In 2-3 years WWE will have a even greater product?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Lets think about this WWE has so much young talent and in the next couple of years the WWE will have established stars who will have more experience and would of got over the fans more and we as fans would have got use to seeing them on TV such as

Wade Barett: he has all the making's to be the next HHH in the WWE he has the look, the mic skills not that bad in the ring and he can get the fans really pissed off in his promo's and I reckon if given a Face push he could prove to be a good prospect for the future.

Daniel Byrnn : He needs to improve his mic skills but other then that the man is great in the ring his matches are always good to watch, he could be the next Chris Benoit but if he improves his mic skills could become the next Kurt Angle.

John Morrison : I believe he is going to be one of the top babyfaces in the company he is more or less over now just needs that final push to become a legit major main event contender

Mason Ryan and Skip Sheffield : both big men who have the looks as main event players and both men could be as big as Batista was if given the right push and the right time to grow in the company.

Christan : already more or less a star just needs to have a WWE or World title run under his belt, with Edge planning on retiring soon Christan can fill his shoes just as good or even better.

The Miz : he is in the main event now and with the push he is on will become the top heel in the company and fingers crossed will be in the main event picture for a long time.

Sheamus : he is going through a rough patch at the moment but after the WM rush has gone will become the monster of the WWE again.(please WWE drop the King Sheamus gimmick its wank)

Ted Dibiase : in the next 1-2 years Dibiase will be where the Miz is now I think 2011 and 2012 we will see the rise of Teddy and he could prove to be a big draw for the WWE someday.

Chris Masters : he needs to get that push he had in 2004 when he was on a roll he is getting a slight push at the moment he has a good look , he is alright in the ring and isnt to bad on the mic could prove to be a good contender in the main event maybe Smackdown.

so when you look at it WWE has the next big stars waiting to get that final big push the future is starting to look good in the WWE this is just one man's opinion.
I am disappointed that Cody Rhodes isn't in that post. Is it because he is skinny? Is it because he doesn't wear kneepads? Is that why? I mean seriously this guy has a character going on right now. He's made me forget about Simply Priceless and Legacy. He's made me forget he's Dusty's son. They gave the ball with a shit character and he ran with it. Now they evolved that character and he is running with the ball even more. I mean if this keeps up then he'll be something outstanding.

Masters? Why Chris Masters? I can see Mason Ryan but Skip Sheffield? What does Vince see in Skip?

Would love for Christian to become champ but I say there is an outside chance. John Morrison I am sure is gonna happen and would love for Danielson to become champ but something needs to change. I am just hoping for once that we have two DIFFERENT guys facing for the title on PPV (Miz/Morrison, Del Rio/Christian) don't do this all the time but two new guys every once in awhile would be nice. Would be nice to see a WWE title match without Orton or Cena (I know we got that at EC but Lawler wasn't my ideal opponent. I guess I'll have to make do)

Wade is gonna be huge. Believeable, look, mic skills and charisma. Bank on it. Same with Sheamus. But damnit Cody Rhodes is gonna be something.
In regards to Rhodes i have to agree with you, the gimmick he has been given on paper may not have seemed all that great but Cody has taken the ball and ran with it. Shown initiative and added his own elements of creativity to the charecter.
And it is no coincidence that his gimmick is working well and improving over time.
Lets hope it gets the company to realise that Gimmicks still work (GoldDust,Val Venis, Big Boss Man, Mankind ect)
Thanks for the time spent in your post, but I think you're wrong in most theories ...

Wade Barett: the next HHH ? Never. Triple HHH has been built during years to become the King of Kings, popularity started at 0 ... Barret starts at -500. No way

Daniel Byrnn : No comparaison possible between this guy and Angle / Benoit. But he'll sure become a "clean" wrestler, not a favourite or fan magnet, but a reliable wrestler like R-Truth is at the moment ...

John Morrison : First time I agree, will sure become a topper in WWE ... even if despite his looks ... time is passing by and they should start to work on his "carreer-storyline"

Mason Ryan and Skip Sheffield : ... Mason Ryan will be in thrown away just like Skip Sheffield very soon ... but the might also come back as an old school tag team (Nasty Boys style ...))

