In the prison...

It must be understood that WMD may be a heel, but he is a logical heel.
No, he's a piss bucket heel.

I understand that this argument is going nowhere, and to continue it would be childish and a waste of everybody’s time.
I take it this is your concession speech?

While I don’t think WZ is a democracy, I do think I should be able to state my beliefs even if no one agrees.
No one has stopped you from doing so. :shrug:

Sly and Crashing make some logical points, which on the surface seem right, but I find them flawed.
No you don't. You just say that because it's easy to say without actually backing up.

Sly is the judge and jury here, so my points fall on deaf ears. Why continue? Why waste my time?
This I will agree with. You'll do nothing but continue to get your ass kicked in this debate.

So if my point in these threads is anything, it is I am challenging Sly to do better. Don’t be complacent because we have 22,000 members, shoot for 50,000. There is so much potential
You moron, we could easily have 50,000 members if I didn't go through every three to six months and delete members who haven't logged in or posted their first post for a certain amount of time. We'd probably be over 100,000 members.

But I think the bottom line right now is to take the constructive criticism and use that to build forward.
But you're not giving constructive criticism, you're just criticizing. You made one suggestion, which even you can't defend when it was shown why it wasn't a reasonable suggestion. When you give only one suggestion, and then whine pointlessly for several posts after, that's not constructive criticism.
How would I improve WZ in a brief statement; would be too lax the rules.
How so? How would you lessen the rules?

To be honest I barely knew Sully or paid attention to him. But here was this kid who had no family and looked at most of you guys as true friends. He was on here religiously and loved WZ, then one mistake, and he’s gone for life. Hardly seems fair to me. So one way I would improve the forum would be not to follow the black letters of every rule and allow some discretion.
So you allow discretion for people you know, but not people you don't know? Or do we allow discretion every time, and not really expect anyone to follow any of the rules? If so, what's the point of even having rules? Let's just let everybody do whatever the hell they want to do.

Sully didn't make just one mistake. Sully had a Prison sentence before. He made alts while in Prison. Sully earned his way out, then acted like a dumbass and earned his banning. This wasn't a case where he made one mistake, it was where he made several and didn't learn from them.

The idea you would play favorites for those names you know and/or like shows you wouldn't be a very good leader.

If either of you three or anyone else wants to discuss this, I have no problem doing it. Call me out and say this is bullshit, or say I see your points, but I disagree with this and so on.

Anything here sound unreasonable?
It's bullshit. You have no idea the bullshit we put up with from people who don't understand posting just a smiley face doesn't contribute to the forums. We do our best to apply the rules equally and fairly to everyone, and we do our best to make sure the rules are as black and white as possible, to avoid any confusion on them. For fuck's sake, we even try to give a couple of Spam Warnings before we start handing out Infractions, because we understand our spam rules are different from other forums.

You're talking out of your ass. You don't know what your talking about, and the more you talk, the more ridiculous you sound. If you want to make a reasonable suggestion then do so, but I suggest you think long and hard about your suggestion, examine it from all angles, list the pros and cons, figure out the value it might add to the forum (or not) and then make a final decision of whether or not you should even take the time to suggest it.

Because you've now made two suggestions to change the forum, one of which is utter shit, and the second which implies favoritism to certain posters.
This made my day. I'm happy for you.
Good thing we have rules here to keep a nice kid like that from posting here.

And it's a good thing the Staff fairly applies those rules and doesn't ban people for simply disagreeing with them, like they do on other forums. You know, because on many forums, you would have been banned long ago.

But no, really, keep making snide comments directed towards the Staff, while simultaneously sending me PMs begging to let you back into the Bar Room. After all, it's well known vinegar is the best way to catch flies.
No, he's a piss bucket heel.

I take it this is your concession speech?

No one has stopped you from doing so. :shrug:

No you don't. You just say that because it's easy to say without actually backing up.

This I will agree with. You'll do nothing but continue to get your ass kicked in this debate.

You moron, we could easily have 50,000 members if I didn't go through every three to six months and delete members who haven't logged in or posted their first post for a certain amount of time. We'd probably be over 100,000 members.

But you're not giving constructive criticism, you're just criticizing. You made one suggestion, which even you can't defend when it was shown why it wasn't a reasonable suggestion. When you give only one suggestion, and then whine pointlessly for several posts after, that's not constructive criticism.
How so? How would you lessen the rules?

