anyone.. at least TNA is wrestling, and not spending 30 minutes of their show on NEXUS bullying all the wrestlers in ring and back stage..
It truly is a bad idea. Doomed to fail though?!?! No, because it will bring some good ratings to the company. Then, and huge drop in ratings after it dies out. It will be like cash for clunkers. It boosts the market for 2 months, then the market flats out for another ten years.

ECW needs Paul E.Heyman, not Tony Dreamer crying to the people saying he needs one more shoot. Hell, Dreamer was making good money, and finally got the ECW title. On top of that, he wasn't on TV that much. So he got good money, not a lot work to get that money. How bad did he have it? Plus the WWE gave Heyman control till they had a bad Pay-per-view. Then the Chris Benoit tragedy, you kind of have to change course, so you can't blame everything on the E.

But, before my last rant, Where is Heyman? You want ECW? You want the last big shot? Then you need Heyman. Not Dreamer.... Steven Richards and Raven?!?!? What the hell? Are they going to bring the bWo out for funnzies? Crap!

No no no to TNA Hard Justice. The ECW guys are good talent, but think just a second. If it's good talent, they would be in WWE. It's where the money is. It's the MLB of the professional wrestling world. Paul E. Heyman didn't want anything to do with this... These are signs! This will be bad.
I know no one asked who's to blame if the show does poorly, which by all accounts it seems like it will, so I will go out on a limb here and say the TNA fans will be to blame.

Let's be honest folks, TNA is milking the fans just as much as they are milking this ECW reunion, which once again I will go on record as saying will lead to the downfall of TNA because of the unsurmountable legal issues they will be facing. That being said, the TNA fans are squarely to blame.

TNA fans stand in unison and chat "E-C-W, E-C-W" while Dixie Carter allows them to. Sure, she has no control over what is said and what's not said, but if she wants to protect her company why doesn't she get on air and say, "this isn't ECW" and explain what the hell it is so that her FANS don't keep clammoring for something that they shouldn't be getting and she shouldn't be providing. Dixie Carter's obsession with being an idiot is allowing her fans to back her as said idiot long enough to where the fans have either forgotten the WWE OWNS ECW or they just don't care. The fans are going to be to blame because it'll be these handful of fans that will either buy the PPV or show up, allowing the PPV to continue which will ultimately be the beginning of the end.

TNA fans, I will admit, for whatever reason, are diehard TNA fans, but to what cost? The cost of your favorite wrestling company? I place the blame on the fans because they are asking for it. They are the ones bringing ECW signs to every TNA show now. They are the ones who are willing to accept broken down stars of yesterday for a quick glance at what used to be. They are the ones who shutter to think that TNA could be anything on its own, that TNA could survive on the talent and creativeness it already has and NOT rely on what the WWE & namely Vince McMahon has done in the past.

If Vince turned the ECW show on Sci-Fi into a product by which he shows off new talent (i.e. NXT), then what makes TNA fans believe that it was worth having...again? McMahon COULD HAVE done better with ECW, but why? Why would he have wanted to bring a brand of someone else's invention to the forefront of a company by which he owns himself? So TNA has to really ask themselves why on earth would they want another man's trash? The orginial ECW failed. The "new" ECW didn't last and now when you have the most watered down, embarassing version of the "old" ECW on YOUR show, you, the TNA fans clamor for it as if it's new money? What a joke. And the sad part is you're all being played for fools by Dixie Carter who should know better than to venture down this road but she'll do it for her "fans" just so she can stand in the ring and hear those same fans chant something...Even if it's NOT "T-N-A, T-N-A"!
I'm more of a lurker than a poster, but I need to throw something in there about what you can expect from the fans who will be attending this event and the ones who will be ordering it.

As someone who went to many ECW shows at the War Memorial in Ft. Lauderdale, doing a show is almost offensive to real fans of the original. People who show up for this debacle are going to be people who wish they were there for the original. They're going to chant E-C-W, E-C-W and HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT everytime something small happens, from a leg drop to a Figure Four.

Don't believe me? Anyone who went to an ECW show in the last 3-6 months of it's existence can tell you how horrible it was. These wannabe fans showed up to the shows who would, just as stated above, start chants for everything. I saw Dusty Rhodes give a Bionic Elbow, that was more of a botch than anything, completely missing his target, and HOLY SHIT chants started. Tommy Dreamer put a Figure Four on and got an ECW chant.

Over the next few years, a few promotions popped up with the old ECW guys that tried to capture the ECW feel (MLW and MXPW I believe). One even had Joey Styles, and another had Kevin Kelly, who stopped a match to tell the crowd they were being too mean to the guys in the ring. Same crowd though, a fat Raven who offered a girl $250 to screw him in the back before the show while signing autographs had a match where he showed how horrible he really is.

ECW is dead. VKM gave it it's last and best breath with ONS, time to let go. WWECW could have succeeded, but VKM's ego and desire for a PG rating killed it.
Just to chime in about TNA being nothing but a company of rip offs, just listen to the music they use.

Booker T? Harlem Heat remix.
Hogan? WCW Video Game End Music
Bischoff? WCW Music remix.

The list goes on and on and on of things other than music they've ripped off. I watched TNA religiously when Hogan first came, but I've given up yet again. The company doesn't have any originality, and can't give me anything decent besides a Flair promo.
TNA is not going to promote this pay per view under an ECW brand. They're mentioning ECW as a past reference, but from what I've seen, it's going to be billed as an extreme or hardcore PPV, not as an ECW PPV. I don't think that simply mentioning ECW is legally actionable. Remember back when the whole Voodoo Kin Mafia angle was going on, Kip James and BG James did promos with Titan Towers in the background, the WWE logo clearly visible. So I don't think just saying the letters will lead to any problems. I would think that TNA's legal department has looked into it, and believe me, we'd already be hearing about legal action by WWE if there was anything improper here. As long as the letters ECW are kept out of the title of the PPV, things should be OK.

As for those predicting the absolute failure of the PPV, get a grip, would you? No matches have been officially announced yet, so we have no idea what role current TNA stars will play. It could be that Dreamer will have full control of the card, and he'll have current TNA'ers play a big role in extreme matches. And besides, the thought of a card with Dreamer, Foley, 3D, Rhyno, Raven, and Stevie Richards included doesn't sound all that bad. Plus, the tension between Ray and Devon could push this in an interesting direction. Let's hear the full card first before screaming how much this will suck.

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