Christan : Totally agree ... but I think his condition will hold home back.

The Miz : please shoot him. it's a pain in the ass.

Sheamus : Exotic one ... will soon be an Irish boogeyman ...

Ted Dibiase : Will have crappy storylines forever

Chris Masters : Who ?
Ted Dibase? Really? If you haven't noticed, he's gone from looking bearly midcard to jobber.

Replace him, with, as stated above, his much more talented former teamate, Cody Rhodes. He's going places, has decent in ring skills, and as we've recently found out, damn good promo skills.

Barett I feel also has massive potential as a heel. Once they get him out of this stale Corre shit and give him a real storyline, I'm positive he'll find his way back to the top.

Sheamus is another excellent heel, who I think will find his way, much like Barett back to the top fairly soon, maybe the back end of this year. Don't forget the wonders that being friends with Triple H can do for a career...

The Miz. Is awesome. Although this forum seems to be mostly set agianst him (with some notable exceptions), I strongly feel he is also a great heel, in a different sense to Sheamus and Barett. I also feel he can cut the best promos I've sen in years at times, and I think Vince sees this too.

Morrison I think, is being built so that when he does win the title people will be godamned shocked. Again though, wayyyy better as a heel.

So, while the WWE does have a great stock of upcomming tallent....I can't really see any faces in that stock.

Apart from Bryan, but while he is great in ring, I feel he could really use a hardening of his gimmick...and some work on mic skills. Who knows though, who knows!
Lets think about this WWE has so much young talent and in the next couple of years the WWE will have established stars who will have more experience and would of got over the fans more and we as fans would have got use to seeing them on TV such as

Wade Barett: he has all the making's to be the next HHH in the WWE he has the look, the mic skills not that bad in the ring and he can get the fans really pissed off in his promo's and I reckon if given a Face push he could prove to be a good prospect for the future.

Daniel Byrnn : He needs to improve his mic skills but other then that the man is great in the ring his matches are always good to watch, he could be the next Chris Benoit but if he improves his mic skills could become the next Kurt Angle.

John Morrison : I believe he is going to be one of the top babyfaces in the company he is more or less over now just needs that final push to become a legit major main event contender

Mason Ryan and Skip Sheffield : both big men who have the looks as main event players and both men could be as big as Batista was if given the right push and the right time to grow in the company.

Christan : already more or less a star just needs to have a WWE or World title run under his belt, with Edge planning on retiring soon Christan can fill his shoes just as good or even better.

The Miz : he is in the main event now and with the push he is on will become the top heel in the company and fingers crossed will be in the main event picture for a long time.

Sheamus : he is going through a rough patch at the moment but after the WM rush has gone will become the monster of the WWE again.(please WWE drop the King Sheamus gimmick its wank)

Ted Dibiase : in the next 1-2 years Dibiase will be where the Miz is now I think 2011 and 2012 we will see the rise of Teddy and he could prove to be a big draw for the WWE someday.

Chris Masters : he needs to get that push he had in 2004 when he was on a roll he is getting a slight push at the moment he has a good look , he is alright in the ring and isnt to bad on the mic could prove to be a good contender in the main event maybe Smackdown.

so when you look at it WWE has the next big stars waiting to get that final big push the future is starting to look good in the WWE this is just one man's opinion.

Responding to quink 987
Really? I am not all that exicted about the WWE future it looks pretty bland to me.

Wade Barrett hasn't proven to be anything but a capabale leader of a group. He hasn't had a solid singles/(given a push on his own) yet. I have no idea how he will fare without the backing of a group/stable.

Daniel Byran/ Bryan Danielson: Will become a jobber or get lost in the midcard. He is simply awesome in the ring, but WWE doesn't do well pushing smaller wrestlers long term. Lone exception being Rey. Next Kurt Angle? That's laughable!

John Morrison: Maybe, but maybe not. This year's WM match is a step back in my opinion. He can be a Rick Rude type or Shelton Benjamin. But, WWE usually screws this kind of talent over.

