IMPACT Wrestling LD for 11.12.14 EY v. Tyrus, Taryn v. Madison, Storm & More

Has there been any recent news on a new tv deal? I thought I read there was something going down in some NY meetings.
Has there been any recent news on a new tv deal? I thought I read there was something going down in some NY meetings.

I've stopped following it, honestly. I'm waiting for finality. I'm so sick of no news as new news. All we've heard is "one week away" for like three months.
I know what you're talking about with the tv deal news. I thought I was reading the same report over and over. Thought I missed something.
I didn't watch any of his Indy shit. Has he always used the same gimmick? Maybe a change would suit him.
Not as horrible as a giant dancing fuck sporting jump suits. I guess he could still use the big booty shakers with him.
True, a Funkasarus, why WWE!? After hearing that I'd call my girlfriend Ninasaurs. No she's not fat but it was fun.
Yup, he should. TNA needs that and it'd work for him. Losing to fucking EY is just horrible.

Poor Joe :(
The E should have allowed D Bry to go out as Joe just did. That's how a warrior champ with an "injury" should play the game.
If they get another TV deal.. how would splitting Impact Wrestling and TNA be like?

All the KOs in the TNA show and Have Impact as the main show dropping the TNA name for the main show?

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