In the prison...

All I could think about after reading Crashing, Jose and Sly's post was, I can’t believe he makes $18,000 dollars for this. While that's not a huge number it makes me ponder that if they can afford to pay Sly that much, how much this site must make. Which leads me to ponder what CSR makes. Even though I disagree with Sly, I'm impressed by the fact that he was able to squeeze that much out of Crave when he probably would have done it for free. I respect that.

It must be understood that WMD may be a heel, but he is a logical heel.
I understand that this argument is going nowhere, and to continue it would be childish and a waste of everybody’s time. While many of you think that I am wrong, I’m cool with that. “Democracy with out Minority Rights is mob rule”. While I don’t think WZ is a democracy, I do think I should be able to state my beliefs even if no one agrees.

Sly and Crashing make some logical points, which on the surface seem right, but I find them flawed. I could continue and argue, but sometimes people don’t see eye to eye. WMD is a logical heel and he knows that to continue would just be a waste of time. Sly is the judge and jury here, so my points fall on deaf ears. Why continue? Why waste my time?

I waste my time, because to me It’s worth it. I may have only been here a year, but I think it’s a great forum. I have tried other sites, they aren’t as good. For that Sly deserves credit. However I think that just because something is the best, it doesn’t mean it cant be better. So if my point in these threads is anything, it is I am challenging Sly to do better. Don’t be complacent because we have 22,000 members, shoot for 50,000. There is so much potential

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom”.

But I think the bottom line right now is to take the constructive criticism and use that to build forward.

#heel without limits
If you're so intelligent, and I don't believe you are, why do you act like a fucking ****** in the non-spam sections? You're one of the two or three worst posters that section has to offer.

Legitimately curious.

P.S. - If Bill doesn't kill you, Pole Smoker will. He'll be back... eventually.
All I could think about after reading Crashing, Jose and Sly's post was, I can’t believe he makes $18,000 dollars for this. While that's not a huge number it makes me ponder that if they can afford to pay Sly that much, how much this site must make. Which leads me to ponder what CSR makes. Even though I disagree with Sly, I'm impressed by the fact that he was able to squeeze that much out of Crave when he probably would have done it for free. I respect that.

It must be understood that WMD may be a heel, but he is a logical heel.
I understand that this argument is going nowhere, and to continue it would be childish and a waste of everybody’s time. While many of you think that I am wrong, I’m cool with that. “Democracy with out Minority Rights is mob rule”. While I don’t think WZ is a democracy, I do think I should be able to state my beliefs even if no one agrees.

Sly and Crashing make some logical points, which on the surface seem right, but I find them flawed. I could continue and argue, but sometimes people don’t see eye to eye. WMD is a logical heel and he knows that to continue would just be a waste of time. Sly is the judge and jury here, so my points fall on deaf ears. Why continue? Why waste my time?

I waste my time, because to me It’s worth it. I may have only been here a year, but I think it’s a great forum. I have tried other sites, they aren’t as good. For that Sly deserves credit. However I think that just because something is the best, it doesn’t mean it cant be better. So if my point in these threads is anything, it is I am challenging Sly to do better. Don’t be complacent because we have 22,000 members, shoot for 50,000. There is so much potential

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom”.

But I think the bottom line right now is to take the constructive criticism and use that to build forward.

#heel without limits
Find me one person who thinks you're right.
I waste my time, because to me It’s worth it. I may have only been here a year, but I think it’s a great forum. I have tried other sites, they aren’t as good. For that Sly deserves credit. However I think that just because something is the best, it doesn’t mean it cant be better. So if my point in these threads is anything, it is I am challenging Sly to do better. Don’t be complacent because we have 22,000 members, shoot for 50,000. There is so much potential

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom”.

But I think the bottom line right now is to take the constructive criticism and use that to build forward.

#heel without limits

How EXACTLY would you improve the forum overall?
To answer all three posts before me in one phrase IDK.
Why do I not take this site so seriously?

