In the prison...

Would you like proof of my English Language A level? I have my test results in my Record of Achievement. tbf

So you're willing to go out of your way get your test results and post them here just to prove something to someone over the internet you have never met before.

Sounds like a nerd to me.........
If you ever want to turn heel, follow WMD's advice. I hear it's working out quite well.

I'm like Austin and your VKM. I'm the anti authority figuire who everyone cheers. I say it how it is.

You on the other hand rule with an iron fist. Without regard of anyone elses opinion besides maybe KB's. All I suggested that sometimes why not offer things up for a vote. I'm not even suggesting that the vote be a ultimate decision, just to inquire interest.

For example. when I suggested a Whole section just for spoilers. I don't see how it's unreasonable to make a poll and ask who thinks this is a good idea? Then if a lot of people thinks it is, take it into consideration.

The underlying premise of WZ is to discuss Wrestling and other things, with people throughout the world. So if a good amount of posters like an idea, why not add it. I understand a trade off exists, and sometimes the mob wants to much, and limitations are neccesairy. I understand this. This was not a case of that.

What I don't understand is why you feel the need to play god on here. Not to hurt your ego, but with or without you WZ would survive.(I understand the same goes for me). Your opinion is important, you have been here since 2007 and have a had a huge impact on the site. Mostly for the better. How ever I do think that people such as Sam, Doctor, Justsayen, and many others are equally as important to the site. Without the members the site is notihng.

In sum, when I speak against you, I really say, I think you should be involved in the decision process, but the decision process should include more than just 2 or 3 people. This is suppose to be a interactive site. Let us interact. When your passionate about something as I am with this site, you want to make it better. Because I'm passionate about WZ, I made those suggestions. AND I STAND BEHIND THEM.....
DirtyJosé;3536074 said:
You suck ass WMD. You don't represent shit. Fuck off.

And as for the new prisoner, I hope he stays angry for a long long time. Too many lose their fire down here.

I never said I represented anything...
Secondly, I'd like you to explain to me what you found unreasonable about what I said. This time try to use logic.
I came here to discuss wrestling and have fun doing so. Not to get infractions because I posted about the Kane video last night...

Also, as far as this goes...
Haha wow, see thats what I mean. You'd get the police involved if I touched you, wow shows you can't fight your own battles :)
...are you for real? Him bringing in the police to give you a criminal record for assault due to getting upset about what some "nerd" types on his keyboard isn't exactly him "not fighting his own battles," it's you being a tard.

Though if that were to happen, the irony of you ending up in prison for what was said in a fake prison would be delicious :)
I'm like Austin and your VKM. I'm the anti authority figuire who everyone cheers. I say it how it is.
Except nobody likes you. Key difference.

You on the other hand rule with an iron fist. Without regard of anyone elses opinion besides maybe KB's.
That's because I know best.

For example. when I suggested a Whole section just for spoilers. I don't see how it's unreasonable to make a poll and ask who thinks this is a good idea? Then if a lot of people thinks it is, take it into consideration.
Because the idea is not unique at all, I've seen how it works on other forums, and it's terrible. Besides that, even if it wasn't a terrible idea, I'm not going to create a scenario where "these are the rules...except for here..and here..and you can do that here" etc. We try to eliminate confusion as much as possible, and a spoiler forum would only increase the confusion of posters, leading to more Discipline, which nobody wants.

Finally, a spoilers forum would effectively spoil the show for all Moderators, and we don't want the show spoiled for us. I suppose one could say "Tough, it's part of the job", at which point I would say, "So is making decisions on whether or not we have a spoiler forum".

So, coming back around to my original point, the reason I don't look for interest in your ideas is because I know best. You don't.

What I don't understand is why you feel the need to play god on here.
Because I'm right. Almost without fail.

Not to hurt your ego, but with or without you WZ would survive.
No doubt. I just happen to think it does better with me here.

Without the members the site is notihng.
No one begged you to sign up. I never pleaded with you to post. I've never once asked you to stay.

You're here because you choose to be. So the idea the power is in the hands of the members is quite silly, because the members didn't choose me and I didn't choose the members. I was made an Administrator because the people on Staff before me thought I would do a good job, a view you seem to mostly agree with. That's why I am where I am.

In sum, when I speak against you, I really say, I think you should be involved in the decision process, but the decision process should include more than just 2 or 3 people.
Then set up your own web forum and run it the way you wish to run it. There are a ton of free options out there. Or heck, rent a web server, purchase a vBulletin license and I'll help you set it up.

