In the prison...

So basically I'm an idiot, I'm pathetic because I go out drinking with my friends etc. Your all entitled to your opinion, as am I. I don't give a shit what any of you think about me or what you think out of what I have told you thus far is true, simply because I'm never going to meet any of you in my life. I care about what people I know in reality think of me, people who hate me over the internet I couldn't give a fuck. And to Constipated Badger's Bottom who said he'd get the police on me if I hit him, wow. That's really the manly thing to do isn't it? I've won fights, I've lost fights but I've never got the police involved. It's called being a "grass" and everyone hates a grass...
I'm actually curious, I never tweeted before. So when hash tagging there is no spacing?

Sometimes if you don't know how to do something, you shouldn't do it.

So basically I'm an idiot, I'm pathetic because I go out drinking with my friends etc.

I don't think anyone called you anything but a NERD, NERD!

Your all entitled to your opinion, as am I. I don't give a shit what any of you think about me or what you think out of what I have told you thus far is true, simply because I'm never going to meet any of you in my life. I care about what people I know in reality think of me, people who hate me over the internet I couldn't give a fuck. And to Constipated Badger's Bottom who said he'd get the police on me if I hit him, wow. That's really the manly thing to do isn't it? I've won fights, I've lost fights but I've never got the police involved. It's called being a "grass" and everyone hates a grass...

It's also very manly to threaten people over the very internet that you claim to not care about.
Yes I'm really a nerd when I live in a house with 3 of my good friends, I go out most nights when I'm not doing my University assignments and when I go back to where I'm originally from the odd weekend, I have a group of my friends waiting for me at the train station? I'm the total opposite to a nerd really...

And no I don't care about him, I don't care at all. But, if he was saying this to my face I would punch him out, so why shouldn't I do it for saying over a computer?
So basically I'm an idiot, I'm pathetic

Nice to see you're finaly accepting who you really are:thumbsup:

I don't give a shit what any of you think about me or what you think out of what I have told you thus far is true,

Bullshit, if you really didn't give a shit you wouldn't have taken the time to to tell us that you don't give a shit.

I care about what people I know in reality think of me, people who hate me over the internet I couldn't give a fuck.

Once again, I call bullshit. People who don't care what people on the internet think of them don't go to any trouble to express this shit, they don't even respond. If you really didn't care then you wouldn't bother even coming back & posting here.

Yes I'm really a nerd when I live in a house with 3 of my good friends

What the fuck does ones living situation have to do with whether or not they are a nerd?

I go out most nights when I'm not doing my University assignments and when I go back to where I'm originally from the odd weekend, I have a group of my friends waiting for me at the train station

Wow good for you, go help yourself to a cookie while the rest of the world is busy not giving a flying fuck.

I'm the total opposite to a nerd really...

Well considering that the definition of "nerd" is "An intelligent, single-minded expert in a particular technical discipline or profession." I would have to agree you are the exact opposite of a "nerd".

When the something is miappropriation of a hash tag, I think it's ok

#Telling it like it is

So yeah I'm an idiot and I'm pathetic, wow hurts so much...

My living arrangement makes a difference to if I'm a nerd or not because we have parties every weekend (not something that nerds do btw)

The same can be said to you, why do you keep responding to me if you don't give a "flying fuck"?

I don't care what any of you think of me, I have a good life, good friends, good family, good future etc. so a bunch of people I don't know isn't really going to bother me. If I knew any of you it might bother me if I cared about that exact person's opinion, but I don't care about any of your opinions.

Also, that is only the denotation of the word nerd (the proper meaning) but all the connotations of nerd has transformed it into a derogatory, where I live a nerd is someone who is basically a social reject, no-one wants to be seen with them, and as I've said I've got a lot of friends in real life, not over the internet like you lot.
Its 06.34 in the morning I'm getting ready for University...I came on here because subscribe dto this and got all the messages to my inbox....
Yes I'm really a nerd when I live in a house with 3 of my good friends, I go out most nights when I'm not doing my University assignments and when I go back to where I'm originally from the odd weekend, I have a group of my friends waiting for me at the train station? I'm the total opposite to a nerd really...

And no I don't care about him, I don't care at all. But, if he was saying this to my face I would punch him out, so why shouldn't I do it for saying over a computer?

So, when I say something to you, you claim I wouldn't say it to your face, but it's OK for you to do it?

Hypocritical NERD!
Yes I'm really a nerd when I live in a house with 3 of my good friends, I go out most nights when I'm not doing my University assignments and when I go back to where I'm originally from the odd weekend, I have a group of my friends waiting for me at the train station? I'm the total opposite to a nerd really...

And no I don't care about him, I don't care at all. But, if he was saying this to my face I would punch him out, so why shouldn't I do it for saying over a computer?

My living arrangement makes a difference to if I'm a nerd or not because we have parties every weekend (not something that nerds do btw)

I don't care what any of you think of me, I have a good life, good friends, good family, good future etc. so a bunch of people I don't know isn't really going to bother me.

Once again, you're BEGGING for someone to have an iota of respect for you, constantly posting your social resume so someone might think you matter. You're starved for respect young man. The more you insist you don't care, the more you feel the need to tell everyone how great your real life is, the more transparent it becomes you really do care. Hell, you even admitted you came on here so you could get responses in your e-mail, so you'll know the exact moment someone responds to you.

You're a hypocrite, with very little self-confidence, constantly putting down others for your own inadequacies in life. You're like the closeted homosexual bigot, constantly striving to make things difficult for other homosexuals, because you're scared people are going to know the real you, and see you for the fraud that you are.

You, sir, are a nerd, desperate for someone, anyone, to grant you the tiniest bit of respect. But as long as you come on here and deny who you really are, it will never happen. Unlike you, there are many of us on here who are actually productive members of society, who have purchased our own homes, who have families which include people other than our mother and father, and are no longer leeches on society. But you don't see us constantly feeling the need to shout about how normal we are, do you?

Do yourself a favor. Quit denying to yourself and others who you really are, and accept the fact you are nothing more than a nerd.

Why all the concern over whether you're a nerd or not? I'd settle for cunt, easier to define.
And a cunt.

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