I think one reason is, I'm here to goof off and have fun. I don't think I have ever put any effort into a post. As I write that, I do see why people would act negatively to that. In all honesty, I have no interest posting non-spam. Wrestling to me is something that shouldn’t be taken to seriously. In the bar room I say various things just to get a rise out of people. How ever I’ve probably never said anything mean towards anyone. To be honest IDC if anyone likes me, but of course I would prefer to be liked. I’ll never be the guy who stays in a thread and bullshits with people. I’d rather chit chat with actual friends. (I’m not implying that people on here don’t’ have real friends)

How would I improve WZ in a brief statement; would be too lax the rules. I know why WZ has rules, and I understand their importance, but discretion is equally important. For instance regardless of however you felt about Sully, what he did wasn’t deserving of a permaban. He made a mistake, and some one turned him in. In my opinion that persons offense is even worse then Sullys. The person that ran to Sly or KB is child. Who ever did that is an A-hole plain and simple.

To be honest I barely knew Sully or paid attention to him. But here was this kid who had no family and looked at most of you guys as true friends. He was on here religiously and loved WZ, then one mistake, and he’s gone for life. Hardly seems fair to me. So one way I would improve the forum would be not to follow the black letters of every rule and allow some discretion.

I’ve stated many times before, it doesn’t matter to me if anybody else thinks I’m right. Some people have messaged me and told me they agree with some aspects of my points. Most think I’m an idiot, I understand that. I really don’t care. If I believe what I’m saying I really don’t care if others agree. Many times in history the majority has been wrong. I’m not saying this is one of those cases, but it could be.

I think you guys agree with me partially, but it’s not cool to agree with me, So I understand some peoples motives. Regardless, I call it like I see it. If I think an injustice is happening on here, I have no problem with everyone shitting on me if I think I have a valid point. (Yes I just said I don’t have a problem with people shitting on me).

If either of you three or anyone else wants to discuss this, I have no problem doing it. Call me out and say this is bullshit, or say I see your points, but I disagree with this and so on.

Anything here sound unreasonable?
DirtyJosé;3536576 said:
Lulz, he did it all for love of Sully.

Thats when I turned heel.... I'm like a Robin Hood. Appear bad to the authorities, but the real people know whats up.

#heel voice of the voiceless
# delusions of grandeur
You think a spoiler section and your other ideas will generate over 25,000 new users?

You think a spoiler section will generate over 25,000 new users?


No, but a collection of things could. I've yet to think of the "collection of things".


Edit- my point was that if more people got involved including yourself over time with the extra creativity and effort, WZ could grow.
Also my point was just growth in General. If we made it to 50k my next post, would be we need to get to 75k...
Lulz, even that you've got all wrong

Nor Cal is the cool guy everyone looks up to. Coco is the smart alec that makes everyone laugh but doesn't have any real close friends. I'm the fat kid who wore the same clothes everyday.
DirtyJosé;3536642 said:
Lulz, even that you've got all wrong

Nor Cal is the cool guy everyone looks up to. Coco is the smart alec that makes everyone laugh but doesn't have any real close friends. I'm the fat kid who wore the same clothes everyday.

Is this list illustrative or conclusory?
Can WMD explain to me why he decided to go "heel"? Was this before or after he wanted the most improved award and everyone laughed him down?
Can WMD explain to me why he decided to go "heel"? Was this before or after he wanted the most improved award and everyone laughed him down?

Why not ask the man himself. As I said earlier I'm more of a modern day Robinhood. The event that caused it was Sully being kicked out of WZ.

#Does that sound like madness to you?
Sully here, even though it's self explanatory who I am, I figured I'd say it anyways...just because one of the idiots like Jerichoholic or Milenko would go "Sully???? Oh hey, it's Sully har har"

WMD, don't worry about me man. I've gotten over this least way more then I was when I first got banned. Then again, myself making another alt doesn't really prove that right, but I do still like to check up on some of the sections...mostly because I'm interested in that new damn change that Sly and KB are promising.

I don't know, a permaban was somewhat deserving...I was in Prison before. Then again, I don't think I did enough to get into Prison in the first place, then again if I wasn't in Prison, I would've been banned...considering I made more then one alt when I was banned the first time. Then again...I hardly knew what an alt was, or what trouble they could get me into when I made the second account. Then again...they are explained in the rules.

Still though, I really appreciated how you stuck up for me after I was banned. A lot of other people did too, but a lot of other people took the opportunity to kick a man when he was down.

I'm on a new forum now, I have that fresh start that I wanted. When I first came to WZ, I had that infamous thread...that really got me off to a bad start. I mean I made a lot of friends after that, I made a lot of enemies too though. Regardless, I'm on a new forum...and I can honestly say I've somehow gotten over this place. A matter a fact, if I was unbanned, I wouldn't nearly be as active as I was before.