At the end of the day, KB and I are in charge, and as I showed earlier in this post regarding spoilers, we can't just throw things out on a whimsy. Unlike you throwing random ideas out which sound decent when you say them, we have to analyze all ideas from all angles, determine the pros and cons, decide if there's any real value to the idea, and then make our decision from there. When KB and I are unsure or in disagreement, we'll look to the rest of the Staff for different viewpoints to make the best decision.

But those decisions are going to stay in the hands of those of us who spend time cleaning up after the rest of you. There are many many cons to being a Moderator, having influence on the direction of the forum is one of the perks. And we're not going to give that up to you, simply because you beg and whine.

This is suppose to be a interactive site. Let us interact. When your passionate about something as I am with this site, you want to make it better. Because I'm passionate about WZ, I made those suggestions. AND I STAND BEHIND THEM.....

And your suggestion regarding a spoiler forum is the only one I've seen, and it was not a good idea. The fact you stand behind a poor idea only furthers my resolve to NOT let you contribute to the decision making process. Feel free to make all the suggestions you wish, just don't be upset if KB or I decide most of them are crap.
Except nobody likes you. Key difference.

That's because I know best.

Because the idea is not unique at all, I've seen how it works on other forums, and it's terrible. Besides that, even if it wasn't a terrible idea, I'm not going to create a scenario where "these are the rules...except for here..and here..and you can do that here" etc. We try to eliminate confusion as much as possible, and a spoiler forum would only increase the confusion of posters, leading to more Discipline, which nobody wants.

Finally, a spoilers forum would effectively spoil the show for all Moderators, and we don't want the show spoiled for us. I suppose one could say "Tough, it's part of the job", at which point I would say, "So is making decisions on whether or not we have a spoiler forum".

So, coming back around to my original point, the reason I don't look for interest in your ideas is because I know best. You don't.

Because I'm right. Almost without fail.

No doubt. I just happen to think it does better with me here.

No one begged you to sign up. I never pleaded with you to post. I've never once asked you to stay.

You're here because you choose to be. So the idea the power is in the hands of the members is quite silly, because the members didn't choose me and I didn't choose the members. I was made an Administrator because the people on Staff before me thought I would do a good job, a view you seem to mostly agree with. That's why I am where I am.

Then set up your own web forum and run it the way you wish to run it. There are a ton of free options out there. Or heck, rent a web server, purchase a vBulletin license and I'll help you set it up.

At the end of the day, KB and I are in charge, and as I showed earlier in this post regarding spoilers, we can't just throw things out on a whimsy. Unlike you throwing random ideas out which sound decent when you say them, we have to analyze all ideas from all angles, determine the pros and cons, decide if there's any real value to the idea, and then make our decision from there. When KB and I are unsure or in disagreement, we'll look to the rest of the Staff for different viewpoints to make the best decision.

But those decisions are going to stay in the hands of those of us who spend time cleaning up after the rest of you. There are many many cons to being a Moderator, having influence on the direction of the forum is one of the perks. And we're not going to give that up to you, simply because you beg and whine.

And your suggestion regarding a spoiler forum is the only one I've seen, and it was not a good idea. The fact you stand behind a poor idea only furthers my resolve to NOT let you contribute to the decision making process. Feel free to make all the suggestions you wish, just don't be upset if KB or I decide most of them are crap.

I will start off by saying I think most of your points are logical, but I view them differently from you. I'm also thankful you took the time to discuss with me. That’s all I really wanted. A place to talk man to man. Another thing I would like to clarify is that I am not anti Mod. and this isn't a anti mod argument. What it is, is a pro WZ site discussion. I think sometimes the mods and WZ are lumped together as one. All I want is for WZ to grow. IMO it could be so much more.

Point 1- No one likes me. That isn't completely true. There are some people on here, who have Pmed me and messaged me they like and agree with me. I wont name them because that would be a breach of trust. I think for the most part I'm not unliked, ppl just don’t give a F about me. I'm not worth the time to be hated. Another reason ppl don’t publicly support me because they are in fear of you. I think you would agree that your power on the site has caused many to be weary of disagreeing with you. For instance the post after yours states that because I disagree with you I'm prison bound. That hardly seems appropriate I've broken no rule besides maybe the one that says you may be banned if you annoy Mods. That wasn't my goal. I've stated for the most part I think you do a good job. The place is undeniably well run. I just think it has much more potential.

Point 2- You may know best, but not everyone knows everything, it seems like you agree with this. So it's moot.