Mason Ryan: Horrible in the ring/weak finisher, but is big. So, that means he has a shot.

Skip Sheffield: Has the potenial to be soild, but not a star.

Christian: I love Christian, but his time has come and gone. He got to his peak in TNA and Vince won't let his win WHC or WWE Title. Regardless, he is one of the best wrestlers in the busineess. But, he getter older and I fear he will be used for developing the younger stars.

The Miz: He has been booked well, but his ring skill are not impressive. Since he good media magnet for the WWE is position is secure.

Sheamus: Good talent, his future is secure!

Ted Dibiase: hate the way is being booked, but is really not that great in the ring and pretty bland look. No, no NO!

Chris Masters: Is lucky to be working in the WWE! He had his chance and blew, no push for him and no future!

You forgot to metion Del Rio and Sin Cara. They are the future!
First off wasn't it late 2005/ early 2006 were Masters recieved his push
Wade Barett: the next HHH ? Never. Triple HHH has been built during years to become the King of Kings, popularity started at 0 ... Barret starts at -500. No way
That's why he's been pushed to the moon the first year in his wwe career. Where was HHH the first year of his career?

Daniel Byrnn : No comparaison possible between this guy and Angle / Benoit. But he'll sure become a "clean" wrestler, not a favourite or fan magnet, but a reliable wrestler like R-Truth is at the moment ...
Bryan is the best in ring worker in the business today, Vince would be just flat out stupid not to eventually push him, even though Vince hates most former indy/TNA workers.

Mason Ryan and Skip Sheffield : ... Mason Ryan will be in thrown away just like Skip Sheffield very soon ... but the might also come back as an old school tag team (Nasty Boys style ...))
Ryan is beeing built up as the next Batista, Vince seems pretty high up on him, but i don't know about Sheffield, but I don't think they'll team up any time soon.

Christan : Totally agree ... but I think his condition will hold home back.
Only thing that's holding him back is Vince having a grudge against him for his time in TNA, but as we see him starting to work with Edge vs Del Rio I think they'll all good. Also, Christian is 37 remember that.

The Miz : please shoot him. it's a pain in the ass.
I agree that he is, but he's not going anywhere, it would be stupid to have this guy go over one of the two faces of your company 3 times(if im correct), headline Wrestlemania against the other face of your company, and also be in a program with probably the biggest draw in wwe history(besides Hogan I guess), and to just scrap him, I just don't see any point in that.
Sheamus : Exotic one ... will soon be an Irish boogeyman ...
US champion(doesn't mean much anymore, but still means something), also like Wade Barrett breaks out immediately winning two world titles in a year and a half, again this guy is staying around for a while, assuming nothing drastic happens.
Ted Dibiase : Will have crappy storylines forever
2nd generation superstar, good ring worker, terribly miss used, I haven't given up on this guy yet.
Chris Masters : Who ?
:banghead: Lower main eventer in 2005-2006, masterlock.

Overall, I understand your arguments, but there are alot of flaws in them.

Edit: Also, quink there are guys like Rhodes, Del Rio, Sin Cara, Joe Henning, Jack Swagger, and even Drew McIntyre still have alot of potential

In regards to Wade Barrett and the next HHH. The impression I got from that comparison from the OP is this: When I was a kid, HHH was the biggest, most hated heel in all of professional wrestling. People loved to hate HHH and wanted to see anybody, no matter who it was, go over him.

Maybe Wade Barrett can be the next top heel. I'm not sure if he'll be an HHH heel, I'm not sure. I will say this though: I wasn't alive during the days of the Million Dollar Man, so I can't vouch for the people who say he is the greatest heel ever. Hogan was a bad mofo with the NWO and Stone Cold was a pretty psychotic heel but for my money, HHH has been the greatest heel I have ever known.

Maybe Wade could be the next top heel. He definitely oozes mic skills, marketable look, believable, great size and even though he isn't the greatest wrestler he has terrific charisma.