So you allow discretion for people you know, but not people you don't know? Or do we allow discretion every time, and not really expect anyone to follow any of the rules? If so, what's the point of even having rules? Let's just let everybody do whatever the hell they want to do.

Sully didn't make just one mistake. Sully had a Prison sentence before. He made alts while in Prison. Sully earned his way out, then acted like a dumbass and earned his banning. This wasn't a case where he made one mistake, it was where he made several and didn't learn from them.

The idea you would play favorites for those names you know and/or like shows you wouldn't be a very good leader.

It's bullshit. You have no idea the bullshit we put up with from people who don't understand posting just a smiley face doesn't contribute to the forums. We do our best to apply the rules equally and fairly to everyone, and we do our best to make sure the rules are as black and white as possible, to avoid any confusion on them. For fuck's sake, we even try to give a couple of Spam Warnings before we start handing out Infractions, because we understand our spam rules are different from other forums.

You're talking out of your ass. You don't know what your talking about, and the more you talk, the more ridiculous you sound. If you want to make a reasonable suggestion then do so, but I suggest you think long and hard about your suggestion, examine it from all angles, list the pros and cons, figure out the value it might add to the forum (or not) and then make a final decision of whether or not you should even take the time to suggest it.

Because you've now made two suggestions to change the forum, one of which is utter shit, and the second which implies favoritism to certain posters.

And it's a good thing the Staff fairly applies those rules and doesn't ban people for simply disagreeing with them, like they do on other forums. You know, because on many forums, you would have been banned long ago.

But no, really, keep making snide comments directed towards the Staff, while simultaneously sending me PMs begging to let you back into the Bar Room. After all, it's well known vinegar is the best way to catch flies.

We disagree.... I'm really not interested in continuing this. If you consider that a concession. Take it. Thats really up to you.
I did find it interesting that you delete members. I will admit I did not consider this.

The point you make about me not knowing, I can't really refute. I don't know what you deal with. How can I comment on it?

I do think that if you know a poster, and he has built up a history, why not consider that? You're a a rational guy, why not consider all information?

I have said throughout this post, I think you guys do a good job. I've just always been of the opinion, "that I/you can always do better".

I sent you a private message, asking to comeback to the bar room. I did not beg. I could go back and forth with you on this thread, but I no longer have a interest after talking to Sully.

This was my PM so others can decide for themself. I have nothing to hide, I want to be in the bar room. I sent Sly this.

Hey, I want to be a part of this site. Specifically in the bar room. I wont make a big deal out of it, I'll just continue on as usual. Just want to go back to normal.
What do you think?

We disagree.... I'm really not interested in continuing this. If you consider that a concession. Take it. Thats really up to you.
I did find it interesting that you delete members. I will admit I did not consider this.
And that's the problem you have. You DON'T consider other possibilities. You don't have the perspective I've gained in the years I've posted on forums, longer than I've even been here.

The point you make about me not knowing, I can't really refute. I don't know what you deal with. How can I comment on it?
No idea, but it hasn't stopped you from doing so.

I do think that if you know a poster, and he has built up a history, why not consider that? You're a a rational guy, why not consider all information?
If you're talking about Sully, his history doesn't lend itself to leniency.

I have said throughout this post, I think you guys do a good job. I've just always been of the opinion, "that I/you can always do better".
Yes, but you've never once given a reasonable suggestion on how.

I think you can post better, and I told you how, by carefully considering your posts before you make them, examine them from all angles, consider the pros and cons of your suggestions, and don't just randomly throw out suggestions and get upset when they're denied. That's a specific criticism, constructive criticism. And it's a very good suggestion.

I sent you a private message, asking to comeback to the bar room. I did not beg. I could go back and forth with you on this thread, but I no longer have a interest after talking to Sully.

This was my PM so others can decide for themself. I have nothing to hide, I want to be in the bar room. I sent Sly this.


Seems like begging to me. :shrug:
And that's the problem you have. You DON'T consider other possibilities. You don't have the perspective I've gained in the years I've posted on forums, longer than I've even been here.

No idea, but it hasn't stopped you from doing so.

If you're talking about Sully, his history doesn't lend itself to leniency.

Yes, but you've never once given a reasonable suggestion on how.

I think you can post better, and I told you how, by carefully considering your posts before you make them, examine them from all angles, consider the pros and cons of your suggestions, and don't just randomly throw out suggestions and get upset when they're denied. That's a specific criticism, constructive criticism. And it's a very good suggestion.