Point 3- You have concluded that spoilers is the only idea I have raised. Why not have an area for suggestions. Give people an open forum to give you an idea. I have clearly stated I don’t think every idea should be followed, but at least given a chance, if the poster writes clearly.

Point 4- No one begged me to sign up. So? This is an open website, I like it here, I don’t think a mod should be bullying people from using the forum if they cause no harm. I followed the rules you wrote. I was in the bar room, I violated no rule. This was an injustice. Crave opened this website with the intent to gain members. Crave sells advertisements based on visits and members. They want people visiting their site. IMO the purpose you serve is to increase membership enjoyment, so that Crave makes more money. You are providing a service. You work for crave, and are compensated for that. I am here on my own will to have a good time. You are the one with a prior obligation. The fact even if no one likes me is moot. If I don’t brake any rules even if no one likes me, I should be able to access the site as I choose. People liking me is irrelevant.

I found it childish that you as a mod and as an Crave employee to ban me from the bar room, then close down another thread of mine, and tell me to re do it in the bar room.

Point 5- You take everything to personal. Because I criticized the site, didn’t mean I was criticizing you. I wasn’t criticizing you the 27 yr old Missouri teacher I was criticizing an aspect of an online wrestling forum.

To air all my grievances, I have already contacted Crave Online, and called someone in California. They said they will do a inquiry into it. To those who say I’m being a bitch, I agree. I tattled with a smile on my face. It felt glorious. I hope he is removed. He has seemed to forget that even he has a boss.

Continued in SPOILER
To those who are wondering I didn't actually contact Crave. WMD would never tattle. Quote the Heel Never More. I would never do that to anyone online. It's just the internet. #HEEL
Wow. I hate it when something entertaining happens on this forum and I'm not there to witness it lol

If you would like to form a opinion for yourself, the thread the got me booted from the bar room was called occupy the bar room. The second thread was titled in the GSD section, I've been banned from the bar room.
I'm like Austin and your VKM. I'm the anti authority figuire who everyone cheers. I say it how it is.

This is fantasy booking at best. You're number 87 in a long line of "forum heels". Some try to be more abrasive than you, some more crass and offensive, but all have the same goal: to develop a "personality" online without having to actually have a personality anyone finds interesting.

You on the other hand rule with an iron fist. Without regard of anyone elses opinion besides maybe KB's. All I suggested that sometimes why not offer things up for a vote. I'm not even suggesting that the vote be a ultimate decision, just to inquire interest.

Democracy on the internet in this context is a joke. Like, why don't I make a poll to see who likes ice cream and who thinks we should all get ice cream for logging in. Of course many people will vote yes; they have no idea of the logistical impossibilities involved in delivering a bowl of ice cream to each member for logging in. They don't know or care about the work behind it.

Furthermore, I've seen Sly and others in charge of this site be warmly receptive to ideas and suggestions in the past. That the "Wrestlezone Potluck" section exists is proof enough of this. I think it's pretty clear that posts like this from you are all hyberbole for the sake of humor or attention, but either way it's still poorly informed.

For example. when I suggested a Whole section just for spoilers. I don't see how it's unreasonable to make a poll and ask who thinks this is a good idea? Then if a lot of people thinks it is, take it into consideration.

A section for spoilers? Um...The Bar Room isn't good enough? The fact of the matter is that many posters here do not want the surprise of a show ruined for them. If you'd like to read about spoilers, great; go to the main site or something. Want to talk about it? Don't those main site articles have features for discussion? Isn't a Bar Room thread enough? Why bother with a dedicated section? Just having people want it isn't enough; if you really want to make a case to someone like Sly to change something you have to demonstrate a need for whatever change you propose, not just desire for it.

The underlying premise of WZ is to discuss Wrestling and other things, with people throughout the world. So if a good amount of posters like an idea, why not add it. I understand a trade off exists, and sometimes the mob wants to much, and limitations are neccesairy. I understand this. This was not a case of that.

I believe it was. I believe it is a case of you asking someone to do tedious work for a section that will in all likelihood inspire no more discussion and activity than could already be discussed in The Bar Room threads. In fact, I believe you only care about this matter now that your Bar Room privileged have seemingly been revoked. Maybe you shouldn't have tried picking fights with Sly or being a "forum heel".

What I don't understand is why you feel the need to play god on here. Not to hurt your ego, but with or without you WZ would survive.(I understand the same goes for me). Your opinion is important, you have been here since 2007 and have a had a huge impact on the site. Mostly for the better. How ever I do think that people such as Sam, Doctor, Justsayen, and many others are equally as important to the site. Without the members the site is notihng.