As far as what noly said about John Morrison: how is this a step down? Not everybody can main event at once. Sheamus, Punk, Orton all these guys are taking a break from main eventing even though they could be. All of these guys have been multi time World Champions. Morrison hasn't. Last year Morrison was in a curtain jerker spot in a tag team match and lost. This year he has gotten experience main eventing PPV's, been in #1 contender's matches and even had a title shot. He doesn't have to be in the WWE Championship match in order for this to be a step down for him, especially if people more established than he is are not in the match.

Though I explained my disdain for WWE trying to cover up what would be an outstanding match in Morrison/Ziggler, Morrison is facing an official former world champion and is teaming with a **** even though that **** is a mainstream star on the cover of Rolling Stone and he's also teaming with arguably THE greatest female wrestler in the history of the company and it's a crime her and Lita aren't in the H.O.F. yet.

While I'd rather see Morrison in a better place on the card, I cannot deny that they are making the most of Morrison even if he isn't main eventing.
Christian ? I love Christian but he is not a young talent (37yrs old) his time is now or never. Most of the guys you have listed are 30 and older and of the guys that are under 30 Mason Ryan (28) & Skip Sheffield (29) are still very green. Masters (28) & Ted DiBiase (28) may only be no higher than mid-card guys. Now on the other hand the fallowing guys may be huge in 2 or 3 yrs:
1. Sin Cara (28) and is already a world wide hit.
2. Richie Steamboat (24) he is at FCW but seems ready for a WWE mid-card title right now.
3. Cody Rhodes (25) he has grown body wise and talent wise, if he doesn't get injured look out the skies the limit with him.
4. Bo Rotunda (20) also at FCW been there 2yrs now and he does have skills and he is in way better shape (6'1'' 230 lbs ) his brother Husky Harris (23) (real name Duke Rotunda)
5. Seth Rollins (24) all ready has 5yrs pro experience under his belt and seems like a carbon copy of CM Punk without the tattoos. Seen a few of his ROH & FCW matches and he looks like the real deal.
The guys mention by the poster on this thread are not the real youth movement guys, only five of them will still be around the WWE in 5yrs ( Barrett, JoMo, Daniel Bryan, Miz, Mason Ryan ) I can be wrong but bearing any great injuries or backstage politics look out for the 5 guys I posted about and maybe Mason Ryan & Barrett being the backbone of the WWE by or before 2016.
As good as it would be to see the WWE actually build those guys up. They won't!!! They don't know how to build stars anymore. The company will start a rapid decline as soon as the big names start retiring. Unless they start recruiting some back from TNA. TNA might not be up to some people's standards but at least they can build stars that people talk about.
Too much BIASED comments by idiots on this. Good list,

Wade Barrett: Great on the mic in my opinion. He's made some good matches with John Cena but terrible matches with Randy Orton. He has a future, he can pull it off well.

Daniel Byran : Too much harsh comments on this man. Daniel Bryan is extraordinary in the ring, he's already made fantastic matches. Will he get a push one day? Maybe, I think it's likely. He's still very young, and WWE even let him beat The Miz a few weeks before his HUGE push. He needs more time to improve his mic skills but either way, he can very well become the next Benoit, not Kurt Angle.

John Morrison : Great talent, terrible on the mic. His promos suck ass, but his matches are very entertaining. Plus he's a spot monkey, in a good way. If he can cut promos well, he can become the top babyface with a world title around his waster.

Kofi Kingston : See John Morrison

Mason Ryan and Skip Sheffield : Big guys that Vince will definitely push. I like Skip, he's not bad in the ring or the mic. As for Mason Ryan, he's terrible at both the mic and the ring, I hope they never push him. Batista was okay at both at least.

Christan : One day... one day they'll give that damn world title to him.

The Miz : WWE over advertise him. He sucks. His mic skills are good, but he overacts and everything he says is stupid, and his wrestling is not interesting the least bit.

Sheamus : Decent on the mic and in the ring. Plenty of room for improvement, but he'll make it to the top in the future, despite the ridiculous over push.

Jack Swagger : Very talented on the mic and the ring, he still deserves the main event spot. Not managing michael cole.

Ted Dibiase : Boring now, but he can still improve hopefully.