Seems like begging to me. :shrug:

The whole problem with this discussion is that you have the benefit of being on a pedestal. I cannot argue on the same level as you, because you have a position of power on here. Since I want to be on here, you have power over me. You have something that I want. Thus, you are in a much better position then me. I also can't negate that power because I have nothing you want. The most you can gain from me is to enjoy the fact that I cant enter the bar room.
The question then becomes is that appropriate? Or should you just let a guy bullshit about wrestling where he wants to?
The whole problem with this discussion is that you have the benefit of being on a pedestal. I cannot argue on the same level as you, because you have a position of power on here.
Nah, that has nothing to do with it. I'm not telling you if you argue with me, you'll be banned. I never say that. The inequality of our positions exist solely in your mind.

Your "woe is me" act indicates an external locus of control. I suggest you refocus your arguments into something more worthy of debate.
I can read considering I do a law and business degree at university. I have an A level in English Language and one of the topics I did was about language that you use whilst using technology and how it is accepted to most people to talk informally but then you have some people who think that they're "better" because they talk properly in full English. I am only speaking like this at the precise moment in time to prove that in fact I am actually quite educated and it proves without a shadow of doubt I can actually read.

Then where the fuck did all the commas go, brother?

I'm pretty sure that you really shouldn't be writing a sentence like this because it sounds like a 15 year old girl who can't shut up between gossip stories and it's actually quite difficult to read if you read written work how it is written and pause when punctuation dictates as in a full stop for a period and a pause for a comma and also "use whilst using" reads awkwardly but that might be more my personal preference because I like to use different words even when I'm trying to get a message across that could be done with repeating a word in close proximity to another which I guess has to do with me enjoying the English language for what it is and that being a tool to get a message across where the words actually have no meaning or value without the context and someone might be able to enjoy the ride a bit more if their intellect is piqued by having to define multiple words even if they're basic your mind will decipher the use of words as simple as dog and cat because you will use your own connotative definition in multiple instances for example if I were to say tree I might think of an oak and you might think of a birch and Slyfox will say that you're ******ed sitting around thinking of trees since it's an inconsequential notion unless you're a logger and in that case you're either a fat dude or a lesbian because all those bitches wear plaid and the only people who wear plaid are lesbians and Al Borland which means I just debunked my assumption up there because Al Borland works with tools and shit and by tools I mean Tim Taylor.
Yes I'm stupid when I do a law and business degree. Makes a lot of sense...

Yes really people who get sex are "nerds" makes a lot of sense...

I'm beginning to sense a pattern.

Lincolnshire... wait hang on are you threatening me?

Yeah, can't you see he's embarrassed himself enough?

I mean, he's done with this thread. Stop posting in it to him so he'll have to stop replying.
Bill Lesnar said the prison is his playground. Bill Lesnar said it is not for the faint of heart

Bill, I know I'm not your biggest fan and all, but purely because this guy is somewhat of an asshat, break him. Shut him the fuck up. Please.'re a fucking idiot.
DirtyJosé;3538021 said:
Yeah, can't you see he's embarrassed himself enough?

I mean, he's done with this thread. Stop posting in it to him so he'll have to stop replying.

I can post where I want.

Here is how I picture a day in your life.

If I were you, I would go to bed. Get all the rest your little Dirty head needs. Rest, because you’re going to need it. You have big plans for your future. As you wake the next morning you say to yourself, a new day has rung, I am going to better myself. The days of making 6.50 an hour is in the past. This hits you as you brush your teeth. You have signed up for a trade school convention. Not college, your Dirty Jose. No college would take you with your 2.4 GPA and the only club you were in was detention.

You arrive at the trade school convention, bright and early. You’re a new man, Clean Jose. You want to prove to the speakers, I’m a man of importance. Give me Clean José a chance. As you read each pamphlet, it dawns on you. I’m not Clean José, I’m Dirty Jose. I can’t afford this. I’ve already peaked.

You remember the day you peaked too. It felt like just yesterday. You were in high school, and you went by just Jose then. It was between third and fourth hour. The girl was Jackie Thomas. Sweet little thing, but it was obvious her best days were ahead of her. She was most likely to be a caring person, but that day she was with you under the bleacher in between third and fourth hour. As she jerked your 5 and half inches up and down you prematurely ejaculated in time to make it to fourth hour. Your friends never believed you; Jackie Thomas barely spoke to you again. But for those days times were good.