Like any other blowhard, you really start to lose substance towards the end of your rant. So are you ever going to comment more on Sly playing god? I mean, if we're going to be fair about it I accuse KB of "playing" more than I would Sly. And is there any relevance to the namedropping, or did you just list some dudes to prove a point you never actually made?

In sum, when I speak against you, I really say, I think you should be involved in the decision process, but the decision process should include more than just 2 or 3 people. This is suppose to be a interactive site. Let us interact. When your passionate about something as I am with this site, you want to make it better. Because I'm passionate about WZ, I made those suggestions. AND I STAND BEHIND THEM.....

Your suggestions aren't made in passion, but in butt hurt from being cut off from the one thing you had going for you here until your "heel turn". If I'm to take anything you say seriously and give you a logical response based in factual analysis, I'm inclined to believe that you are, again, just another in a long line of wannabes and also-ran's trying to make a splash. You're the kid in class who uses ideas and arguments they don't totally understand to try and "stick it" to the teachers and authority figures. You think a few right words and phrases and an attempt at appealing to the masses will somehow make you "right".

You are not an "anti-hero". You are an idiot who tried the patience of the people who run this place as well as many of the people who are part of this community. How's that for a response?
I think for the most part I'm not unliked, ppl just don’t give a F about me.
If they have no feelings towards you, they don't like you. Perhaps they don't dislike you, but they still don't like you.

For instance the post after yours states that because I disagree with you I'm prison bound. That hardly seems appropriate I've broken no rule besides maybe the one that says you may be banned if you annoy Mods.
Did I say you were Prison bound? If not, why does it matter?

Point 3- You have concluded that spoilers is the only idea I have raised.
No, I said it's the only suggestion I've seen from you and it was not a good idea.

Why not have an area for suggestions.
Oh, you mean like this?

Point 4- No one begged me to sign up. So?
So when you say there wouldn't be a site without you, that means absolutely nothing to me because no one asked you to be here. Your intimation was that the members of WZ should have more power because without you there would be no forum. I'm telling you I don't give a fuck if you're here or not, and thus, your statement means nothing.

I violated no rule. This was an injustice.
Many people considered it a service. And since you seem to be of the opinion we should let the regular members to decide, many members seem to like me banning you from the Bar Room.

Kind of sucks when it works against you, doesn't it?

You work for crave, and are compensated for that.
You think the $18,000 a year they pay me is enough to live on?

If I don’t brake any rules even if no one likes me, I should be able to access the site as I choose.
No, you see, that's where you are wrong. It even says so in the Rules you claim to follow.

Rules said:
A. Acting Like an Idiot: If the Staff feel you are not contributing to the forums and are simply a nuisance poster they have every right to ban you. These are privately owned forums and it is our judgment as to who can and cannot post here, not yours. Freedom of speech does not apply here at Wrestlezone Forums.

then close down another thread of mine, and tell me to re do it in the bar room.
Because you broke the rules of the GSD. The GSD is not for those types of threads. I was completely fair and didn't infract you for posting a thread in the wrong forum, which is also against the rules.

It seems to me you don't quite grasp things nearly as well as you want people to think you do. Which only furthers my resolve to not let you be part of the decision making process.

You take everything to personal.
On the contrary, I take nothing personally. I think that's the part people have the most trouble with.

Because I criticized the site, didn’t mean I was criticizing you. I wasn’t criticizing you the 27 yr old Missouri teacher I was criticizing an aspect of an online wrestling forum.
And I didn't ban you from the Bar Room for it. :shrug:

To air all my grievances, I have already contacted Crave Online, and called someone in California. They said they will do a inquiry into it.

Continued in SPOILER
To those who are wondering I didn't actually contact Crave. WMD would never tattle. Quote the Heel Never More. I would never do that to anyone online. It's just the internet. #HEEL

I'll have to consider putting this in my signature. Because while you may be joking, Lord knows I've heard this one too many times to count.
No, yours was a misrepresentation of the truth. You consciously puffed up your own life so these "nerds" as you call them would have more respect for you. You so desperately sought the approval of other posters on here, the same posters you at the same time dismiss as "nerds", you felt the need to explain yourself, to present us your resume, so that we might actually respect you.

You might be one of the saddest individuals on this forum not named Milenko.
I don't know whether to be happy Sly knows who I am or Mad that he insulted me.

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