Chris Masters : Should've been pushed a awhile back ago. Good not great.

Dolph Ziggler : See Jack Swagger

Drew McIntyre : Not that good on the mic and decent in the ring. His intensity is what keeps me interested.

Cody Rhodes : His gimmick is kind of overused, but he's doing something with himself. His Rey Mysterio feud is surely entertaining.

Alberto Del Rio : He's great on the mic, but his single matches all suck. He had two or three good moves, but everything else he does in the ring is shit. He's being way over pushed and I can't stand it.

Corre Members: Justin Gabriel and Big Zeke will make it. You know why? Zeke is WWE's picture of stat. Justin Gabriel has been doing very well with WWE politics. That's why he's given great main events with TOP stars like John Cena, Randy Orton and Edge. He will be given a push, and it's for the exact same reason why CM Punk was given a push.
Uh ur forgetting the mayan prediction 2012?? J/K
But on a serious note WWE has great young talent. But to say they will be the next HHH or Benoit is absurd. They need to be the next exicting thing. I mean would you say Cena is the new Hogan? NO... Is Miz the new Piper? No They need to be thier own. WWE is unique that they dont need someone to be a copycat. I know its been done (i.e undertaker sting promo) But they need to grow into thier own & not be placed as the next this or next that.
I agree with pretty much everything the OP said except for Christian and John Morrison.

Christian is a star, no doubt, but he's old, 37, and his time is now or never.

As for John Morrison, he doesn't have it.

They have tried getting him over as a top babyface and it's fizzled.

I still maintain he can't wrestle, he can't talk, all he has are spots and a good look.

I may be proven wrong, but I doubt it.
Justin Gabriel absolutley. Ditto to Skip. WWE needs these guys, becuase, if how they were in FCW is any indication, they can play the face role. Something that seems to be missing in the new crop, with exception to maybe Daniel Bryan. I really hope Gabriel can play the politics though, cos with his size he's on a uphill battle agianst the backstage prejudce...
Biziorek, what star has TNA built that people talk about? AJ? Joe? Amazing Red? Don't get me wrong AJ is a fantastic talent (Joe used to be, but these days...), but TNA is currently making a living on former WWE talent. Sorry, I disagree. But the WWE will fine, because they have a built in fan base. Miz, love him or hate him, will probably be a main event player for a long time, Sheamus is talented, already has held the WWE title 2x and is Trips buddy, he'll be fine. Wade Barrett does need to get away from the Corre, but like Miz, he must continue to improve is ring work. Del Rio is already a star, so is Punk. Christian isn't an up an comer, he's a vet. JoMo needs to improve his mic work, that's it, Bryan needs his american dragon gimmick, Ziggler, Drew, Kofi and Ted need better feuds.
I think that WWE's future looks bright if they are not lazy. I cannot wait to see Chris Masters as a main eventer or top mid-carder. I cannot wait to see Cody Rhodes as the Intercontinental champion. Daniel Bryan could be a world champion. CM Punk, Wade Barrett, Dolph Ziggler, John Morrison, Sheamus, and some others could be the top guys of the company. Everything looks good to me.
To be honest I only see the following as main eventers in the future:
- John Morrison (as a face, hardcore style tactics. The next Jeff Hardy but lower level)
- R-Truth (as a surprise turned heel character. Underhanded tactics that push him to main event or upper mid card level)
- Chris Masters (the built face with the newly updated unbreakable Masterlock. Everybody who tries to break it, they all tap or pass out)
- Wade Barrett (the same he is now. No change.)
- Sin Cara (the most technical high flyer ever. Automatically pushed to main event level.)
- Alberto Del Rio (he's already there apparently)
- Big Show (he hasn't been World champ in years! This guy is main event material!)
- Christian (come on! He is one of the innovators of TLC! Christian deserves it! He's as great as Edge!)
Ok well to be honest I don't see any of the following superstars for main eventers in the future,

Chris Masters, [/B---Come on he has been there for a long time and nothing he loses most of the time. I do adimit he took me by suprise when he fisrt came in because he is so well built I thought he was going to be the next brock lesnear.