But now here you are 27 years old at a trade school convention with no way of providing for yourself. You leave as Dirty José, tie undone, feeling disgusting. As you order at McDonalds, because it’s a wed and you can get 29-cent hamburgers, not cheeseburgers, you can't afford the extra 10 cents. You can’t help and smile, as you think of that day with Jackie Thomas. As you sit in the drive through, you can’t believe your eyes. There is Jackie Thomas. She is entering the Applebee’s with her family. (I made it an Applebee’s because I assume you’re from a hick town, where Applebee’s are fancy). You jump out of your car, and run over to say hi.

You introduce yourself, Hey Jackie, its Dirty Jos… I mean Jose. She says who as she looks at you trying to remember, She politely says I’m sorry I cant remember. She has forgotten you.

As you arrive home and eat your cold hamburgers, you sign onto WZ and smile.
You don’t know why. Your foods cold, your jobless, the only girl to ever touch you doesn’t even know you. But you’re ok with it, because on here you’re “cool”. How could you not be? If you weren’t cool why would your rep points be worth so much? Look how green your rep bar is. You feel validated, as you end your night jacking off to the yearbook page of Jackie.

It was a good day….
I can post where I want.

Here is how I picture a day in your life.

If I were you, I would go to bed. Get all the rest your little Dirty head needs. Rest, because you’re going to need it. You have big plans for your future. As you wake the next morning you say to yourself, a new day has rung, I am going to better myself. The days of making 6.50 an hour is in the past. This hits you as you brush your teeth. You have signed up for a trade school convention. Not college, your Dirty Jose. No college would take you with your 2.4 GPA and the only club you were in was detention.

You arrive at the trade school convention, bright and early. You’re a new man, Clean Jose. You want to prove to the speakers, I’m a man of importance. Give me Clean José a chance. As you read each pamphlet, it dawns on you. I’m not Clean José, I’m Dirty Jose. I can’t afford this. I’ve already peaked.

You remember the day you peaked too. It felt like just yesterday. You were in high school, and you went by just Jose then. It was between third and fourth hour. The girl was Jackie Thomas. Sweet little thing, but it was obvious her best days were ahead of her. She was most likely to be a caring person, but that day she was with you under the bleacher in between third and fourth hour. As she jerked your 5 and half inches up and down you prematurely ejaculated in time to make it to fourth hour. Your friends never believed you; Jackie Thomas barely spoke to you again. But for those days times were good.

But now here you are 27 years old at a trade school convention with no way of providing for yourself. You leave as Dirty José, tie undone, feeling disgusting. As you order at McDonalds, because it’s a wed and you can get 29-cent hamburgers, not cheeseburgers, you can't afford the extra 10 cents. You can’t help and smile, as you think of that day with Jackie Thomas. As you sit in the drive through, you can’t believe your eyes. There is Jackie Thomas. She is entering the Applebee’s with her family. (I made it an Applebee’s because I assume you’re from a hick town, where Applebee’s are fancy). You jump out of your car, and run over to say hi.

You introduce yourself, Hey Jackie, its Dirty Jos… I mean Jose. She says who as she looks at you trying to remember, She politely says I’m sorry I cant remember. She has forgotten you.

As you arrive home and eat your cold hamburgers, you sign onto WZ and smile.
You don’t know why. Your foods cold, your jobless, the only girl to ever touch you doesn’t even know you. But you’re ok with it, because on here you’re “cool”. How could you not be? If you weren’t cool why would your rep points be worth so much? Look how green your rep bar is. You feel validated, as you end your night jacking off to the yearbook page of Jackie.

It was a good day….

you were amusing now it's just getting sad.

Please stop now
I can post where I want.

Here is how I picture a day in your life.

If I were you, I would go to bed. Get all the rest your little Dirty head needs. Rest, because you’re going to need it. You have big plans for your future. As you wake the next morning you say to yourself, a new day has rung, I am going to better myself. The days of making 6.50 an hour is in the past. This hits you as you brush your teeth. You have signed up for a trade school convention. Not college, your Dirty Jose. No college would take you with your 2.4 GPA and the only club you were in was detention.

It was a good day….

I've been to the Detention Club & it was awesome!

Good music, cheap drinks, clean washrooms & easy women!

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