I'm currently one of the head writers for an e-fed there, which is helping my writing a lot. I'm hoping it will give me some type of preparation for whenever I want try to become a writer. Plus, it's way more relaxed there too...some for the better, some for the worse. Spam rules are way lighter, but sometimes that get's annoying in the WWE sections.

I mean I still meet my fair share of assholes...but I don't a large group of people who hate me, or a troll who acts like he's my friend.

Macios...what was up with him? I admit...a made a few alts since I drifted away, but as far as I know, neither of them we're banned. I think I registered them, and then logged off when I was finished...never logging on again. Although I checked to see if the last one was banned and it wasn't, and I think on the second log in...that's whenever it gets flagged.

But anyways what I was getting to is, a few times when Macios made an alt, I noticed a lot of people suspected it was me. This might be the first registered alt I made since September...except I think I registered one when Macios originally went to Prison and claimed he was in a conspiracy with me and Sid. Was Macios even around when Sid was banned?

I also noticed that I got nominated many times for the banned poster that you miss the most, I'm flattered with that as well. Hopefully this is my last registered alt...but I can't promise that I won't make another alt to check out The Cage every once and awhile. Oh, just my luck...KB is reading the thread while I'm posting. Looks like I'm not staying long.

Oh and SSC, how you liking Burn Notice this season? I'm loving it...but I can't stand the fact that I have to wait another week. I guess they don't want it playing on Thanksgiving though, they probably won't get many views...but I'd watch it. :)
Sully here, even though it's self explanatory who I am, I figured I'd say it anyways...just because one of the idiots like Jerichoholic or Milenko would go "Sully???? Oh hey, it's Sully har har"

WMD, don't worry about me man. I've gotten over this least way more then I was when I first got banned. Then again, myself making another alt doesn't really prove that right, but I do still like to check up on some of the sections...mostly because I'm interested in that new damn change that Sly and KB are promising.

I don't know, a permaban was somewhat deserving...I was in Prison before. Then again, I don't think I did enough to get into Prison in the first place, then again if I wasn't in Prison, I would've been banned...considering I made more then one alt when I was banned the first time. Then again...I hardly knew what an alt was, or what trouble they could get me into when I made the second account. Then again...they are explained in the rules.

Still though, I really appreciated how you stuck up for me after I was banned. A lot of other people did too, but a lot of other people took the opportunity to kick a man when he was down.

I'm on a new forum now, I have that fresh start that I wanted. When I first came to WZ, I had that infamous thread...that really got me off to a bad start. I mean I made a lot of friends after that, I made a lot of enemies too though. Regardless, I'm on a new forum...and I can honestly say I've somehow gotten over this place. A matter a fact, if I was unbanned, I wouldn't nearly be as active as I was before.

I'm currently one of the head writers for an e-fed there, which is helping my writing a lot. I'm hoping it will give me some type of preparation for whenever I want try to become a writer. Plus, it's way more relaxed there too...some for the better, some for the worse. Spam rules are way lighter, but sometimes that get's annoying in the WWE sections.

I mean I still meet my fair share of assholes...but I don't a large group of people who hate me, or a troll who acts like he's my friend.

Macios...what was up with him? I admit...a made a few alts since I drifted away, but as far as I know, neither of them we're banned. I think I registered them, and then logged off when I was finished...never logging on again. Although I checked to see if the last one was banned and it wasn't, and I think on the second log in...that's whenever it gets flagged.

But anyways what I was getting to is, a few times when Macios made an alt, I noticed a lot of people suspected it was me. This might be the first registered alt I made since September...except I think I registered one when Macios originally went to Prison and claimed he was in a conspiracy with me and Sid. Was Macios even around when Sid was banned?

I also noticed that I got nominated many times for the banned poster that you miss the most, I'm flattered with that as well. Hopefully this is my last registered alt...but I can't promise that I won't make another alt to check out The Cage every once and awhile. Oh, just my luck...KB is reading the thread while I'm posting. Looks like I'm not staying long.

Oh and SSC, how you liking Burn Notice this season? I'm loving it...but I can't stand the fact that I have to wait another week. I guess they don't want it playing on Thanksgiving though, they probably won't get many views...but I'd watch it. :)

This made my day. I'm happy for you.
Good thing we have rules here to keep a nice kid like that from posting here.

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