Kofi Kingston---Personally I never liked him and I really hope he stays as a mid Card.
Big Show---We seen him in main events in the past years but its been a while and besides like Chris Masters he also loses most of his matches.

R-Truth--- I see no hope in this man, what makes people think he can main event if he bearly gets a title shot at the U.S or inter champions.

Skip Sheffield----Like really what happen to him, I havent seen him in a while.

Ted DiBiasse----Just because his dad is a legend dosent mean he is going to become one himself. just look at goldust he is the son of Dusty Rhodes and still he hasnt accomplish that much I havent seen him in any main events.

The Future Of the WWE is
Alberto Del Rio----He is getting a great push hopefully he wins a wrestlemania. He is going to become a multiple WWE champin.

Wade Barrett----Like on of this guys from here said before he is the next Triple H weather some people like it or not.

The Miz----Come on he is a great heel and of course he is a current champion I see him as a multiple WWE Champion aswell.

Sin Cara---The new generations Rey Mysterio he would be a great face wrestler.

Jack SwaggerThe new kurt angle also as a multiple world champion.

Mayson RyanThe next Batista, Brock Lesnar I would like to see him fight often against Randy Orton or John Cena.

Sheaumus Great main eventer and great heel

Dolph ZigglerAnother main eventer also I would like to see him as a face.
I think you are going a little overboard with your optimism. Basically, you've got a lot of guys on that list who really haven't proven anything. Wade Barrett had a nice heel run, but did he really stick in the main event picture? I love Daniel Bryan in the ring, but he has a serious lack of personality. Maybe WWE isn't allowing him to show it, I don't know. You could say the same for John Morrison-great in ring, but needs a lot of work on the mic. Sheamus had 2 WWE title runs, but both were short & in neither did he win the title cleanly. Is he truly a top heel? Jury is still out in my opinion. Swagger's WHC run was awful, he got the title too quickly I think. And The Miz is shit.

Maybe these guys will be superstars, but maybe not. It's really too early to tell. What I do know is the WWE had to bring back a lot of star power from the past to make Wrestlemania 27 interesting, & that's not necessarily a good sign.
The list on paper definitely sounds good. But SORRY. When looking at it more closer, the potential of those guys that you claimed will not reflect reality. I am presenting my opinion BASED ON CURRENT FACTS and not on some opinion.

How can you say the future looks bright when some the guy you listed is not presented at MANIA, or the least being utilized properly? After receiving their major last month, Morrison and ziggler are playing third wheeler or should i say sixth wheeler to the divas. NO POINT TO ARGUE, THIS IS A FACT. WWE KNOWS THEY DONT HAVE THAT "IT" FACTOR. ooo didnt ziggler won his first world title last month?

While Shamemus is the US champion, thats great. Ahh but wasnt he scheduled to face HHH at Mania? oo ya because wwe needs a big match and they fully aware a hhh vs shamemus isnt gonna help.

Swagger is nothing period. He is so being overshaddowed by micheal cole and other and that his position can easily be replaced by anyone. THATS A FACT. Swagger can take all of kurt angles movesest he want, but if he have no charisma, mic skill etc. he will flop in an instant.

This isnt ROH or some indy wrestling promotion. While it is critical for the wrestler to be able to wrestle good matches, that is not the key to be successful in the wwe.

Wade Barrette, Ziggler, Shamemus, Swagger, Morrision, Kingston, bryan, Dibiase etc ALL OF THEM HAVE NO PERSONALITY, NO CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, NO CHARISMA, NO MIC SKILL, NO PROPER BUILD UP.

SORRY but having a little bit of some of those qualities doesnt mean that wrestler is good and deserves to main event. Esspecially with the current booking in the wwe, these uncharsimatic talent will have huge problem breaking out in the wwe.

Do you know why MIZ is maineventing at mania and not morrison or ziggler or any of the young talent? Funny how the miz is sub par on the ring comparing to kofi, bryan, morrison and yet he is maineventing at mania. Because miz has the charisma, personality, mic skill and proper buildup to the very least.

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